Save Me

By cummccann

206K 8.2K 7.1K

completed: 6/20/17 COVER BY THE AMAZING: blushingbieber More

a 150 foot drop
a third grade teacher
a favor
a little bit of patience
a full-time job
a little laugh
a special man
a mistake
a really good kisser
a lovely evening
a possibility
a little hard to deal with
a reassuring smile
a tall blonde girl
a normal day
a strange feeling
a different way
a little baby
a way to find her
a bowl of ice cream
a hospital visit
a look of anger

a goodbye

7.4K 324 556
By cummccann

one week later


My mom hadn't been working for a few days now, the weird part of it all was that Savannah was still here. When she didn't work before, she never let Camila be here.

I put my book down and walked towards the door, standing in the doorway as I tried to hear what they were talking about.

"I know this might be too much to ask... You can say no, I've laid out the deal and now it's up to you to decide," my mom said.

"Can I think about it?" Savannah asked.

"Of course, no pressure."

"Are you sure this is best for him?" Savannah asked.

"I'm not going to be here forever, am I?"

I closed my eyes.

I didn't exactly know what they were taking about, but it for sure had to do with me.

"I just need someone who can teach him to grow up, I can't take care of him forever..." my mom said.

She really wasn't going to be here for ever, was she?

I walked over to my bed, not wanting to hear anymore. I picked up my book and closed it, placing it on the nightstand.

Why Savannah? Why not Camila?


"Come on cheer up! Look! It's a jellyfish! Isn't it pretty?" Lauren said.

"Yeah," I replied staring at the jellyfish roaming around in the water. "Deadly too."

I diverted my sight from the jellyfish and looked around. Some children started running back and forth and their parents began yelling at them to stop.

I noticed how many families were here. It was a saturday afternoon of course there were families here. They all looked so happy together and that's when it hit me. I miss my family.

I hadn't seen them in a almost a year. Maybe it was time to move back to San Francisco


I turned around and founded her extrememly close to the glass looking at the fish in awe.

"Do you think it's like finding memo in there?" she asked.

"Maybe," I replied.

After a few more hours of looking around the aquarium we went out for dinner. While we ate she told me about her boyfriend and how they were going on a trip to Hawaii.

"You should come," she said.

"Oh no, I don't want ruin a fun trip for you guys," I said.

We drove home afterwards, I dropped her off and went back to the house. Time to start packing.

One and a half month later

I walked around the empty house, my footsteps echoing through it, realizing how sad a place could look after it was empty.

I would look at a certain area and memories would flash through my mind. Parties, friends, Xavier, all of started coming back.

There was nostalgia in every corner of the house. I picked up my last suitcase and my bag then walked out. Scanning my eyes over the inside one last time before locking the door behind me.

I turned the key in and finished any paperwork that needed to be done. As soon as I walked out Xavier passed beside me.

"Hey," I said.

He looked over at me waiting for me to speak.

"Thank you for everything... I'm sorry for what I did," I said.

"I forgive you," he said, "I'll see you someday?"

"Yeah," I smiled.

He walked to his car and I walked over
to my dad's truck. He traded it for my car for a couple of weeks until I finished moving. Took two trips to get most of my things home. I would really miss SoCal but I could always come back and visit.

I drove to Lauren's and said my goodbye's. She started crying and it
made me cry but after a while we finally let go.

Now there was one place left to go: the beach.

It was an early monday morning, a few families sat in the sand enjoying the sun while others walked down the shore. I followed the shoreline letting the waves hit my feet. I looked down at the foot prints that disappeared everytime the water came in.

The ocean sounded so peaceful yet there was a completely different world underneath, I knew nothing about.


I ignored the voice of a woman calling my name and continued walking.

"It's me, Pattie," she called again.

I shut my eyes tightly wanting to just disappear then and there, but I opened them and turned to look in the direction in which the voice was coming from.

She signaled me to walk closer, so I did.

"I was trying to call you but your home phone seemed to be out of service," she said.

"Yeah, I'm only on my cell," I replied.

"Well now that I see you here I wanted to give this to you," she said reaching in her purse for something. She pulled out a stack of envelopes and handed me one from the top.

"What is it?" I asked taking it from her.

"It's an invitation, to Justin's wedding."

My heart started pounding faster, harder, louder, so loud I swear I could hear it. Justin's wedding. Those two words kept repeating over and over again in my head before I snapped out of it and looked at her.

"It's in a month, hope you can make it," she said.

"I don't know if I can," I said, my voice cracking towards the end.

"What about your wedding? Have you gotten invitations made yet?" she asked with so much happiness and joy in her voice.

"I'm actually not getting married anymore, the wedding is off," I said.

"Oh. I'm sorry," she said.

"It's fine," I replied.

"Justin don't go so far!" she yelled.

"I should to go get him," the blonde beside her said.

"It's okay, I'll go," pattie said.

I looked over in the direction she was looking and found Justin walking further down the shoreline. Pattie began getting up but I stopped her and said, "I'll go."

Without waiting for her response, I began walking towards him. He was wearing a green flannel and some ripped jeans, rolled up at the ankles.

The water hit his feet and he stopped walking, turning around and finding me standing in place. His eyes slowly traveled up my legs and to my face.

"Hey," I said, "Come closer."

"H-h-h..." he stopped trying and looked down as he walked closer.

"You doing okay?" I asked.

He gave me a single nod and began fidgeting with the sleeves of his flannel.

I turned and looked out into the waves watching as the crashed and swayed back and forth. "It's beautiful isn't it?"

He turned his attention to the water and nodded.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"I-i-i-t o-o..." he stammered.

After a long pause I turned and spoke again, "So you're getting married?"

He looked up at me and nodded.

"Congratulations," I said.

"N-n-n-no..." he whispered.

I moved his hair out of his face and his eyes made direct contact with mine.

"I'm glad I bumped into you today," I said, "I'm moving back home with my family... I don't know if I'll ever see you again."

He dropped his gaze again, furrowing his brows as he rocked back and forth.

I knew what he was thinking, I'm leaving him again.

"W-wh-wh-why?" he asked.

I thought for a few seconds before I said, "I don't know."

"D-d-do-don-don't l-l-leave," he pointed at himself, lifting his head, revealing the tears running down his chubby cheeks.

My eyes began watering and before I could say anything more I wrapped my arms around him bringing him closer to me. I felt his arms wrap tightly around my waist almost lifting me up as he sobbed in my neck.

"I'm so sorry baby, I should have done something, I should have came back. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm so stupid for letting you go," I whispered before I pressed my lips against his neck.

"I-I love y-y-you," he said.

"I love you."

We pulled away from the hug and he looked at me smiling with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.

I smiled back wiping his tears away. "That's the smile I love. You keep your head high okay?"

He nodded.

I reached for the back of my neck, taking my necklace off and handing it to him. He held his palm out so I could place it down. "I want you to have this. It's been with me since I was little. I will never forget you."

"N-n-no... d-don't go," he said.

"I have to... What else am I going to do? Your mom seems to have everything reading for your wedding... You have to let go..." I said legging my tears finally run down my face.

He shook his head. I placed my hand gently on his cheek, feeling him place his on top of mine.

"You'll be okay, I'll see you soon," I said. "Don't cry anymore. Smile for me. I don't deserve you..."

"Yes you do!" he yelled.

My jaw dropped at the sound of him pronouncing those two words perfectly.

"I've hurt you too much, I can't bare hurt you again," I said.

"I-i'll be w-wa-waiting f-f-for y-you..." he whispered.

I bit my lip hard before letting go. He started leaning in but I knew Pattie and the blonde girl were watching.

"We can't," I whispered.


"Goodbye," I said.


I smiled at him before beginning to walk away. I looked back and saw him look back too as he walked closer to his mom.

He waved and I waved back before looking forward again and continuing to walk.

I remember when I first saw him about to jump off that bridge. He thought that was the only solution, but it wasn't. I remember he told me I saved him.

All along I had been thinking that that was true. That I had helped him realize there's so much more to life. I believed I was helping him but I might have just made everything worse.

He said I saved him and maybe I did but these past months have showed me the kind of person I am. The kind that hurts people, the kind that is too selfish to do anything good, the kind that runs away from her problems. I have realized now, that after all, I was the one who needed someone to save me.

The End.

Hello my loves, this story has finally come to an end. Like always, I want to thank you all so much for reading, voting, and commenting. I hoped you enjoyed it.

now for the infamous question everyone is going to ask... is there a sequel?

well, it's complicated... there's more after this i just haven't decided if i want it to be a whole second book or just a couple of chapters added to this book.

i will let you know as soon as i figure it out.

love you x

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