Moon River

By NerdAndNerd

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{Based on the song Moon River by Andy Williams} A mysterious illness is spreading in the small village of Ini... More

C H A P T E R: 1
C H A P T E R: 2
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C H A P T E R: 11

C H A P T E R: 8

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By NerdAndNerd

A/N: I can't stop laughing, why?________________________________
She opened her eyes and saw a dark shaped hovering over her.
A random wave of nausea passed over her and she rolled to her side and retched.
"Sophia?" It was Will, eyes filled with concern and disheveled brown hair; he was sitting beside her, knees drawn up, and staring down at her.
She slowly managed to sit up and smiled weakly, noticing they were alone in the tent, "'Ey. 'Ow are you?"
His brows furrowed, "I should ask how you are. You drank that weird goop and passed out."
"I zid?" She tried to recall ever doing that but her thoughts had gone blank, "I'm not even legally allowed to drink."
He shook his head, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, "Very funny. So, how do you feel?"
She shrugged, "Nauzeated, I guezz. But alive, nonezaless."
"That's good— great, even." His eyes were unfocused, with shadows under them; she wondered if he had lost sleep because of her.
"'Ow long 'ave I been unconzious?"
"Uh," He thought for awhile, looking up, "About two days?"
Her jaw dropped and she stared at him, unbelieving, "Quell?! Two zays?!"
He faced away from her.
"Unfortunately, yes. We would've woken you if we could... but..."
She pursed her lips, "Yeah, I waz practically in a coma?"
He nodded.
"'Ave you been 'ere wiz me for two dayz?"
He rested his chin on his legs and wrapped his arms around them, "Maybe. Is that too weird for you?"
"No–yez–maybe— I don't know," She replied, "You zhould probably rezt. You look exhauzted."
He rubbed his eyes with the flat of his palm, "Do I? Don't worry, I'm fine."
"Mhm.Vwat about zee otherz? Where are zey?"
"It's three in the morning, they're still asleep...I think."
"Oookay, and you're not?" She asked, resting her face on her palm.
He shrugged, still not looking at her, "Couldn't sleep. I stayed up all night reading."
She looked at the book in front of his feet and picked it up, "Zherlock 'Olmes? Zeriously?"
"I thought bringing the world's best detective along might help in this quest."
She laughed, "And 'ow'z zat working out for you?"
"Not well. Couldn't deduce what you swallowed, only that it was most likely poisonous."
She resisted the urge to puke, "Wat doez zat mean for me?"
He shook his head, "I don't know. Just hope for the best."
"I might die, won't I?" She asked.
His arms wrapped themselves tighter around his legs, making him seem smaller.
He looked so fragile and vulnerable at the moment, it felt odd to Sophia, "M-maybe... but, let's not think about it. 'Kay?"
She looked down at her hands, there were lines in the skin where they had probably been pressed down while she was unconscious, "Yeah. Zure. Are you alright?"
He looked mildly surprised, "Huh?"
"It'z juzt... you're behaving differently now..."
He sighed, "I've been scarred out of my wits. I... I couldn't bear to think you were dead- a-and..."
She scooted closer to him and leaned her head on his shoulder, "Don't worry, Will. I'm alive. Why zoo you care zo much anyway?"
He turned to look at her, his cheek brushing the top of her head, "I think we both know why."
She felt heat rush to her face and stayed nervously still, "I'm cluelezz," She lied, "Why?"
He made a sound, "Really?"
"No," She looked at him, "I juzt wanted to 'ear it from you."
She saw that he was blushing, and she probably was too.
"I-it's b-because I— I like you, Sophia Bellefleur; you're funny and smart and bookish and I can relate easily to you and it's barely awkward around you and... and... yeah. Jesus Christ, that felt good to let out." He admitted, breathing heavily.
A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, " I don't zhink I've ever been complimented for being 'bookiz.'"
"Seriously? Being bookish is amazing. Screw the world, they're all peasants." He grinned.
She shook her head with a smile, "You zound like Tumblr now."
"You're comparing all this," He made a sweeping gesture to himself, "To social media?"
She rolled her eyes, "Tumblr'z nize. Don't judge me. Let'z juzt stop talking about it."
"Wait— did we get zee Ztar cup?"
"Don't worry, princess. We did."
She hit him lightly on the shoulder, "I am not your prinzezz."
"You are to me."
"Zhut up."
She kissed him on the cheek with a smile, "Zhut up."
He stared at her, his hand on his cheek, "Did you just kiss me?"
She grinned and looked away, "Maybe."
"If you zon't like it you can return it." She muttered to herself.
"I heard that."
She looked at him, "No, you zid not; okay?"
"Yes I did."
He cut her off with a kiss, full on the lips.
She groaned in the back of her throat but couldn't help but smile, wrapping her arms around him.
He set her down on the blankets that provided cushion from the hard ground below, propping himself on his elbows so as not to squish her under his weight.
Her fingers were running through his hair, his face, tracing the line of his jaw.
One of his hands cupped her face, tracing circles on them with his thumb.
Will broke away and looked at her, eyes dilated and cheeks red, "Uh–um... I... was it too soon?"
"Er... well it waz better zan our firzt." Sophia replied, obviously not answering his question.
"Wait what?"
He was still on top of her, both of them breathing heavily, and she saw his eyes were a nice chocolate brown.
She stifled a laugh, "In zee labyrinth, remember?"
"Wha— wait. That wasn't a kiss!"
She rolled to her side, hiding her laughter, "I know, I know. I waz teazing you, duh."
He sighed and rolled down beside her, "Meany."
"Do I look like zomeone 'oo givez a fuck?"
"You sure did that time when you threatened to slit my throat with your dagger."
"Zhut up."
"Or what? You'll kiss me again? Yes please."
She kept quiet, staring at him.
"Umm... do I have something in my face or.. are you slowly thinking on how to kill me in hand-in-hand combat...?"
"God damn it, Will, you've read my mind. I waz thinking zee latter." She joked.
"I'd like to see you try."
"No. I waz just zhinking 'ow cute you look when you get awkward or fluztered."
"Um... thanks, I guess...?"
"You're doing it again, aww." She cooed, then yawned, "I guezz I'm tired."
She rolled away from him and settled in one side of the tent, her back facing him.
"But you've been sleeping for two days." Will said.
"I'm a cat. I need my zleep. Meow." She said in response and closed her eyes, letting sleep take her.

Will opened his eyes and felt something on him.
He looked down and saw Sophia, curled in a fetal position, her arms around him.
His arms were embracing her and his fingers tangled in her hair.
Sunlight filled the tent, he assumed someone had opened its entrance.
"Hey Will— What the duck?"
He looked up with some difficulty and saw Jessie, gazing at him suspiciously.
He untangled himself from Sophia and sat up, his hands in the air like a criminal, "I didn't do anything, I swear."
She narrowed her already narrowed eyes even more, "Riiiiiiigggghhht."
"Look, she woke up last night—"
"Wait," Jessie held her hand up, "I don't wanna hear it. I just came to say we got breakfast."
"Oh– alright. I'll wake Sophia up."
"Be careful," Jessie warned, "She's a very heavy sleeper."
"So I've learned."
She shut the tent's flap, and Will heard her soft footsteps fade.
He turned to Sophia, who was drooling and had strands of hair sticking to it.
He shook her, "Hey, Sophia?"
She mumbled, "Five minutez," before turning around, her back facing him for the second time.
"There's breakfast."
"It's fizh. Nozing exciting." She muttered, slapping away his hand.
"I have Reese chocolate."
She sat upright, wiping drool from her face and flicking her hair back, "Okay! I'm up! Gimme zee chocolate!"
"I don't have any," He admitted, "Let's go eat breakfast."
"Baztard." She muttered, crawling out of the tent.
He shut the flap once they both went out, "No sweet 'Good morning, Will?'"
"It would've been sweet if I 'ad zee chocolate."
He shook his head and walked to where Clary was, around a camp fire.
He took a plate with roasted fish on it and sat in the snow, "Hey."
"Hey." Clary greeted
Sophia grabbed a plate and sat beside him.
"Sophia! You're up!" Clary exclaimed, just noticing their friend beside her.
"Oh, hi." Sophia said, "Where are Jaze and Jezzie?"
"Shagging, most likely." Will answered.
Sophia and Clary blanched.
"What?" Will asked.
"Jezzie is obnoxiouzly dedicated to a ficzional character," Sophia said.
"And Jace is obnoxiously dedicated to himself." Clary added.
"Hey— Sophia!" Jessie ran to her best friend, knelt down, and placed a hand under Sophia's chin, tilting Sophia's face from side to side, "Are you alright? Are you hurt? Did William do something to you?"
Will face-palmed and threw snow at Jessie, which she ignored.
"Jezzie," Sophia sighed through her squished face, "I'm fine. We zid nothing, okay? We juzt kizzed."
"'Just kissed'?" Will air quoted the words and placed a hand over his heart, "How swiftly you dismiss our love."
She rolled her eyes and flicked Jessie's hands off her, "Drama Queen."
"I was kidding, 'kay?"
Sophia opened her mouth to speak, "I—"
"As much as I'd enjoy watching you two fight like the married couple you are," Jace intervened, "We have plans to talk about."
He sat in between Clary and Jessie, holding a map and the Star Cup at his feet.
"So," He pointed frantically at the map, "Where is the Moon River?"
"How would we know?" Clary threw her hands in the air exasperatedly before making a sweeping gesture around their group.
"Didn't zee cave zay it waz wider zan a mile?" Sophia asked.
"Yeah." Jace answered.
"Maybe it'z in your ego zince it's zo big."
Jace opened his mouth to speak then closed it.
Jessie threw her head back and laughed, "Oh-oh my god— Th-thatwassofrickinghilarious! Maybe-maybe that's possible, I mean, theoretically, everything's possible."
She wiped a tear from her eye as Jace glared at her, "It's also possible that you're a banana in a human suit."
"Why you gotta be so snappy? Yeesh." Jessie complained, crossing her arms.
"Remember," Clary said, "There is nothing more fragile than a man's ego."
"Oi! I'm a man!" Will shouted, jabbing a finger in his chest.
"No, you're not. You're a potato." Sophia shushed him, pressing a finger to his lips.
He spoked against her finger, "And you're the boiler."
She lowered her finger, "Wait..'uh?"
"You make me go soft."
Jace raised an eyebrow, "I thought it was 'hard'?"
Sophia groaned, drawing her knees up and falling sideways in the snow, "I'm zurrounded by iziotz."
"Aren't we all?" Clary droned.
Ah, young love that was probably the worst fluff you've ever read...
1000+ words used for the sake of this chapter that really isn't important to the plot.
If Will and Sophia's kiss was too soon... I'm sorry and lemme just say Will is based off most of my fictional crushes so of course I wanted it to happen.

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