Avengers X-Reader Volume 1

By advocate13

119K 3.1K 428

UNDER EDITS, BUT VERY SLOWLY! I am loving Avengers Xreaders, so I am writing my own. I haven't really decided... More

I'm not Peggy (Steve and Clint) PT1
I'm not Peggy/ Clint Xreader PT 2
I wanna be like Cap (Steve Xreader) Pt1
Time to come Out (Nat Xreader)
ŔHĂYGĘ/ (Thor)
I Don't need to be saved
Lay Your Head on Me
ŔHĂYGĘ (Thor) Pt 2
When Your Heart Dies
The End of the Line was too Long
Holy Moley
You're his Hero
Costume Party
It was Almost Goodbye
Broken Frame
The Past
Fire Away
The Little White Stick
The Little White Stick Pt. 2
Little White Stick Pt 3
The Storm
Duh, He Deserves Beauty and Grace not Clumsy and Fall on your Face
There Be Dragons Pt 1
There Be Dragons Pt 2
There Be Dragons Pt 3
He Never Dreamed
She Never Dreamed (PT 2, of He Never Dreamed)
They Never Dreamed Final
Oh But He Did Love Her
Oh But He Did Love Her Pt 2
Oh But He Did Love Her Pt 3
Oh But He Did Love Her Final
You're not leaving that easy Clint
Paradise Lost Pt 1
Paradise Lost Pt 2
Parasise Lost Pt3
Paradise Lost 4
Paradise Lost Pt 5
Paradise Lost Final
Go Rider: Loki
Go Rider: Loki Pt 2
Comic Con
Comic-Con 2
Comic Con 3
Comic-Con: 4 One Month
Comic-Con 5
Too Much Candy
The Halloween Party
Why (For my Poly Brethren) Pt 1
What Pt 2 of Why
How Pt 3 of What, and Why
How, what and why Final
Have I Had My Happiness
Have I Had My Happiness Pt 2
Have I Had My Happiness Pt 3
Have I Had My Happiness Final
You Need Any Help?
Dance with Me
Dance with Me Pt2
Dance With Part 3
Thanksgiving (Up From the Ground)
Thanksgiving (Up From the Ground) Pt 2
You're Just Like Your Father
You're Just Like Your Father Pt 2
You're Just Like Your Father Pt 3
On the Run
On the Run Pt 2
On the Run Pt 3
On the Run Pt 4
On the Run Pt 5 and Epilogue
I'm Sorry
Author's Note
Drunken Mistakes
Drunken Mistakes 2
Drunken Mistakes 3
Nitrous Oxide
We're Addicted
We're Addicted Pt 2
The Horrors of Aunt Flo
Steve, Do This For Me, Please
Steve, Do This for me, Please Pt 2
Steve, Do This for Me, Please Pt 3
Steve, Do This For Me, Please Pt 4
Steve, Do This For Me, Please Pt 5
Steve, Do This for me, Please Pt 6
Steve, Do This For Me, Please Final
Look at Your Tail
Look at Your Tail Pt 2
Look at Your Tail Pt 3
Look at Your Tail Final
Assholes, all of you (Loki X-Reader)
Assholes, all of you PT2
Assholes All of You Final
Lovers vs Friends
Lovers vs Friends Pt 3
I Hate You, I Love You
I Hate You, I Love You Pt 2
My Brother, and My Bucky
My Brother, and My Bucky Pt 2
My Brother, and My Bucky Pt 3
Carnival, Photo Booth, Tony, and penis talk
Bakery Love
Bakery Love Pt2
Only Fools Rush In
Only Fools Rush In Pt 2
Only Fools Rush In Pt 3
Only Fools Rush In Pt 4
Only Fools Rush In Pt 5
Only Fools Rush In Pt 6
Only Fools Rush In Pt 7
Only Fools Rush In Pt 8
He Broke Me
He Broke Me Pt 2
He Saved Me Pt 3 of He Broke Me
He Saved Me Pt 4 of He Broke Me
I Love Him Final of He Broke Me
A Soldier and a Wife
A Soldier and a Wife Pt 2
I Like You, but I'm Fucked Up
Stark's Daughter
Stark's Daughter Pt 2
Stark's Daughter Pt3
Stark's Daughter Pt 4
Stark's Daughter Pt 5 Final
Epilogue to Stark's Daughter
Romantic Love, it Doesn't Exist
Romantic Love Doesn't Exist pt 2
Romantic Love doesn't exist pt 3
Romantic love doesn't exist Pt 4 finale
Presidential Secret Service Pt 1
Presidential Secret Service Pt 2
Presidential Secret Service Pt 3
The Angel and the Soldier
The Angel and the Soldier pt2
The angel and the soldier pt 3
the angel and the soldier pt 4
the angel and the soldier pt 5
the angel and the soldier pt6
I wanna be like Cap
I wanna be like Cap 2
I Wanna be like Cap 3
I wanna be like Cap 4
I wanna be like Cap 5
I wanna be like Cap 6
I Wanna be like Cap 7
I wanna be like cap Final
Body Guard
Body Guard 2
Body Guard 3
Body Guard 4
Body guard 5

Lover vs Friends Pt 2

526 19 0
By advocate13

A few readers wanted me to continue this one shot, so here it is.

Knock knock knock

"Sammy! Open the door, please!" I shouted, leaning my dizzy forehead against his familiar blue door. Too be quite honest, the fact that I was still on my feet, or had the ability to drive here was mind boggling to me. I didn't even know why I chosen to come to Sam's apartment in the first place, considering what I was freaking out about in the first place. "Sam!"

The door slammed open, and I fell foward, not even bothering to catch myself as I hit the floor. "(Y/n)? What the hell?" Sam retorted, kneeling down on the floor next to my head. My eyes were watering with unshed tears, but a small smile curled on his lips. "I'm sorry I shouldn't be laughing, but you just fell thru an open door onto the floor. What the hell is going on?" There was laughter in his voice, but my stomach rolled with unease.
Why did I come here?
I couldn't talk to him about what had happened?
"I shouldn't of come here, I just didn't know who else I could talk too, or where else to go." I heaved, rolling onto my stomach and burying my face in my hands. "I just did something..."
"Okay, whoa whoa.. First things first, let's get you off the floor and get you a damn toothbrush, your breath smells like tequilla." He snorted, helping me off the floor and dragging me towards his bathroom. I must of just caught him after his morning workout with Steve because he was still in his workout clothes and a little sweaty. He looked the same, still tall, dark, handsome, and happy.
He plopped me down on his bathroom counter and tossed me a packaged toothbrush and a clean t-shirt. I looked down at my clothes and turned a slight shade of red. I was barefoot, had on one of Tony's band T's and a pair of his boxer briefs, that barely made it passed the bottom of my ass. On top of that I was hung over, couldn't stop shaking, and had just made one of the biggest mistakes of my life... I think..
"You do remember how to use a toothbrush right?" Sam mentioned, opening the toothbrush and putting some toothpaste on it. "Are you still drunk? Here brush your teeth, I was just about to call and get breakfast delivered, alright? Then we'll talk about why you fell thru my door, on a Sunday morning, barefoot, smelling like a brewery, damn near naked, and with what looks like hickeys all over your neck." He snorted, but left me sitting there on his counter, looking at myself in the mirror.
While I brushed my teeth, my mind inadvertently flashed back to strong hands on my naked thighs, hot lips marking my skin and probably the best sex I had ever had...
I slammed my toothrbrush down and moved the collar of Tony's shirt aside. I gasped at the half a dozen dark spots on my neck, shoulder and chest. I involuntarily shivered when I remembered his lips and teeth against my skin.
"Fuck," I groaned, squeezing my thighs together in hopes that I was dreaming all this, but I knew I wasn't. I had just slept with Tony Stark... alot...

"If you're looking for (y/n), yes she's here. She's washing up." Sam noted, answering his phone when Stark's name flashed across the screen. "Do I even wanna ask why she showed up barefoot, hungover, and covered in hickeys? She also drove your Tesla right up to my front door, you owe me a new lawn..."
"Oh thank god... and sorry. Just let her know I'm coming to get her.. alright Wilson?" Tony uttered, relieved that she was safe and in one piece.
"Hey, she fell thru my front door, and is pretty out of it, how about you give her an hour or so before you come barging in here alright?" Sam reiterated, hanging up the phone, just as (y/n) plopped down on his couch.

"Was that Tony?" I asked, knowing that's exactly who Sammy was talking too.
"Yep, he wanted to make sure you were okay? He wanted to come get you, but I think I gave you about an hour so you can explain to me what the hell is going on?" He admonished, sitting down on the coffee table in front of me.
I took a deep breath and met his brown eyes. It had been a few weeks since we had finally started talking again at the small celebration Tony threw for the Avengers, and while it was nice to have Sam back as a friend, I really didn't know what possessed me to show up at his door after what I did last night.
Sam was my ex-boyfriend, we used to love each other, there was no way in hell I was going to tell him what happened. I had already crossed so many lines, and I didn't want to cross another one.

"Let me guess? You and Tony got drunk and slept together?" Sam postulated, leaning back and giving me a knowing smile.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry Sammy, I should go. You don't want to hear this.." I tried to say, while jumping up.
"Nu uh, sit your butt down and talk to me, now." Sam ordered, grabbing my hand and steering me back to his couch. "You can tell me, besides I think it's hilarious."
"You're such an asshole." I growled, but leaned back and closed my eyes. "And this isn't funny!"

"Says the chick who stole Stark's favorite car, and drove over here damn near naked." He laughed, getting up and heading into his kitchen. "Really, it's okay, we started out as friends, there's no reason we can't go back to that."
I sighed, and took the glass of water he offered me, drinking almost all of it before putting the glass down.

"Uh, okay well if you really want to know, he invited me to a work function yesterday..." I started, realizing a small smile flirted over my lips.

Yesterday Morning

"Hey, can you get tonight off, I need a date for a thing, it's kinda important?" Tony asked, barging into my living room.
"Uh, well hello to you too, but yah, maybe. Wait don't you have like 'hoes in the wings' for shit like this? Besides you know I don't own a dress, or can I go in jeans?" I asked, muting the football game I was watching.
"Did you just say 'hoes'?" Tony snickered, plopping down on my couch. He looked relaxed in his usual attire of a t-shirt and relaxed jeans. "Anyways, I'm tired of taking random chicks, and well, I want to take you. It'll be fun, besides it might be nice to get you out of the house.."
I frowned at him, wondering what brought this on, but shook my head, and gave him a light smile. After that small celebration a few weeks ago, I noticed a slight change when he came near me, or spoke to me. Plus his sexual innuendos between he and I were now teased about almost every day. I shrugged it off as Tony just being bored and well, Tony. He already had a large number of women he had a tendency to date, and they sure as hell weren't like me, in any way shape or form.
"Tony, while I would love to go with you, I don't have a dress." I repeated, waving at my usual attire of jeans and tank top. "And I don't have time to find one before tonight, I've never been good at finding stuff like that."
"Uh, well, since I knew that, I kind of made an appointment with a personal shopper, I think her name is Joan or June, something..." he lamented, smiling. "We'll both go and get what we need, and then leave from there."
"And what about my hair and makeup? What exactly is this for Tony?" I asked, sitting down next to him, "I mean, it sounds fun and all, but I'm not that great in these kind of situations. Is there something else going on, that you're not telling me."
He took a deep breath, and turned his gaze towards the TV, "okay, okay, look, Pepper's going to be there and..." the words hung in the air, but he didn't need to say them, and I wasn't going to make him say them.
"You need a shoulder..." I whispered, leaning against him and grabbing his hand. "That's all you had to say Tony. You've been there for me everytime I've needed you, you don't have to hesitate to ask me to be there for you." I paused, jumping up and pulling him with me. "Let me call the precinct and we can take off, alright?"

Tony nodded and headed downstairs, leaving me alone in my living room pondering just what in the hell I was getting myself into.

The next few hours passed in a laughing blur while Tony and I tried on clothes. We tried on things we wouldn't be seen dead in, bermuda shorts, tight spandex, etc, by the time four p.m. rolled around I still hadn't found a dress I wanted, or that fit me, and Joan was getting pissed.

"Mr. Stark, since you've already been fitted and dressed, if you could maybe go for a short walk, that way (y/n) and I can focus on finding her something to wear, I would greatly appreciate it." Our personal shopper, Joan growled, pushing Tony out of the large private room we were in. "Would you like your outfits to compliment each other? It shouldn't be hard, Mr. Stark is wearing vintage black and white."
"Yes," Tony stated, demurely.
"No," I answered at the same time, lifting a questioning eyebrow at Tony's devious smile.
"Very well Mr. Stark, I will alert you when she's ready." Joan stated gruffily, pushing him out the door.
"We have about an hour," Tony reiterated, finally walking out the door.

For the next hour I thought my personal shopper was going to end up strangling me, or keeling over and dieing. Every dress I tried on either fit my breasts, but not my waist, or fit my waist and was too small on my boobs. By the time Tony knocked on the door, over an hour later, I was almost in tears and Joan was running out of patience.
"We have one more option, before we end up calling another store. We were going to send this dress back because it really isn't a style we usually sell here, but it might be exactly what we need for your body type." She lamented, pushing me back into the dressing room and handing me a hangar with a scrap of black material. She stepped behind me and helped me pull the material over my skin. The small gasp that left her mouth told me I had found the dress, finally.

It fit my body like a second skin, leaving my left arm and shoulder bare. The lace pattern across the bodice covered all the right areas, but still covered enough to make me feel comfortable with what I had. The skirt fell to the floor in waves of see thru black material, displaying my long, muscled legs.
"Your hair will look better down, and let me call someone from our makeup department, okay? Then we'll be all set." Her attitude had totally changed once we found what I was going to wear. She slipped some black heeled sandals towards me and stepped back after she fluffed my hair. "I do believe we are set, makeup will be here in a minute, we're just going to add some eyeliner and a little blush. You look absolutely gorgeous just like that."
Tony had continued knocking on the door, wondering what was taking so long. Joan had to finally walk out and keep him distracted while a very handsome gay man did my makeup and quickly styled my free flowing hair. By the time we were done, I felt like Cinderella on her way to the ball. For the first time in a long time my hair was done, I had makeup on, and I was wearing a dress that was worth two months salary.
"I think your Mr. Stark will be quite happy with what we accomplished." Joan admonished, coming up behind me and patting my shoulder.
"Yah, uh, we aren't together. This is just a work thing, and he needed a date..." I uttered, while she stepped towards the door.
"Pfff, right?" She snickered, opening the door.
"Jesus Christ we're late, what the he....." Tony's mouth dropped open when his eyes found mine. "I uh... wow. You.. you..clean up good.. ladies and one hopefully very gay gentleman, please give yourself a generous tip.. I... wow."
"It's just a dress Tony." I giggled, letting him take my hand and lead me out the door.
The drive to the upscale restaraunt was quiet, but his hand held mine, never really letting it go.
"You really do look beautiful," he repeated, still eyeing me, while we drove thru New York's busy streets.

"Gaw, you make it sound like I look like a troll the rest of the time." I snorted, giving him a nervous smile. I fidgeted in the dress, uncomfortable because it wasn't something I usually wore, but also still feeling beautiful at the same time.
"No, it's just, in all the years we've known each other, I don't think I've ever seen you dressed like this, it's different and I like it." He hollered, pulling up to the valet. "I really like it, a lot."
"You're not even drunk yet and you're already acting like a pervert?" I giggled, taking his extended hand, and letting him lead me into the expensive restaraunt.

For the next three hours Tony introduced me to tons of people, we danced, laughed and drank from the overly expensive bar. I stayed by his side, slightly struggling with his strong arm constantly wrapped around my waist. He was being more protective and territorial than normal. In the back of my mind I kinda liked it.
I recognized a few people, the police chief, the governor etc, but Tony made sure most of his attention stayed on me.
Then Pepper came by and gave both of us a small uncomfortable hug, but her eyes never left Tony's arm around my waist. I hated making her uncomfortable, plus Tony and I were a little tipsy, but he kept his arm there, almost as if on purpose.
"(Y/n), can you give Tony and I a minute please?" She asked, looking me up and down. "You look beautiful by the way."
"Thank you, and sure." I replied, noticing Tony keep a hold of my hand for just a second before letting it go.
I casually walked towards the bar, only to have a handsome younger guy named Josh, ask me to dance.
He was cute, and Tony was busy, so I let him draw me onto the dance floor. The song had barely started, when Tony parted the people on the dance floor and stepped between my dance partner and myself.
I didn't say a word when he pulled me away from the hot guy, but I shivered when his hand tightened on my bare back, and anchored me to him.

"What's the matter playboy? Do I need to beat Pott's ass?" I whispered leaning into his body and putting my lips to his ear.
"No, but I leave your side for a few minutes, and the sharks move in.." Tony snapped, twirling us towards the veranda.
"Okay, what the hell is the matter with you? Why are you acting like an asshole all of a sudden? What did Pepper say?" I growled back, stepping away from him and leaning against the ornate brick wall. My body was slightly swaying, with the amount of champagne, tequilla and martinis I had ingested. "Do you want to leave?" I shivered in the breeze, noticing we were alone out on the veranda.

"No," he uttered, slowly approaching me and boxing me against the brick. Tony's eyes roved over my face and body, while the air changed around us.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, pushing into his chest, enjoying the tingling in my stomach.

"What I've wanted to do since you walked into my goddamn tower," he growled, downing his scotch and slipping his lips over mine.
I lost myself in his warmth, and his rough hands. His hips pushed into mine and I moaned when his tongue probed my mouth.

"Okay, I think I got it." Sam snorted, covering his ears in mock shock.
I shrugged my shoulders, "neither of us thought about the line we were about to cross, not in the elevator, in his car, his lobby... or in the..."
"Jesus (y/n)," Sam retorted, getting up off the coffee table.
I giggled, and sat back, ignoring the goosebumps that rallied over my skin. Deep down I didn't think what we did was a mistake, but he was my best friend. If we crossed that line, which we already did, a lot, where did that leave us. It wasn't just the sex, but the way he held me in the early morning hours. The way he kissed my shoulder and whispered small words to me while we fell asleep.
"Do you like him, is that why you're freaking out?" Sam asked, bringing me another glass of water.
Did I?
Tony and I always skated that line, with our flirting and dirty talk, but never, not once, have I thought about crossing that line, but apparently Tony had. He said he'd been wanting too since I started working there.

"I don't know Sam," I answered, seeing that Sam didn't believe me anymore than I believed myself. "We don't need to talk about this.."
"Hey, we're friends right?" He asked, "I want you to be able to talk to me about anything. I mean damn, I would get so jealous of the relationship you had with Stark, I know you always said nothing was going on, and I believe you. It's just, it feels kind of nice that you came to me with this."
"Sammy, it's just, you know, I don't want you to feel weird, we used to sleep together for fucks sake." I growled, finally getting up and walking around his apartment. "And I have no idea what the hell I'm doing?!"
"Okay, well, one you need to chillax, and two, I think you know exactly what to do, and that's why you're freaking out." Sam laughed, watching me pace around his living room. "Besides the secrets out, look." He tossed me his phone and I nearly dropped it.
Pictures of Tony and I making out at the party flew over his screen.
Another picture of my legs wrapped around Tonys waist, while we kissed in front of Stark Tower popped up.
Then pictures of us getting dinner or just hanging out around town began filtering thru with the words, "Has Tony Stark finally replaced the enigmatic Pepper Potts?"
"I'm going to throw up," I heaved, handing Sam his phone. "Yep, there it is!" I ran, barely making it to the bathroom before spewing bile and alcohol all over Sam's toilet. I closed my eyes and put my aching head om the cool tile, finally letting tears fall down my cheeks..
'What am I gonna do.'

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