Lovers vs Friends Pt 3

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"Where is she?" Tony rushed out, barging into Sam's small apartment, and looking around.
"Uh, she just rushed to the bathroom and puked every where." Sam admonished, crossing his arms over his chest. "Apparently pictures from your drunken night pushed her over the edge."
"Shit," Tony replied, plopping down on the couch.
Sam tried to hide his smirk, when he saw the same amount of hickeys Tony had on his neck as (y/n) had on hers. He wanted to mention that Tony's shirt was on backwards and his workout pants were inside out, but he decided to keep it too himself.
"Wilson, I..." Tony tried to get out, but Sam put his hand up.
"It's fine, her and I obviously do better as friends vs lovers. Besides most of us were wondering when this would happen?" Sam shrugged, handing Tony a glass of water.
"Okay, well, uh, what'd she say?" He asked, taking a sip and putting the glass down.
"She's confused, but strangely happy." Sam snorted, glancing at his phone. He shook his head at the amount of texts that were now flittering across his screen. "And your secret is out, the team hasn't stopped texting me since your photos hit the net. I think we all want to know what the hell you're going to do about this situation. She better not be just one of your one night stands?"
"She's not, she's never been." Tony replied truthfully. He knew that the day she started working. (Y/n) had a way about her, an unending amount of strength and will that he couldn't help but notice. He flocked to her, like a moth to a flame, unintentionally falling for her, but never making a move. He felt so guilty that he had fallen so quickly for someone after Pepper left, and used that guilt to keep him from crossing that line. When she started dating Wilson, he was so angry at everyone, more so himself, that he began sleeping around, doing what people expected Tony Stark to do, but she was always there, in the back of his mind. He wanted to be with her, shield her, protect her, but the one strange thing with (y/n) is, she didn't need protecting. She was one of the strongest people he knew, sometimes to strong for her own good. She could be his partner, on and off the field, and he needed that, wanted that more than anything.
"So then what? I know you're a fly by the seat of yout pants kinda guy, but this is (y/n). She's just as likely to love you or murder you depending on what you do next." Sam snickered, looking up towards the bathroom as the toilet flushed, and the sink started running.
"That I already know." Tony stated, meeting Sam's gaze. "This isn't going to be a problem for you, is it?"
"Would it matter if it was?" Sam asked, crossing his arms back over his chest.
"No," Tony shrugged. "I guess now I know how you felt, when she would come to me with all your bullshit."
"Hey you're in my house right now, ass," Sam retorted, but kept a smile stretched wide over his lips. "Look, my mama once told me after a bad break up when I was a kid that you can't be friends with someone you used to love, unless you weren't in love in the first place. I always remembered that, never realizing what she meant, really until now. The more I look back on our time together, I really don't know if we were in love or if it was just great sex that kept us together for so long." Sam paused when he heard a small growl come from Tony. "Just listen you asshole, all I'm saying is, I'm not going to stand in the way of two people that obviously love each other, just because she and I used to date and live together. Plus there's this hot new brunette that Maria hired and I think she wants me."
Tony rolled his eyes, but snickered, hearing the honesty of what Sam was saying.
"Besides it's going to be hilarious watching you two argue about something, my money's always going to be on her coming out the winner." Sam admonished.

"Then I get half of your winnings, jerk," I muttered, tossing myself on the couch and laying my head in Tony's lap. I was so weak from throwing up and the hangover to even worry about what was said or Tony's presence. I closed my eyes when his hand slipped into my messy hair, and began massaging my scalp.
"Okay, now you're both pushing it, get out. I got shit to do." Sam jested, tossing Tony's Tesla keys towards us. "I'll drive the other car back later."
"Pff, you're probably gonna use it to impress that brunette," Tony muttered, helping me up. "Just don't scratch my baby, or I'll have your ass."
"I have wings, I don't need your car to impress people." Sam snorted.
"You're both unbelievable," I quipped, letting Tony take my hand, but I shook out of it and ran towards Sam and wrapped my arms around him. "Thanks Sammy."
"No problem doll, just please go and take a shower, you both smell like sex and alcohol." He admonished, walking me to the door.
"You asshole!" I blurted out, turning a light shade of red.
Tony's laughed as he came up behind me and grabbed my hand, leading me to his car. My stomach bubbled with unease, and questions.
"Let's go babe," Tony smiled, opening my door so I could slide into his leather seats. I waved to Sam as Tony pulled into traffic leading back to his tower.
The air crackled between us, leaving  me short of breath and inevitably squeezing my bare thighs together.
"You feel it too?" He asked, finally breaking the silence. His hands lingered over my leg, bringing goosebumps to my skin.
"Yes," I croaked, not knowing what else to say.
"Do you want to do this?" He questioned, pulling the car over a few blocks from his tower.
I eyed the pedestrians that walked along the crosswalk, simply going on with their lives, while I thought about his question. Did I want to do this with him? Could I?
We were explosive in bed, and I enjoyed everything about him. His hard headheadedness, his work ethic, and his ability to lead, but he was my best friend.
"You're my best friend Tony," I whispered, looking over at him.
"Honey, I've wanted you since you became an Avenger, I know what I want, the question I'm asking you, is if you want it? I can't just go off the noises you were making last night and this morning." He quipped, leaning closer to me, bringing his face inches away from mine. My mouth dropped open with his confession, and my stomach shifted and fluttered.  His lips slid over mine pushing away all those lingering questions I had. So I ran with them.

"Take me home now," I growled, shivering when his hand slipped under the shirt I had on.
"Yes ma'am," Tony answered gruffily, his eyes were filled with the same need I had.

One Year Later

"You could of been killed! What the hell were you thinking (y/n)?!" Tony's loud shouts came thru his the Iron Man helmet I was wearing. I smiled and turned back to the New Avengers Facility, ready to face my boyfriend's wrath.
After a year together, I really had no complaints, and neither did he. We were utterly in love with each other, and slipped into a committed relationship like we had been in one all along. I came back to the Avengers and began working alongside everyone as if I had never left.
Okay, maybe I had one complaint, which shouldn't really be one, because I knew exactly how Tony could get when it came to work and his suits.
So earlier while he blatantly told me to give him a few more hours to work, even though he had been sitting at his work desk for the last twenty-three hours, I took one of his older suits and left. Now I knew why he loved these things.
It was absolutely liberating flying over New York. Beautiful to touch the ocean while going 110 mph. Of course it took me a while to get used to flying, if it wasn't for Friday I would of ended up in the bay, or smudged into one of the tall buildings dotting New York.

"Mr. Stark has overridden my system, and has ordered us back to the facility." Friday stated sadly.

I giggled, but let her stear the suit west towards Tony and his anger. My smile grew broader when I saw the whole team standing with Tony with small smirks on their faces, while Tony paced and cursed.
I landed on the lawn and strutted to the veranda.
"What the hell is the matter with you!?" Tony shouted, not waiting for the suit to come off. "You could of gotten hurt! Goddammit answer me!"
"Okay one, you need to chillax, and two, you gotta admit I look hot in this right?" I asked, biting my lip when Sam and Clint ducked away to laugh. Nat was shaking her head, but smiling just as big as Wanda and Peitro.
"(Y/n) what I think Tony meant to reiterate was that flying without any training could be dangerous." Cap added, taking a stance next to Tony's seething figure.
"No shit, I almost hit his tower and ended up in the bay," I snickered, finally letting the helmet open. "Maybe next time when I say take a break, you will."
"Oh so this is my fault?!" Tony snarled, stomping towards me. The anger on his face only made me smile more.
"If the shoe fits," I shrugged, hearing Sam's laughter. Tony's stood in front of me, his face inches away from mine. I crinkled my nose, gave him a smile, and a quick kiss. "Oh unclench. Besides you're not really mad."
"Oh I'm not?" He asked, and just like that the anger was gone. He pushed some hair off my exposed cheek.
"Nope, I bet you're a little turned on right now, huh, don't lie, you are huh?" I giggled, watching the creases on his forehead slowly dissapear.
"You guys are unbelievable." Cap snapped, heading back inside.
"I told you Tony, she was always going to come up on top when yah'll argued." Sam laughed, shaking his head at me.
"Hey f u, a woman's gotta do what she's gotta do to get her man's attention." I humored, walking past Tony and towards his lab. I let the suit fly off my body, and leaned against Tony's desk, waiting for him to come to me.
It didn't take long before he was approaching me and pulling me against his chest.
"My suits aren't toys babe, you scared the shit out of me." He admonished, kissing my sweaty forehead.
"I know, but I'll keep taking your shit if you stay in here longer that twelve hours at a time. I know your work is important, I know that, but so am I, and I'm not going to sit by and wait. If I want you, I'm going to tell you. That's how it has to be." I murmured, leaning into his warmth. "I'm always there for you, I expect the same from you."
He sighed, and leaned away from me, slowly letting a smile spread across his face. "You actually stuck that landing pretty well, better than I did my first time." His lips roughly took mine, pushing me against his desk.
"So I can fly whenever I want..?" I whispered, taking advantage of his need.
"Hell no, I'm going to lock up suits." He growled, letting his hands drift down behind my legs. He lifted me up and sat me on his desk, wrapping my legs around his waist.
"Pff goodluck, I already bypassed Fridays protocols, and had an mutating algorithm placed specifically just for me." I snorted, feeling his teeth on my shoulder. I cried out when he bit down.
"You're going to kill me, you know that?" He admitted, slipping his hands under my shirt.
"Yah, but I keep it interesting, and I'm sure, I'm this close to getting you to marry me?" I moaned, closing my eyes when he kissed the spot between my shoulder and neck.
"I'm already there babe, I guess one of my suits will have to be your engagement present." He laughed, waving his hand making the windows go dark.
"As if I would accept anything else," I gasped, letting him take control and giving myself to him. "I love flying, just as much as I love you."
"Good, besides you were right. Seeing the woman I love in all that metal was a big turn on." He growled, moving in between my legs, sealing our fates to each other, forever.

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