The Fire Princess (Sequel to...

By Tommogirl98

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Chapter 1-Feelings?
Authors Note
Chapter 2- Night with a Werewolf
Chapter 3-"Please don't tell Daddy"
Authors Note
Chapter 4- AGAIN! UGH!
Chapter 5- Distractions
Chapter 6- Telling Daddy... Harry's way
Authors Note
Chapter 7- How dare you not tell me!
Chapter 8-Miss me?
Chapter 9-Madison
Authors note
Chapter 10- Daddy help him!
Chapter 11- You would never hurt me
Chapter 12- Who's Madison?
Chapter 13-Marry Me?
Authors Note
Authors Note
authors note
Chapter 15- Poison
Authors Note
Chapter 16- Dreams...Nightmares
Authors Note
Chapter 17- The Big Day
Authors note
Authors note
Author's note!

chapter 14- Yes!

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By Tommogirl98

                        Harry shook his head. “I-I…” He sighed and shook his head. He rushed over to me and kissed me. “Marry me.” He breathed out. “He said I could marry you.” He pulled a ring out of his pocket. “Marry me.”

            “Yes!” I said without even thinking about it. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Harry smiled at me and slid the ring on my finger. “I’m still stunned that Daddy actually said we could get married.” I said with a giggle.

            Harry laughed. “You and me both.” Harry kissed me.

            “You knew that I was going to say yes since I’m the one that asked you to ask Daddy. Why were you so nervous to ask me?” I asked him.

            “Like any other man who’s about to ask their girlfriend to marry them, I was nervous. Even though I knew you were going to say yes…” Harry’s face turned a shade of red.

            I giggled at his cuteness and kissed him again. “You’re so adorable.”

            Harry was about to say something when someone yanked him from me. That someone being… Madison. She knocked Harry to the ground and was on top of him. “HOW DARE YOU MARRY HER?” She screamed at him, her claws out. “You’re not allowed to marry her.” She said through her teeth.

            I threw a fire ball at Madison’s head, making her fly off of Harry. “GET OFF OF HIM BITCH!” I screamed at her.

            Madison got up with half of her hair scorched off, glaring at me while I smirked, proud of my handiwork.

            “You Bitch! He was ALWAYS mine ! You can’t marry him!” She screeched. I laughed at her.

            “Oh, you poor soul, you don’t even know,” I said with my hands behind my back, “He is MY mate, and that is for life, and I feel truly sorry for you.”

            “Why would you feel sorry for me? Bitch, I’ll feel sorry for you when I rip your throat out and then have sex with Harry on your grave!” She retorted.

            That was the last straw. I lunged, revealing the fire I had been creating on my hands and pushing my hands towards her throat.

            “Like Hell you will!” I screeched at her.

My hands connected a little off target- her face. I grinned as she screamed into my palms in some serious pain, I took my hands off, I wasn’t done.

She stared at me for a while, surprised at what she thought was my mercy , but I held up the ropes I had just found behind me, Harry must have gotten them for me…

I tied her to a huge redwood tree and started throwing fire balls at her. I scorched her wings, leaving holes. I declawed her and scorched all the necklaces she wore into her skin.

            “Go. Away.” I said through my teeth. Madison looked terrified. I untied her and she ran off into the woods.

            I smiled in triumph. “That teaches her.” I said. I tried to walk forward but felt very dizzy. I ended up tripping over my own feet and falling into Harry.

            “Jules?” Harry asked as I leaned on him.

            “Harry… I feel really diz-“I didn’t get to finish my sentence until I blacked out.

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