The After

By LunaTheDruid

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It's a story about my friends and I, and if we lived in an apocalypse, struggling to survive every day for fo... More

Hell has begun
The Pillage
What do We do Now?
The hell?!
Fruit Cake...
Beyond my whaaaa?
So this is it, My end, our end..

It's all gone. Don't try and change it

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By LunaTheDruid

(Sylvester's POV)

    I gently sighed as I sat up in one of the bed's that we had set up in the basement. I shook my head, my dyed hair faded, my roots unkempt, but at least I had running water and what not to keep it clean, as well as a hairbrush to keep it tamed. I looked at myself in the smudged mirror, my mascara was slightly everywhere because of my nap and my tears. I miss everything now, it's all gone, and I can't even try to change it. I'm all alone, I'm afraid, I'm searching for myself. Will you wait for me in heaven mom and dad? Wait for me.. until I see you again. I thought, my tears coming back to me, sure we had Luna back, it's supposed to be happy, but in actuality... We're all hurting more than ever before. If we hadn't of gone here, and instead we went home to our families, I'm pretty damn sure we'd still be alive, and also with our parents, safe, and smiling, and happy. I shook my head harder at this thought, why was it all gone.

    I sighed softer than before as I went to the basement door to go upstairs, my feet barely even padding against the cold stone of the floor. I wrapped my pale hand around the knob and swung open the door.. before I decided to close it and go back to my bed. I didn't feel like coming out now.. I let the tears of regret fall.. I gently sung in my raspy, shaky voice a song from Before all of this hell happened..

"I tried to walk together

But the night was growing dark

Thought you were beside me

But I reached and you were gone

Sometimes I hear you calling

From some lost and distant shore

I hear you crying softly for the way it was before

Where are you now

Are you lost

Will I find you again

Are you alone

Are you afraid

Are you searching for me

Why did you go I had to stay

Now I'm reaching for you

Will you wait, will you wait

Will I see you again

You took it with you when you left

These scars are just a trace

Now it wonders lost and wounded

This heart that I misplaced

Where are you now

Are you lost

Will I find you again

Are you alone

Are you afraid

Are you searching for me

Why did you go I had to stay

Now I'm reaching for you

Will you wait, will you wait

Will I see you again"

    To my brother.. my family.. my dog, my cats... all of them, are gone now, I can tell. No one could have really survived this apocalypse, it's just all done. It would have to be a damn miracle for them or yet alone anyone to survive. This house was eco friendly, it relied on solar-panels, it's water system, and that's it. It was never a problem for any of the electronics to be turned on.. It's all gone now, money is useless, words are useless, you can't even really talk anymore because They will find you, and kill you. If They find you, They will not stop at all until your cold lifeless body is in their stomach digesting your bones and everything. I shuddered hard at this gory thought. I sniffled softly as my throat hurt from trying to keep in my mourns of pain and soft cries.

    I missed yelling at my brother playfully, I missed my teachers, I missed everything in my old life. I'm supposed to be happy, but I'm not. I'm supposed to be okay, but I'm not. I'm supposed to be home with family, but I'm not. I'm supposed to be doing all of these things, but you know, I'm not going to be able to do any of it, because here in The After, there's nothing left, and you can never change that fact, everywhere you go, you're basically dead. If you're outside in the middle of day, dead. So many factors, equations, probability, of being dead.. 9/10 chance of you being dead. It's so clear, you can't do anything normally, you have to sneak around Them, They will hear you even the softest of a loud breath, They can't get to us though, we're safe behind the fence, they don't like it, it hurts them far too much because we have cranked it up to high... That fence was the only thing that was protecting us from death, from Them, from intruders, from those who wish to take everything from us, to kill us...

    That is one thing I will never miss, our fence, our wall, our protection from everything that wishes to harm us, or take stuff from us. I sighed at my thoughts as I decided it would be good to go out and socialize as much as I could before being too tired of everything and going back to sleep. I gently put my feet back onto the cold stone and then I had made my way over to the door, twisting the knob to the right before opening the lightwood pine door and making my way up the stairs, hardly even making any noise except for perhaps 3 stairs making a soft creek. Noise I sighed again, it was a thing both Luna and I do, we both sigh a lot, it's just a habit that both of us have learned, it was probably from being so depressed, so unhappy all of the time. I gently shook off the past of my unhappy days of people leaving me, bullying me, all this other cruel stuff people would do to me on a normal day to day basis. No one would ever do a damn thing about it except laugh, they wouldn't even stop if an administrator would talk to them and suspend them for a day or two, sometimes it was even a week.

    I growled at the petty school as I once knew, but now there was nothing. I can't shake that thought out of my head as I kept thinking about all of the stuff that we had nothing of anymore, nothing at all, everything is gone, it means nothing, it will never mean anything again, whatever They were here to do, if it was to wipe out the human population, they did a very good job of it as they wiped most of us out in the first couple months. Now it's been a year and 7 months... I miss everything. Why are all of my thoughts all of the sudden coming down upon me like this? Why at all, why me? Why any of us? What did we do to cause this, who's behind this? What's their reason to start killing off humans like this, no-one would release an attack like this to kill practically the entire world, They don't like to swim, but they can... and will swim rather fast to get out of the water. I haven't seen it, but Kareem has when we went over towards a large lake, we saw one swimming towards us and we had to book it back to the house. I growled at my memories as I noticed I was just standing at the top of the staircase.

    I gently blushed as I noticed Nyquaryn looking at me, concerned for my mental health probably. How long was I even standing there thinking about stuff.. life... life as it is now. I gently put myself on the couch with him as we then just decided to start up a conversation. Stuff about what we would be doing now if all of this hadn't of happened, what we thought our grades would be in school now, what we think our teachers would be like, what new aspirations we would have by now, all of the sort of stuff, but I then finally said after sighing heavily. "It's all gone though.. everything, our loved ones, our lives, our interests, our dislikes, our hobbies... everything. I began to wonder why his was happening to us Nyquaryn, were we born to be killed like this? Nothing like this has ever happened.. what are these things, where are they coming from.." I bombarded him with my questions and my phantoms of borrowed life urching words. I noticed a few stray tears attempting to escape my glass prison I call my eye. I wiped it off with the blanket. I put my hand on Nyquaryn's shoulder as he looked down at the floor in contemplation of my questions, my worries, my hopes, my dreams, my loves, my losses.. everything that had come crashing down upon us, is all gone. Why will we never be able to understand that this is life as it is now.. it's all gone, dead, broken. A mirror of given light upon all of us has been shattered. From the sky I hope Jonathan is watching on the life he said goodbye to... a life given through his sacrifice. I cried harder at this as I felt Nyquaryn stroke my back gently before muttering a soft.. "I will never know.. we never will."

(A/N) Wow! One more chapter then this story shall be done, surprising isn't it... I MIGHT do a sequel to this, I have a bunch more story ideas that will be coming up and what not. So I don't know if I will have time to do it. My apologies.. -Luna

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