Choice: What if Bella chose J...

Por ShobikaVadhera

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Continued from the kiss of Jacob and Bella during the battle in stephenie mayor's Eclipse,this book showcases... Mais

Choice: What if Bella chose Jacob
chapter 2:the third wife
chapter 3:the third wife-part2
chapter-4:goodbye part1
chapter 5:goodbye-part2
author's note
Chapter-12: Human
Chapter 13: Temper
Chapter 14: Tamer (Part1)


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Por ShobikaVadhera

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” 

― Barack Obama


Six years later

“Bells, are you ready,yet?It’s time!” Jacob’s voice boomed through the stairway.  “Learn to be patient” I yelled back. I checked myself in the mirror. Good enough for today…I thought as I slipped on the physical appearance was never something I really cared about from the day I was born and it hasn’t changed yet. But my life…

It certainly has changed. For the better? Nope. For the best!

No words could explain how happy I am with be living like the normal American girl but yet special.

“GodBella…have you turned into another Rachel?”  Jake asked again.   “Coming!”  I replied. Rachel, Jacob’s cousin sister. Paul’sgirl. Paul imprinted on her and she lives in la push running a boutique here in best my thoughts wavered to her, it brought me the past.

Two years back, after the…Edward thing, I had a tough time. I threw all the things that reminded me of him and cried all night long thinking how bad a person I was. The first year was certainly hard. Nightmares made my nights. I spent the entire first six months draining Jacob’s shirt with salt water which is my tears. But Jacob was Jacob. He helped me pass the situation in fact made me feel good. I had to help him with his school which was really the fun part. The thing is, what I didn’t get until the last about why Jacob failed in his exams was that I was the distraction. But anyhow he graduated. However not with flying colors but yea, graduated. I really was a clingy girlfriend. Still am. Not letting him out of my eyesight 24/7.but did he complain? Dozing off his lap and getting up to his caring eyes and the brilliant smile which you could not resist but smile back. But after the first year, my life was perfect. Everything clicked well and arranged into itself, a beautiful picture. I spent most of my time in la push. I didn’t want to leave Jacob and everyone behind and go to Dartmouth for pursuing my studies. Instead, I study online college and work in a bakery, Emily runs while Jacob works in his garage. Thinking of Emily brought me back to the present. That’s where we are going now. It’s EMILY-SAM’S WEDDING!

I checked my red dress that hung low beneath my knees and that hugged me tight. Brushed my dark hair one last time, I hurried out of the room. The tapping of Jake’s foot impatiently over the wooden flooring stopped as soon as I appeared on the stairway. On the last stair, stood a guy that I was crazy about. Tall, handsome and sexy. Jacob.

“Do I look okay?”  I ask aloud scanning my dress again and again. It’s not like I’m fat for this dress. It’s just that I don’t suit to these things. A shirt and a jeans, that’s what I’m supposed to.  “Okay!”  Jacob voice rose as if I just cursed.  “You look awesome”  he dramatically showed his hands up wide indicating that I look that much good. I couldn’t help the giggle. He took my hand and brought me down next to him for a kiss. Totallydesperate, I kissed him hard. Before I could show the passion, a fatherly cough brought us back and we straightened back. Charlie, my dad was over by the door scratching his head not knowing what to do with us, lover birds.

The astonishing (yet, notsurprising) thing about this was that Charlie is totally happy with us being together. He wanted me to be with Jacob and also loved la push so when we told him the news, he was practically jumping. Which was not amusing for me because I had just broken up with a certain someone. Renée, my mom was the same if not even more. She was like totally head over heels for Jacob. You know it when she is laughing like no tomorrow, then she was talking with my boyfriend. That was Jacob wasn’t it? Happiness.

Whenever I say that and look at him, I get this proud and awe feeling over him. Possessivenesstoo. And a tiny bit of fear that I would lose him. But when I think of that, I give myself a mental slap. He was yours, Bella. Jacob is yours, I tell myself.

“Buy something good for em and Sam, you two. Also, don’t forget to send my wishes. I’m really sorry that I couldn’t come. You know the police service” Charlie, the chief swan grimaced. I smiled and gave him a slight hug.  “Willdo, dad” and went out of the house pulling Jacob with me with his tie to the car,

The car was made for my favourite car maker who is apparently my boyfriend. We named the ‘jake-uar’ mixing Jake with jaguar. Actually I named it.I still have my red Chevy truck but use this for the long rides.

Jacob as always like the gentleman opened the door for me for me to hop times, he gets naughty enough to buck in my seatbelts but today, with his suit on made up his mind to act like mister and got on his seat and wheeling the car forward.

Scrape what I said. Speed and gentlemen don’t go hand in hand. The car was whizzingly fast.

“What do you want to buy the wedding couple?”  He asked as he carelessly drove through the highway.  “I thought of jewellery. It’s like we are their family. I’ve saved some money. You have plus Quil and Embry’s saving must account to something”  I said as I looked ahead calculating the bucks.   “Will do”  Jacobagreed. I grin as soon as I think about the notorious double trouble wolf boys.

Quil takes Claire to kindergarten school. I hang out at Claire’s home a lot.Well, would it be weird to say that Quil, a big tall boy who shape shifted into a wolf enjoyed making mud pies than his Claire, the kindergartner? It is weird. But I smile at it…they are so adorable.

Jared and Kim are the naughty dirty ones in our gang. They’re engaged but supposedly not going to get married anytime soon. Yea,play at that. Kim’s going to get a baby soon…I’m sure of that but it’s not yet confirmed. Before you think hard, I’m still a virgin.

Leah Clearwater. Two years before, Leah was the one girl you never want to be left alone with. She acted badass all the time but now Leah wasn’t the Leah we knew. She is my best friend too.Me,Leah, Rach and Emily were the wolf girlbuddies. Leah has been the biggest change. She isn’t the same old pathetic girlfriend anymore. She is totally happy and is taking some courses at a community college near forks. But that doesn’t mean she can’t get annoying sometimes but don’t mind that, she’ssweet. The reason behind this change was a man. Onwhom, she imprinted a one and a half years ago in spring. He was Jordon. Jordon works here around la Push. Think, he’s an accountant or something. Well, it’s not like I see him many times but what I know is this. He loves Leah with all his heart and soul. Of course, Leah is beautiful and smart, werewolf or not. Jordon fell in love with her, firstsight. The best thing of all is that I still search for a trace of look of jealousy, envy or something on Sam’s face when Leah’s with Jordon but no.both of them maybe…had their past but right now, they are happy with their soul mates.

That left Embry,Seth and Collins-the trio without a mate. But Embry is trying hard to get himself ‘the girl’ but he isn’t yet lucky. But would the guy admit that.  ”many girls did fall for me but I wasn’t interested”  was Embry’s answer. But we all loved Embry.

Brady imprinted on Penelope Peters. Not a person I really want to talk about now and spoil my mood. She has been too arrogant and obnoxious but if she loves Brady truly, then there’s no me questioning it.

Jacob skidded to a stop. On looking outside, I saw a big antique stop-Clovers written with brown Edwardian font. I stopped myself as soon as I thought of the font name not really wanting to go in.   ”you want to choose the gift yourself?”  Jacob asked as he unbuckled himself. Jacob made these artistic artefacts and sold it here but mostly gifted those to me. I still look in awe and pride at his hands thinking how strong they were yet, delicate enough to fix the cars and make the tiny small artefacts. The thought made me brush my hands over the wooden anklet he had given me that I wore on my right heel. Jacob even sculpted in two bells on it indicating me as he calls me bells all the time. Whenever I look at it, I feel lightened and smile instantaneously.

“Earth to bells”  Jacob’s voice snapped me back to reality. He wore an amused grin on his face.  “Why were you grazing your hands over your anklet?”  Heasked. I pushed him outside the door.  “I was thinking. Now, Mr.Black, I would like you to go and buy a gift by yourself as you won’t be getting my service”  I said I gestured at meroyally. Jacob scowled.  “I hate shopping”  he groaned. I patted his cheek and gave him the money. He bent down, gave me a quick peck on my cheek and was off.

At last,Jacob is not growing anymore. But that doesn’t mean I can kiss him easily. I had to get up on tiptoe while he had to bend down. He teases me of being so short but hey, I am a normal sized human not the giant size growing werewolf. He was taller than Charlie that Charlie has to look up to look at Jacob’s was an amusing sight.

Charlie. I totally forgot to tell about him. Charlie is now with Sue Clearwater. They aren’t like married yet to make Seth and Leah my half siblings that was how every piece arranged themselves into a pretty portrait and I was so happy that my choice contributed to this portrait too.

Even though Paul and Leahfought, we all were happy. They too bickered like old nannies but we loved it. But it was Embry and Quil who found it most hilarious because two werewolves knawing on each other’s necks meant a bet for them and would they like to miss a bet…say an apocalypse arrives on earth, they would still be betting on the time or on who it would kill.

We all went on campfires or hiking tours. We all found some time to gather at least once in a while and enjoy Emily’s muffins.

Today was Emily andSam’swedding. They had no family so we all stayed back and worked our butts off for the biggest wedding in la push. We were too busy that we totally forgot to buy the wedding couple, a gift. Hence, the hurried up, getting ready thing.

“Boo” Jacob shocked me through the open window. I screamed but calmed down as soon as I saw it was my boyfriend who was playing silly tricks on me.   “Jacob”  I hit on his chest as soon as he took his place next to me in the driver’s seat while he was laughing like it was the biggest funny thing ever  “it’s not funny”  I protested.

“Your face”  -a laugh  “believe me bells, it was awfully hilarious. You dropped your purse”  he grinned pointing to the floor of the car. I scowled at him and took it and placed it on my lap.

“Look at this”  Jake gave me a velvet jewellery box.  “Haven’t you wrapped it yet?”  I asked as I smoothen out the fine texture of the velvet before opening to see the jewel.  “Thought you might have a look for yourself”  Jacob said casually turning into a highway that I didn’t recognise.

Inside was a beautiful diamond necklace with a heart pendant carved in with a SAM N’ was so beautiful that I recounted our savings for the must have cost a lot, it’s not like our meagre savings could buy diamonds. The carvings was so delicate which was surprising since Jake hadn’t taken much time to buy it.

“How did you buy this?”  I asked Jacob suddenly wary. He smiled at me before his gaze dropped to the box I had on my lap.  “Our savings?”  Heoffered. I rolled my eyes  “I know that Jacob. But this seems much expensive than that”  I said tracing my hand over the pendant again and again. He looked at me and stared at me for a bit.  “I told Cardigar that”  Cardigar was the antique shop owner.  “That he may have a couple of my carvings for free”

I gasped. Did Jacob just do that? When I think about it, once again I get reminded of Jacob’s loyalty to Sam and how much he loved once again filled me with awe that I wouldn’t have thought anything like that if I were Jacob.i proudly entwined my hand into Jacob’s hand and he grinned.

“The carving thing?”  I asked looking at it again. There was no chance the owner made it now and we hadn’t have planned what gift to buy or where to buy fact we had forgotten all about it amidst of the chaos of preparing Sam’s back yard into a wedding scenario. Mind you, it was tough, ever since Sam had started living with Emily, they had totally forgotten about his house. And the house was in such a condition that gifts and decorations no longer prevailed in our minds. Emily herself and Rachel had sent out the invitations. Actually it was a plan to keep Emily from all of this. If she had known that her very fiancé’s backyard was that messy then maybe we had to take her to the ER.yousee, Emily had the tendency to find the tiniest dirt in a spotless floor and scrub it off until the whole floor got clean.

“I made the carving.”  Jacob said simply made be boltupright. Carving chisels of wood is okay but it’s not Jacob was a pro with cutting precious things like diamonds and making things out of them. I guess you totally figured out that we were really hand on the monetary things because financially we aren’t in our best…you get it right?

“I have been learning from Cardigar about isn’t tough. I’m practicing and getting better day by day”  Jacob said nervously losing his cool for the first time. I don’t know why but I get this really suspicious feelings brooding all over me wasn’t like Jacob to keep secrets from me. Hein fact tells me what happens every day and I listen only quitting myself from the job when it was about cars and their real confusing machinery parts. That’s the only place where we don’t connect.

“You’ve been practicing for what?”  I asked suspiciously. He just remained quiet.  “Since when?”  I asked my curiosity making me mad. It’s not like Jacob just starts doing something out of the blue just because he feels like it. If I was the brick of laziness,he was the Great Wall of China.

“For a while.”  He answered subtly. Before I could bore on the subject, Jacob said quickly   “hungry? Want to eat something?”

Not really wanting to let go from where the hell diamonds and Jacob gelled together, I could guess Jake wants to keep off from the I felt it at bay and replied  “we are going to a wedding,Jacob! We’re going to eat there. Jordon has ordered a big buffet so as to fill all you wolf boys’ stomachs. Besides,we are getting late.”

I said pretending to look at my watch even though there was nothing on my pale hand. Jacob grinned and picked up my hand and kissed where my supposed watch was avoid getting beet red, I pointed the same hand to a driveway restaurant. Not bothering to look at the name, Jacob drove greedily into it,I swear those people are going to get confused whether he was buying food for us (majorly himself) or the whole of la push. And I am also sure they would be getting a heart attack if they get to know it’s the first option. Just that thought made me giggle.

“We ate the breakfast” I reminded him while taking a while to stare at the fresh burger with french-fries dipped into spicy concoctions.

“That wasn’t enough”

“That was a whole refrigerator”

“That was half empty”

I gave up. These wolf boys were seriously making me rethink grocery bills. We just looked at each other and the next moment we burst out laughing like crazy. That was why I felt so good with Jacob with me. i never faked a laugh.


Sam’s backyard was filled with light pizzicato note from the same band we had set was an awesome sight. White blossoms that hung in garlands with red gossamer ribbons and almost each variety of flowers I knew where took a while to distract myself from thinking their botanical scientific names (I read biology on online college) and look around. I had expected and contributed to the hard work we made here. It was the Alpha’s wedding.

The red satin draped chairs and bowery canopy was the best of all. i immediately praised Sue on her amazing matching-color something something sense because I was a failure in that arena. The aisle had lighted up candles and the arch…was overflowing with red roses. When the aroma of the sweet smelling candles reached me, I knew that I should get married to Jacob like this. This was one of my dream---

I stopped myself from going forward for I was blushing as red as the arch’s roses.i tried to look around but I stopped again from pondering as I was involuntarily(the key word here) pleased that both Jacob and me had dressed to suit the setting.

As if we were the wedding coup---

Jacob saw me and my cheeks caught on fire. He looked at me smiling crookedly and one eyebrow rose teasingly   “I knew what you were thinking”

“No you don’t!”I retorted suddenly embarrassed as I know Jake knew me inside out. That remains a mystery because even I didn’t know how my not-so-smart brain (or do you even call that) functioned.

“Your face matches your dress and is the wedding bride dress the same color too?”

He definitely knows what I am thinking. I try to distract myself from his staring at me with such intensity could sense the whole of la push was there. Collin was there snapping pictures with his new camera, smiling at me. I wanted to smile back but I gave him a helpless look that meant get-me-out-of-here-before-he-makes-out-with-me-in-front-of-the-whole-crowd.Collin laughed because he caught on it but intentionally, very intentionally(remind me to kill him) ignored my plead pretending he didn’t understand.

It wasn’t much time before I felt Jacob’s warm lips crashing over mine that I had to (you really can’t resist) kiss him back. I threw my arms over him and started making out with the werewolf in the front of a wedding for his alpha (or boss) with the whole of La push and quarter bit of forks had to see.

Talk about normal lives.

“Whoa! There are kids here” Seth’s voice exclaimed behind the guy who wouldn’t budge and stop kissing me. It was after at least two minutes after the comment, both of us panting stopped. Both of our dresses were cramped up but I really couldn’t worry about that when Jacob was grinning triumphantly. Seth was totally awkwardly uncomfortable. ‘But he did cover us up’ I looked at an oldman looking at us ‘at least a bit’ I think.

But soon Seth grins and shrugs.  “Not the best place.”  He told Jacob and smiled at me  “you look pretty, Bella”

Jacob rolled his eyes.  ”that’s an understatement plus”  before I could interrupt  “she always does”

I rolled my eyes too and smiled at the handsome boy. Seth was the best guy friend I had here in the pack. He always reminded me of Jacob when he was human a long while ago. Even though Seth grew up reaching his werewolf growing spurt, he always will look like the human younger version of Jacob.   “You look great, yourself”  I complimented him.

“You’re late”  he warned.  “Faced with a hungry werewolf here”  I grinned raising my hands like defending myself. Both Seth and I chuckled.   “Who do you think eats more, Paul or Jake?”  He asked grinning.  “I was starving”  Jacob protested.

Suddenly I remembered the most important job and slapped (mentally) from out of this and excused myself from the two boys, where one was too reluctant to let go off my hand (my boyfriend of course) and headed off to see the bride.

The house was filled with flowers and sweet odours too. Amidst all the girls, I spotted a very familiar dark head that was apparently approaching me too at the same time I was going toward her. Leah Clearwater.

Before I could start saying anything, I see her all frustrated.  “Bella, take my place at Em’s. I’ve got this Jordon ---“   she started talking so fast that I couldn’t decipher what her problem really was.

That next instant she was off from the room making me blink a few times before I groaned and went upstairs to Emily’s room. I peered inside to see the room in which we were sitting and planning the wedding was transformed into a parlour. Courtesy the red haired girl aka Rachel who has brought out the whole of her dresser to this room.

Over the corner were so many wrapped gifts and transparent covers which had supposedly covered the wedding gowns that were sprawled over the queen sized beds. Before the mirror, sat Emily. Emily was being totally pampered by Rachel that even a slight movement would make Rachel lose her concentration over doing the braid which was so intertwined here and there that it was impossible to set it into a hairdo. But I was me, Bella Swan so as soon as I opened the door, my leg hit on a box that was thrown carelessly. If that didn’t lapse their concentration, my moan from the hit did. for Emily gave a jerk and Rachel’s beautiful face twisted itself into a annoying look.


             But it turns out that Rachel didn’t lose the hold of whatever strands she was holding so the damage to the bride’s hair was minimal. But Emily didn’t care about it but she did give me a narrowed look saying  “you’re late”

The narrowed look was nothing compared to the very bone chilling look that she gives when she gets to know we have stamped on her beautifully washed floor that was because she was beaming so much that doing her face would mean getting a few dabs over her mouth.

Rachel was totally into an alien world as she was on the verge of finishing the hair. Once she fished she was totally jumping in the hair. Rachel was the girly type but she was the only person who was strong enough to have a hold over Paul and we know who Paul is and how much it’s hellish to keep up with him. I still get astonished whenever I see Paul’s extreme strength or stress transforms into daze and softness whenever Rachel looks at her. Imprinting! And the things it does. I sighed.

“Bella…Help Emily into the dress while I hunt down to get her stockings. When Emily stood up, I couldn’t stop the girly gasp that came over me. Emily was beautiful but what made me gasp was that Rach’s skillful hands had made the whole scar of Emily’s look almost vanished. I certainly do not want Sam to look at her face and see the long gash that ruined half of her face when he lost control for a split second. self note: hug Rach and squeeze her off for the masterpiece she has just created.

The Wedding gown was a white gown with a red ribbon around the waist and behind her back, the white kind of blended with red making a mixed lace. The same color streaked her skirts, the veil and the pearls. I was shocked when Kim, who I hadn’t noticed had entered, gave a sniff.  “Wish I look gorgeous too Em on my wedding”

“Of course, you will Kim. Every girl has her day.”  She smiled and as she saw Rachel hurrying into her dress too, she smiled.  “And even more if Rach was there.”

The door opened to a very teary Sue. Her eyes went through all of us and when it fell on Em, she started sniffing. That was why I liked sue a lot.sue was like a mother for all of us. She saw every one of us as her daughters and that was why Emily didn’t cry when there wasn’t going to be a mother on her wedding. That was why I smiled at the very thought Charlie had her.

Sue walked in very quietly and smiled at the veil that em was going to wear. You know it that she’s going to burst out. Though Sue was as strong willed as Leah to deal with her husband Harry’s death, she was a woman.

“You look so beautiful Em” she hid her face in her palm. Em smiled as she went over to hug her.  “I would spoil your dress”  Sue said immediately but hugged back. Even though Rach was totally not happy with getting tear stains on the bride’s dress, she was totally happy at them.

It wasn’t until Leah entered, Sue pulled off. You see, Sue had the ‘ego’ problem of showing that she is NOT soft before her daughter.

“Sam arrived”  Leah announced and the room’s atmosphere tensed. Emily was totally cool, it was Rachel who was out of her mind checking over and over whether she has done her role last it look us so much time to convince her. We took the bride down the stairs while the trumpets started. Emily was grinning from ear to ear again and it only stooped to have redness all over her face when we arrived at the aisle. The people started clapping as soon as we arrived.

My eyes scooted around to search for Jacob. But he wasn’t there. I hid my look of disappointment and a smile took its place. I stopped when I saw a handsome person looking only at me over the front row. I smiled and joined him. He pulled me over his lap and we watched as Sam’s hands took over Emily. The priest started reciting the vows and they repeated. They exchanged rings and kissed.

It took a while from imagining both me and Jacob in that place. The daydreaming stopped only when Jacob’s chuckled in my ear. I tried narrowing my eyes and telling him to look at the newly wedded couple and not me but failed miserably.

We clapped and then came the hugs and the soon as we, that means me, Jake, Quil and Embry gave our gift, Emily’s eyes welled up with tears. ”thank you guys. Not just for this but for being my family and for everything else. I love you” I hugged her and smiled at Sam. he smiled and made a slight bow gratefully and resumed to look at his newly wedded wife and did he look back. Imprinting! And the things it does.

I loved them and everyone here. They were my second family.

Then was the wolf boys’ favourite time.


The guys who served the food were totally gobsmacked (no other better word could do) at their hard work of food being gobbled up (no exaggeration) by eight giant sized boys’ couldn’t stop chuckling at the waiters’ faces. The expressions were priceless.

The speech for the wedding couple followed.fortunately, I had so many people to follow up so I kept my speech short and sweet. Jacob cracked a few jokes but the best speech that moved everyone to tears was Leah’s. It still astonishes me that Leah who was so miserable at them, Sam and Emily being together two years ago spoke like that. She was an awesome speaker, no doubt about that because Sam’s face which held strong and hard was broken as a few tears dropped.

Jared’s was the funniest and Embry’s the dirtiest. He asked them about how they were going to spend their honeymoon and how we never should disturb Sam during the nights.sam and Emily were tomato red and it took both Jacob and Seth to pull Embry down the stage. Nonetheless, it ended well.

Then came the dance. Jacob was so selfish that he never gave the chance to anyone else to dance with me. He danced with me for hours. In fact to be precise, carried me. My feet were in the air and we just swayed to the music not really dancing according to the beat. But it was good. Too good a feeling to express. He kept kissing me after each song.

Seth kind of annoyed Jacob when he ‘spoiled our romantic moment’.

Jacob though reluctant, had to give Seth a chance to dance with me. Seth and I connected on a whole new level. We both can never dance, I am sure of that. All we did were wacky steps that didn’t embarrass me even though everyone laughed. Because, Seth was even wackier than I. But when a slow music started, there was Jacob at our heels, asking to cut in. Or rather, ordered.

“Whatever”  he had said when Seth was about to protest. Oh poor Seth! Jacob acted totally badass as he shoved him off and put his hands around my waist. Or rather, claimed me. Seth rolled his eyes and told me ignoring Jacob like he never was present.  “God, Bella. I never have seen a person as selfish, possessive and jealous like your boyfriend”

I couldn’t agree better.

The funny thing was, I loved those qualities.


The wedding was officially announced over and Sam was helping Emily climb into the ‘happily ever after’ car. Or is it, just married?

I waved them. Two years ago, I was Isabella swan who was scared of wedding commitments and today I was, supposedly the same Isabella swan who had imagined me and Jacob in their place for the whole day. When I turned back to Jacob. He was staring at me and studying my face.


Out of nowhere he startled me by picking me up bridal style (bridal! if I use the word ever again!!God, I must stop attending wedding hereafter) and ran into the woods.

“Where are we going?”  I asked warily. He didn’t answer so I quietly dropped my head to his chest and let him take me.

The place was enchanting. The moon was overhead, its light lighting the moonflowers that was surrounding me. The flowers have blossomed fully and the smell was endearing. I smiled as Jacob put me down on my legs. I turned round and round breathing the aura.

“this is romantic”  I announced totally calm even though I was curious about why he brought me here out of blue that too at this time. Wasn’t Charlie supposed to be searching?

He said nothing just in his own world (I could totally tell that-his eyes).then he exhaled deeply, a decided look took its place in his eyes and a cute smiled crossed his features. I confusedly stared at him.

“Just a min”  he said and blame it on his werewolf speed, It took him even sooner to…

To hold out the flowers he had pluck out in those few seconds and to kneel down before me.

Oh my merlin beard.

Oh my gosh.

It’s that right?


His gesture answered it. He took out a small ring box from his coat with the right hand holding out the flowers with his left.

He was proposing me!

The velvet box was similar to the necklace thing. And when he opened it, I swear I would have gasped if I wasn’t here speechless.

Inside was the most beautiful jewel I’ve ever engagement ring.

I stared at it wordless. Has he been planning this? But he never showed the was me who was imagining us in that wedding…

My mind went blank.

Blank with giddiness, happiness, excitedness…..

It turns out my mind worked only for those ‘ness’ ending adjectives.

I felt my heart pound when he held the flowers out to me.

“I was learning carving out diamond for this. I made the ring”   Jacob said softly as I took the flowers. I tightened my hands around the flowers. He made this?

“Will it be vanity to think that I've made a good job? Or was it my love for you that whenever I looked at it, I thought it was beautiful to remind me of you, Bella”

God Jacob, he makes my heart melt.

He took my hand and kissed it.

How romantic.

“Will You Marry Me, Isabella Swan?”  His voice rang out clearly. His eyes looked at me earnestly as he said those beautiful words.

I love Jacob Black. I want him to be mine. I want him to be mine for life.

“Yes, I will”  I answered confidently. Could my choice be any more perfect?

He smiled and slid my engagement ring into my finger.


Cheesy? Well, that’s me guys…sorry for going MIA just like that. Could the update make you feel good???

The story has so many more chapters so those who felt it ended, it hasn’t.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. For reading this book irrespective of the awful English and typos.

And for making this book cross the 1K reads for the very first 5 chapters that I didn’t feel good about at all.

Question: Bella has changed a lot. Hasn’t she?

Let’s be clear:-

Rachel is Jacob’s cousin sister who makes an appearance in Stephenie Meyer’s original Breaking Dawn-book two of Jacob’s POV. It’s mentioned that, Paul imprints on her.

Collin and Brady belong to their pack too even though they do not come, they’re mentioned.

There are few new characters too. Imagine that breaking dawn never happened. Think of this as the sequel to eclipse.

And yea, I made Sue and Charlie together just like steph did. I wanted some things to never change from how she wanted.

Until next time, lovelies…

<3, Shobi.

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