An Alien In Fairy Tail: Book 1

By Overdrive248X

69K 910 1.2K

When Ben Tennyson, the wielder of the Omnitrix, gets sent to a different universe, he ends up in a weird worl... More

An Alien Shape Shifter To Another World
The Alien In Fairy Tail
He Came In Peace
Joining Fairy Tail, Natsu's Fight, And The First Mission
The Ghost Experiment
Weird Trust Excersise
Bounty Hunter In The Train
Great Battle In The Forest
Important Update

Dark Howl's Attack On Fairy Tail

5.1K 56 102
By Overdrive248X

      The group was riding the train on the way back to Magnolia. As usual, Natsu was lying there completely out cold from the motion sickness. Happy was sitting next to him sleeping and sleep talking about fish. Ben and Lucy were looking out the window and into the passing landscape next to them. Both of them had been worn out from all the thanks they got the night before for stopping the experiments in the last town. The people had been grateful to them, but also sad now that they would never see their missing friends and family members again.

"What a twisted experiment, wasn't it?" said Lucy looking out the window. She was still shaken from seeing the dust on the table, and that Elena had too been subjected to the experiment and turned into dust.

"The worst part of trying to be a hero, is knowing that sometimes you won't be able to save some people," said Ben looking out too, the Omnitrix symbol glowing on his wrist.

"Why did you leave last night? We heard a bunch of noise, and when we woke up you were gone,"
said Lucy turning to look at Ben.

"I had the nightmare that I have been having for four years," said Ben looking down.

"Nightmare?" asked Lucy, "What is it about?"

"I don't know. I can never remember," said Ben, "But honestly, it can only be for one reason. It must be because of what happened to me four years ago."

"Really? What happened?" asked Lucy looking at Ben.
Ben looked put the window for a minute, before finally speaking.

"It happened four years ago," said Ben. "I was twelve then. I used to go around helping people with the Omnitrix, like usual. I had no idea that me being a hero was going get me enemies. True enemies. The ones that will try to hurt you and those who you care about."

"What happened?" asked Lucy.

"When I was ten, I met an alien that went by the name of Vilgax. He was obsessed with getting the Omnitrix. There was nothing more he wanted in the world than to get it, and make me suffer. In the end, he attacked me. But he decided to attack my family first. He went and almost killed my parents. My father lost his left leg. My mother lost both her arms."

"That's horrible..." said Lucy, her eyes widening.

"I couldn't stand it. I used the Omnitrix to beat Vilgax almost to death. After that, Vulgax could barely stand before he got on his ship and went away."

"It wasn't you fault Ben. He attacked your family. It wasn't your fault that you were angry. You could not help it. When a Fairy Tail member is attack, it hurts the whole guild. We are a family."

"Yes I know. But I could not bear it. I wanted a normal life. So I gave up the Omnitrix for three years. I refused to use it for a long time. But when my grandpa needed help, I made the decision to use it again. I had to be a hero, since no one else would. So that is what I am now, a hero. I will try my best to protect those I care about. And I guess that since Fairy Tail is my family now, I will protect it."

"That's good Ben. Since you are part of Fairy Tail, that means you are part of our family. Like me when I first joined Fairy Tail. Back then I-"

"Look over there!" yelled Ben pointing out the window. Lucy turned to see that they were approaching Magnolia. But in the distance they could see a pillar of smoke rising, and it was coming straight from the guild. When they finally got to the stage action, the group quickly got off and ran towards the guild. When they got there they saw pieces of rubble as if someone at attacked the place with cannon balls. People were running away from the scene, and there were Fairy Tail members casting spells. This the group looked around to see who was attacking, but they saw Erza with her sword at hand.

"Erza!" yelled Natsu, "What's going on!?"

"Someone is attacking the guild hall for no reason!" yelled Erza, "But they are too fast to see!" There was a flash of light and Erza brought her sword up in defense just as an attack hit her. She was sent flying towards the wall. Suddenly the flash of light stopped and they were able to see the attacker. It was a man with long, black hair, and red eyes. He wore what looked like a black and red ninja outfit. He was smiling and showed all his pointed teeth.

"Oh, so our target has arrived!" yelled the man. Natsu took a step forward, his face showing his anger.

"Who the heck are you! And why are you attacking our guild!" yelled Natsu.

"Me? They call me the Ozem, the speed devil of Dark Howl," he showed his guild mark on the back of his right hand, it was a wolf howling and a moon., "I have come for the one they call Benjamin Tennyson."

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" yelled Natsu as he tried to hit Ozem, but he moved to fast and avoided the attack, and kicked Natsu on the left side sending him flying. He then looked at Ben, and ran faster than anyone could see, and punched Ben right in the chest sending him flying through the open gates of Fairy Tail and into the crowd of people that was running away. Ozem stood in front of Ben cackling.

"You think you are fast? Well check this out!" yelled Ben as his hand pressed down on the Omnitrix. Suddenly, Ben was gone in a flash of green light. In his place now stood what looked like a Velociraptor. It was standing on what appeared to be wheels connected to it's feet. On it's head was a black helmet with a visor. It had a long tail that switched between blue and black. It had sharp claws, and wore a black jumpsuit with a white line going down the middle. The Omnitrix symbol on it's chest.


XLR8 (Author's Favorite Alien!)
Race: Kineceleran
Home Planet: Kinet
Kinecelerans are a specie that is able to run very fast, reaching more than 500 mph. They can ever run as quickly that time appears to stop for them. Their minds are adapted to process everything quickly, so they can come up with hundreds of solutions for a problem. By running in circle's they can create a tornado powerful enough to lift a large opponents. Their claws are quite sharp and can cut trough many materials. They are known to act without thinking.

"So the stories are true! You do turn into freaky aliens!" said Ozem while laughing maniacally. Ozem disappeared in a flash, and reappeared behind XLR8, and kicked him from behind. XLR8 went flying and crashed into one of the buildings near it, causing rubble to fall on him.

"Requip: Flight Armor!"

Suddenly Erza's armor changed into one that looked as if fashioned after a cheetah. She sped towards Ozem at an incredible speed. Using two swords she slashed at Ozem, but he kept avoiding her so fast that it appeared like he was teleporting. There was a flash and Erza was sent flying backwards from a punch from Ozem. She recovered quickly and lunged at him, using her two blades to slash at him so quickly that the blades could not be seen, yet Ozem was able to dodge them.

There was a flash, and Ozem was sent flying towards a wall. It was XLR8 moving so fast he left a black, blue, and white trail behind him. Ozem got up and faced XLR8, a vicious smile on his face.

"Well, it appears that you ARE quite fast!" said Ozem. XLR8's visor went up and revealed a blue face, with green eyes.

"What do you guys want with me?" said XLR8.

"I cannot tell you," said Ozem, "but what we are planning is really big, and Fairy Tail is going to get in the way. So we will kill two birds with one stone." There was a flash and Ozem was in front of XLR8. He let down hundreds of punches, but with XLR8 improved reflexes, he dodged all of them. His clawed hand raised up and hit Ozem in the chin sending him upwards, until he landed back down. Taking this chance, XLR8 ran towards him and let down his closed claws onto Ozem, but he quickly dodged and XLR8 punched the ground causing it to crack. Ozem tried to attack XLR8 from behind, but with his enhanced reflexes, XLR8 turned around and gave him fifty kicks in less than five seconds. This sent Ozem flying back into a wall.

"Black Howl? You guys don't seem so tough after all," mocked XLR8.

"You haven't seen nothing yet," Ozem suddenly ran towards XLR8 punching and slashing, until one of his attacks finally got XLR8 in the chest making him fall to his knees.

"Fire Dragon's Roar!" a blast of fire hit Ozem from the side, but he ran before it could actually hit his skin, but left his sleeve charred. Natsu was there looking really pissed.

"I don't care who you are buddy, but you don't mess with Fairy Tail!" said Natsu, "And now  you are gonna pay!"

Ozem ran towards Natsu, but he suddenly fell. XLR8 looked down to see that the whole floor had been covered with ice. It was Gray standing on top of one of the houses. This time only wearing pants and shoes.

"What's wrong?" said Gray, "Too cool for yah?"

XLR8 quickly ran towards Ozem, not falling due to having practiced on ice before. He picked up Ozem and lifted him of his feet. Ozem struggled against the strength of the alien, but XLR8 had a strung grip.

"Now tell me, why did you attacked Fairy Tail?" asked XLR8, with his visor rising to show his face. Ozem face contorted in anger.

"As I said before, I don't have to say anything!" yelled Ozem as he took out a dagger and slashed XLR8's arm causing his arm to let out red blood.

"Gah!" yelled XLR8 throwing Ozem away. His arm was letting out blood. His visor shut again before he ran towards Ozem again. This time Ozem jumped up from the ice and landed back on the normal street.

"Ice Make: Freeze Lancer!" yelled Gray as he shot multiple ice lances but Ozem just avoided them completely. Erza appeared and slashed at Ozem from behind, making a hole on the back of his shirt. XLR8 ran towards Ozem. Then Natsu came running from behind and punched Ozem with a flaming fist. The dazed Ozem was not able to dodge the incoming attacks from Natsu. After that he was knocked back into Gray.

"Ice Make: Geyser!" yelled Gray as a massive pillar of ice hit Ozem from behind causing him to go flying and landing into the street creating a small crater.

"It appears that you can run quickly, but you can't process things as quickly as you can run," said XLR8. XLR8 quickly ran towards Ozem and let out a hundreds of quick punches at Ozem. Ozem was sent hurling into the street. As he stood up, Erza ran quickly and slashed him in the chest sending him flying back.

Ozem looked to see the four mages, going towards him. He seemed more amused than afraid. There was a sudden change in the magic around the air. Ozem seemed to glow brighter, but then it quickly died down. Ozem turned around quickly and looked behind him, as if someone was speaking to him.

"Well, it appears I have to go now," said Ozem, before leaving in a flash. A trail of blue, white, and black appeared next to him. Both running at the same speed.

"You can't go now! You haven't told us anything," said XLR8 running next to him.

"Sorry, but I have been called back, so for now," Ozem took something out of his pocket, "Take this!"
There was a massive explosion and XLR8 was left behind on the ground smoking. There was a flash of green, and Ben stood up, the gash on his arm still bleeding. The guys ran towards Ben just as he fell on his face and everything turned pitch black.

Ben woke up in a room he hadn't seen before. He looked at the chair next to him. His jacket was on a chair next to him, it had been fixed and cleaned. Ben got up and saw bandages on his right arm. He turned to see Erza, Lucy, and Natsu standing there.

"Where am I?" asked Ben sitting up on the bed.

"In Lucy's home," said Erza, "Ozem had blown up part of the left side of the guild hall. He had placed multiple explosives without anyone being to catch him. Thankfully no one was injured."

Natsu looked angry. "Dark Howl is going to pay for what they did! Once I find them I'm going to beat them to a pulp!"

"Calm down Natsu," said Lucy, "We don't know what their plan is, but they seem to want Ben."

Erza looked at Ben, "Did you meet those guys before you came to Fairy Tail?"

"Never seem them before in my life," said Ben, "But we went on the job, they seemed to have hired an old man so they could revive someone."

"Revive someone? Who would they want to resurrect?" asked Erza.

"I don't know. Hey, where is the master anyways?" asked Ben.

"He was called into a Magic Council meeting right after you three left," said Erza. "When he gets back tomorrow we shall speak with him. For now you must rest Ben. Even if it only seemed like one slash, you had been cut on multiples parts of your body." She pointed at Ben's chest that was covered in more bandages.

"Man! When did he do that?" said Ben bewildered, "XLR8's reflexes are faster than a normal human."

"It appears Dark Howl is not something that should be underestimated," said Erza looking bothered.

"Something is bothering me," said Lucy looking seriously at Ben.

"What?" asked Ben.

"Whoever they were, it appears they now about Ben's aliens," said Lucy.

"And now since he transformed in that crowd of people, it won't take long until someone else notices what happened," said Erza.

"This is not my lucky day," said Ben looking down at the Omnitrix. Now multiple people would know of the existence of the Omnitrix. It would bring attention he did not want.

Miles away from Magnolia was a large mountain surrounded by a large forest. There were so many trees that the ground beneath was dark. Inside the mountain was where Dark Howl resided. In an opening in the mountain was a large door, with designs of skulls and screaming skeletons.

Inside there was a large room, with a long table that filled it. There were five chairs with different mages on them, the fifth one at the end of the table. This was part of the mages that were part of Dark Howl. At the end of the desk was a large man. He wore a set of rusted black armor. The armor was full of spikes. On the chestplate was the design if a screaming skull. There was a long black cape strapped on the armor. The man wearing it had a white beard, and wore a red eyepatch that covered his left eye. This man was no other than Quintus Krauss, the master of Dark Howl.

On the other chairs was Xeero, the master of Black magic. Next to him was Ozem, the fastest mage in the guild that made Racer of Oracion Seis look like a joke, he had Devil Speed magic. There was Nocturna Crowe, the Shadow Devil slayer. Archer Crypt, who had mastery of Second Movement magic. This were the Deadly Four of Dark Howl. They all possessed either Lost Magic or Forbidden Magic. At that moment they were all discussing their biggest issue, Ben Tennyson.

"So both Xeero and Ozem fail to bring him down?" said Nocturna. She had long black hair and wore a black sleeveless shirt with a skull on it, she also had black pants and black leather boots, she also had short black hair. Her guild mark was on her left shoulder.

"I did not fail," said Xeero, "I was there to see if he was part of Fairy Tail, Erigor could not really be trusted. Also, the old man failed to get a working revival spell, so I killed him and his daughter. It is not like we need the spell, but it would come in handy to bring back some acquaintances."

"And I did not fail either!" yelled Ozem, "I brought what Master Quintus told me to get from that guild hall." Ozem pulled out a golden scroll from behind him. "This tells us how we will bring our master back from his imprisonment."

"Very well done," said Archer who wore a dark cloak that covered all his features, "Why didn't I go instead though?"

Master Quintus spoke, "Even if I had, only three members posses Take Over magic. Ben Tennyson's transformations have no magic in them. And even if you copied all other members magic, they are still weaker than the originals. Plus it would have taken you longer to get the scroll."

Everyone turned to look at the golden scroll that rested in the middle of the table. It glowed with an eerie golden light.

"So when is that plan getting set into motion?" asked Archer.

"Soon," said Master Quintus as he grabbed the scroll, "We just need to wait to get news from our spy in the Magic Council." Master Quintus looked at the scroll in his hand. "Soon our master will be freed again. And we need Ben Tennyson to do it. He has power apart from his watch that he still does not know about. But it is there, and we need it to free our master. When he returns he will claim what is rightfully his, and we will stand next to him. And as for Fairy Tail, that pesky guild will be nothing but ashes."

Ranks In Dark Howl

1. Unknown
Magic: Unknown
2. Master Quintus Krauss.
Magic: Unknown
3. Unknown
Magic: Unknown

Deadly Four

4. Xeero
Magic: Dark Magic, Others Unknown
5. Nocturna Crowe
Magic: Shadow Devil Slayer, Others Unknown
6. Archer Crypt
Magic: Second Movement, Others Unknown
7. Ozem
Magic: Devil Speed, Others Unknown

Other Major Dark Mages Unknown.
More Than 50 Other Members Enlisted.

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