Dance Hall Drug (Draco Malfoy...

By narwhallover299

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Kimber had her whole life planned out. She was a street dancer who dreamed of becoming the next big thing. Bu... More

Dance Hall Drug (Draco Malfoy Love Story)
Chapter 1: Not Caring, That's What I Do Best
Chapter 2: My New Dragonlady... Umbridge
Chapter 4: Questions and No Answers
Chapter 5: A Sweet Kiss Goodnight
Chapter 6: Eternal Lovers... About Dang Time
Chapter 7: Nightmares and Realizations
Chapter 8: The Lost Possibility
Chapter 9: He Blames Himself
Chapter 10: Fights and "Schemes"
Chapter 11: Catch and Release
Chapter 12: Better Off Dead
Chapter 13: You Have My Word...
Chapter 14: I'm Clinically Insane
Chapter 15: New Discoveries... Good and Bad
Chapter 16: Drunken Fascinations
Chapter 17: Hangover in Wonderland
Chapter 18: I Choose You
Chapter 19: Uncomfortable Family Greetings
Chapter 20: Triggers
Chapter 21: No One Can Help Me Now
Chapter 22: Trust Issues
Chapter 23: Blood Quills Short Lived

Chapter 3: Familiar

4.1K 97 16
By narwhallover299

 A/N: Heeey guys!!!! :) So, this is the next installment of my storay.... it kind of gets things rolling a bit, the plot is developing (claps hands together) Oh gosh, I am so excited to see where this story goes!! :) I hope you guys are too!! Well, comeith hither Chapter 3! (my epic FAIL at trying to sound like Shakespeare...) haha. Enjoy guys! Oh, please don't forget to comment, vote, fan or whatever. I would GREATLY appreciate it! I dedicated dis chap to slythbabe13 because she is an AWESOME writer and she has taken the time to check out this storay... and she LOVES it! So, yeah... she is pretty legit if I say so myself :) thank you slythbabe13 for being totally amazin'!  Y'all should check out her stuff too, she is REALLY SUPER DUPER awesome!!! No joke! Okay, enough with the heavy... let's get on to readin'! :)


Chapter 3


   I felt like time stopped, I was so busted. If it was Umbridge, she would have my head right here and not give a second thought about expelling me. I didn't want to move, thinking perhaps if I stayed still then I could think of some crazy way to rewind and make sure no one saw me. Too late now.

   I saw the face, the same one from my dream. It was Draco, he is the one who caught me dancing. Wow, even worse than Umbridge to be quite honest. He'll probably run and go tell his daddy who has connections to the Dark Lord. Oh well, I can just say I was merely having a muscle spasm. I can be quite persuasive and believable. 

   "I, um. I was just- uh, I-" I kept tripping over myself, trying to make my own voice sound normal. Nothing helped. Draco's face was expressionless which worried me a bit, so I nervously bit my lip to make myself shut up.

   Then, Draco got a look of annoyance. "Merlin, Roberts, spit it out. What were you just doing?" He spat, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, making me feel awkward. A deadly silence filled the space between us, and yet I felt like something more was there, something I couldn't name. A new kind of feeling.

   "Well, Malfoy, I was..." I took a deep breath, "I was dancing, duh. Oh wait, is that not one of your pure blood terms? My bad." It was a pathetic response, but I was being honest. His gray orbs punctured my own eyes. Suddenly, a new feeling came over me, one that was in the dream... the warmth. I have seen him before... Draco, I have seen him before Hogwarts somewhere, I just knew it. His eyes, they are so familiar.

   "Watch your mouth, Roberts. You may be high ranked with your family and blood status, but you are still just the dirt underneath MY shoes." His voice was cold and cruel. He must not care that my family is higher than his for blood status purposes... but Voldemort is still angry at my father for raising me in the Muggle world for a long time. It cut me deep though, especially coming from Draco. I still felt the warmth like in the dream... the welcoming feeling of love... Draco's love. Ugh! What the hell am I thinking?! The git just insulted me AND my family! Why do I still feel the urge to wrap my arms around his body and hold him... and let him hold me forever.

   "Fine, go ahead, tell Umbridge what you saw me do. Go and tell her that you also followed me down here... Why did you even follow me, Malfoy? Like you said, I'm just the dirt underneath YOUR shoes, right?" My arms crossed themselves over my chest, a smug look spreading across my face. He really did need to explain to me why he would even think of following me, especially since he thinks of me as being a person of such low values.

   Malfoy seemed to struggle to find an answer to my simple question. I could tell from his body language that he was searching for something to say, his feet shuffling, the scoffing, head shaking... Merlin, it was just a question!

   "Well, I... I... Pansy was being... how she always is and I just wanted to get away, so I came out here." Ha! Classic, if I had a quarter for every time someone has used that kind of excuse, I would be filthy stinkin' rich! Now I was the one scoffing.

   "Uh huh, sure. You know, Malfoy, you might want to make an attendance sheet for yourself... Pansy wasn't anywhere NEAR the Great Hall... How about you use that little pure blood brain of yours and think of a better lame excuse than the one I just heard, okay? Until then, see ya." I snatched my robe off of the tree branch it was hanging off of and stalked away, leaving Draco with his thoughts. Lunch was almost over anyway and I still had one class left. Just as I reached the double doors, I felt bad about what I said to Draco. The urge to hold him came over me again. Damn, what is going on with me?! I just saw him yesterday for the first time in my whole life! Why do I want to go and fall in love with him? The kid is a git!

   "Hey, Kimber! There you are! I've been looking all over for you! Potions starts in like five minutes!" Moose distracts me from my thoughts as he pulls me down to the dungeons. Potions with Snape isn't exactly all glitz and glamour. Draco was right behind me as I took my seat close to the ingredients cabinet. As soon as everyone settled in, Snape came out from a storage closet in the back of the room, startling all of us.

   His voice was deep and monotone as he spoke to the class. "Don't get comfortable, I am moving you to new seats in just a moment." His greasy hair made me want to ask if he even owned shampoo, let alone heard of the stuff. His black robes seemed to match his ink colored hair with white cuffs peeking out from the sleeves. I know to not double cross him.

   Everyone gathers their stuff and stands in the back of the room, waiting for their new seat partners. Moose stands next to me as I fidget around, playing with my clothes, trying to keep myself occupied and to keep myself from staring at Draco. I fail, my eyes wandering over to his face. What was bothering me was that I KNOW I have seen him before, I KNOW I have met him before. The attraction to him was... exhilarating and driving me absolutely crazy!

   Snape starts to go through a list of last names, well it's not in alphabetical order so no one is safe. "Roberts, Malfoy," He spoke. I felt like ice water had just been injected into my veins. He had to be kidding. Malfoy and I aren't off to a very good start, especially with the impression that I left him with at lunch by the Black Lake. Just go over and sit down. It's not like he will kill you, I thought to myself. Well, he certainly has the capability. Adjusting my bag on my shoulder, I huff my way over to the seat next to Malfoy, who didn't seem too pleased about it either. We will both just have to grin and bare it, swallow our pride, that kind of thing.

   Moose was stuck with Pansy. Okay, now THAT is what I call torture for him. Merlin, she is so whiny! I swear, that girl cannot go one minute without complaining about something or doing that stupid whiny voice of hers that she has kept such a "good" reputation with. Yeah, good reputation my ASS. He looks over at me with pleading eyes. I could only give him a sympathetic look.

   "Oh, and do get comfortable with the person you are sitting with, they will be your PERMANENT partner." Snape said, glancing around at everyone to see their expressions. My body went numb. Luck was just NOT on my side today now was it? Then again, it never is with me. "Today we will be brewing something special... Polyjuice Potion. It will be your project for the next month and will count as forty percent of your final grade in this class," His eyes land on me, "so don't take this... lightly." I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Snape's black eyes left me as he motioned for us to get started. Draco didn't move a muscle, he just sat there, staring at the table like it was just SO fascinating. 

   "Um, I'll get the ingredients I guess." I stutter, just about to hop out of the seat into the mob of people shoving for the best vials of various liquids and shreds. Draco stops me by lightly grabbing my arm, pulling me back. I felt the warmth again, but this time, it was more of like an electric flow. His hand still grasped my shoulder, even though his shocked expression gave away that he felt the shock too.

   "No, you sit. I'll get them." He states, his gray eyes looking sincere. I only nodded my head, worried that if I opened my mouth I would argue with him. As his hand leaves my bicep, it felt like someone turned off the light switch... the tingle still lingering on my skin even underneath my robe. Draco pushes past me gently, my body collapsing down into the chair, my mind racing. Those eyes... I need to figure out how I know him...

   "Pass me the lacewing flies, Roberts." Draco commanded. I snap out of my thoughts and push the glass jar over to him, much to my disgust. He nods in thanks and continues brewing. I couldn't take it any longer, his face was reminding me that I know him... and my brain was overloading. I just snatched up my bag and bolted out of the classroom, everyone staring back at me.

   "How?" I mutter, making my way into the common room. It was silent since everyone was still in class... it was nice because considering how loud this place gets when people are chattering it wouldn't have helped with my roaring thoughts. How can someone like Malfoy bother me THIS much? There is something about him that I know is... oh great, I'm just talking in circles now.

   My bedroom door never seemed so welcoming as I pushed it open, slamming it shut, the sound echoing throughout the hallway. My bag slid off of my shoulder, plopping onto the floor near my dresser as I made my way to the bed, tearing off the Slytherin robe. First day and I am already going crazy.... I felt like voices were screaming in my head, the dream, what Moose said, what Draco told me at the lake... everyone was talking all in a jumble, their faces swarming around like they were standing right in front of me. They might as well have been. For all I knew, they were. I started swaying along with the faces, their voices confusing me as to which direction I was turning.

   You're just the dirt underneath MY shoes... That's Draco Malfoy... Stay away from him... Watch your mouth, Roberts... they were all saying to me. I leaned my head against a post of my bed, hugging it as the cool wood touched my burning skin. The sweat started to bead up as I felt like the room was spinning so much, I couldn't stand up straight. The voices continued their speech, the faces still swarming in a circle. I somehow managed to stumble my way out of the bedroom and down the hallway, my hand pressed to my temple as I serpentine down the corridor. The stairs seemed easy enough if I grasped the wall, but by the third step, I tumbled my way down, hitting my head against the stone wall... the world turning black... the voices faded, the faces following, my body going limp.

   That is when I saw him... Draco. His eyes were so beautiful, gray with swirls of blue, they were looking down at me. Then the scene changed and I was watching myself as I held hands with Draco by the lake, then it switched back to me facing a sunset, Draco wrapping his arms around me, hugging me from behind as he kissed my hair. Even though it was like I was watching myself, I felt his embrace... and the kiss. I felt his body pressed against mine, his body heat radiating over to me as if I was as cold as ice. The scene changed again... I was doing something with Draco, maybe a game. I couldn't tell... I was still watching myself. Whatever it was, I smacked away a playing piece, maybe it was wizard's chess? I was wearing a navy blue tank top and gray running shorts, Draco in a T-shirt and swimming trunks. We were on the beach...

   "I win." I stated, smiling. Draco smirked and I pushed away the board and pieces, knocking them over as I tackled Draco with a kiss, both of us on our knees. I felt the kiss, his warm lips against mine as I watched myself snog him.  He then bent over so I was almost lying on the ground and I laughed, breaking the kiss, my fingers tangled in his hair, his hands on my hips. Then, the dream I had earlier came back to play itself in my head... the pain overwhelming my limbs as I felt myself crumble to the black floor, screaming just like I did before. Then it stopped and Draco's warmth returned, the warmth of his kiss lingering on my skin as the dream faded, blackness surrounding me. I missed the tingle, the feeling of him....

 A/N: Well, I certainly hope you all enjoyed dis chap!!! :) I really liked writing this one for some reason.. idk. Don't forget to leave comments and tell me what you think of the story so far! I will try to upload soon! (Sorry this chap was so short, I didn't want too much to happen yet.... the next one will be longer though, I promise) Comment, vote, fan!!!! :)

   - Jess  

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