Bandana Boy//Taylor Caniff

By GhostBrown99

575 1 0

After Jinx's parents die in a car accident she is forced to go live with her older brother Hunter. Jinx hasn'... More

Chapter 1: Birthday Party
Chapter 2: What Happened?
Chapter 3: I Can't
Chapter 4: Packing
Chapter 5: California
Chapter 6: California pt 2
Chapter 7: New Place
Chapter 8: Fun Times
Chapter 9: I Can't Believe This
Chapter 10: Amazing
Chapter 11: Fling?
Chapter 12: Just Smile, Bitch
Chapter 13: Cocktail Party PT. 1
Chapter 14: Cocktail Party PT. 2
Chapter 15: I Forgive You
Characters In The Story
Chapter 16: What?
Chapter 18: Date?
Chapter 19: What Are We?
Chapter 20: MAGCON EVENT
Chapter 21: Broken Hearted Princess

Chapter 17: Visitors

21 0 0
By GhostBrown99

"What? There's no way. They died in that accident. They aren't still roaming the earth." I say rolling my eyes.

"Jinx." I hear my mom and dads voices. I look up. 

"Mom, dad?" I ask. I hug them but it feels so weird now. 

"We never died." 

"Obviously, so what the fuck happened?" I ask. 

"When Hunter came to the hospital to visit you we wanted him to take custody of you. So we told you that we were dead because we know he hadn't seen you in a couple years. He spoke with us daily about it. The whole accident was actually planned because we wanted you to follow your dreams. You see we were never hit by a drunk driver, dad wrecked on purpose. It was a push in the right direction. We are so sorry." My dad says. 

"Dude, that's fucked up. You did this to push me in the right direction to finish college, meet MAGCON and become famous too? I mean shit you could have just forced me to meet MAGCON a different way, like what the actual fuck. Who the hell do you think you are? I sat here for 2 years thinking my parents were dead so I shut everyone out, only to find they are still alive living it up and I'm guessing having another kid because mom you look pregnant as all hell.!" I yell. 

Trey hugs me from behind. 

"Hey calm down." He whispers. He begins humming to me while I talk with them. 

"We should have done it another way." They say. I look at the rest of MAGCON. 

"All of you knew about this didn't you." I say. 

"All of us but Trey." Nash says. Fucking lovely. 

"WOW." I say walking out of my apartment. I decide that maybe talking to Andy will help, but I know I am only hurting him if I do so I just drive over to Ashley and CC's house. 

"I need to talk to someone. You guys know the run down of my situation well shit just got crazier." I say walking in. They stare at me funny. Andy is here too. Fuck! I should have known he would be. 

"What's up killer?" Jinxx asks. Oh right I forgot he is Jinxx as well but he has 2 X's I only have one. 

"My parents are still alive." I say looking at them. 

"What? How is that even possible?" Andy asks. 

"I said the same thing but here's how." I say explaining everything to them. 

"What the actual fuck. That is so fucked up like they could have gone about it a different way. You have been 'parentless' for 2 years only to find out they are still alive and you needed them more than anything." Jake says. I sigh. 

"Yeah like I am so pissed. MAGCON knew about it too, the only one that didn't is my best friend Trey." I say. "But I needed to talk to someone about it because I just don't know how to handle it honestly."

"Give it a little time. I don't really know what else to tell you because this is just a fucked up situation all together." CC says. I nod. 

"I know and I don't know what to say really. I just want it to stop. I want everything to just go away, I want to start fresh, but that means I would have to leave MAGCON behind again." I say looking at them. 

"Then do it." Andy says. 

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