Beautiful Summer(Subaru x OC)...

By RandomRedRidingHood

19.4K 477 78

Natsumi Komori is the quiet, younger sister of Yui Komori. When their father dies, Natsumi learns that she is... More

Character: Natsumi Komori
Vampire Household
Sleeping With A Vampire
A Cold Blue
I Hope She Doesn't Notice
Hearing What You Shouldn't
The New Brothers
Rescue Call
Cold Body
A Kiss
Visions Revealed


1.2K 37 3
By RandomRedRidingHood

Natsumi's POV

After the incident of me passing out, Yui told me she wanted to talk to me. The other vampires left, and Yui and I now sat on my bed. 

"So...Natsumi I want you to know,"Yui began. I gazed at her. "I didn't really mean it..." She looked down. "When I insulted you, I mean. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry....I didn't know how to apologize, so I delayed it.."I flicked her on the forehead. She flinched and touched it. "Ah-what was that for!?" I grinned at her. 

"Apology accepted, sis,"I replied. I smiled. "You should really be getting to bed. I've got somewhere to go." Yui stared at me. "What?"

"Your eyes turned normal,"Yui replied. I rose an eyebrow.

"So?"I said. She smiled softly. 

"Alright. Well, goodnight,"Yui said. She leaned over and wrapped her arms around me in a hug and then disappeared. I sighed and grabbed my phone. 8:05 am. I frowned. I stood up and pulled my hunting clothes on and then my hoodie, stuffing the phone into my pocket. I walked over to the door and grabbed my boots, pulling them on. I went to my bag and unzipped it, pulling out my knife and it's sheath. I stuck them in my boot and dug around until I found my small pistol. I stuffed it into my hoodie pocket. I opened the door and flinched back to find Subaru standing there. He gazed down at me. 

"Where are you going?"He asked. I tilted my head to the side. 

"Why does it matter?"I asked him. He stared at me instead of answering. I sighed. "I'm going to go see my contact." I gently brushed past him and just before I got completely down the hallway, someone was grabbing my wrist and stopping me. I turned and saw Subaru. I looked down at his hand grabbing mine. I felt warmth from him...even though he's supposed to be cold. I looked up at his face. "Let go."Subaru kept his gaze with me and tightened his grip. 

"No,"He replied. I frowned. 

"Either let go or I will drag you along, I've got to go,"I told him. He didn't let go and I sighed. I turned and started walking, dragging him with me. I got to the front entrance hall and heard chuckling. When I looked around I spotted Laito. 

"Ah...Subaru, you've attached yourself to Kitten,"Laito spoke, grinning. Subaru scoffed, and this time it was him dragging me out the door. I frowned. Subaru yawned. I glanced at him. 

"It's daylight. You're tired. Go sleep,"I sighed. Subaru gazed at me. 

"You don't tell me what to do,"He replied. I sighed. He released my wrist. "If you go, I'm going to follow you."

"Fine, I don't really care,"I replied. I turned and walked off. 

"Are you planning on walking the entire way?"He asks me. I turn and look at him suddenly grinning. 

" would be where you'd find out a special power of mine. Watch and be amazed,"I answered. I looked up towards the sky and snapped my fingers. Something slowly could be seen after a bit as it slowly descended from the sky. 

"What are you-"I held up a hand to interrupt him. It was then that my motorcycle lowered itself to the ground. Subaru gaped. I grinned. 

"Say hello to demon rider,"I spoke. I climbed onto the bike. Subaru stared at me. "If you're coming I suggest you get on." He sighed and climbed on behind me. 

"Shouldn't this be the other way around?"He muttered. His arms took their place around my waist and I sucked in a breath. I turned the bike on and peeled off. I sighed. "Hey, how long will this take us?" He whispered it in my ear and I almost flinched and moved the bike. It sent warm chills down my spine. I sighed. Man, I really must be falling for him then. 

"Not long,"I called over the noise of the bike. I decided to use my power of speed here. "Hold on." I revved the bike up and we took off faster than normal. Subaru's arms tightened around me. In less than ten minutes we were in the place I normally met with my contact at. I sighed and turned the bike off. Subaru removed his arms from my waist and I got off the bike. I looked back at him as I walked away. "I'd suggest staying there. He might not be so open to someone new." Subaru got off the bike and followed me. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I saw my contact, Hayato Shira, leaning against the wall boredly. 

He looked up and saw me and his face lit up. 

"Natsumi-chan!"He cheered and ran over to me, stopping halfway when he saw Subaru. His smile faltered. "Who's he?"

"Hello Hayato. A friend. He's fine,"I replied. I crossed my arms and walked over to the wall, leaning against it. Hayato walked over and sat beside me. Subaru came and stood on the other side. I sighed. "What have you got for me?" Hayato hummed. 

"A tracking job. They don't want the guy killed, they want him found and brought to them here,"Hayato told me. I glanced at him and then back up at the sunny sky, watching the clouds. 

"What is he?"I asked. 

"Werewolf,"He told me. I nod. "Appearance: I'm told he has gray hair and red eyes. He's supposedly six feet tall, and he is wearing a dark leather jacket. Last known place: In this town. You'll find him, bring him here, and leave him with me. I've already got the pay and I'll give you your half." I sighed. 

"Do you have anything of his?"I ask. Hayato holds something up and I take it. It's a ring. I nod. "I'll be back soon. Subaru, wait here." I turn and leap up onto a building, and I hear Subaru make a noise of surprise. 

Subaru's POV

As she leapt up onto the nearby building and took off, she left me with this...Hayato character. He watched after her with a look of pure...amazement. I sighed and closed my eyes as I leaned on the wall. I yawned quietly. 

"She's incredible isn't she?"Hayato asked me. I open my eyes and look down at him. He smiles. "Too bad she's so independent. Otherwise she'd be dating me by now." I felt my gaze go cold. He grinned wider. "Relax, Vampire Boy. I think you're more her type anyways." I stared at him. What's that supposed to mean? "So, did she find her sister?"

"Her sister has been staying with us,"I answered. He nodded. 

"So then I take it Natsumi is staying with you as well?"Hayato asked. I felt myself grow annoyed. 

"That's none of your concern,"I growled. He chuckled suddenly.

"Again, relax. My intentions towards Natsumi are completely pure at this moment. I haven't imprinted on her,"Hayato told me. I frowned. Imprinted? He's a werewolf? No wonder I hate the guy just by looking at him. What a joke. As I thought this I felt a sense of relief flow up in me. He hasn't imprinted...which means he won't try to steal her away. I suddenly mentally scoffed at myself. What do you mean "steal her away?" She's not yours. It's not like you want her that way it? 

Natsumi suddenly jumped down from the roof holding a guy by the collar of his shirt. 

"Get off me you bitch! Let go, I said!"He screamed. Hayato stood and walked over. Natsumi threw the guy at Hayato's feet. 

"This him?"She asked. Her eyes had changed color again and were now a brilliant shade of green. What's green supposed to be? I wondered. 

"Yep!"Hayato said. 

"What the hell?! Where did you bring me!?"The guy shouted. He jumped up and glared at Natsumi. "Who are you?!" Hayato shot out and grabbed the guy by the back of his neck. He shoved him down to his knees, and put his other hand at his throat, moving the one from the back of the guy's neck to his hair and pulling the guy's head back. 

"I suggest,"Hayato spoke. His voice was menacing and his tone angry. "That you apologize to the lady. You called her a bitch earlier. I don't like that. Nor do I like your tone when talking to her." The guy coughed and struggled. 

"Damnit! Let me go! This is your fault you bitch!"The guy shouted at Natsumi. His eyes were glaring at her. Natsumi sighed. 

"Can I have my money?"She asked Hayato. He nodded and reached into the pocket of his coat he was wearing. He pulled out a wad of cash and handed it to her. 

"There's yours,"He told her. He grinned at her. "See you next Wednesday." Hayato disappeared. Natsumi stuffed the money into her pocket and glanced at me. 

"Sorry I had to leave you with him,"She tells me. I stare at her.

"It's fine, not like I cared,"I replied. She hummed and turned, walking back to the bike. "You did that pretty fast."

"It was easy to find him. His soul was very traceable,"Natsumi told me. She climbed onto the bike and I got on with her. "Now we can go back and you can sleep." I gazed at the back of her head as she started the bike. Why does she care that I should be sleeping? 

"I don't know if I will be able to,"I replied, looking away from her. She took off and got us going fast. 

"Why not?"she called over the noise of the motor. I grinned. 

"I think I got addicted to having you in my arms,"I heard myself whisper in her ear. She tensed up. Oh my GOD Subaru, why did you say that?! I felt my cheeks immediately tint red. We arrived at the mansion and got off her bike. She made it disappear as easily as she had made it appear earlier. She turned and walked into the mansion, heading to her room. I sighed and walked myself out to the garden. I stood staring at the roses. Why did I say that? What's gotten into me?

Natsumi's POV

When I got inside and up to my room I felt myself turning redder by the second. 

"I think I got addicted to having you in my arms."

What did he mean by that? Why does that affect me? I sighed and went over to my bed, laying down in it. I reached up and pulled the curtains of the bed down, so I could lay there without being disturbed. I didn't feel like I would be sleeping anytime soon, since I'd passed out earlier and I slept the other day. I sighed and buried my face in a pillow. Does Subaru feel something for me? I buried my face deeper. More importantly, do I feel something for him? Maybe it's my imagination. I sighed. All this in a matter of two days? How odd. And annoying. I frowned, wondering why Subaru kept changing his mood around me all the time. It seemed like he liked me, but then he'd act all rude. I'd heard there were people like that...there was a word for them. What was it? I thought, but couldn't remember it. I rolled over and faced the top of the bed frame. I remembered I still had my hoodie on and pulled my phone out of the pouch. I looked at the time and made a face. 10:30 am. Really? It's still so early. I sighed. Maybe I should sleep...It's not like I'm too tired, but It might be good for my subconscious to work through the weird things happening. 

I closed my eyes and drifted off. As soon as I was out, I fell into a dream. It was the same one I had dreamed the last time I was asleep. 

I was running again. I ran faster than last time. As I ran, I tripped and fell on my face like last time. 

"Wait, I won't hurt you!"the voice suddenly called to me again. I sat up and rolled over to face the front.

"A little too late for that, don't you think?!"I growled accusingly. They appeared in front of me again. This time...I could recognize them. My eyes widened in fear in the dream. Or...was it hurt instead of fear?

"I'm sorry, ok? Forgive me, I just-"the owner of the voice grabbed my wrist.

"Back off! Don't touch me! Someone help!"I screamed. I sat upright from the dream. 

I breathed and ran a hand through my hair. Subaru? He was the one chasing me? Why? I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion. Why? I wish I could just know when this was going to happen. That would help more. 

"Natsumi?"A voice sounded. I looked up to see the curtains of the bed pulled back. Subaru was standing there. I looked away. 

"What?"I asked. He sighed and climbed across me to the other side of the bed, dropping the curtains. "What are you doing?"

"Relax. You've got more time to sleep, I figured my being here would help you again,"Subaru replied. He laid down next to me and I gazed at him. "Come here."I swallowed. Do I ignore the obvious warning in the vision? Do I go to him? "Come on, or I might just leave." I laid down and faced him. I buried my face in his chest and his arms wrapped around me. I closed my eyes. The visions weren't clear...but even then, I don't think it means he was going to hurt me. He's warm...even though he should be cold. How odd. I soon fell asleep again. 

The song is Bad Dream by Ruelle. It's because Natsumi has bad dreams, and she usually has someone wake her up or she wakes herself up. But anyways, it's pretty much that she wants to be woken up from her bad dreams and visions. 

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