The Tutor // l.s.

By foreverme20

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[Completed] Louis Tomlinson needs a biology tutor. But will his biology tutor just teach Louis about biology... More

The Tutor (Larry Stylinson AU) {Punk! Louis}
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 10

68.2K 2.6K 6.8K
By foreverme20

Harry's POV

"Louis!" I slapped Louis' hand that was about to touch my side.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Stop! We have to study! You have a test tomorrow." I tried to keep the stern expression on my face but a smile broke out.

"Fine... just." And then Louis started tickling me again. Ever since he found out i was ticklish he used it to his advantage.

"Plea... please.... Lou....I can't.... Stop it!" I pleaded squirming around and giggling. After five torturous minutes he stopped. "Thank... you." I said panting. Louis smiled and we continued studying.


"Please!!" Louis begged pulling my arm.

"Why!? Can't you bring Niall or Liam or someone?" I asked.

"No. Niall's going to Ireland for the weekend and Liam has a test to study for. Please." Louis continued to beg but this time made a pouting face and I immediately melted.

I sighed and huffed out a, "Fine." Louis did that 'manly' squeal he does and hugged me. To say I was caught off guard would be an understatement. I hesitantly hugged me back and he nuzzled his face in my neck. After a few seconds he pulled away and smiled up at me.

"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow around noon. The tattoo shop is by your house." Louis smiled and opened the door so I could leave his house. I smiled and waved goodbye and he returned the gesture and began the walk to my house.


I woke up the next morning around 10am. I went downstairs and found my mum already down there making breakfast. I walked up to her and pecked her cheek with a, "Good Morning." and she repeated the greeting with a smile. I sat at the table with my head down and waited for my mum to finish cooking. About ten minutes later there was a plate of food in front of me and I happily scarfed it down.

Once I was done I spent the following hour deciding what to wear. I've never been to a tattoo shop, so what do I wear?

Why does Louis even want me there?

Questions were popping up in my head like a wildfire and I didn't have any answers. I the end I just put the questions to the back of my head and decided on an outfit. I chose a simple white V-neck and black skinny jeans. If you knew me well enough, you'd know that my simplest outfits usually take the longest to put together. Luckily Louis doesn't know that, yet.

I turned on the TV. and watched it for the remaining half hour I had until Louis' arrival. I was half way through NCIS when the bell went off. "I got it." I yelled. I walked towards the door and opened it to reveal a smiling Louis who was wearing black skinny jeans and a band t-shirt that showed off his tattoos and I licked my lips. I smiled up at him, since he was taller than me, and walked out the house, closed the door and locked it. We got into his car and drove off in the direction of the shop.

"So, why am I going again?" I asked Louis who briefly glanced at me then put his eyes back on the road.

"Why? Do you not want to come?" Louis mocked sadness but there was some true feeling behind his statement.

"I do," I reassured him, "But what I don't get is why you want me to come."

"I don't know," Louis shrugged, "I usually have one of the guys come, just because. I guess I don't like being alone or something. If they're not available than I usually just wait until they are to get a new tattoo but now I have you to drag along, so yeah."

"Oh." I nodded understanding. We arrived at the tattoo shop minutes later and walked in. I was basically clinging to Louis. One, because the place kind of gives me the creeps. And two, Louis smells really, really good.

"Louis!" A man with a sleeve of tattoos and holes in his face greeted Louis.

"Tom!" Louis exclaimed with as much excitement as Tom.

"Another tattoo?" Tom questioned and Louis nodded, "Anything in mind?"

"Yeah, I want a tattoo that says 'Everything Happens For A Reason'" Louis smiled at me and I thought I was going to faint there and then. I had to bite my lip to stop the grin from taking over my face.

"Great! You know what font?"

"Yeah." Louis nodded and picked up a book filled with fonts and showed Tom the one he wanted. Tom nodded and went into a back room where I presume he will be doing the tattoo. Louis grabbed my arm and the tingles his touch brought sent the butterflies in my stomach into overdrive. The area from my lower arm, where Louis had his hand, to my fingertips were on fire from his simple touch.

I. Was. A. Mess.

When he let go my skin was still on fire, but my butterflies settled down. Tom took out the needle that was filled with ink and prepared the area that was about to be tattooed, which was only centimeters from his v-line and it took everything, and I mean everything, in me to not stare at his toned body and v-line that was extra visible because Tom had to lower Louis pants to get to the area better.

Lord help me.

Little Harry was seriously out of control. I only got a glimpse at him but the image never left my mind. I tried thinking of turn offs but it's kind of hard with Louis laying so sexily only an arm length away from me. I'm pretty sure I was sweaty because of my resistance and, sadly, Louis noticed.

"Harry, are you alright?" Louis asked with worry laced in his voice and I nodded not being able to trust my voice. "You sure?" Louis asked and I nodded.

"If you need, there are cups by the sink in the bathroom." Tom informed me and I nodded and walked towards the direction of the bathroom. I spotted the cups right away and had two cups of cold water. By the time I was finished little Harry was barely visible so I walked back into room.

"You okay?" Louis asked and I smiled nodding.

"Okay, great. Everyone here now so I can start?" Tom asked and Louis nodded.

'Louis waited for me to come out the bathroom before he got his tattoo? Awe!!' I cooed in my head. I smiled as I watched the needle delicately dance across Louis lower torso creating words. Louis didn't even flinch. When Tom was done he wrapped Louis up and told him how to care for it, even though Louis wasn't listening because he claimed he already knew what to do.

While Louis paid for his tattoo I looked through a book filled with tattoos. There were designs for a flower, skull, sun, birds, butterflies, angels and random patterns. I was admiring a swirly pattern when a voice brought me back to reality, "Want one?" I looked up and saw Louis and smiled but shook my head.

"No, just looking. I might get one, one day though."

"Maybe one day."

"Maybe one day." I repeated. It might have just been me but I felt like those three words held more meaning than what meets the eye.

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