Guarded ✔️

Da dancerthatreads

18.9K 627 186

Princess Braelynn Cochran of Thanes is the next in line for the throne. Begrudgingly affianced and overwhelm... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Aesthetic Blue
Aesthetic Gold

Chapter 7

597 19 5
Da dancerthatreads

It has been two days since the false attack, and the castle is still on high alert. Guards were stationed at every door and every corner, and extra security was positioned at the front gates. They would try and look like they weren't watching me, but their eyes shifted and followed Maddon and I down the hallway.

I had also noticed a major change in Maddon as well. Whenever we were around other people, his hand permanently resided on his new gun. Father had handed it to him at dinner the night of the attack. For 'extra protection' he told us.

I know I should be terrified for my safety, but for some odd reason I feel calm. I'm sure it's because of Maddon. He has really proven himself lately, always making sure I was right next to him.

We were currently relaxing out in the gardens on the edge of the fountain in the maze. I was required to sew a quilt for my lessons, so I had that splayed out over my lap. The soft trickle of water was the only sound, aside from my occasional sigh of frustration.

I glanced over at Maddon, who was sitting down on the bench across from me, only because I made him. The whole guarding me thing was taking a visible toll on him.

I looked up at his face. He had dark circles under both of his eyes from lack of sleep. A faded purple bruise dotted his cheek from ramming into the door.

My heart sped up a little bit. I must be nervous.

"Are you okay?" Maddon asked.


"Yeah, yes, I'm fine. Thank you," I muttered, and looked back down at my quilt, cheeks hot.

Gravel crunched in the mini maze. Maddon stood up and his hand went back to his gun. He stuck his hand out in front of me to stop me from moving.

A guard came into view. Maddon didn't relax until the guard bowed.

"Princess, there is a mandatory meeting in the king's office that requires your attendance," he announced.

"Thank you. We will be there in a minute," I replied and stood up.

The guard disappeared from view and we started walked through the castle.

My father's door was lined with guards. I walked up with Maddon but we were stopped by a burly guard, who was easily twice my size.

"The guard is not allowed in," he grumbled.

"But he's a personal guard," I protested.

"The guard is not allowed in."

"But-" I started but was stopped by a gentle hand on my wrist.

"It's okay, I'll be right out here," Maddon reassured me and I gave in, walking through the doors.

To say I was surprised at the sight that met my eyes was an understatement. All the important people of Thanes sat around a huge table. The Burens were also there. My father sat at the head of the table and motioned for me to sit down.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's begin," my father announced and everyone quieted down. A tense mood filled the room.

"As many of you have been informed, we recently had a false alarm regarding a rebel attack." People around the table nodded. "My wife and I feel that the self-named Valiants are getting to be more of a nuisance."

A nuisance? They tried to kill me and almost got into the castle!

"We have determined that there needs to be extra efforts to ensure our protection. We need to inform you on our new additions to deter confusion."

He cleared his throat and picked up a piece of paper.

"First, there will be additional security on the perimeters of the castle to prevent the entrance of any rebels. Second, we will be interviewing every personnel we have to ensure there are no ties to the rebels. Third, we will be cutting down the amount of staff after the interviews. Last, there will now be a security passcode to enter any portion of the castle. Anyone will be subject to questioning, so it is imperative that everyone knows the code word."

People nodded. Some took notes. Mr. Buren piped in a question.

"How will everyone know the passcode?" he asked.

"I was getting to that. During the interrogations, we will share the passcode to the remaining staff. The code knock is this," he demonstrated on the table. Knock, Knock knock. Knock, Knock knock.

"This code will be used before anyone enters a room or before anyone grants anyone access to enter a room. The code words are 'The clock is going to chime any minute now.' The code is designed to sound normal. Anyone may be asked to say the phrase and punishment will be ensured if you do not comply."

My father explained the rest of the multiple safety steps before he shocked us all.

"I'd like to give the floor to King Buren," he said.

Father never gave the floor to someone else. Never. In his office, he liked to make sure everyone he knew he was in charge.

"Thank you, King Cochran. As some of you know, our family was present the night Princess Braelynn was attacked. We saw the attempt firsthand, and as a result, we would like to offer some of our guards to be positioned around the castle as some extra help. Do not fear to question them as well," he announced proudly and everyone around me clapped politely. I reluctantly joined in. It was a nice offer.

"That is all the information I have at the moment. This meeting is adjourned," my father said and everyone scattered. I lingered in my seat for a moment.

"Are you sure this all will keep them away?" I asked.

"We can only try," he answered softly and gestured me over to the door.

Maddon was waiting for me when I came out. He offered me his arm and I gladly took it, wrapping my hand around his elbow.

"What was the meeting about?" Maddon asked.

"New rebel safety measures. You'll find out soon. I don't know if I'm allowed to tell you yet," I answered and steered us to my lounge room.

After a few minutes of party planning, the code knock sounded at my door.

"Password?" I asked.

"The clock is going to chime any minute now," a voice sounded.

"You may enter," I said and the door creaked open. Maddon was looking at the interaction with a confused face.

"Princess, Prince Buren is waiting for you outside your quarters. He has requested a walk," the guard said.

Maddon and I stood and walked over to the wooden doors.

"Could you walk behind us, please Maddon? We need some privacy to talk," I asked and looked behind me as Maddon slowed down. He looked down at the floor, his lips pressed tightly together.

"Ah, princess," Ford perked up when he saw me, but frowned when he saw Maddon. "He's still around?"

"Yes, and he will be around for a long time."

"Shall we walk?" Ford asked and offered me his arm, similar to what Maddon did earlier. I found myself reluctant to take it.

"I just wanted to say that I have had somewhat of a rude awakening these past couple days. The news and sights of the rebels attacking your kingdom made all of this seem real," he began.

"All of what seem real?"

"The danger that you and your family are in. Especially you." Ford stopped and turned me to face him. I looked up into his ordinary eyes and found them reflecting true sadness.

"Braelynn, we may not be together from love, but I still care deeply about you. And I realized that I have been nothing but a jerk to you this whole time. I realized that we don't have forever, you could be attacked at any moment."

Ford looked like he was about to cry. My heart softened a little at the sight.

"I want to change. I'm going to fix the way I've acted towards you. And I'm going to start by doing this," Ford leaned forward and gently grabbed my face, pressing his lips to mine.

I didn't know how to react. Should I kiss him back?

I decided that it was only proper to respond, so I hesitantly moved my lips against his.

After all this time being affianced, this was our first kiss. It was nothing like any of the books I've read. There were no sparks. No butterflies.

I pulled back first and gave him a small smile despite my thoughts. He grabbed my hand and slid something onto my finger.



Ford Buren just put a ring on my finger.

"Ford I-"

"Don't worry, it's not a wedding ring. It's an apology ring. I just want to say that I'm sorry; so very sorry for how I've acted in the past. I've set up a lunch for us in the gardens if you want it."

"Okay," I said and we started outside.

The garden lunch was set up extravagantly. Gold and jewels decorated a small table with a fancy looking soup set out for two.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

I looked over at him. His eyes were so happy that I had to lie.

"It's wonderful, thank you," I fibbed and sat down. It was all too fancy for my taste. Too many expensive, flashy things set out that were completely unnecessary.

We ate in silence until I remembered what Ford said earlier.

"You've seen the rebels?" I asked.

"Yes. It was terrible. We were riding in for the meeting when we saw them," he said.

"What did they look like?"

"Normal people. They looked like bakers or artists or farmers. There was a whole group of them running away from the castle. They were so bloody and angry."


"Yes. Your guards must have fought them off. They were carrying some wounded that couldn't walk. I had to look away," he said and looked down at his empty bowl. "Your guards were bloody too. They put up a strong fight, those rebels."

I didn't really know what to say. I had no idea that there were battles going on outside the castle. I mean, I don't know what I thought was happening. Obviously they didn't just tell them to go away and they listen.

"Thank you for telling me this. I had no idea. Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure, anything for you." I smiled at his words. I liked this sweet side of Ford.

"If you see anything else, can you write it to me in a letter? Just make sure it doesn't look suspicious," I requested.

"Of course. I'll do anything to help keep you safe, Braelynn," Ford said and kissed the top of my hand.

We fell back into silence. I tried to catch Maddon's eyes, but every time I looked over, he would look away.

"I better be going. My carriage leaves in a couple of minutes. I will be back soon, I promise," he said and stood up.

He gave me one last quick kiss on the lips before waving and heading back into the castle. I studied his back as he walked away. It was clear that he worked out, but he still looked weak. Like the muscles were out of place on his body. He didn't carry himself well either, always slouching at the shoulder, never standing up straight like Maddon did.

Why am I comparing Ford to Maddon?

I looked down at the ring on my finger. It was beautiful, but it looked so out of place on my hand. The sapphire on it looked too big for my hand, covering the whole bottom half of my finger. I took it off and slipped it into the pocket of my coat.

From what happened today, I think that Ford really did change. I was proud of him and honestly a smidge less opposed to marry him. Not that I want to, but maybe I could live with him if he really changed like that.

But that kiss. Could all the books really be wrong? There was no emotion behind it, nothing. His lips and hands were cold. There were no warm and fuzzy feelings afterwards.

I looked over at Maddon, who was still standing off to the side. Something stirred in my stomach as I studied him. A flash of worry came over me. Was the soup poisoned?

"Ready to go?" I called out. Maddon nodded and walked over to me. "Thanks for staying off to the side."

"Seemed like you guys had a lot to talk about," Maddon said coldly.

"Actually, we had a very nice conversation."

"I saw," he snapped.

"What is up with you right now?" I demanded.

"I thought you didn't like Ford."

"He's changed," I reasoned.

"Has he?"


"Changed so much that you got engaged?"

"What are you talking about? We aren't engaged."

"Seriously? I was standing right there when he gave you the ring," he practically shouted.

"It's an apology ring! And I already took it off, see?" I waved my hand in his face for dramatic effect.

"Miss? I'm sorry to interrupt, but Mr. Maddon is needed by the king," a steward announced.

I gave Maddon a look saying 'this isn't finished' and we followed the steward.

My father was waiting in the throne room. He was sitting on his throne, and my mother was perched menacingly on hers.

"Maddon Crosgrove?" my father called.

"Yes, your majesty," Maddon replied and bowed deeply.

"You are the personal guard for my daughter, Braelynn, correct?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Have you had any encounters with the rebel group, self-named the Valiants?" my father interrogated, studying Maddon's face.

"No, your majesty."

"No what?"

"No I have not had any encounters with the rebel group the Valiants, your majesty."

"Were there rebels in the town you came from?" my mother asked impatiently.

"No, my queen. There were no rebels," he replied smoothly.

"Do you agree with any of the rebel values?" my father asked again.

"Absolutely not, your majesty."

"Would you be willing to fight one if necessary?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Would you be willing to kill a rebel if necessary to protect another?" my father leaned forward, squinting his eyes at Maddon.

He hesitated but didn't take his eyes off my father.

"Yes, your majesty, with all I have," he answered into the silence of the throne room.

"You may go," my father barked and Maddon walked briskly to the door.

As soon as we exited, Maddon exhaled. He held up his hands. They were shaking.

"Maddon," I said and grabbed his hands in mine, feeling the warmth and shakes. "It's okay, you're finished. You have nothing to worry about," I soothed.

"I know, I just... I don't know, he is so intimidating," Maddon said, leaning against the stone wall.

"He can seem that way, but he's all bark and no bite unless you get him really angry."

Maddon ran his hands through his hair, making it stick up.

"Your hair looks nice like that," I commented.

"Really? I used to wear it like this all the time until I came here," he told me.

"It makes you look younger. But not like young, young. Just like, normal young. I mean, like a teenager and not a...."

"I get what you mean, Braelynn," Maddon laughed, cutting me off from my rambling. I pressed a hand to my hot cheeks and ears.

I glanced away, still embarrassed.

"Oh, look! Snow!" I exclaimed and pointed out the window. Little flakes of snow were floating from the sky, creating a thin layer on the ground.

"Let's go!" I said and grabbed Maddon's arm, pulling him to the nearest exit door.

I didn't hesitate to run out into the snow as it fell on the ground, spinning around in circles, arms wide.

"Come on!" I yelled over my shoulder at Maddon, who was still standing under the covered breezeway.

"I don't have a coat!" he yelled back.

"Neither do I. It's not that bad out," I marched over to him and pulled on his arms. He didn't budge. I re-positioned my legs and pulled harder, letting out a small grunt from the effort. Maddon's eyes danced with amusement as he watched me struggle.

"Come on," I squeezed out. "Why are you so heavy?"

With one final pull, I gave up and crossed my arms.

"Meanie," I said.

"Fine, fine, I'll go," he relented and came out into the snow.

"Isn't it great?" I said, looking up at the little flakes falling.

"It's beautiful," he said, looking down at me.

A little flake of snow was resting on his eyelash. I don't know why, but that little flake was captivating. I stared at it until it melted when he blinked, still looking down at me. His deep blue eyes were beautiful in color, but that wasn't what held me. His eyes were so bright. I almost had to look away they were so bright with emotion.

He brought his hand up and brushed my temple, all while keeping his eyes locked with mine.

"There was a snowflake," he said softly, barely above a whisper.

I brushed my hand gently through his hair.

"You too," I whispered.

Our eyes were locked in an intense but soft stare down. The snow was falling harder now, covering the top of Maddon's hair and shoulders. I could feel my own dress becoming wet with snow. I began to shiver.

"You're cold," Maddon said as he finally broke our gaze, his eyes traveling down my shivering arms, which made them shiver even more.

"I'm okay," I assured, running my hands up and down my arms.

"Let's go inside. I'm sure they have a fireplace in there somewhere," Maddon said and put one of his arms around my shoulder, pulling my into his body heat. I sucked in a breath at the proximity.

We walked back to my quarters and entered the lounge room, where a fireplace was already burning, filling the room with delicious warmth.

"You should change out of your dress," Maddon said as he rubbed his hands together.

"And you should hang your jacket to dry," I said. "Here, give it to me."

"I'm not allowed to take this off. The rules were very clear."

"No one will come in here. I'll just make something up if they do."

"Okay," Maddon unbuttoned the gold buttons and handed me his jacket. "Here."

I set the jacket on the back of the couch by the fire and went over to my closet room to change into a warmer dress and coat.

When I reentered the room, Maddon was lying on the couch, already fast asleep. I laughed to myself at the sight and sat down at the other end, pulling my knees up to my chest and relaxing.

The fire cast a warm glow over the room and the side of Maddon's face. I could see the light stubble that framed his jawline. His face was finally relaxed, as were his breaths. Under his jacket was a tight fitting navy blue long sleeved. I could see his muscles contract as he breathed.

Watching the rhythm of his breathing made my eyes grow heavy, and soon I was asleep too.


When I woke up, the room was dark. The fire had gone out, but I wasn't cold. A blanket had been draped over my body.


I sat up a little to look around the room. Maddon was over by the card table, buttoning his jacket up again. He heard me stir and looked over.

"Hey," he said softly.

"Hey," I said sleepily and stretched my arms. "Thanks for the blanket."

"Don't mention it," he said and came over to the back of the couch. "Are you cold?"

"No. Just hungry," I said and stood up.

We walked over to the dining hall, but were intercepted by my father's main guard.

"Princess Braelynn, you are needed for a private meeting in your father's office."

Another one?

"Okay, thank you. I will be right there," I said and sighed.

"What do you think he wants?" Maddon asked, following me down the hallway.

"I have no idea. He's already seen me twice today. This is driving me insane," I said.

We reached the entrance to my parent's quarters. As we were opening the doors, someone else bustled out, in a hurry. The person crashed into my chest, sending me stumbling backwards into Maddon, who caught me and held me close.

I looked up at the person. He was a boy, Kellan's age, in complete tears. He glared at me as he continued on his way.

What could my father have told him?

What was my father going to tell me?

I slowly pulled open the door, peeking in.

"Good luck," Maddon said and took his usual position at the opposite wall of the door.

I stepped into the office.

My father had his glasses perched low on his nose, reading over a paper he had in his hands. He looked like he had aged 10 years since last time I saw him.

"Where is your guard?" he asked me, creating a tense mood.

"Out in the hall."

"Bring him in here. He needs to hear this too," my father said, his voice strained.

I opened the door and motioned for Maddon to come in. His eyes went wide, but followed me in nonetheless.

"Have a seat. Both of you," he said.

Uh oh. It must be serious if he asked Maddon to sit.

"Braelynn, as you know from the meeting earlier, the rebel forces are getting stronger. I have some unfortunate news regarding our troops outside the castle. The rebel forces seemed to retreat, but made a counter attack and wiped out over half of our troops."

I gasped. I couldn't help it.

"The interviews I performed were done for two reasons. One was to, as I said, was to eliminate any connections to the rebels. Another was to find replacements for the lost troops."

No. He was sending that little innocent boy away to fight? Why was I in here then?

"What are you trying to say?" I worried aloud.

"I am saying that we need more people to fight the rebels outside the castle grounds. The next shipment goes out tomorrow morning," my father continued. He talked about people like they were cargo to be 'shipped' to their deaths.

"I have in my hand the list of people that I have selected to go. This leads to the reason I have brought you in here today," my father continued. My heart rate spiked.

"The next person on my list of candidates is right here," my father gestured to us. "Maddon Crosgrove."


Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment!! Next chapter coming soon.

Q: What is your favorite show to watch?

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