Its not all bad~Nightmare san...

By shadowandblack

77.5K 1.5K 1.7K

Ever since you were young you would go to the tree that held the black and gold apples. You would never get c... More

The tree
A small apology
Just a bit of info/another book?
A Chat
Not a chapter
A shadow
Blue strings
Im back...mabey

A visit from deric and.... posion soup?

4.4K 108 91
By shadowandblack

Your point of view

I woke you with a gasp. My eyes eminently snapped open before I sat up and glanced around the room. Doing my best to ignore the pain in my neck and head. I stifled a groan and flopped back down onto the couch. I reached my arm down and blindly used it to look for something. My hand soon hit something cold flat and metal like. I emidently grabed it knowing it was my phone. I lifted it up to my face and turned it on. Flinching when the bright light hit my eyes.

I squinted a bit as I looked at the time. 7:35. Well fuck. School started at 7:05. Oh well it's not like I really felt up to going anyways. I sighed and turned my phone off and placed it on my chest as I put a arm over my eyes as I thought of everything that happened in tonight's dream.

The nightmare seemed to of changed a bit. He seemed nicer tonight. Perhaps being sick was not to awfully bad? My thoughts stopped when my head started to hurt. I remebered what nightmare had said about drinking some water and decided to try it out. So I sat up and gathered the fluffy blanket that was around me...wait...fluffy blanket? I did not have any that night when I went to bed. I looked down at the blanket and noticed that it was the same one that I had in the know what? I'm not going to think about it.

I just shock my head and went into the kitchen with the blanket. Once there I grab a cup and fill it with water. Once that was done I slowly began to slowly drink it. As I do so my eyes spot the cabinet that was above the sink where we kept the medicne. I put the half drank cup down and went into the cabinet I looked around till I found some some day-quil and a ear thermiter. I took a pill of day-quil and washed it down with the rest of the water. Once that was done I took my temperature. 99.8*f. Good thing I stayed home.

I sighed as I thought of what I was going to do today. So far the plan was nothing.

I took the glass that I just used and filled it up with more water before I took it with me back to the couch. I sat back down and wrapped myself in the fluffy blanket before a laid back down and stared at the ceiling trying to fall back asleep as I waited for the pills to take affect and take care of the headache. After a while I was beginning to feel a bit tired but was jolted back awake when my phone began to go off. Some one was texting me. Repeatedly. I sighed and picked up the phone and looked to see Deric blowing up my phone. I looked at his texts and could not help but smile.

(💩=Deric texts
🤓= your texts)

💩: YOU
💩: ?!
💩: IF
💩: YOU
💩: I
💩: YOU
💩: FOR
💩: ME
💩: IN
🤓: I'm not dead but I feel like it
💩: It speaks!
🤓: hardy harhar
💩: so why arnt you here?
🤓: I'm sick
💩: what?! Share!

🤓: you want me to share my slickness?
💩: yessssssss
🤓: ok your weird
💩: happily so :)
🤓: lol
💩: so how you holding up
🤓: well I'm not dead
💩: good, I'll come and visit you after school
🤓: mmmm ok see you then.
💩: later

I chuckled softly as I put the phone down. I picked up the cup of water I had put on the table in front of the couch and drank some of it. I did not know if it was the water or the pills but my headache was just a dull throb now. I sat up and thought about trying to get some food but felt to grimy from sweating last night and a little nauses. Well time to take a shower. I went up stares and gathered one of my f/c shirts along with a pair of jeans and underwear. I took all of the cloths and went into the bath room where I began to take a shower. As I did so I began to think. How exactly did I get sick? Hum...lets see here what did I do yesterday...went to school and nothing like that could of got me sick unless there was a bug going around the school that I caught. Went to the tree. Don't think that was it. Went to the store and walked the rain...might be something there.

Came home put everything away and changed out of the wet cloths. But did not really dry off...I then went to sleep. Ah wait now that I think about it I kicked the covers off before I fell asleep didint I? Well that was smart of me. I sighed and shook my head as I went out of the shower. I grabbed a clean towl from the stack on the floor in the corner and dryed myself off and got dressed. Once done I used the towl to dry off my h/l h/c hair. I left the towl around my shoulders as I went to my room. Might as well sleep in my own bed for once no?

I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes after getting under the coveres of the conferter. It did not take long for me to fall asleep.

It felt like I was asleep for 5 minutes before i herd banging on the door down stairs. Sounds like derics here, that or some deranged person trying to brake in. I stiffled a yawn and looked at my phone. Looks like I had been asleep for about 3 hours. I put my phone in my pocket and went down stairs and opened the door and glared at Deric. "One of these days your going to brake my door down."

Deric just chuckled. "Oh come on I don't hit the door that hard." I just rolled my eyes and opened the door wider. "Come on in."

I watched as Deric walked in and flopped on the couch before he put his backpack and a plastic bag on the table in front of the couch. I flown and looked at the plastic bag. "What's that?" Deric looked at me and smirked evilly. "My moms special poison,"

I paled at the words. Well I paled more. "No no no. Anything but your moms special get better soon soup."

Deric just chuckled. "It's all yours enjoy."

Well if I was not dieing I will be soon...ill see you soon great great grandparents.

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