
By NonaHysteria

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In the peaceful realm of Vanaheim, Qrow Manor houses their criminally insane. Though it is a place to avoid... More

Chapter 1 | The Calm
Chapter 2 | The Storm
Chapter 3 | Deal with the Devil
Chapter 4 | The Rounds
Chapter 5 | Echoes
Chapter 6 | Everything Has a Price
Chapter 7 | Dinner
Chapter 8 | Room Search
Chapter 9 | Chess
Chapter 10 | Kleptomaniac
Chapter 11 | Mind and Body
Chapter 12 | The Sinner
Chapter 13 | Special Guests
Chapter 14 | Lock Down
Chapter 15 | Reunited
Chapter 16 | Enchantment
Chapter 17 | What is Breakable
Chapter 18 | Claws
Chapter 19 | Setting the Stage
Chapter 20 | Two Sides to Every Coin
Chapter 21 | Scripture
Chapter 22 | Hunters and Hunted
Chapter 23 | Family Secrets
Chapter 24 | Lustful Manipulation
Chapter 25 | Toys
Chapter 26 | Breakfast
Chapter 27 | Connecting the Dots
Chapter 28 | Playing Pretend
Chapter 29 | Guard Dogs
Chapter 30 | Contracts
Chapter 31 | Sleepless
Chapter 32 | Clearing Up the Past
Chapter 33 | Placing Blame
Chapter 34 | Dozing Green
Chapter 35 | Deadly Women
Chapter 36 | Acid and Blood
Chapter 37 | Another Loss
Chapter 38 | God of Mischief
Chapter 39 | Runt
Chapter 40 | Beyond the Light
Chapter 41 | The Meeting
Chapter 42 | Fueling the Players
Chapter 43 | Incubus
Chapter 44 | Choppy Water
Chapter 45 | Bishops
Chapter 46 | The Cold Lord
Chapter 47 | Clearing the Board
Chapter 48 | The Spider and the Clown
Chapter 49 | Agony
Chapter 50 | Waking Up
Chapter 51 | Passion's Veil
Chapter 52 | Returning to Routines
Chapter 53 | Thunder Storm
Chapter 54 | Shifting
Chapter 55 | Backstory
Chapter 56 | Tuatara
Chapter 57 | The Vault
Chapter 58 | Feast of Misery
Chapter 59 | An Important Day
Chapter 60 | A Prince and His Protector
Chapter 61 | Blindfolds
Chapter 62 | Family Matters
Chapter 63 | Bathe
Chapter 64 | Spitefulness
Chapter 65 | Leland
Chapter 66 | Complications
Chapter 67 | Official
Chapter 68 | Willow Tree
Chapter 69 | Birds of Prey
Chapter 70 | New Bodies
Chapter 71 | Suicide Forest
Chapter 72 | Ballroom
Chapter 73 | Dahlia
Chapter 74 | The Cursed
Chapter 75 | Lavender
Chapter 76 | Eight Eyes
Chapter 77 | On Ice
Chapter 78 | Blood
Chapter 79 | Harder Than Dying
Chapter 80 | Architect
Chapter 81 | Distrust
Chapter 82 | Cravings
Chapter 83 | Seclusion
Chapter 84 | Atoms to Ashes

Chapter 85 | Speaking of the Future

378 24 12
By NonaHysteria

Micah made his way through the maze that was the sewers. Sometimes it felt like the paths actually changed down here. He swore it was one way, when it'd be another. It was rather strange, he realized. Perhaps it was just his stressed mind playing tricks on him. Thankfully, the creatures that lived down here were very helpful. He may not have been able to understand them, but they understood him and guided him to the right spot.

He sighed when he saw the heartbreaking sight in front of him. Even when Croc was in agonizing pain, he still was more worried about his mate. He'd laid Kuza between his legs, with his head on his stomach. The two were both just as bad as the others. Their skin was the color of ash and their hair matted by sweat. Croc was cold blooded, yet even he couldn't adjust his body temperature to his surroundings. 

At the end of the bed was a chest. On top rested a few rocks and plants that Mojo typically played on. He climbed up to the tallest point of the highest rock and make a noise at Micah. It sounded almost like a bird squeaking. Micah recognized that it was a child calling out for someone to help his parents.

"It's okay, Sweetheart. This is only temporary, I promise." He spoke just above a whisper.

Micah set down the supplies in his hands on the edge of the bed. Their mattress was on the ground, meaning he did have to kneel down pretty far. He reached his hand towards Croc's forehead to feel his temperature, only to be met with a vicious growl.

"Worry about him first." He sneered.

"I will, but only because I know if you're strong enough to talk, you haven't gotten as bad as the others yet." Micah replied.

That, or he was just stronger than the others in general. Croc was a force to be reckoned with. Micah knew that, but he never knew he was this strong. He gently laid a cold towel over Kuza's forehead. The sick vampire whimpered and cried in pain. He held onto Croc with a firm grip. It somehow took the edge off to have someone to squeeze. 

He released a scream when his skin began to crack. To him, it felt like a thousand needles tearing through his flesh at once. The grey skin started to flake off, revealing pale white underneath. The sins of the Valley were literally tearing themselves away. How far would they go?

| | |

The night sky still as a sleeping child, it was almost too hard to believe. Of course, it wasn't silent. The screams of the tortured echoed throughout the evening. Outside, they were somewhat harder to hear. Perhaps that's why Beau found himself out on the balcony of Jasper's office. The fresh air helped to ease the weight of the world resting on his shoulders.

As the moon light illuminated his duel colored eyes, he sat still along the rail. In the garden below, Kitty was playing with Annabelle. Her gentle soul was attempting to distract the child from the horrors inside the manor. Beau found it heartwarming, but there was a nagging thought in the back of his mind. It was useless to protect her from her own life.

There was a knock at the door, to which he called, "Come in!"

Ricky walked in and continued out to the balcony. "Felix said you wanted to speak with me."

"Yes." His eyes dimmed as he saw the joy in that young girl. It'll fade. It all fades. Beau continued quietly, "It's time we stop speaking so modestly of Jasper. The truth is, he is the most powerful being among us that isn't a God. He's definitely smart enough to properly hide something if he didn't want me to see it. Which leads me to believe, everything I did find in his desk, he wanted me to know about without outright telling me. What I'm to do with that information is my choice, and I've chosen not to be selfish with it."

"Whatever you found out, it obviously has to do with me." 

"Of course." He responded, "It regards the fate of your children. Such a delicate matter, I'll let it be your choice on whether or not you want me to tell you. Know that I did confirm this information with Apollo."

Ricky narrowed his eyes, "What does he have to do with any of this?"

"They don't call him the Lord of Fates for no reason. That's why he's the spider, as well. He weaves destinies, and he can see the future of a soul. He confirmed that Jasper's plans for your sons will be fulfilled. Like I said, though, it's your choice as to if you'd like to know."

He scoffed, "Why wouldn't I? Whether I die tomorrow or in a thousand years, they will still remain on this planet while I move on. I have to know."

"Fine, then. I'm sure it goes without saying, this information remains strictly between us. I'm only doing this as a favor to Chris in the first place." Beau said, "The reason their souls didn't pass on had nothing to do with your wife being of the gifted vampires. Though, through sheer luck, your combined genetics is responsible for assigning them this fate. 

It's actually funny, in a cruel way." He snit, flashing a bittersweet grin, "There are people who dedicate their lives to trying to create creatures like your sons. They've actually killed their own offspring, murdered their spouses, done whatever it took and still couldn't accomplish something you did on accident. The reason why your sons did not move on to the afterlife is because they are destined to become grim reapers."

Well, Ricky wasn't exactly expecting to hear good news, but he definitely wasn't expecting that either. It'd been a long time since he was this flabbergasted by anything. He felt like a fool for just staring for a moment, but there was nothing else he could manage to do. How the Hell? Granted, Ghost had a long lineage of vampire blood in him, but Ricky? He was once human, and at this point he's not even completely vampire.

"How is that even possible?" He questioned.

"All reapers were once living creatures. They are required to exist for five hundred years in order to learn an appreciation for life that is unrivaled. Once they pass that mark, Lord Death inducts them into the Reaper Society. If they are to die before that time, they just continue on living, as you've seen with your sons. 

According to what I read in Jasper's notes, he believes that Felix will eventually become the next Lord Death. Apollo couldn't see that far into his future, but he too thought it was very plausible. He already has an impressive grasp on his abilities as a spirit. Given his age, he'll be inducted within the next few decades. By then, his strength will be unimaginable."

"If this is all true, why can't the twins and Ripper and Knox leave Vanaheim? Why are their spirits stuck here?" 

Beau raised an eyebrow, seeming intrigued by his wording. "That is simply because they haven't gotten strong enough to leave. Felix is able to leave if he wants to, but that's because his age has allowed him experience."

Ricky scoffed, "He's also not dead."

"Lieutenant- I hope you don't mind me addressing you as Lieutenant, but I believe you should retain your status. I also believe you did not become a Lieutenant out of sheer luck. You are incredibly intelligent, definitely smart enough to know the sacrifices of your oldest son. If you don't stop playing this game of stubbornness, he will lose what little respect he has left for you. It's not my place to tell anyone how to parent. I just don't want to see a legend crumble under his own blindness."

With his fists tightened at his sides, Ricky seethed, "Now I see why you're so close to Jasper. You're just like him. You never know when to shut up... Even if I need someone to tell me the truth. Yes, I do know, but for my wife's sake, I pretended like it wasn't the truth. I don't want to believe... Believe that he raised himself so well. I know that I'm not responsible for the way he turned out. I'm not that good of a man, and I wasn't there for him."

"So, now that you have the option to be there, and you know his destiny, what are you going to do?" Beau responded.

"I'm going to teach him everything I know, as long as he's willing to learn. He's just as stubborn as me, unfortunately. That's the one thing he did learn from me." He grumbled.

The crow snickered softly, "That makes me happy to hear. I'm going to go check in on all those affected by the current circumstances. Please, do use this time to speak with your spouse, tell him the truth. It'll only get worse the longer you wait."

"Yeah," He sighed, "I know."

It's just not that easy... Obviously Beau has never dated someone like Ghost. Emotionally unstable, a little bit of a psychopath... Maybe a lot a bit of a psychopath. The point is, Ricky doesn't want to get his throat slit. Ghost will kill the messenger, but he'll find out sooner or later.

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