If Loving You is Wrong Part 2

By Avery_Nova

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Continuation of Part 1 In Part 2 more loving and less drama, forgiveness and revelations and surprises More

The Honeymoon Begins
Honeymoon Surprises
Erica Puts in Work.....Day 2 Let The Tour Begin
Ending The Honeymoon Early
King Talks......Getting Back to Reality Part 1
Getting Back to Reality Part 2
Erica Tells Her Truth
Erica and Her Parents Land in Puerto Rico
The Truth Comes Out
A Family Talk.......Cyn Arrives in Puerto Rico
Finding my way back home
New Book
Its a real ones birthday
Cyn Lands in Jail
New Book Alert
Who's ready
The Mena's: All Grown Up
Wait a minute
Wait one damn minute lol
Juan the Magic Wand
Cyn Off The Hook
Drunk Rant
Growing Pains
Erica Meets Her Mother's Side.....The Road Trip
Erica Meets Her Mother's Side.......We Made It
Introducing Erica to the Family......Albee in Trouble
Evelyn Questions Cyn....A Surprise Visitor
Keeping It All In The Family
Back To Reality...Our Babies
Christmas Time is Here
A Brand New Journey
Interview Mania Part 1.... Hot 97
Closing the Door....Interview Mania Part 2 The Talk
Interview Mania Part 2...Lets Get Personal
Time For US
Interview Mania Part 3..... The Real
The Family Get Together
Aftermath of the Family Dinner
A Mother's Love
Papa Don't Leave Me
Papa Don't Leave Me Part 2.....Finding Common Ground
Finding Common Ground Part 2......Accepting What Is
Finding Common Ground Part 3.....Telling Erica about Brian
Saying Goodby to Brian Pop Pop Mena
Remembering Brian Pop Pop Mena
Family Time Part 1
Family Time Part 2....It's Time to be a Family
Family Time Part 3.....Forgive the Past and Present
Ties That Bind....Epilogue

The Siblings Face Erica's Half

757 48 36
By Avery_Nova

*the next day*

Everything was shot to hell last night. Things like this takes time and considering everything that has happened I think everyone needs some time to think about some things. This morning I woke up in a different mind set and the only thing I was missing was my baby Cyn and my amazing kids. I really wish she was here because I need my sanity right now. Right now I am talking to my parents and seeing if they want to stay or just leave but my best bet if I want the answers I need then I should stay but them siblings of mine I just don't know. WHERE IS MY BABY WHEN I NEED HER

Sonia: So what are you thinking Erica *sitting next to Erica*

Erica:*sighs* I don't know I mean I want to know who my mother was and Eric is my best bet but what if he isn't as forward with me then what 

Sonia: If you want to go over there and get those answers then let's go otherwise let it go mija 

Brian: It's up to you Erica *sitting next to Erica on the couch*

Erica: I deserve that much *looks at both her parents*

Sonia: Then we will go back and talk things out and whatever the outcome is then it's that 

Erica: I wish Cyn was here *walks over to the balcony* Having her here would mean the world to me. She's my sanity and if I'm going to make it through this then I need her here with me *stares out into the ocean*

Sonia: Well she knows you need this and wants you to have that unanswered question answered

Erica: That's true

Brian: You still have us *walking over to where Erica is*

Erica: That means the world to me too but I just don't know 

Sonia: Brian let's go and let Erica think about some things *walks to the door* I love you mija always remember that 

Brian: Alright babe *walks from Erica and turns* Erica Sonia and I love you and we didn't want to hurt you. We only wanted what's best for you but you need this and we love you no matter what *walking out the room*

Erica:*gazes out at the ocean* It's so peaceful here

*knock on the door*

Erica:*snaps out of her thoughts*

*knock on the door*

Erica: Go away

*knock on the door*

Erica: I said go away

*knock on the door* 

???: Room Service

Erica: Room service I never ordered room service *walks to the door and opened the door*

Cyn: Hey baby mama *smiling*

Erica: BABY!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs Cyn very tight*

Cyn: I can't breathe babe *laughing*

Erica: Sorry babe *let's go* I can't believe you are here

Cyn: I knew something was wrong and you needed me

Erica: I am glad you are here

Cyn:*walks in the room* So what's going

Erica: Last night was a disaster so this morning we are going back over there

Cyn: You know I am here for you and babe the answers you wanted are finally getting answered

Erica: Having you here now makes it a whole lot better

Cyn: Well Erica I am your wife and the mother of your beautiful and awesome kids and knowing you for as long as I have and knowing what you are capable of makes being here easier for me. Listen babe *holding her hands* you have been through so much in your life. For once in your life you deserve a bit of happiness. I know me and the kids are your happiness but babe there's something deeper in you that you have longed for and it's finally happening. Sonia and Brian raised an awesome and caring and amazing woman that I see today and being your wife and the mother of your kids makes me smile. Erica God put you through some shit because he saw fit but baby you keep coming out of it stronger every single time


Cyn: Erica *holding both her cheeks* today you get the answers you want. Erica you gained siblings and a father who is a huge star in his own right. You may not know who your mother is but today that will change and baby girl that what makes Erica Jasmine Mena.....Erica motheringfucking Jasmine Mena

Erica:*crying and laughing and wiping her eyes*

Cyn: I love you babe forever and always

Erica: I love you too *kissing Cyn*

Sonia:*walking out the room* Erica you ready to.....Cyn

Cyn: Hey ma Sonia

Sonia: What are you doing here baby girl

Cyn: Erica needed me and I wanted to be here for her

Brian: Well we are glad you came

Cyn: Before y'all leave can I do something right quick

Sonia: Sure baby.....We will be in the car waiting *walking out the room with Brian*

Erica: What is it babe

Cyn: Sit down right quick Erica *sits and pats the sofa*

Erica:*sits down* What's going on babe

Cyn:*holding Erica's hand* I want you to make a promise to me that when we go over there that you will have a open heart and mind to receive whatever info that comes your way about your mother whether it's good or bad. Promise me that you will not fight anyone because you and I both know I will put my fucking foot in someones ass when it comes you and our kids. Promise me that you will ask questions if you don't know the answer because knowing you and knowing that you have questions and never asking makes me wonder are you really getting it....Promise Erica

Erica: I promise babe *kissing Cyn* 

Cyn: Damn babe you must want another child 

Erica: Hell yeah *laughing* Right now I like the three we have 

Cyn: Yeah me too *smiling* Let's get out of here *standing up and holding Erica's hand* You ready babe 

Erica: Ready as I'll ever be *sighs and walks out the room with Cyn* 

*meanwhile with Eric* 

Asia: Babe Sonia texted me and said they are on the way here 

Eric: Okay babe 

Asia: I think today will go better than last night 

Eric: I hope so babe 

Asia: Everyone is just in shock that's all babe 

Eric: Well now they know and the shock has worn off 

Asia: She's your oldest babe and they have to understand you had a life before me or the kids came 

Eric: Erica's mom was my life *sitting down* Not gonna lie to you babe. She was my whole world and there's nothing I wouldn't do for her. I was in love but we were battling her parents and my people telling me not to date a black woman but I didn't see color when I was dating her. I saw my best friend in the world. Jasmine was everything to me and when she left me and Erica I didn't know where I would be now if it wasn't for my sis Sonia and Brian taking her in and letting me do my thing to make a living 

Asia: She was your first real love Eric so don't beat yourself up because of what happened to her. She died giving birth to your first born child and things like that happens but we can't control what happens when women deliver 

Eric: I know but I should've told Erica the truth when she was 18 years old 

Asia: Eric things happen but you were still in her life even though it wasn't as the main man in her life

Eric: I know *sighs and looks out the window* They are here 

Asia: Kids come down 

Kayson: What's up ma 

Asia: Your sister and her parents are back 

Kayson: Cool 

Kieran: We not gonna have a repeat of last night are we 

Asia: I hope not. Let's talk face to face and calmly please 

Kyan: Tell that to Amani 

Amani: Whatever Kyan 

Aaliyah: He's right Mani 

Amani: You supposed to be on my side 

Aaliyah: I'm on the side of right Mani but you have to be calm and talk to Erica because if you haven't watched Love and Hip Hop New York then you need to sis because she is a true firecracker and will beat your butt

Amani: Not afraid 

Kyan: I can't wait to talk to her again 

Kieran: She's real cool until you make her mad 

Amani: Whatever y'all 

*knock on the door* 

Asia:*opens the door* Hey Erica and Sonia and Brian and I don't believe we have met before *looking at Cyn*

Erica: Miss Asia this is my better half Cynthia Santana Mena 

Asia: This is THE Cyn 

Erica: Yes ma'am *smiling* 

Asia: Come in....Everyone is in the living room 

Eric: Hey Erica and sis and bro in law

Sonia: Hey Eric 

Erica: Hi

Erica introduces Cyn to everyone and they all sit down to chat and get the answers they need 

Eric: So what do want to know first 

Erica: I want to know how you and my mother met 

Eric: We met at school

Erica: High school sweethearts

Eric: Yeah we dated all four years in high school and then we went to the same college and dated on and off for four years and after we graduated we moved in together and then we made you 

Erica: Did anyone introduce y'all or was it on your own 

Eric: My friend actually told me about your mom. He said there's this girl he thought I would fall in love with and he told me she was black and I could care less because I'm looking at the heart on the inside not what's on the outside

Erica: So what happened after that 

Eric: We made you and had you and while giving birth she died 

Erica: Complications during delivery 

Eric: Yeah and they tried everything but *tears falling* Nothing and it broke my heart 

Sonia: Which is why we took you in as our own 

Eric: Erica I never meant to hurt you. I wanted what was best for you. I was young and stupid and didn't know what to do and taking care of a child in my state of mind wasn't going to work 

Erica: I forgive you Uncle Eric 

Brian: Look baby girl everything everyone has done for you was to make life easier for you 

Erica: I get it 

Cyn: It's okay babe 

Kyan: Can I ask Cyn something 

Eric: What Kyan 

Kyan: Can you be my girlfriend *laughing* Cause you are sexy as hell 

Cyn:*laughing* I'm spoken for....Sorry 

Kyan: Erica you are truly lucky. I can't pull a bad one like Cyn

Erica: I am truly lucky Kyan to have such a wonderful and amazing woman in Cyn *smiling* 

Amani: The fact still remains that daddy you lied to us and I don't know if I can forgive you or accept this wanna be famous slut as my sister 


Amani: I don't care who you are because guess what you still getting your ass beat 


Amani:*stands up* What's up big sis 

Cyn: Nobody is fighting in here *stepping in between the both of them* 

Amani: Who asked you little Chipotle 

Cyn: I don't know you so I suggest you come correct when you say my name because I will dog you baby girl 

Amani: Like you scare me 

Kyan: Mani chill you 

Kieran: Yeah cause if she whips your ass then I won't stop her because I told you to let it the fuck go

Amani: So you fucking taking some strangers side and not your blood

Kieran: I'm on the side of right 

Aaliyah: He's right Mani 

Eric: Mani Erica is your sister and if you don't want a relationship with her then fine don't have one but don't ruin it for your other sister and brothers 

Kayson: Yeah because Erica is cool and I really want to get to know her better 

Amani: Whatever yo *walks out the house* 

Cyn: Are you sure she's your daughter * pointing to the door* 


Will Cyn fight someone or will she just be Erica's rock? Will Amani ever get it right? 

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