By AHenschel

160 2 0

Alexandra Black thought her eighteenth birthday was going to be quiet and uneventful, when a family secret h... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

52 0 0
By AHenschel

"Blackness surrounded me once again as something familiar felt close by. A faint glow flickered in the distance as it moved towards me. A blue-gold fire trail raced along the rocky ground encircling me. The warmth from the flames felt relaxing at first like being wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold night,  but as the flames began to grow taller the heat became unbearable. Looking at my hands and arms, they were turning red and beginning to blister. Silent screams escaped my mouth as the increasing heat shot pain throughout my entire body.  My face and body were covered in sweat as I felt myself come close to fainting, when a welcome icy breeze ripped through the air cooling everything around me. The sweat on my skin crystalized, making small frozen scales over my entire body. The once hot flames transformed into bright blue columns of ice with a flame flickering inside. Looking over my body I noticed the crystal scales had fallen off and the blisters had vanished. The columns felt cold and warm to the touch as droplets of water fell from my fingertips. I moved from column to column gliding my fingers across each one when I noticed them. A pair of red eyes watching my every move. My heart slammed against my chest so hard out of fear as I moved slowly back against the wall of ice.  The eyes never looked away as they rose up over the tips of the flames fixating directly on me never blinking. A strong stench of dead, rotting flesh filled the air making it hard to take a breath and not taste the foul smell.

Placing my hand over my nose and mouth taking short breaths to get fresh air,  the eyes rose up and disappeared as a large black head appeared slowly out from the darkness lowering itself over the columns breaking off the tips sending small shards towards my legs and feet. My hands glided across the cold grooves of the nearby columns searching for an escape. The creature raised its large head up as a low rumble from within its massive chest rattled the ice and ground around me. An orange-red glow filled its throat and mouth as I dove behind a thick ice chunk that had broken off earlier. Fire spewed from its mouth melting a hole between two columns, the perfect escape from this nightmare. I raced towards my freedom angering the creature that was looking to have me as a meal. Shards of fire and ice exploded past me as I picked up my pace noticing a grove of trees ahead of me. Barley making it into the covering, I ducked under thick bushes covering myself with dirt to hide my scent. Trees being ripped apart in the distance were silenced as a shrill cry echoed from all around me as it the entire grove became a giant fire wall all around me. A rock formation rose from out of nowhere shaking the ground around below my already trembling feet. I started to sprint towards through black and gray smoke with my pursuer close behind. An opening in the formation could not come soon enough as I slid into the hole moving as far back as I could scraping off small parts of my skin. Wet earth squished below my feet as the creature's large head slammed into the rocks shacking the cave around me. Its cries of anger and frustration piercing my ears. 

My heart pounded harder as a black scaled claw ripped at the rocks, pulling the mouth of the cave open wider so it could get in. Rocks fell past me, as sharp teeth moved closer and a long tongue reached trying to wrap around my arm as it licked my skin. The sandpaper feeling of it grazing my skin gave me goosebumps as I tried to wipe the acidic saliva off with my shirt. The taste of my skin set it into a frenzy as it began to dig harder and more aggressively. I lost my footing falling backwards into the darkness. Cold air chilled me to the bone when fire arches from the rocky ceiling above. It was now in the cavern looking for its meal. I could see its massive silhouette coming towards opening its jowl bearing yellow teeth,  as I turned to see the rocky ground below racing to meet me. Crossing my arms to protect myself before I crashed into ground. I awoke finding myself on the hard wood floor of my bedroom with my blanket and pillow covering me. Throwing my pillow aside, I looked around my room making sure I was not still dreaming. My heart was still beating fast as I pulled myself up tossing my both back on the bed. After my shower my thoughts wandered back to those large red eyes staring at me as I finished getting ready for the first day of my senior year in high school. Today is also my eighteenth birthday, and starting it with a crazy dream is not exactly how I planned on starting it off."

Placing her dream journal down, Alexandra walked into her bathroom grabbing her toothbrush  when her door shot open. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" yelled her parents as they burst into her room scaring her half to death. Her mom and dad always did the same thing every year in the morning for her birthday, an ice cream cake for breakfast with one present. It was one of the things that Alexandra looked forward to and could count on. Her senior year in high school had finally begun, and this year she was going to enjoy every minute of it. Absolutely no responsibilities before graduating of having to get a job or deciding which college to attend before settling into a boring job. Just the thought of all this was giving her a headache.

After an off-key song of happy birthday and some cake, she was left alone to finish getting ready. She was tall, athletic , with long golden brown hair, naturally tan olive colored skin and a little shy. She was more comfortable wearing jeans and a nice shirt with Ugg boots than getting dressed up and wearing makeup. Grabbing her backpack, she made her way down the tile stairs and out towards the garage where she found the birthday present from her parents sitting in the driveway with a blue bow on it. She could not believe it, her parents had gotten her a new Jeep Rubicon in her favorite color blue. Running over giving her parents the biggest hug she could give, she hopped into the driver's seat starting it up for the first time before waving and heading out of the driveway. The warm summer breeze caressed her cheeks, while her favorite song played on the radio. She had barely pulled up in the driveway of her best friend Diya's house when the front door was thrown open and a loud yell from inside could be heard all over the neighborhood,"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Alex's face went a deep shade of red, as a man out walking his dogs looked right at her shaking his head before moving on down the street. Diya jumped in the door pulling Alex into a hug while pushing a present into her hands. "Okay you have to open that right now. I could not stand the wait from last night to today." Alex smiled tearing into the wrapping paper to find a handmade quilt blanket. "Wow Diya this is amazing. Thank you." Diya's eyes lit up as she smiled her biggest smile."You like it right? I was up late putting my famous last touches on it". Alex looked it over noticing patches from art work to video games sewn throughout, it was impressive. " I love it. Thank you so much. Now I have a new blanket to use when I need creative inspiration."  A proud smile crossed Diya's face as she locked her seatbelt as they backed out of the driveway heading towards school. Diya was dressed as always like a page from a magazine. Everything was thought out and perfect, from her long black hair, to her make-up,  to her white shirt and plaid skirt. Nothing was out of place. They were always complete opposites since they were kids. Alex preferred to have her hair pulled up into a pony tail, jean shorts and a t-shirt was more her fashion statement.

Arriving at the Senior parking lot, they looked around noticing everyone had returned from their summer vacations. People were greeting and hugging each other as Sophia London and her band of "yes girls" walked around being their usual over the top selves. Alexandra and Sophia had never been friends which Alex preferred. They were dressed in the latest fashion, and all chattering away while texting on their phones. "Thank God this is the last year with that bunch.", said Diya as she waved at Amber. Alex looked over and saw Brett Steele. She had a crush on him since they were in the fifth grade, but he never seemed to like her the same way. He was tall, short spiked brown hair, light brown eyes, muscular with naturally tan skin. Every time she talked to him butterflies made her stomach jump and her voice would get shaky. The only problem was that he was dating Sophia, and she loved to rub that into Alex's face every chance she got.

She and Diya walked by as Sophia started to whisper and laugh while looking at them. Diya did what she always did which was ignore them, but today seemed harder for Alex to let this go. She felt something from within wanting to get out. Her anger began to overtake her as she could feel a burning sensation through her skin that was almost painful. She looked down and saw that a red spot was growing on her right arm as she rushed to the bathroom. Diya looked on as Alex burst into the women's bathroom leaving her standing there alone. Alex rushed towards a sink turning on the cold water, placing her arm underneath the stream moving it back and forth trying to cool it off. The more the water touched the spot the worse it felt. Tears formed in her eyes as the her anger at Sophia was slowing going away along with the pain. Pulling a couple of paper towels down from the dispenser and dabbing her skin to dry it off. With each dab the pieces of the red blistered mark peeled away to reveal a patch of scales that looked like her skin.  "What the hell is this?" Her fingers ran over the scales as they shimmered in the dull overhead lighting. The door to the bathroom opened as she quickly pulled her sleeve down to cover up the mark. It was Sophia. She gave a sideways glance and sneer at Alex before entering one of the stalls. Alex tossed the papers into the trash quickly leaving the bathroom and slamming directly into Brett's chest almost knocking him into one of the lockers. "Oh my God Brett I'm so sorry." He smiled at her running his hand over his shirt smoothing it out over his muscular form."It's okay Alex. You should come play for the football team with a hit like that." Alex could feel her face got bright red from embarrassment.

"Your so right Brett. She already dresses like one of the football players, and smells like one too." Alex turned around facing Sophia face to face. Her anger building inside again as the same feeling from before was flowing through her body. "Let it go Sophia. She bumped into me by accident." Sophia walked over placing her hand on his chest kissing him and looking right at Alex with a smug satisfaction. Feeling like a third wheel and to keep from punching Sophia in the face, Alex walked past them towards her first class. "Hey Alex, the football team practice after school. I am sure they need a new tackling dummy." Sophia started laughing feeling proud of her comment as Alex could feel the tingling of the red spot on her arm stinging as it had before.  She looked around before pulling the sleeve up on noticing the patch had gotten bigger. "What is going on with me?" 

The fourth period bell rang as she made her way into Ancient History with Ms. Rauss. Alex liked history, but she wished she could have had anyone else but Ms. Rauss. She was an elderly lady that was not known for being warm and cuddly. Her face was that of a bulldog and her personality was that of dry toast. Everyone felt she was past her prime as a teacher, but she seemed to get pure pleasure from treating her students badly.  She always seemed to feel her students should be honored to be in her presence, and never wasted a moment expressing that thought to them. Her usual monotone voice filled the air as Alex's mind wandered still trying to figure out what was causing her rash. Every time she touched the patch it shimmered in the light. Alex knew she would have to keep this hidden for now until she had an answer as to why this was happening. The rest of the day went on as normal, Sophia and her flunkies picked on some freshman making them feel like dirt, and Alex laughed joked around with her friends having a good time. The last bell of the day rang out as Diya and Alex headed towards the Jeep hoping in when Brett walked over. "Nice ride." Diya knudged Alex in the ribs to shake her out of her momentary fantasy world, "Thanks. My parents gave this to me for my birthday today." A cute smile crossed his lips as he swiped hair out of his face,"Happy birthday Alexandra." The words drifted off his lips so easily that Alex was not paying attention to the fact that Sophia was standing at Brett's car looking very upset that he was even talking to her. "Thanks. Well we better go." She turned the key in the ignition pulling off as he turned to his car getting in while Sophia watched Alex and Diya high-five and laugh as they drove off.

Snacks and drinks lay across the floor of Alex's room when a knock came at her door. "Honey this came for you earlier today.", said her mom as she walked in placing a package on a wooden desk near the window. Bending down she picked up a couple of the drink bottles leaving the girls to open the present. Alex stood up taking the package in her hands looking it over. "Hurry and open it already!", said Diya practically jumping from the bed to the desk. Alex opened the package slowly to drive Diya nuts revealing the black wrought iron jewelry box with a card attached. Unfolding the note Alex started to read, "My dearest Alexandra. Happy 18th birthday. We have waited for this day for so long, and now it is here. The necklace inside has been in our family for centuries and is now yours." turning the note over to check both sides on who sent it, no name was to be found. Alex took the key from inside the envelope opening the box taking the paper wrapped item out, she removed the the wrapping to reveal the black dragon head medallion. The more she looked at the red eyes, the more it seemed like the necklace was calling to her soul. "Wow that is gorgeous." Diya touched the pendant,  before placing it around Alex's neck. "It looks great on you. I wish someone in my family would send me something like that." Alex ran her fingers over it feeling an energy she had not experienced before. It seemed as if the dragon was alive once it touched her skin.

Alex lay quietly down on her bed after Diya had left looking at the pendant. Each engraved mark was detailed. Every scale was cut to perfection. The more she looked at it she finally realized this was the creature from her recent dreams. Taking it off, she placed it on the wooden framed lamp near her bed.  Alex slowly closed her eyes drifting off wondering who had sent this present and what did it have to do with her dreams, and what caused the patch on her arm. All of the thoughts filling her head made her even more tired as she began to dream again. Hopefully tomorrow would bring the answers that she was looking for.

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