Love is Eternity

By dEaYrEkSness

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Yolei Inoue is struggling to live the happy, perfect life she ones lived. With tragedy striking her family sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

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By dEaYrEkSness

Reminders: Minor details may be incorrect. This story contains OCs and some characters maybe OCC. Sorry for my grammar/spelling, and please no flames.

Note: This story does contain smut, lime, maybe even lemon; I suck at writing it thou.

WARNING: This story contains strong language. Rated M for language, violence, and mature content. You've been warned!

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon.

Chapter 4

Yolei was too shocked to say anything. Ken had to be joking... right? He couldn't be serious. No, he was joking, this was all a joke; because there was no way Ken would ask her of this!

"Ken, stop kidding around," Yolei said as she stared at the blue haired man, looking so dominating sitting behind his desk.

Yolei really hoped Ken was joking but looking at him right now he looked dead serious. She couldn't believe Ken would ask for something like this.

"I'm serious Yolei. You sign over your shop and your body to me and I'll give you all the money you need. No questions asked," he hissed. Ken was dead serious. He was pissed. How dare she use their friendship to get money out of him. She really was like the rest; he couldn't believe Yolei was like all the other girls. Fine, if she wanted something from him; he would also get what he wanted from her.

He'd been dying to touch her since the day in his room. He loved the noises coming from her mouth. He loved the way she moved under him and he wanted it again. He wanted to hear Yolei scream his name as he devoured her body. He wanted her so bad and he knew she wanted him. he had seen the way she looked at him and knew this was what she wanted too. However, she was just too scared to act on it. And it was half his fault for telling her to forget everything that had happened that faithful day in his room.

A part of Yolei panicked as she watched Ken stand and walk around his desk to come closer to her.

"Ken... please don't do this. Ask for anything else- anything I'll do it. You want the store I'll give it to you! Just please don't ask for... me," Yolei said looking down. She was ready to give him anything he wanted. She had already known he would want the store. That had been the one thing she had fought to keep but she was willing to give it to him. But for him to ask for her; after what he said to her, she thought he didn't want her. He really didn't want her he only wanted her body thou. Was Yolei okay giving Ken only her body when she knew that it would break her?

She really needed the money. Did she really even have an option. She had tried everything, but he was the only one that was willing to give her the money she needed. Yolei questioned if she was willing to sell her body for money? It was for her mother... she had too. She could get that money if... But...she was scared. She didn't want him to take her like this. She didn't want Ken to have her in exchange for money. She wanted Ken to love her. She wanted to hear him say he loved her and always would. It was true she wanted Ken to make love to her but not for money. She wanted his love.

"Yolei I want you, and I know you want me. If this is the only way to get what I want then I don't care," he said, coming to a stop in front of her. She continued to look down, not able to meet his eyes. She could feel him watching her and it was both scary and exciting. She shook her head no! She didn't know what to say. She wasn't ready to make a decision yet.

Ken frowned. Why would she say no? He knew she wanted him, and he'd wanted her, then why the hell was she denying it! He walked closer as she took steps back. He was going to make Yolei agree to his terms. He was going to treat this like any other business deal and Ken wasn't going to take no for an answer.

Yolei felt her back hit a wall and knew she couldn't move away from him anymore. She looked at Ken and noticed he was inches away, without thinking she closed her eyes, not sure what else to do. She jumped as she felt his hand on her cheek before he ran it though her hair. That felt so good, him touching her like that. Having him so close made her whole body heat up.

However, Yolei needed some space; she needed him away so she could think. So, she could clearly thing about what she wanted.

With all the energy left in her, she put her hands on his chest and tried to push him away. "K...Ke... Ken... pleas-" Yolei tried to say, but she knew Ken was right. She wanted him and having him touch her was driving her crazy.

Yolei was about to try speaking again but froze as she felt Ken's hands moving away from her hair to grab a hold of her hands and pin them to the wall behind of her. That shook her out of her embarrassment, and she looked up at him in anger. As much as she wanted Ken, she was not going to let him treat her like one of his fan girls. What the hell was he thinking, pinning her against the wall?

Ken caught the angry look in her eyes, but that didn't scare him. She looked so beautiful right now that he couldn't control himself. He needed her to say yes. "Yolei I don't care why you need the money... and I won't ask. All I need you to say is that you're okay with this agreement. Then you can have all the money you need."

Yolei wanted to cry. Did he really think this was the only way to have her? Did he really not want a relationship with her? He just wanted to sleep with her. He was making her sound like a prostitute. She knew if she accepted this agreement, she wouldn't be happy with herself. However, right now she needed to do this for her family, she had to put her mother's needs before herself. It didn't matter how much she would hate herself for doing this. If she agreed to Ken's agreement her mother had a change to survive. But maybe this was her only chance of ever being with Ken. Even if she would never become anything more to him, she would at least get to lose her virginity to him. Something that she wished since they were teens.

She looked Ken in the eye and nodded her head yes. She was willing to give herself to him. She was willing to give her body, to save her mother. To give her body to Ken even though he didn't have romantic feelings for her.

Ken stared down in shock. Did she just say yes? He was kind of disappointed in Yolei. She had agreed rather quickly to his ridiculous term. Had this been her whole plan from the start? Had she re-entered his life to be able to take money from him. Maybe Hina was right along about Yolei. Ken didn't want to think about that anymore. It would just break his heart. He couldn't think about how one of his childhood friends had played and used him. No, he wouldn't think of that right now, because at the moment it didn't matter. He just needed Yolei's beautiful lips telling him what he wanted to hear. Her to tell him she was giving him her body, that she would be his.

"Yolei say it," he said as he brought his face closer to hers.

Yolei could feel her legs shaking and feared her body would give up on her any minute. He was so close, and just having his sweet breath against her face was driving her crazy.

"Yolei tell me what I want to hear," he continued.

Yolei couldn't think anymore. She needed space. He was making her body buzz and he hadn't even touch her yet. It scared her how much control he had over her. "K...K...Ken... Okay... I'll give you my body just please..." she couldn't finish she needed him to step away.

Ken hadn't thought he was affecting her this much. She could hardly speak. She was shaking and he couldn't believe the affect he had on her.

Once those beautiful words left her mouth Ken did what he'd been dying to do for days; he caught her lips in his.

Yolei grasped. She hadn't been counting on Ken kissing her. She had hoped once she told him she agreed to his stupid terms that he would let her go... but from his deepening of the kiss, Yolei knew that wasn't going to happen. So, she gave into her needs and slowly started to kiss Ken back.

God, she loved feeling his lips on her. He was a great kisser... she wondered how many other women he's kissed? How many me bedded. Would she be as good as the others? What if she did something wrong, this would be her first time. Oh shit, Yolei was starting to make herself nervous as she remembered who she was kissing. This was Ken... not the same young man that was too shy to talk to girls, no this was 'THE' Ken. The Ken that was all grown up, was a multibillionaire, who bedded supermodels and actresses, who also had almost been her first a few days back. However, Yolei broke from her thoughts as she felt his tongue demand her lips to open and she did.

His wet tongue came into her mouth so fast that Yolei was startled. He tasted so good! She was lost in him, but a small part of her was telling her to stop this. That she couldn't let Ken do what he wanted here... in the middle of the day, in his office.

But Yolei couldn't stop the kiss, and as he continued to kiss her, Yolei felt Ken's free hand traveling down her body. Without thinking she moved closer to Ken's body. She was pushed on him so tight she could feel his muscles through his shirt. She was going to die soon if he continued this.

Yolei gasped as Ken cupped one of her beasts in his hands. Yolei ripped her lips away from his and rested her head on his shoulder. That had been the most passionate kiss she had ever had and it felt so right. Like her lips were made for Ken only. She needed to clear her head. She didn't want her first time to be in an office. She wanted something romantic...something different.

"Ken stop," Yolei whispered. She let out a little hiss as Ken squeezed her breast harder. "Ah... Ken! Stop," Yolei moaned. He also started to trail his kisses down her neck. That felt so good.

However, Ken didn't stop. Listening to her moans and cries made him want to do more to her. He wanted her naked under him. He wanted to taste her and watch her beg him to fuck her. He wanted to do this but not hurt her. To busy in his thoughts of lust he hadn't realized his grip on her breast tightened more.

Yolei hissed and ached her back. His grip was getting painful. As Yolei tried to wiggle out from his hold she spoke, "Ken stop. You're hurting me."

Ken did stop. He stepped away and looked at her. "I'm sorry Yolei. When you said your body was mines, I just wanted it..." Ken said trailing off. With that he crowd her again and put his hands on her again, this time used one hand to trail down the length of her stomach until they stopped at the top of her legs. He couldn't stop himself. He felt like his body had a mind of its own, and all it wanted was Yolei.

Yolei was startled and looked up at Ken. She knew if he kept touching her things would get out of hand. She needed to stop him and control herself. So with that thought she struggled trying to move her trapped body away from Ken. However, it did no use. She was about to yell at him however her body froze as she felt his fingers brushing the outside of her panties. Her eyes widen and she stared up at him in surprise.

As she looked up at him, she was surprised to see the smirk on his face. He was not acting like the Ken she knew. He was someone she didn't know. She was seeing the billionaire Ken.

Ken smiled as his fingers touched her panties. He knew she was wet and that she was enjoying this as much as he was. Without thinking his hand somehow traveled under her skirt, so he could get a better access of her. He placed his fingers on a wet spot between her legs. Wow she was wet. She was ready for him. It was driving him crazy. He wished he could just rip her panties off and feel her. But he couldn't. Not right now. He rubbed harder at the spot and watched as Yolei arched her back and threw her head back in a silent moan. She was pushing her lower body completely against him.

Yolei couldn't stop herself. Ken sure knew how to touch a woman. A part of her wanted him to touch her, make him take her... and she knew he would too. As she pushed her body up against his, she could feel how hard Ken was. She could feel his length against her stomach, and she moaned. This was not supposed to happen. Not so soon.

"Ken... AH! AH! KEN STOP," Yolei moaned, with that she got enough strength to push him away again.

She could hardly stand as she tried to catch her breath. She couldn't believe Ken had done this to her. It scared her to know how easy it was for him to control her. She had been ready to give herself completely to him right here right now.

Yolei's legs finally gave out and she slid down the wall until she sat on the ground. She closed her eyes too embarrassed to face him and started talking. "Ken... I'm sorry! I... I've agreed to your terms... it's just that...It's that. I don't want my first time being in your office where anyone can walk in on us!" she had rushed out that last part. She could feel her cheeks burning up and prayed he wouldn't laugh at her, after finding out that she was a virgin.

Ken froze. What did she mean her first time? What was she talking about? Yolei had many boyfriends before; this couldn't be her first! Plus, the other day in his room, Yolei had been so bold and experienced, that she had almost given herself to him then. She didn't mention being a virgin then. No, Yolei could not still be a virgin! There was no way.

However, as he stared her down, he couldn't deny the fact that she was shaking and she was red. That's when the guilt of what he had just done to her hit him hard. He had been lost in his own lust thoughts that he didn't care what happened to her, as long as he got what he wanted.

Ken turned away from her and looked at his desk. He was filled with shame and didn't know what he could do to make her forgive him. He ran a hand through his hair as he started talking, "Yolei I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be so rough. I didn't know that this was going to be your first. If I had I won't hav- Yolei I'm sorry." He felt like an ass. He couldn't believe what he'd done.

Yolei opened her eyes and looked at Ken, only to notice he wasn't facing her. She stared at his back and felt her heart ache for him. Ken looked so disappointed in himself. She couldn't take seeing him like this. She stood up and walked over to him. As she stood behind him, she placed her hands on his back and whispered, "Ken it's okay. I'm okay. Plus, you didn't know."

Ken turned to face her, resulting her to drop her arms. Ken couldn't deny it, Yolei looked beautiful. She wasn't just beautiful, but she was also a sweet person who cared about her friends and family. He had truly missed her and knew he had made the mistake of avoiding her these past few days.

Just as Yolei was about to make her exit Ken grabbing onto her arms stopped her and pulling her into a deep hug. She could feel her face heat up again. However, she rested her head against his shoulder, liking the way he was holding her.

"Wormmon that wasn't funny!"

"Will you two stop arguing?"

Yolei and Ken quickly broke apart as they heard the noises at the door. They turned towards the door just as it opened displaying Hina and in her arms were both Hawkmon and Wormmon.

"Yolei!" Hawkmon yelled jumping out of Hina's arm and running towards his partner. "There was so much food! You would have loved it!"

Yolei smiled down at her digimon as he walked over to her. She smiled at him glad he had a fun time with Wormmon. She just hoped Hawkmon or any of the others couldn't sense what had just happened here minutes ago.

"These two had a lot of fun... Even thou they were fighting every second," laughed Hina as she walked into the room and handed Ken, Wormmon.

"Thanks," Ken said smiled. Hina smiled back, then turned her attention towards Yolei and frowned.

Yolei knew the moment she met Hina that this woman didn't like her. Hina would always look at Yolei with a frown, kind of like she was disappointed in Yolei for some reason. Yolei had no idea why the woman didn't like her and Yolei really didn't care. Yolei knew she wasn't going to get along with Hina, so it was best to avoid her. Even though she knew Ken and Hina were more then just co-workers, they were friends.

Yolei watched Hina closely as she talked with Ken. Hina was a former model and had been on the cover of many magazines. Hina had the perfect body, she was slim, tall, and had the perfect curves to drive men crazy. This made Yolei think of herself; she was nothing like Hina. Yolei was just average. There was nothing special about her body shape, she wore big round glasses that covered half her face, and her clothing looked like oversized rags on Yolei. She couldn't understand why Ken wanted her? She couldn't understand why?

But as she watched Hina and Ken talking to each her, Yolei's heart broke a little. Hina was a beautiful woman and she looked perfect standing there next to Ken. She fit in his lifestyle, she understood him better then Yolei ever would. Ken and Yolei would never look good together. She knew she wasn't right for him. She knew no matter how much she loved Ken, that they could never be anything more than friends or a booty-call. That thought made her frown, she needed to stop thinking about this, she needed to head home and clear her head. Mentally shaking her head, she turned her attention to Hawkmon, and said, " Let's head home."

Hawkmon looked up at her and nodded.

Just as Yolei started to turn towards the exit she was stopped by Ken's voice, "Yolei, I'll pick you up at 7pm tomorrow?"

Yolei blushed as she nodded her head okay. With that she nearly ran out of the room. Yolei knew her face was burning up; she didn't know what to look forward to and prayed she would be able to give Ken what he wanted tomorrow.

"Yolei! Wait up!"

Looking back Yolei watched as Hawkmon ran to catch up to her. Once he was near he started questioning her, "Did you ask Ken about borrowing the money?"

"Yep," Yolei answered as she started walking a head again. Hawkmon frowned and followed. He wanted to know more... did Yolei tell Ken everything? "Did you tell him why you needed the money?" Hawkmon asked.

"No, but he agreed to give me the money anyways," Yolei told him. She couldn't tell Hawkmon of the deal they agreed on or what had happened. Yolei just hoped Hawkmon wouldn't ask more questions.

"Yolei! Don't you think Ken has the right to know? I mean he's your friend. If you tell him why you need the money, he would do everything he could to help you."

Yolei knew he was right. She should have told Ken everything. She had to...if she was going through with this agreement, he needed to know the full story. She would hate herself forever if she didn't tell him. She needed to tell him the truth, even if that meant Ken would break this agreement and not want her. "Okay, I'll tell him tomorrow!" And this time she would tell him! She knew he would understand.

Now all she needed to do was wait until tomorrow and hoped for the best.


Ken watched as Yolei nearly ran out of his office. He couldn't help but feel like an ass. He had done things to her he wasn't proud of. He couldn't believe he had done that to Yolei, one of his childhood friends, one of the first friends to have forgave him for all the evil things he had done as the Digimon Empire.

But why did she drive him crazy? He had been with many women before, but they never made his heart beat like she did. And they never made him go crazy and let his lust take over. When he was with Yolei he wanted her to be his and no one else's. He wanted to tell the whole world she belonged to Ken Ichijouji. But that was impossible. He couldn't do that, and he knew it. Ken had no idea what he was thinking! He knew he didn't have any feeling for Yolei... he just wanted her physical. He couldn't understand it.

"Ken, should I leave you alone?" Hina asked in a soft tone. Ken snapped out of his thoughts and looked at her. Her face was full of worry, shit he had forgotten she was still in the room.

"Oh... no I'm sorry. Hey Hina, you can leave for the day," Ken said, smiling as he walked towards his desk. Ken turned towards the window and watched as the purple haired woman walked down the street and out of sight.


Hina wasn't happy about this. It seemed Ken was getting closer to the purple haired freak. This girl had come out of nowhere and was stealing Ken away. Hina didn't trust Yolei. Hina had a bad feeling that Yolei was after Ken's money; just like all the other girls he dated. However, Hina was not going to let that happen. No, Ken was her friend and she would look after him. Hina would make sure Ken didn't get used again for his money. He deserved to be happy after everything he'd been though. He deserved to be happy with someone like Ken's true soul mate Britney. Everyone knew they belonged together; that the two were made for each other. They just needed to see their error ways and get back together. Britney was the only one that could make Ken truly happy. She was his one and only.

Hina just had to get rid of Yolei and she knew just how to do it. She just needed some help.

Telling Ken she was heading out, she made it to her desk to make a quick phone call. She dialed and waited for the other line to connect. She only needed to wait two rings before someone picked up. Smiling she said, "Hey darling, I've missed you..."


Yolei couldn't sleep all night. She stayed wide-awake thinking about what happened between Ken and her. She was nervous and had no idea what Ken was planning for tonight. Beside if he wanted to go all the way she wasn't sure if she could. She was just so nervous.

'NO! Yolei the first thing you do is tell him the truth! If he ends up hating you for keeping this a secret than so be it. I need to tell him the truth before anything can happen,' Yolei thought. That's what she was going to do. Tell Ken everything. She always loved him, and if they did start something from here, she wanted to be completely honest with him. She was going to tell Ken everything, about what happened to her a year ago, about her mother, about her giving up her happiness and being lonely these past years. She wanted to tell him everything and wanted him to accept her for who she was now.

She broke out of her thoughts when she heard noises coming from the kitchen. Getting up she made her way over only to see Hawkmon making a mess. "What are you doing? You know if you're hungry you could have just told me," Yolei said.

Hawkmon looked up at her innocently and it stole her heart away. He responded, " I thought you were sleeping. I didn't want to wake you."

That made Yolei smile, he was a great friend. Only a good friend would think of her first.

Smiling she went into the kitchen to help make breakfast for the both of them. At least this got her mind off of Ken for a while.


Yolei and Hawkmon had spent the whole day at the shop. They both were having so much fun that they hadn't noticed time flew by. Yolei smiled down at her bird friend. "Hey Hawkmon, it's time to head home. Mako is here for her shift," Yolei said as she found Hawkmon at the back of the store with a bag full of cookies. It was funny seeing him filling his face with more and more cookies. She wondered where he put it all?! She couldn't help but laugh at him.

Hawkmon looked up at her and gave her a questionable look. He had no idea what she found funny. Smiling he stood up, dusting himself before he followed behind her. "I see you can't wait for your date tonight." Hawkmon teased.

It was true she couldn't wait. She was dying to tell Ken the truth and tell him that she loved him; that she had always had!

With that thought in mind, they both headed home.

Once they were home Yolei noticed it wouldn't be long until Ken arrived, so she went looking for something to wear. After an hour of looking though her closet Hawkmon and her settled on a simple but sexy black dress. She let her hair down and added little curls to the bottom. She finished her look but adding some light make-up.

She was nervous and hoped Ken liked what she wore; how she looked. Whenever she was around him, she felt out of place, maybe because he was so famous and well-known while she was a nobody. The thought made her laugh. This sounded like a fairy tale, and at the end she would get the guy. Well she hoped that would happen and nothing would get in her way. She deserved a happy ending.

Turning towards her friend she smiled and showed off her look, "So... how do I look Hawkmon?"

Hawkmon's mouth opened wide in shock. Yolei looked beautiful. He couldn't believe this was his Yolei. The little girl he once knew. Giving her two claws up he said, "Ken's not going to know what hit him."

"Thanks, Hawkmon." Yolei said blushing. She turned back to the bathroom to add the finishing touches. She couldn't wait, and she didn't have too, because just then the doorbell rang. "Hawkmon can you get that," Yolei said from the bathroom.

She was starting to get nervous... maybe this was a mistake. Maybe she couldn't have more with Ken. Maybe she should tell Ken she wasn't feeling good. Right now, she wasn't. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach and her heart beating so fast. She thought she was going to vomit.

"Oh, hey Ken! Don't you look handsome," Hawkmon said as he opened the door to let Ken in. Ken was wearing a nice black top and pants. He looked like one of those dark, tall and handsome type of guys.

"Thanks, Hawkmon. Where's Yolei?" Ken asked as he walked into the apartment and put down Wormmon on the ground. He knew Wormmon would be alone at home, so he brought him along to hang out with Hawkmon while Yolei and he were on their date. He hoped Hawkmon didn't mind.

"She's in the bathroom getting ready. She keeps looking at herself every minute," teased Hawkmon as he walked towards Wormmon. "Hey Wormmon! How you've been?"

Wormmon looked up at the bird and smiled. Wormmon and Hawkmon had gotten closer during these few weeks. After Ken and Yolei started seeing each other a lot, they spent a lot of time together. The two digimons enjoyed each others company. They were like best friends now. "I'm great! Hey Ken, took me to this food place and I had this very tasty thing... I think it was called a Golden Phoenix Cupcake. It was so good!" Wormmon smiled noticing the frown on Hawkmon's face.

"What's that? It sounds weird! Why is the Phoenix gold? Wait you didn't eat a Phoenix right?"

The two digimon got busy in their own conversation that they hadn't notice the blue haired man leaving them and heading towards the bathroom, where the door was wide open. Slowly Ken stopped by the doorframe and watched as Yolei talked to herself. It was a cute site. She was slapping herself lightly and telling herself she could do this and it made him laugh. She looked so cute.

And his laugh made Yolei jump. She quickly turned and blushed. She couldn't believe Ken had been watching her. He had been so quiet, that she wondered if he heard her talking to herself. Smiling she started again, "Umm...Hi Ken!" She had no idea what she was going to say so she shut up and stared at the ground.

Ken laughed again. Why was it that Yolei could make him laugh so easily? It was nice just watching her get nervous. He loved everything about her. He slowly made his way inside and smiled down at her.

"HEY! You're not supposed to just walk into a washroom! Haven't you heard of" she couldn't finish. Looking up at him she couldn't help the blush from deepening. He had moved so close to her in a few steps that it took her breath away. She started again only to be stopped by Ken. "Ken..."

"Yolei you look beautiful," Ken said as his hand came to cup her face. He knew she was embarrassed. Her face was bright as a rose and he smiled. She was beautiful and soon she was going to be his.

Yolei looked up and smiled. She loved him being close, but she didn't want anything to happen... well not before she told him the truth. Removing his hand off her face she held it in her hands and walked outside where Wormmon and Hawkmon were grinning at them.

"Oh I didn't know Wormmon would be here," Yolei said blushing. Ken smiled and said he thought it would be better to have Wormmon stay with Hawkmon so they weren't lonely. Yolei smiled and agreed. And before both of them knew it the two digimons were pushing the couple out the door.

As the door slammed behind them, Yolei turned towards the door yelling, "JUST SEE IF I EVER GIVE YOU JUNK FOOD AGAIN HAWKMON!"

She could hear things moving and a soft 'sorry' before it went quiet. Looking at Ken she noticed him staring her down. Yolei grabbed his hand and nearly dragged him out of the apartment building. As they got outside, she stopped in front of his car. "So where are we going?"

"I made reservations at RyuTonic. I thought we could eat then go to the beach and watch the sunset," Ken said with a small blush on his face. He wanted Yolei's first time to be special and the first step to take was dinner and a beautiful view.

Yolei found it cute when Ken blushed. She had never seen Ken blush, and seeing it now made her want to hug him. He had always had this calm, collected look on his face so it was nice seeing him like this. "Cute!" with that she stood on her toes and gave Ken a quick peck on the cheek before getting him to move.

Ken blushed brighter. No girl had called him cute. It was always sexy, hot, handsome... but never cute. He liked it coming from her.

Staring at Yolei he followed her orders. He opened her door so she could get in, then walked over to the other side and let himself in. Before staring the car, he looked at her one last time. Before he started driving.


Yolei felt weird; RyuTonic wasn't a type of place she would be caught die in. This place was big and expensive. It had many rich people, whom Ken seem to know and Yolei knew she didn't fit in. Maybe she should have told Ken to take her somewhere else.

But it was too late now, so getting that thought out of her head she followed as they were shown to their table. Once seated the waiter said he'd be back to take their order.

Yolei looked at Ken and knew from her lack of experience she would let Ken order for her. Turning her attention towards Ken she noticed he was watching her. "Okay Ken...I have no idea what's good so just this time I'm letting you pick my food. And don't you dare say a salad for the lady," Yolei said.

Yep she didn't want a salad. She was at a five-star restaurant and she wanted to try their food.

Ken smiled and shook his head. She truly was different from every other woman he dated. They all would have eaten a salad or something similar in front of him, because they were all worried about their figures. But Yolei made him smile because she was nothing like them. No Hina was wrong... Yolei was different; she was special. And a good friend.

Soon the waiter returned, and Ken ordered. They were quiet for a while until the waiter came back with wine for the table.

Ken smiled as he poured Yolei and himself some red wine. Smiling he took a slip and watched Yolei look at her glass. "You do know what wine is... Right?" Ken teased. He saw the angry look in her eyes and gave her a small smile.

Of course, she knew what wine was. What did he think? That she was stupid? She just never liked the taste of wine, or any alcohol for that matter. "For your information, I know what wine is, but I rather stick to water. I don't drink," she placed the glass down and picked up her glass of water instead.

She was startled when she heard Ken's laugh. Why did he always laugh at her? It was starting to get on her nerves. Giving him a glare, she started, "you know if I wanted to be laughed at then I would have stayed at home dressed in a big clown costume and let Hawkmon laugh at me!" That shut him up. He must have noticed she was getting annoyed.

He stared at her for a while before he stared, "I'm sorry Yolei. It's just well I guess I've changed. I'm not normal-"

"No Ken. You are normal. Its just that you're rich normal while I'm Yolei normal," she said, she needed to calm down. Ken didn't mean anything by laughing at her, it was just that his lifestyle was so different from hers.

Ken smiled back he was glad they went on this date. It had been along time since he had done something he would have as a kid, being with her brought those feelings back. Just then their food arrived, stopping the conversation. They ate their meal and made some small talk.

After they were done eating and Ken paid for both, they headed for the beach. It was getting late, but this seemed like the perfect way to end the night.

Yolei was nervous. She still needed to tell him about her sitution. She needed to lay her feels and the truth out there and then see what happened. Okay she was going to tell him now. It was perfect, they were at a beach and no one was around. Yes, she was going to tell him now!

Coming to the beach was a great idea. Ken had always loved coming here. It was beautiful, and right now as the sun was setting it looked lovely. He knew this would make it up to her, after what he had done to her the other day. He had felt bad and wanted to show her he cared about her, and not just her body.

Smiling he looked at her. She was busy in her own thoughts that she hadn't noticed him stopping.

Yolei was going to tell him now. She looked beside her and didn't see him; she was about to turn around but stopped when she felt warm arms wrap around her waist. Her heart stopped beating and she thought she was going to die.

"Yolei I'm happy we went on this date. I've hadn't had this much fun in a long time." He turned her around and stared into her face. It was true he hadn't. Ken leaned in to catch her lips in his, however was stopped as her hand came in the way.

"Ken wait! I need to tell you something," she said taking a deep breath. She looked up at him and noticed him staring at her in concern. She started again, "It's about the-"


"Shut up bitch!"

Yolei and Ken broke apart as they heard a woman's voice followed by a man's. Someone was yelling for help! The noises were coming from behind the cliff that separated Ken and Yolei from the others. Without thinking Yolei started ahead and ran towards the sounds. She wasn't sure if Ken was following or not, but she couldn't just let a person get attacked and not do anything.

Just as she got to the scene, she noticed two men holding down a girl. One man was big, with extra weight on him. He had blonde short hair. The second man seemed slimmer, however he had long brown hair in a ponytail. Yolei couldn't see the girl's face or anything but the girl looked like she was crying. Without thinking again Yolei started to call out.

"HEY! You ugly men get off her!"

Both men stopped and turned towards the new voice. Seeing a purple haired woman both men smiled. The man with the blonde hair let the other girl go and started walking over towards Yolei. Before he could touch her, however, he was punched away.

Looking up the man noticed a blue haired man standing in front of Yolei.

"Yolei! Are you crazy?! Don't just go and get yourself in shit," Ken yelled. Why did she just run off like that? Did she know what that man could have done to her if he hadn't come behind her?

Yolei looked up at Ken and was glad he came. "Ken this isn't the time to be yelling at me; go save her," Yolei hissed, as she pointed to a girl on the ground struggling.

Ken ran over to the other man and kicked him off the girl. However, the brunet recovered faster and came running to tackle Ken. As Ken fought brunet; Yolei ran towards the crying girl.

The girl threw herself at Yolei and started to cry. Yolei hugged her back and tried to comfort the girl. Yolei was never good at comforting others but tried her best. Looking at Ken and noticed the blonde man was sneaking up behind Ken.

"KEN BEHIND YOU!" Yolei screamed.

The man looked at Yolei with hate, and then was kicked to the ground just as fast by Ken. The second man seemed to know they needed to get out of here as he looked at Ken in fear. With one final look he got up and dragged his friend away from the scene deciding they were in a losing battle. Ken was going to go after them but stopped and looked at Yolei and the crying girl.

He made his way over towards the girls. "Yolei is she okay?" He asked. He was worried for the poor girl. He was disgusted to see men like that out there in this world.

Yolei shrugged her shoulders. This girl was scared and wasn't talking. Yolei had no idea what to do.

Just as Ken was about to start talking again the girl spoke as she pulled herself away from Yolei. "Thank you both so much... I'm...I'm sorry to have ruin-"


Both women turned to Ken. 'Ken just said Britney! Britney as in his ex?' Yolei thought.

The other woman smiled with tears in her eyes as she looked at Ken. It was Ken! She couldn't believe she was seeing him here of all places. She threw herself at him and started crying again. "Oh KEN! I was so scared. I didn't know what to do! I'm glad you found me."

Ken was surprised. He hadn't seen her for three years and now here she was. He didn't know what to do; he'd been madly in love with her before... and now she was back. All his feelings for her came crashing down at once and all he could focus on was Britney. He needed to make sure she was safe, that she would be fine.

Ken tried to comfort her by rubbing her back to make her stop crying and said, "Don't worry I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you."

Yolei stared at them both. She was hurt; Ken seem to have forgotten about her. Yolei didn't want to say anything right now; she didn't want to be selfish... so she just stayed quiet. The poor girl looked so scared and being wrapped in Ken's arms was helping her calm down. Apart of Yolei felt jealous. Ken looked good with Britney. They both looked like the perfect couple, no wonder everyone had said they were soul mates. Maybe everyone was right?!

Britney had nice long black hair, flawless and pale skin, and she had a nice slim body. She also fit perfectly in Ken's arms. There was no way Yolei would look that good with Ken.

Yolei looked at them one more time and felt her heart slowly breaking. This was Britney, Ken's true soul mate. It hurt but she had to admit it Ken looked happy with Britney in his arms. Maybe Yolei was just causing Ken more problems by staying in his life, now that Britney was back Yolei would what? Go back to being just friends... and then a few months later they'd stop talking all together?! Maybe she should save them both the trouble and stop seeing Ken now. She would turn down his loan and keep looking for another way. She knew that now that Britney was back Ken would couldn't care about their agreement and he wouldn't need Yolei anymore. She needed to break things with him before he could hurt her more.

Yolei could feel the tears in her eyes. Why did she always have to make herself depressed? Why couldn't she just live a simple happy life?

"Umm... Ken," Ken was startled and looked up as he heard Yolei's voice. Shit, he'd forgotten about Yolei! How could he have? Turning his attention towards her he started to talk, only to have her stop him.

"Ken, I think you should take her home. She's shaken up and looks like she's falling asleep. After its best you just head home. I'll take a taxi... it's not far. And I'll come by your office tomorrow morning and drop off Wormmon." Yolei said smiling. She wanted to show Ken that she didn't mind but it was hard looking at him right now.

"But Yolei..."

"Look Ken! Your car will only fit two. She's asleep and you're the only one who knows where she lives. Plus, nothing's going to happen to me, I'll be fine."

Ken wasn't sure about this. He didn't want to let Yolei go home all by herself in the dark. But Yolei didn't give him a choice as she started to walk off.

"YOLEI WAIT-" Ken called after her.

"BYE KEN! I'll see you tomorrow," Yolei said as she half ran, half walked away from the beach. When she was out of Ken's sight, she let the tears win and broke down crying. She didn't know why she was crying but she just felt like her heart had been ripped from her chest. She didn't know how long she stood there and cried. All she knew was she cried until she no longer could.


Ken watched as Yolei walked off. He felt bad for letting her go by herself but knew she was right. He wouldn't leave Britney. He couldn't believe he was seeing her. It had been years since he last seen her, and she still looked the same; beautiful as ever.

Smiling he stood up carrying the sleeping woman to his car. As he placed her in; he couldn't help but look at her again. She was still beautiful as ever. He could feel his heart beating fast and could remember all the times they spent together... NO! He quickly turned away. No... she had left him... he was not going to fall for her again. No, he couldn't. Shaking his head of old thoughts, he got into the driver seat and started toward her house.

When he got to her mansion, he was welcomed in. It seemed everyone still remembered him. Ken smiled at the butler as he walked by and took her to her bedroom.

It seemed everyone in this mansion had always loved him. He knew Britney had always been a lonely person... she had lost her parents when she was a little girl. But because her mother was a super model and her dad owed a well know modeling company, she had gotten all their wealth. Many had thought she was a spoiled brat... but they were wrong. Britney was the sweetest, nicest, smarted, caring, and shyest girl he knew.

She had told Ken everything about herself and she had never kept any secrets while they were dating. He knew he loved her, and he always would. Just staring at her sleeping so peaceful he knew he had missed her. Smiling he placed a small kiss on her forehead before he walked out.

Just as he was out of her room, he heard a small, "I'm sorry Ken..." come out of her rosy pink lips. He smiled; she still thought of him. It warmed his heart to know.


Yolei had finally made it home around one in the morning. She hoped Wormmon and Hawkmon were sleeping. She didn't want them to see her red eyes. She felt like a mess and just wanted to go straight to bed.

As she opened the door, she was greeted by two digimon watching TV. Damn there went her plans of avoiding questions.

"Oh... look at the time! What took you so long? Yolei... you and Ken didn't... you know," Hawkmon teased, smiling. Yolei blushed then frowned. Why did Hawkmon have to tease her all the time?

"No, we didn't! Oh, and by the way Wormmon you don't mind staying here for the night right? Ken had an emergency and had to run off... and he wouldn't be able to make it back."

"I'm fine here," Wormmon said looking at Hawkmon in worry. Yolei wouldn't look them in the eyes and they both had noticed it. "Is everything okay?" he questioned.

Yolei nodded her head, "Yes... I'm going to sleep...long night. Goodnight you guys," she said running for her room; however, she didn't make it as Hawkmon blocked her way. Yolei looked up and frowned, before hissing, "Hawkmon move out of my way."

He shook his head no and flew closer and closer to Yolei. Every time he came closer; she took steps back. Before she knew it, she ended up on the couch beside Wormmon.

"Hawkmon get out of my way!" She yelled.

"No! What happened Yolei? You were crying," stated Hawkmon.

Wormmon looked up at the girl and it was true her eyes were red. Ken couldn't have done that? Could he?

"Did Ken say something?" Wormmon asked in concern.

Yolei shock her head no. She looked down at the ground as she felt more tears build up. "Nope he didn't say anything. I just...I don't know! I just started crying." She looked up and smiled as tears fell from her eyes.

"Aww... Yolei you know you can tell us what happened."

She nodded and wiped her tears. "We met Ken's ex... and seeing those two together I knew I was just getting in the way."

"Yolei that's not true! I've never seen Ken this happy before," Wormmon said as he moved closer to the girl. It was true he hadn't seen Ken smiled as much as he did. And Ken wouldn't stop talking about her every chance he got. Even though Ken wouldn't say it, Wormmon knew Ken loved Yolei. Ken was just stupid not to recognize it yet!

"But... you weren't here when he was dating her; they were together for a few years and it was the happiest anyone had seen him. And I know he still loves her. He even forgot I was around today because he was too focus on her." Yolei said, she was still trying to wipe the tears away. She needed to stop. She was being selfish and only thinking about herself.

"You can't give up! You almost had him. Come on Yolei don't give up," Hawkmon said as he sat on her lap.

"NO... I give up! I've had my heart broken many times with him and I'm tried! I don't want to get hurt anymore. I just want a happy life. Is that too much to ask for? Why does God hate me so much...first he took my parents away from me then my life... and now my love. I'm giving up on love... it's not meant for me," Yolei cried, with that Yolei pushed Hawkmon off and ran towards her room. She just wanted to be alone.

Hawkmon stood up rubbing his head; Yolei couldn't give up on love. He turned his gaze to Wormmon and frowned. Shit... Hawkmon knew from the look on Wormmon's face he needed to explain somethings.

"Hawkmon...what does Yolei mean by 'took my parents away'?" questioned Wormmon.

Hawkmon looked at the worm and frowned. Well he guessed telling Wormmon would be okay. Moving closer he stood beside the worm and said, "Just don't tell Ken..." and Hawkmon told Wormmon everything.


-Next Day-

Ken had been in his office early today. He couldn't sleep last night, and he couldn't get his mind off of everything that happened. He still couldn't believe Britney was back. He was so happy to see her again... he wondered when she came back to Tokyo? Why hadn't she reach out to him? No, he needed to stop think about her. But every time he closed his eyes or tried to focus on work, he kept seeing her beautiful sleeping face and her whispering his name. Damn!

Hearing a knock at the door brought Ken back from his thoughts. Telling whoever it was to come in, he was surprised to see who walked in.

"Well it's been awhile Ken," said a smiling blond-haired man as he walked into the room with two black haired men behind him. One had shoulder length hair while the others were shorter. With the men also was a long brown-haired woman and lastly Hina.

Ken stood shocked to see his friends walking into the room. They had been gone for months now on a 'business trip'. Ken couldn't believe they were back! He had missed them these past months and had so much to share with them. Ken smiled, glad that they were finally back.

He really had missed them. This was his family now, these people walking into the room with open arms and smiling faces. Since Ken became wealthy these people were his true friends. They were the only people that never looked down at Ken or used him for his money. These were his true friends; Britney, Hina, the blonde; Ryuu, the brown-haired woman; Hiyu, the short black headed man; Kira, and the long black-haired man; Kai.

Ken first met Ryuu during a business party. Ken had hit it off with him so well and the next thing he knew Ken was introduced to the others. They had all become so close in the past five years. They always travelled and hangout together; some people even called then the Six. However, a few months back they were all suppose to go overseas for a while, however Ken couldn't make it and had to back out. These past months had been lonely without them until Wormmon and the other digidestined had re-entered his life. But ever that relationship was nothing like the one he had with these people. They understood him the most.

"So, what's our little Ken been up to?" asked Kira. Kira had always been the funny one of the groups. He hated serious conversations and could lighten the mood anytime. He was the lay back type of guy. Kira; was a bone skinny but tall guy. He has a darker skin complexing then Ken. He had an innocent boyish look to him; however, he was not innocent at all.

"Nothing really," Ken said smiling. He turned his attention towards Kai who was leaning against the wall near Ken's desk.

Kai had always been the mysterious quiet types. He seemed like he wasn't interested in anything. It was hard to get Kai in a conversation; you couldn't read the guy. Kai was a tall well muscled man. He had shoulder length pitch black hair; and pale skin tone. He looked like a runaway model mixed with an MMA fighter.

Ken had a feeling that Kai didn't like him much. Every time they all spent time together Ken got a vibe from Kai. Ken had tried man times to talk to the man however he avoided Ken in most cases. Ken didn't know why Kai didn't like him. However, Kai was a close friend with Ryuu and Ken wasn't going to say anything. "So, did you find the mysterious man a woman?" Ken teased, which wasn't smart as it resulted in Kai giving him a dead glare before he started towards the exit. "Opps... my mistake," Ken finished.

"Oh man, that guy will never change. I'll look for him later. It's not like he's going anywhere," Ryuu said. Now Ryuu was the closest one to Ken. Sure, Ryuu and Ken were the opposites, but they were the closest in the group.

Ryuu was rude and straight-forward. He didn't take shit from anyone and knew how to hold his ground. Besides, many people didn't like to get on Ryuu's bad side. Ryuu was also known as the playboy in the group and he was the cause of Ken's streak too. Ryu was also tall and had a muscle-slim figure. He had short blond hair and looked like a super star.

"Now Ken, why would he need a girl when I'm right here? And don't tell me you two have been doing nothing but work all this time," Hiyu said. She had long brown hair; flowing down to mid-back. She was again like Hina model slim and had pale skin. She also had a crush on Kai... but he always looked the other way.

"What are you talking about...Ken's been busy with a new girl," Hina offered, smiling. All eyes turned to her then Ken.

Ken frowned. Yolei...he didn't know what to say. He had thought he had feelings for her but after seeing Britney last night, he wasn't sure what he felt.

"Ken... who is she? Tell me she's hot, rich, a model and has a sexy body," Kira said smiling, as he leaned in his chair.

"Nope. She poor, owns a little shop, and she's got these round glasses that cover half her face," Hina said laughing. Everyone looked at Ken in disbelieve.

Ken frowned; he didn't like the way she was talking about Yolei. Just when he was about to say something to defend Yolei, Ryuu started talking, "Oh God Ken! When did you start falling for clowns?!"

Ken's frown deepened. He watched as his friends laughed and didn't like it. "Okay...stop making fun of her! She's just a childhood friend. Now can we please talk about something else..." anything to change the subject off Yolei.

"Aww... isn't that cute... look how Ken sticks up for his 'childhood' friend," Hiyu laughed. Ken frowned this was going to be a long day.



The next chapter will be up hopefully by tomorrow. Thanks for reading! Stay safe all! 😊

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