A Hobbit's Tale-The Desolatio...

By sanaraheel789

690 34 3

Book 3, after the last venture this continues in Anya Hadin's P.O.V. sorry may not be able to add Bilbo Baggi... More

3-The First Kiss
6-Entering The Forest
7-Spiders & Elves, Seriously?
9-The Hadins-1
10-The Hadins-2

5-Mirkwood Forest

53 3 0
By sanaraheel789

At the skin-changer's house, we settled down for breakfast. I was helping Beorn by setting the table & having a friendly conversation with him. His features were softened as he listened while serving the food. I was telling him about how I liked his place even about how my mother would love to have a place like this as her home. Soon everyone settled in for breakfast, I picked up an apple. I walked to join Balin who was leaning against the windowsill. I offered him an apple but he shook his head, smiling gently. Thorin was leaning against a post behind his nephews. Beorn was pouring milk in wooden cups as he glanced at the dwarf.
Beorn: "So you are the one they call Oakenshield. Tell me, why is the pale orc, Azog, hunting you?"
I almost choked on the piece I was about swallow just as Thorin looked at the skin-changer curiously.
Thorin: "You know about Azog? How?"
Beorn told us how they were, meaning his people were the first settlers here. From the North to the mountains years ago, Azog had hunted down his people throughout that time, captured them. Not only to torture them but also for their entertainment & such. I knew that Azog was not only a monster but an abomination. My eyes wandered to his right arm where there was a shackle but no chain. Which means that he had been captured as well but he escaped. Bilbo also noticed the same as he turned to Beorn.
Bilbo: "Are there more of your people around here?"
Beorn shook his head sadly when he mentions that he was the only one who was alive. The last of his kind. My heart sank at this, no wonder he chose these animals as his companions. Beorn had pretty much understood our situation, about Durin's Day & about us reaching the Lonely Mountain before then. He suggested that we should go through the Mirkwood Forest formerly known as Greenwood. Now the place is under the heavy spell of dark magic, ugh, I do not like the sound of that. Then another thing occurred to me that the Mirkwood Forest was currently the residence of those Woodland Elves. They mostly live in reclusive manner simply ignoring the outside world. Beorn mentions that they aren't like their other kin which I tend to agree. I don't like them either due to my own reasons, I glanced at Thorin, he glanced at me briefly before pondering on what the skin-changer was saying. He gently picked up a small white mouse in his large hand, he came near Thorin. His height practically towering Thorin's, like I said he was taller than my father.
Beorn: "I do not like dwarfs, they are greedy & treat others lesser than themselves without any feelings."(I winced at what he just said, harsh.)"But I hate the orcs even more. Tell me what you need."
At that I hid my smile by lowering my head, I like him, he really is one of the good guys. Soon the skin-changer gave us the necessary supplies we needed besides food that is. Bilbo & the others were outside, I was packing the stuff I needed for the journey. Standing up I put on my jacket, then I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder. Frowning I turned slowly, to my surprise both the Fundin brothers were standing before me. Oddly enough both were smiling at me, nervously I cleared my throat.
Anya: "Yes, gentlemen, can I help you with anything?"
Dwalin:(Chuckling)"Not much, lassie, we just wanted you to know that we approve. And rightfully so."
Anya:(Raising my eyebrows, confused)" I'm sorry, um, approve what exactly, Mr. Dwalin?"
Balin:(Laughing lightly)"About Thorin's decision in courting you, my dear. We thank you for accepting it. Well it was a bit too soon but it has been a long time since I have seen him this happy & content."
Dwalin: "Aye, brother, that is true. After the way both you & the halfling had risked your lives to save him from Azog. Well, in a way especially you have earned my respect, lass. Trust me, that rarely happens to me."
I blushed slightly at what he said yet felt kind of relieved.
Anya: "Wow, I...I don't know what to say. At first I wasn't sure that you would accept the fact since I am a human & he is a dwarf. And not to mention your future King."
Balin:(Patting my arm)"You do not need to worry, Miss Hadin. Those laws do not abide anymore, as you know we dwarfs fall in love only once in a lifetime. And fate has chosen you to be his One. Throughout these years Thorin has not once thought about his own well-being nor about his own happiness till now. Until you entered his life."
Anya: "Actually, Balin, it is Thorin who has changed the prospect of my life. I was not really looking for any commitment either. I suppose after everything we've been through just drew us closer."
Dwalin: "I'm sure that it wasn't just your pretty looks that my old friend fell for, Miss Hadin. You proved yourself quite worthy in his eyes. I just wish you both happiness, lass, we both do."
Balin: "Aye, as for the others?"(Chuckling)"We will tell them the news when it is time. Come, we better head out now, don't wish to delay anymore."
I smiled in gratitude to both of them, I bent down to pick up my baggage but Dwalin beat me to it & simply walked out, winking at me. I simply gaped at him, slowly breathing out I followed. The sun was shining brightly yet I noticed a few clouds hovering about, it might rain today. Dwalin had placed my baggage near Thorin's who was tying up his supplies on a pony. Smiling, I walked up to him & decided to help him. He flinched at first but then he relaxed knowing it was me, so he let me help him. Next we heard Kili's cheerful voice calling my name, glancing over Thorin's head, my eyes widened in delight. Kili along with Bilbo Baggins were walking side by side with a brown mare, who looked really familiar.
Kili:(Smiling, widely)"Look who it is, love, she was found by Bilbo Boggins."
Bilbo glared at Kili for using that name which he had mispronounced on their first meeting.
Anya: "Eva, oh my god, I cannot believe its you."(Running my hand fondly in her mane then hugging her)"You have no idea how much I missed you, girl."
Bilbo:(Chuckling)"At first I wasn't sure it could be her but then I remembered that you told me that you had put some colored beads in her hair. You had engraved both your names on them, correct? Look, Thorin, you can see for yourself, they are amazing."
Thorin came near to see for himself, he smiled when he saw them.
Bilbo:(Taking out an apple)"Here you go, Eva, how about an apple? She remembers me, when she came near me nudging my shoulder."
Kili:(Scratching his head)"Obviously she remembered me too."(I smiled as Thorin looked at him, curiously)"Actually, I was tying my supplies as Bilbo brought her to me. She started nibbling my hair like she used to."
Anya: "Of course she would remember you, Kili & Bilbo. For she can easily tell that you are both good people at heart. Even my brother. She doesn't usually befriend a total stranger that easily. One look at the person before her, whether he be a man, elf, a dwarf even a person I already know of. She has a good memory."
As if to prove my point Eva gently nudged Thorin's chest, everyone chuckled lightly.
Fili: "Well, it is obvious she remembers you too, Thorin. Hey, Eva, remember me?"
She nuzzles Fili's hand, Eva really seemed content as if she came back home. To a family.
Anya: "Eva, why did you run off like that back there. You & I have faced many orcs together as a team."(Looking at my friends)"Believe it or not but Eva has saved my life a number of times. She could easily knock out an orc instantly with her hoofs. Even if necessary outrun the wargs."
Fili: "One thing I don't understand, how did she make it all the way here in the skin-changer's place."
We all jumped slightly as we heard Beorn's voice, he came near us along with a grey horse.
Beorn: "Actually, Miss Hadin, it was my friend, Theron, here who found her. She wasn't injured just dehydrated & hungry. Now they are mates, soon they going to be a family."
We gaped at each other just as Beorn smiled.
Bilbo: "Oh my, I believe he is right, Anya, she is going to be a mother soon."
I looked in her soft brown eyes & I could tell that she was happy here. Which means it was time to let her go.
Anya: "I wish to thank you, Mr. Beorn, for taking good care of her. She does look happy here."
Beorn: "No need to thank me, Miss Anya, she is a fine breed. I can tell that you raised her real good. She is strong, you can take her with you for a while."
I smiled at him gratefully, he smiled gently then turned to leave with Theron trailing behind him. Feeling sad though, I was going to miss her. I felt Thorin's hand on my shoulder, the others had left to tend their ponies.
Thorin: "Armâlimê, I know how difficult this is for you. You raised her when she was a baby &...!"
Anya:(Holding my tears)"No, you are right, Thorin. We had a good run together though. Just so you know that Eva has her own reasons to despise orcs. You see when I first found her she was bare 3 months old. She was injured yet she managed to escape the orcs. When I went over to investigate I saw that they had not only killed her family but also ate them. It happened almost a month when I left Rivendell at the age of 18. We have been a team since then."
As if understanding my feelings Thorin cupped me at the back of my head to touch his forehead. I smiled at this then we parted, he helped me in tying my stuff on Eva's back. He gently patted Eva's neck before heading for his pony. In a distance I saw Gandalf in a deep conversation with Beorn, I frowned at this mounting my horse. Thorin looked at me as if wanting to know the same thing but I shrugged my shoulders. Something is definitely up, I can smell it.
Thorin: "Gandalf, it is getting dark, we better be moving on."
Gandalf nodded his head yet he seems agitated. He mounted his horse & soon we were off. Thorin & I rode side by side, I kept looking behind me for it seems as if we were being followed. I sighed with relief once I saw it was Beorn but as the bear, of course. Probably to keep a lookout for Azog. Pretty soon we reached our destination, I felt my stomach drop as I gazed upon this dreadful place. A long time ago this place was a full of wonder, magical but now a curse. Ugh!?
Dwalin: "No sign of those orcs, luck is on our side."
How I wished if that was possible once we enter the forest & make it through alive, seriously!

1937 words!

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