6-Entering The Forest

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I clutched my locket as I kept staring at the forest. I could easily sense such dark enchantment in the forest. I was dumbfounded at the fact as to why the Woodland Elves did not seek any help. I felt my hand in a firm, warm grip, making me flinch a little, Thorin.
Thorin: "Are you alright, love? If you are not feeling well then I suggest that you should go back."
Anya:(Shaking my head)"No, I am fine, Thorin, I'm alright. Its this place, I'm having a bad feeling about it."
Bilbo: "You are right, Anya, this place does look sick. As if some kind of disease has taken over."
I winced at what he just said, seriously & to think that we have to enter this place. Gandalf got down from his horse & went over to investigate. He told us to release the ponies & Eva so they could return home. I slumped my shoulders yet tried to look a content as I began to remove her bridle. Fili stepped up to help, first he quickly took down my baggage then the saddle. I looked at Eva's soft brown eyes as I released her. She stepped closer to snuggle her head against me. I hugged her neck, I was going to miss her but at least I was happy about her new home & family.
Kili:(Rubbing my shoulder)"You don't have worry about her now, Anya. She will be safe & happy with the skin-changer."
Anya:(Wiping my tears)"I know that, Kili. I know its for the best, now I want you to head back, Eva. But I shall never forget you, girl & all the good times we've had. I promise we will see each other soon, you & your family. Don't you worry about me, OK, I'm going to miss you too."
Bofur:(Gently patted her neck)"We are going to miss you too, Eva."
He smiled at me sadly as did Fili & Kili, behind them Thorin mirrored the same. Touching my forehead with hers, then as if understanding yet her eyes were filled with sadness. I gently gave her a push & she trotted away. At least she still has those beads to remember our friendship. I turned back, I felt Thorin's hand in mine, squeezing mine gently. I noticed Nori near Gandalf's horse. I jumped slightly hearing an odd tone in his voice.
Gandalf: "Wait, not my horse, I need it."
Nori looked back at him, startled as did the others besides Thorin, he frowned.
Anya: "What, wait, don't tell me that you're leaving again."
Gandalf:(Gripping my arm)"Trust me, my child, I wouldn't be leaving if it wasn't necessary. But I shall rejoin you soon."(Looking at Thorin)"Now, keep the key & the map safe, under no circumstances must you enter the mountain. Wait for me at the overlook point in Erebor, understood?"
I frowned at what he said, while Thorin merely nodded his head, Gandalf gave me an one-armed hug. Then he turned to look at Bilbo & began talking to him. Something was definitely up with the old man, he had become agitated as soon as he walked out of the forest. I still did not like the fact that we had to go through the Mirkwood Forest. But if we go around the forest towards North, it will take us much longer to reach our destination though. Then he walked back to his horse, the clouds above us began to rumble & it started to drizzle. I pulled my jacket closer about me, although the weather was warm today. Gandalf mounted his horse & looked at us.
Gandalf: "Now remember that this is not the Greenwood of old. A heavy dark enchantment has taken over this place. Do not stray from the elven path, keep following it & you should be able to go through safely. There is stream in there but it has a dark enchantment. Do not touch the water just cross the stone bridge. The air is heavy with illusions that shall lead your mind astray."
Bilbo: "Lead our mind astray, what does that mean?"
I bit my lip knowing very well as to what he meant, it does not sound good.
Gandalf:(Turning his horse)"No matter what, do not leave the elven path, once you do you will never find it again."
Thorin: "Come on, we must keep going, we have to reach the mountain before Durin's Day. We have only one chance in finding the hidden door."
The others grumbled a bit as they secured their belongings. I turned to look at the retreating back of the wizard, riding away. I felt someone holding my hand firmly, it was Thorin. Without a word we entered the forest, searching the elven path. The trees & the plants surrounding us were lifeless, I did not like this. We found the path with Thorin leading us, of course. A few days ago both Fili & Kili told me that even though Thorin was a good leader & warrior but at times he was bad in taking directions. Seriously!? I find that hard to believe though. In silence we walked on, staying on the path, soon it seems we had gone even deeper in this forest. I was walking behind Bilbo I could definitely feel the heaviness in the air as we walked on. The path pretty much led in different directions, Dwalin who was tapping with his axe found it & we followed him. Soon we reached the stream, Bofur found the stone bridge but to our dismay the bridge was not there, how? We looked about for another way across. Someone suggested to just wade through the water, really?!?
Thorin: "Did you forget what Gandalf instructed us not to touch the water. It is enchanted with dark magic. Who knows what else is!"
Bofur: "Doesn't look that enchanted to me."
Anya: "I suggest we should find another way across without losing the path. For I can see the rest just across from us."
Thorin nodded in agreement with me, then Kili found some vines which would take us across. He was about to the task himself but Thorin stopped him.
Thorin: "Kili, wait. We must send the lightest first."
Oh, boy! I bit my lip to prevent myself from giggling out loud once I saw the dwarfs eyeing him. Poor Bilbo Baggins, clearly not happy but he did sign the contract. Soon he was on his way over the vines, despite this odd feeling I was going through, I was praying that he must not fall. Thorin & I stood near watching him, my heart lurched once Bilbo almost lost his grip yet hung on. He was nearly halfway through then Thorin started to climb over, not wanting to stay here much longer, I followed next. I still do not trust this place, God we had to get out & fast. Behind me the other dwarfs followed us next. Bilbo managed to get across safely but he was mumbling to himself, shaking his finger at something & shaking his head.
Bilbo: "Something is not right, not right at all. Stay where you are, oh!"
I simply rolled my eyes, Thorin landed next to Bilbo, as I got closer Thorin slipped his arm around my waist. I mumbled my thanks to him as soon as my feet felt solid ground. I had noticed that Bilbo was slapping his face as if to keep himself awake, good idea. My ears picked up a slight noise to my right, I turned my head to look. What I see before me made me blink my eyes twice, for there in front of me was a white stag. Never in my life have I ever seen such a creature it's horns were like silver glinting against the sunlight. Magnificent! But at first I couldn't tell whether it was  real or part of the illusions. Then I saw Thorin raise his bow & arrow, confused, I pinched my the bridge of my nose.
Bilbo: "What are you doing?"
Blinking, I stared at the animal, he was staring at us or rather at the dwarf. I was standing behind Thorin so I had no clue as to what he was thinking, he was aiming at the white stag. Next, I thought I heard what sounded like a slight growl, huh?! That sound came from the animal? Thorin froze momentarily for the stag seems to be glaring at him. Seriously!? Then he fired his arrow but missed & the stag ran off into the forest. Not sure whether his intentions in killing the creature either for dinner or believing it to be the part of the enchantment.
Bilbo: "You shouldn't have done that. Its bad luck."
Thorin: "I don't believe in luck, we make our own luck."
Part of me agreed with him. Then we heard a splashing sound, turning, it was Bombur, he fell asleep, landing in the water. Oh fiddlesticks! I patted Thorin's shoulder for he began to grumble, incoherently.
Anya: "Relax, I got this. Bofur, Mr. Dwalin, I need your help in this."

1508 words!

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