What I never knew I always wa...

By MarinaShipper19

63.5K 1.1K 392

ON HOLD- I'm back with another Robsten pregnancy story (shocker I know right?) because let's face it! I wish... More

Were going to Rio!
Edward and Bella
Gender reveal :)
Hormones are fun!....Not
Sex on the beach
Family time
Cats out of the bag
32-week appointment
Stay at home
Baby Time
1 Day post partum
Please dont go....
Baby's first checkup!
Authors note!
Your back!
Beach baby
Date Night
Food poisoning
Authors note- sick
How I met your mother
Blood tests
authors note! I needed to do this
Condoms and birth control
it's time
Mackenzie Foy
authors note -Family emergency
Elle Magazine
I'll be there for you
Lunch Disaster
Where is the baby?
Every parent's nightmare
72 hours
Hospital Blues
First word, First steps and Getting Drunk...Oh My!
1st Birthday
First Day of Preschool
Mom, I think I'm dying
authors note
Unexpected Consequences
Officially Grandparents
Please tell me.....I'm dreaming
The Funeral
Why Eliana?
The Hauntings Of Our Past
Coming Home
Very Unexpected!
24-week birth
When Nothing Else Matters!
Welcome home
2 months later
First Cuddle
Christmas Eve
A new day
End of the road
Never easy
I don't know what to do with her!

By Your Side

625 15 3
By MarinaShipper19

I wanna thank everyone for your support and patience this past week. My sister is doing fine and recovering fast. Thank you all for your concern, my family appreciated it alot. -Kate

Kristen did not want to wake up, she had lied awake that night unable to sleep and by the time her alarm had gone off at quarter past six, she had gotten maybe an hour of sleep. She wanted nothing more than to roll back over and sleep some more, but she still had to go to set and see if there was anything that she could film. Grabbing her phone off the nightstand, she checked to make sure Eliana was still asleep before heading down to the kitchen. She let the dogs out and headed over to the coffee pot. she had not drunk any coffee since before she became pregnant, not even when Eliana was getting her up multiple times a night after she was born but this morning, was desperate for some.

Her phone buzzed and lit up on the counter as she was finishing up preparing the coffee pot and upon seeing that it was Robert calling, she didn't hesitate to answer it.

"Hey, hun," she greeted

"Hey, I'm sorry I didn't call you right away. I went straight to the hospital."

"It's fine, How is she?" Kristen hesitantly asked, not sure she wanted to know the answer.

"It's bad Kris, it will be a miracle if she pulls through." Rob sighed. "Anyway, how are you?"

Kristen snorted. "You're asking how I am? Your mother is dying and you're asking how I am?"

"I know, messed up right?"

"I'm good if you must know."

"Really Kris? Your drinking coffee...you haven't done that since before you were pregnant."

Kristen sighed. "I miss you alright? You know I don't sleep well when you are away and no it wasn't because of Eliana, she slept all night."

"How is she?"

"Good, still asleep. I just realized something. You didn't tell anyone you were leaving, did you?"

Rob sighed. "No, could you tell Bill for me?"

"Yes, but I can't guarantee that it won't throw production off. Anyway, my turn. How are you?"

"I really don't know Kristen, I don't know how I feel."

"I'm here if you ever need to talk,"

Kristen got cut off by Eliana cries coming in over the monitor.

"You wanna say hi to your daughter? She just woke up"

"I heard. Sure."

Kristen grabbed her phone and headed upstairs to their room.

"Good morning baby, what's wrong." Kristen laid her phone on the bed and picked Eliana up. She climbed into bed getting them both settled before picking her phone back up

"Who's that?" Kristen asked her daughter. "Say hi to daddy."

Elaina squealed upon seeing her daddy.

"Hi baby girl, are you being good for mummy?" Rob asked

"Tell Daddy, we will be fine" Kristen giggled

"Ugh, I love you guys"

"We love you too!"

"Well, I should probably get going. It's late here in London."

"Yeah, we should go too. Little miss is getting hungry and we need to go to set. I will talk to you later and don't hesitate to call me"

"Ok, I love you both so much."

"Love you too." Kristen ended the call and took Eliana downstairs to get her fed before they headed to set


Arriving to set, Kristen skipped makeup and wardrobe, for the time being, taking Eliana with her to go talk to Bill. she knew that this was going to throw filming off immensely, especially since they did not know how long Rob would be gone. She was informed that it would be an early day for her since there really wasn't many scenes where it was just her.

she headed back out and got Eliana settled before heading to makeup and wardrobe.


It was a very early day for Kristen, it was only 11:30 in the morning and she was already done with filming.

"What do you say we go home and get In the pool?" Kristen asked Eliana as she strapped her into her car seat. They had sat the pool up for the summer right before Eliana arrived and today was the first time it was going to be used and also Eliana's first swim.

Kristen took Eliana upstairs upon arriving home getting her changed before getting changed herself.

"Are you ready baby girl?" Kristen asked her daughter as she picked her up. She grabbed a flotation device that they had gotten for Eliana and headed out to the backyard where the pool was. slowly stepping down the steps into the pool, she stopped at the second to last step and sat down. The water went up to her breasts and slowly she lowered Eliana into it.

"Does that feel good?" She asked Eliana. Watching as Eliana smiled and kicked her legs.

"Let's get you in the thing lovebug and then mommy can actually get in." She got her strapped in and pushed her out a little bit so she could get in. Eliana started panicking

"Your ok lovebug," Kristen said as she lowered herself in and swam over to Eliana. "I've got you, sweetheart." Kristen placed a couple of Eliana's toys onto the tray, watching as her baby girl started playing with them.

as it got to be closer to lunchtime, Kristen was sitting on the steps of the pool leaning back against the wall with Eliana laying on her chest. the water felt surprisingly warm and they both loved it. she giggled when she looked down and saw that Eliana had fallen asleep and decided that she would just let her sleep where she was. she watched as Eliana slept and when she woke up, Kristen slowly got up and headed into the house.

"Let's get you something to eat," Kristen said as she grabbed some food for Eliana. Eyeing her phone on the counter she grabbed it as she headed back over to where Eliana was in the livingroom. She quickly checked her phone, noticing she had one text message from Rob

One sec Eliana, I need to check this. she opened the text and her heart immediately dropped

She's gone -Rob

She grabbed Eliana and laid her on her chest as she laid down on the couch. she pulled Rob's number up and immediately called. After getting off the phone with Robert, she knew what she had to do. even though he wouldn't want her to, she was going to be there to support him whether he liked it or not, so tomorrow after her interview she and Eliana were going to London

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