I Guess I'm Gay (BoyxBoy)

By FluffyBunny

1.1M 27.2K 10.6K

No one expected that one "Hello" from a brown haired, seven year old boy on his first day of second grade wou... More

I Guess I'm Gay (BoyxBoy)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 4 (pic of Lance)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 3 (pic of Ryder)

101K 2.4K 910
By FluffyBunny

Pic of Ryder to the side!!

Ryder’s POV

Lance and I sat under the tree behind my house, waiting for school to end so we’d be able to actually go in without my mom giving us the third degree and wondering why we were home so early. Lance thought we should risk it, saying that my mom was cool and wouldn’t care. He’s so stupid sometimes. She’s a mother and her son just skipped the last two hours of school. In what world would she be ‘cool’ with it? I’m almost certain he just wanted to see me get lectured and probably smacked in the back of the head. I’m sure I’d get hit. She’s a girl and that’s what they do when their mad.

“What time is it now?” I asked Lance, who rolled his eyes.

 “I really don’t know why you keep asking me. I don’t have a watch. I don’t have a phone because my dad took it away from me because someone who I won’t name, RYDER, thought it would be funny to prank call my dad five times from my phone at three in the morning!”

I smiled guiltily and leaned my head back against the tree. “Dude, if you wouldn’t have left it at my house then that wouldn’t have happened.” I shrugged my shoulders at him and dug my own phone out of my pocket. “Close enough.” I told him as I stood. I grabbed his out stretched hand and pulled him up next to me.

We walked towards my house and entered through the back door, going down the hall and straight to the kitchen. “Food!” I yelled out and sprinted to the cabinet. I grab a bag of chips and a soda from the fridge before sitting down at the table and digging in.

A coughing had me glancing up and I stared at Lance, “What?” I mumbled with a mouth full of chips.

“I’m thirsty.” He stated, eyeing my drink and I quickly set it on the other side of me, away from his reach.

“Get your own.”

“Ryyyyyderrrr.” He whined. “Pwease can I have a drink.” Ugh the puppy look! I won’t look…I won’t look…I won’t look…damn! I’m such a sucker!

I grunted and slid the drink back over to him. Stupid look. Stupid Lance for having a stupid look that makes me do whatever he wants. IT’S NOT FAIR! WHY CAN’T MY LOOK EVER DO THAT?! The last time I tried he snorted at me and walked away like it was the easiest thing in the world! If I tried walking away from him then I’d start seeing his look in my head and end up giving in. Ugh! I disgust myself! I’m so weak and he knows it!

“What kind of best friend uses his powers for evil?” I yelled at him while grabbing my bag of chips and yanking MY drink out of his grasp before stomping to my room. Hah! Now he can get his own! The lazy ass!

Just as I lay on my bed, Lance was running through the door and my eyes widened in horror when I saw him leap across the room, heading straight for me. “Don’t-ugh! Get your fat self off of me!” I yelled out, struggling to wiggle my way out from under Lance’s fat.

“Fat? Are you calling me fat? Does this feel like fat?” He leaned up until he was straddling my waist and started to bounce up and down.

I groaned from the pressure on my stomach and was able to scoot up a few inches. I sighed when the pressure was gone but then started to blush when I felt his weight on a whole new part of my body. A more awkward part! Shit, I really didn’t think that one through…

“Uh, Lance.” I mumbled as he continued to bounce up and down, in his own little world. “Baseball, mud, blood, old people, wrinkles, skittles, rainbows, death….”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Lance stopped and stared down at me in confusion and I blushed harder. “Why are you blushing?”

“Uh, no reason.” I avoided his gaze as I lay under him. “So, how about that weather…” I trailed off, laughing slightly. Fuck! Stop being a girl Ryder and quit blushing already! Jesus! There is something wrong with me! Wait…no! There’s something wrong with Lance. Yeah, this is his entire fault! He’s the one that is still sitting on me! “So you going to move?”

He pretended to think for a minute before shaking his head, “Nah, your lap is comfy.” He laughed and leaned over to grab my drink from the bedside table causing his butt to move on my-yeah.

“Think happy thoughts. No, think dirty thoughts. No! Shit.” I closed my eyes and groaned when Lance leaned back up. Fuck! Great, no getting that to go down. Now to just wait for him to notice-

“Whoa!” Lance jumped up until he was standing on my bed, still over me. “Do we have a problem? Or actually do you have a problem?” I could tell he was trying not to laugh which made this even worse than it was two seconds ago. If he was a good friend then he would just pretend this didn’t happen and get on with his life but since he completely sucks, I now have to explain myself. Just great!

“I can’t help it you have a butt that feels like a girls!” I yelled with an accusing finger pointed at him.

He gasped and turned his head to look behind him, checking out his butt and I took this time to quickly scoot up and away as I gave him a hard shove. The thumping sound and his swear words had me smiling and feeling much better. Whew, that really could have been an embarrassing situation!

“You get violent when you’re turned on.” Lance mumbled as he got up off the floor and sat on the bed next to me. I rolled my eyes and ignored him as he rubbed the side of his head. I kinda felt bad for shoving him like that but when I think of having to actually explain why my little me got excited, I panicked and did the first thing I could think of. Not that I would be able to explain that in the first place. I mean we’ve been in that same situation many times and that’s never happened to me before. It’s got to be because I haven’t actually had sex in a while. Like, it’s been a few weeks since the last time! That has to be it. It has to be.

“We won’t talk about this anymore.” I told him and glanced over to see his eyes closed. I rolled mine and grabbed my phone to send a text to Daniel, telling him and Heath to come over. It took only a moment to get one back saying that they were already on their way.

I sighed loudly and moved my eyes to Lance’s face, hoping that I woke him up. Nothing. I bet he could sleep through an earthquake. I kinda wish one would come now just so I can test this new theory of mine. The whole room would shake, stuff would fall from my shelves and the world would surely end and then after we died and god asked me where Lance is then I’d have to tell him that the bum was still asleep in my freaking bed! Then he’d be all like, Ryder why is there a boy sleeping in your bed? In which my reply would be to ask god if he was jealous. And then, off to hell I go!

Ugh, what the hell am I even thinking about? This is why people shouldn’t fall asleep, leaving me alone. There’s really no telling what my mind will start to think.

“Lance.” I whispered, poking him in the shoulder. He grumbled under his breath and closed his eyes tighter. Awe, he looked so cute. Like a little cute teddy bear! Actually I guess he’d be considered a cute muscled one by looks of his abs but still kinda cuddly. Makes me want to hug him…

“Ryder, stop starring at me.” I looked up to see Lance smirking at me and I rolled my eyes.

“Sorry but I’ve just never seen someone as ugly as you before. It’s fascinating.”

“Fascinating? Stop using words you don’t even know how to spell.” He laughed and closed his eyes once again.

“Daniel and Heath are coming over.” I told him before he could fall back asleep.

He yawned and snuggled more into my bed, “That’s nice.”

“Are you going to get up?” I asked him, giving his arm a little shake.

He cracked his eyes open slightly and smirked at me, “Nah, I think you did that enough for the both of us earlier.”

I crossed my arms across my chest and pouted. Jerk, was I not clear when I said we won’t talk about that? I can’t help it he happened to be asleep. He should still do exactly as I say!

Before I could really get into the pouting and make him feel bad for bringing it up my door was opening and Heath stuck his head through with his hand covering his eyes. “Are you two done having sex?” He asked, laughing.

I opened my mouth to tell him that he could go to hell but Lance’s voice had me shaking my head. “OH Ryder! You’re so tight! Yeah baby! You like that don’t you!” He made a loud moaning sound and moved on the bed enough to have it squeaking.

“I knew you’d be the bottom Ryder!” Heath yelled out, laughing as he put his hand down and walked in with Daniel following behind. “Just wait until you two actually do it.” He smirked and winked at us.

I rolled my eyes at him, “When are you going to realize that we are straight?” I punched him in the shoulder and moved my feet out of the way for them to sit. “And I’m obviously the top. Lance cried at the end of Titanic!” I yelled out, thinking that should prove who’s more of a man.

Lance laughed and sat up, “So, you used to call me in the middle of the night because you had a nightmare!”

“I was eight!” Lance gave me a look and I grinned at him. Fine, the last one I had was only last year and I called him but our friends don’t need to know-

“And by eight he means fifteen.” Lance said to Heath and Daniel, who looked at me before laughing loudly.

“Asshole.” I mumbled. “Whatever, lets figure out what were going to do about this teacher. She needs to go.” Nice! Change of subject for the win! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, yes, I am good.

Lance sat up straighter and rubbed his hands together with an excited gleam in his eyes, “Finally this is what I’ve been waiting for.”

“How about we start by spreading a bunch of fake rumors about her, like we did to that other teacher.” I asked looking at Lance.

“Nah, that’s not nearly bad enough.” Lance shook his head and went back to thinking.

I sighed to myself, trying to come up with something evil. We’ve never actually tried to get a teacher to leave before so all of our previous pranks weren’t going to work this time. It has to be something about ten times worse than those other ones.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Daniel spoke up, giving us a look. At our confused stares he rolled his eyes, “She’s a homophobic person.”

“So?” I said, still not quite understanding. I looked at Lance and he shrugged his shoulders. Heath sighed.

“Don’t you get it? She’s homophobic. She hates gays.” He waved his hand around and my eyes widened. Wow…how did we not already come up with that? Lance is so getting slow!

“Right, right. You two need to do something really gay in the middle of class, something that will cause her to run out screaming.” I laughed as I got more excited, already thinking of things to do. “You could start making out right after the bell rang? Of you could talk dirty to him loud enough for her to hear?”

“No, no. Not us!” Heath blushed, “I couldn’t do that.”

I rolled my eyes, “Come on. You’re the only two gay guys in that class. It kinda has to be you.”

“Or it could be you two?” Daniel said with a hopeful look at us and Heath nodded his head up and down..

“Yeah, you two do it. Please don’t make me!” He pleaded, burying his head in Daniels chest.

“Ok, ok. Chill out. You don’t have to do it.” Lance turned to me. “We can do it.” He gave me a look and I groaned.

“Fine, fine. We’ll do it.” I mumbled. What is he thinking? Does he know that this means that we’re going to go so much farther than we ever have with the whole pretending to be gay thing? “We’ll be right back.” I said, grabbing Lance and shoving him out of my room.

I stood in the hall with my arms crossed. “Are you sure about this?” I asked him, seriously. “You do know whatever we do is going to be more than just talking right?”

Lance nodded and ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, I get that but do you really want to force Heath to do it? I mean you saw him! He’d probably chicken out before we even made it to class.” He put his hand on my shoulder and I looked up from the floor, “We can do this.”

I nodded, “Ok. But promise me that it’s not going to make things weird between us.” I had to hear him say it because if he even for one second acted different then I was not going to be able to go through with it. I could live with a homophobe. What I couldn’t live with was me and Lance not being best friends anymore.

“I promise.” He put his arm around my shoulders and gave me a side hug. “After we do this we’ll go back to me being awesome and you being a dork.” I laughed and pushed him away.

“Whatever jerk. Let’s go back in there and relieve Heath of whatever fear he’s having and then figure out just exactly what we’re going to do.”

Lance smiled and walked back into my room. I stood at the door trying to clear my mind. He promised nothing would change so I have to believe him but I still can’t shake the feeling of dread. Guess we’ll find out after tomorrow…

AN: This chapter was a little bit borring but it had to be written! I actually can't wait to write the next chapter! hehe...most of you already know what's going to happen lol But yeah, I'm excited. It's going to be great. Remember to vote! WATTY AWARDS! (yes I am going to say that in every chapter :P)

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