Longing for the Sea

By castielfranta

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This is a memoir I wrote for English class about the struggles of depression, anxiety, and being a teenager. More

school subject colors
my mother's story
anxiety's day
when I'm older
crib runaway
one medium suitcase
the perfect present
how to feel miserable in gym class
the day my family hated me
where I'm from
advice to the young
people are going to leave you, and that's okay.
my depression story
the divorce
things that last longer than middle school relationships
good vs evil
wait, don't go

beautiful words

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By castielfranta

Eloquence: noun; fluent or persuasive speaking or writing

I discovered this word about a year ago, and something about it is so elegant and beautiful. As someone who loves to write, I hope that each piece I write will be eloquent, powerful, and leave a lasting impression on the world.

Adventure: noun; an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity

It all started with a pillow I bought at target a few weeks ago. It has a cheesy quote that says "every day is an adventure," and something in my brain just clicked. It expressed all the thoughts I had had about the meaning of life in one simple phrase. I used to think that life was pointless and meaningless, and there was no point in living a life that had no substance or reason. But then I realized that life is about the little things and the small adventures and tasks you complete throughout the day. The meaning of life is to laugh, to learn, to love, and to do something with this life you were lucky to be granted. Who knows why we're here or if there's a true meaning to how the earth was created? We're here, so we might as well do something with it. You must live each day as if it is your last grand adventure.

Perspective: noun; a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.

Everyone sees life in a different way, and that's what makes the world so beautiful. Everyone has their own experiences, their own lives, and their own individual thoughts. It's so insightful to hear someone else's side of the story, someone else's view on something, and someone else's interpretation of a situation or idea. To listen to other people's perspectives is a quality that many are not mature enough to possess, and this is something I strive to do every day.

Disillusionment: noun; a feeling of disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be

I felt a grand amount of disillusionment when I discovered that my family was not as perfect as I thought it was, and I felt it again when I realized that life was unfair. I used to think life was a magical fairytale, but now that I have grown and matured, I see how frightening and lonely it can be. But I also see how beautiful the gift of life is, and I don't want to allow the fear of disillusionment to keep me from saying yes to different opportunities.

Courage: noun; the ability to do something that frightens one.

As I have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, it takes a great amount of courage to face the places and things that make me anxious. This includes ordering food at restaurants, walking in crowded hallways, taking tests in eerily silent rooms, and so many other things I can't even begin to explain. It takes courage to not give up and stay in my comfort zone, and it takes courage to take risks that could end in failure.

Literature: noun; written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.

As someone who loves to read and write, literature is one of my favorite words to say. I love how it just rolls off the tongue so easily, and crisp "chh" sound at the end.

Ethereal: adjective; extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.

Here is yet another elegant word (and the first adjective of the list). There are some things, some places, and some people that are just too spectacular to belong in a world as cruel as our own. The beach is such an exquisite place that people destroy with trash and litter; flowers are so bright and add color to a world that is filled with hateful people and violent; there are people who simply do acts of kindness out of the goodness of their hearts, and for them I am forever grateful. There are so many things and people that we take advantage of, and I wish they all knew how much I appreciated their contribution to the world.

Unusual: adjective; not habitually or commonly occurring or done.

I consider myself to be an unusual person, and I am quite proud of it. I never want to fit into the mold that society feels the need to create for me. I will always say what is on my mind and fight injustice when I see it. I will always pursue the hobbies I love even if people think it's pointless or stupid. I will always embrace who I am, and I will never become someone else just to please other people. If I'm happy with myself, then that's all that matters.

Map: noun; a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc.

You're probably thinking, "wow Ashley, that's the most pointless word you could've put on this list," and to that I say "yeah, you're right." But I have maps all over my room, and it reminds me everyday that there are so many places and things for me to explore one day. There is more to life than going to school or work every day. Life is about exploring and living an adventure that goes beyond the trivial tasks of life.

Epiphany: noun; a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something

I had an epiphany about the meaning of life and that my goal is to make people happy and learn as much as I can about the world around me. It was this realization that help lift the depression I was sucked into in February.

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