Love is Eternity

By dEaYrEkSness

950 16 3

Yolei Inoue is struggling to live the happy, perfect life she ones lived. With tragedy striking her family sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

93 2 0
By dEaYrEkSness

WARNING: This story contains strong language, sex, violence and mature content. Rated M. You've been warned!

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon.

Chapter 3

It had been a few days since Yolei had talked to Ken. It was find of a relief. After she had jumped him in his room she regretting her actions after and was full of embarrass. How the hell was she going to ever talk to him, or even see him?! She had no idea what she was going to say to him the next time she saw him. Yea so she had told him that their make out session had been a mistake and that they should forget all about it. But she didn't mean that, she only said those things because she knew that's what he wanted. That Ken didn't want anything with her...

Maybe she should just forget about it and make the first move to restoring their friendship. If Ken didn't want a romantic relationship with her, she still hoped he would want her to be her friend. Picking up her phone, Yolei was ready to dial his number but froze. She couldn't do it! Maybe she should go visit him... nope that wasn't happening either! Shit she needed to do something! She needed to talk to him.

But Yolei was afraid; she was scared that if she saw Ken again she would attack him again, or do worse! She knew she couldn't trust herself around him, and after what happened in his bedroom, how far they had gone, she wasn't ready to face him. As much as she wished she could forget what happened and restore her friendship with Ken, Yolei was dying to touch him again. She wanted Ken to touch her. She wanted Ken to make love to her, continue what he had done to her body on his bed. But Ken had made it clear he didn't see her like that. That he would never touch her like that again. God! Why did she have to mess everything up!

Yolei sighed. She couldn't call or visit him... maybe it would be best to avoid him for a few more days. Until she knew she could face him again without jumping his bones or freezing up like a stone. She just needed to distract herself, and right now the best thing for her was to head to the shop do some work and stop thinking about Ken.


Ken was having the same problem as Yolei. He couldn't stop thinking about her or her sexy body. He thought he was going crazy since he had dropped her home, he couldn't get her out of his mind. She haunted his dreams and he would find himself drifting off to that night, as he was working. For some crazy reason his brain and body won't agree. His brain told him to make things better with Yolei, apologize for what had happened and start over as friends. But his body missed the feeling of her against him, missed the taste of her mouth, the feeling of her full breasts in his hands, her hard nipples - shit! He was making himself hard again! Shit he needed to stop thinking about her! Damn he needed to do something! Cause he knew they could never be lovers. Ken didn't do long-term relationships anymore, and he was sure after Lee; Yolei needed someone she could trust someone... long term. And just because his body was telling him to jump into bed with her he knew it wouldn't be right. He couldn't let his lust ruin his friendship. She was his friend that was it and that's what she would stay!

However, his lust for Yolei was strong. Ken had tried taking another woman a few days back hoping it would satisfy his need and make him forget the purple haired girl, however once the girl had landed on her bed, all he could see was Yolei. He had pulled away and had tried getting laid since. He needed to do something or he was going to go crazy for sure! Ken sighed he didn't know what to do! He was going crazy! He wanted Yolei so bad yet he knew he couldn't have her... Not without strings.

Ken needed a few more days without her around so he could get his shit back together. That was for the best! Just a few more days and then he would be okay to contact her again. Even Wormmon had been asking when they would be seeing Yolei and Hawkmon again, and Ken had said in a few days. Poor Wormmon had been lonely these past days, with Yolei and Hawkmon not around and Ken getting busy with work, Ken could see Wormmon had be miserable. Ken tried to spend as much time as he could we he had a chance, however it wasn't enough. He needed to make this right with Yolei...

And there she was again in his mind, on his bed, with her sexy innocent eyes looking up at him. Ken shook his head this was crazy! He needed to think of something else. He needed to focus on the files on his desk! Looking down Ken knew what would kill his lust for Yolei in a second. Grabbing the Nosh Inc. project file, the one that he needed Yolei to sign over her shop to move forward with. He read though the file and knew he needed to see Yolei again, but this time for business. He needed to get her to sell her shop to him.

But the last time he had brought it up, the conversation hadn't gone so well. Yolei had ended their friendship; thankfully Ken was able to restore it. The last thing Ken wanted to do was make her angry again. He wasn't sure he would be able to restore their friendship from that... he already had done one thing to mess it up anyways. He needed to come up with a plan to get her to listen. He needed to come up with something, and he needed to think of it sooner then later. His deadline was approaching. If Ken couldn't get her to sign over the place, his partners had threatened to take it from her. Yolei was late on bills and her debt to the bank was piling up. One call from his partners to the bank and her shop would be in their hands. That would leave Yolei with nothing. But Ken wasn't going to let that happen. No Ken had told his partners he would be able to get her to sell and he was going to keep his words.

Ken wouldn't have been given the chance to talk to Yolei first had it not been for Ryuu. Ryuu was his best friend. Ken had known the guy since college. Ryuu had been able to convince the others to give Yolei a fair deal before they took it from her, leaving her with nothing. There was something about Ryuu that made people listen, and luckily for Ken everyone had agreed to his suggest... well they had agreed to some degree, they had giving Ken only 2 months to get the deed done, before they took her shop from her.

Ken signed; he only had one more month left. He needed her to sign her place over before she lost everything. He just needed to come up with a plan and soon...


"Oh my god! I can't believe you did that! Yolei and Ken I like that!" Mimi screamed, as she looked at Yolei.

Yolei frowned at Mimi. Mimi was too loud... and they were in a public place. Yolei looked around noticing the eyes on them and frowned before turning back to Mimi. "Mimi, keep it down," Yolei hissed.

They were at one of their favorite cafés in downtown Tokyo. Mimi had come by the shop to visit Yolei and knew something was off with her friend. So Mimi had kidnapping Yolei for the day. Mako had been more than glad to run the shop and had told them to take their time. As Yolei had run to the back room to grab her things, Mako had shared that Yolei was love-struck and that she thought it had something to do with Ken. Mimi had frowned... Yolei had not once mentioned that there was something going on between the two. Well she would get Yolei to spill the beans.

So here they were, sitting in a cafe enjoying coffee and now enjoying everyone's eyes on them!

Mimi looked around and said a quick sorry before she starting talking again, this time lowering her voice, "Yolei why did you tell me before that you made out with Ken?! I mean come one this is Ken! Our Ken?!" Mimi still couldn't believe this! She knew Yolei crushed over Ken for years, gosh everyone knew Yolei liked Ken...well everyone but Ken. But Mimi couldn't believe this was actually happening. Mimi was so happy; she just wanted to know all the details. She wanted to know what happened, did Yolei jump Ken or did Ken make the move. She wanted to know how far they went and if they were dating now.

However, Yolei wasn't saying much, and this made Mimi frown. If Mimi had made out with someone like Ken she would be telling the whole world! She couldn't understand why Yolei was keeping things quiet.

"Yolei! Come on I need details! I need to know what happened. Did he kiss you... did you guys end up in his bed? Or did you see him naked and jumped him? Ohhh... did you go all the way? Is he a good kisser? Is he big?"

Yolei blushed at the last comment and stood up quickly that she knocked over her coffee. Yolei just wanted Mimi to shut up right now! This was so embarrassing. People starting looking at them again, this time giving them a dirty looking, so Yolei looked down at her slid drink. She had gotten coffee all over her skirt and the table. Mimi also got up and started helping Yolei to clean the coffee of her friend. The waiter had come to help as well but Yolei said she was fine and sent him away! She just wanted to leave this place and crawl under a rock to hide.

Once Yolei was cleaned she looked at Mimi and said she wanted to leave. Mimi sighed; before they paid and exited the cafe. Once they were outside, Mimi turned towards Yolei. "Tell me what happened! You need to tell me more than you kissed him! You know I'm not going to let you leave until you tell me the whole story."

Yolei sighed. She didn't know what to say. There wasn't much to say. Was she going to tell Mimi that she had kissed him and they had almost made love, but then Ken had starting to think clear and had told her it was a mistake?! Yolei felt stupid, she shouldn't have kissed him in the first place. Even if she still had kissed him, she should have told him the truth. She should have told him that she was glad they kissed, that what they had done wasn't a mistake and that she'd like him since the first time she had seen him. Yolei wondered how Ken would have taken that news?

Sighing Yolei looked at Mimi and said, "It was just one kiss and after that nothing happened. We both agreed that it had been a mistake and to never speak of it again."

Mimi frowned at that. What did Yolei mean it was a mistake?! Yolei had feelings for Ken since middle school! Mimi couldn't understand why Yolei would call the kiss a mistake...Yolei had finally gotten her chance to be with Ken so why was she letting it go? Mimi knew Yolei wasn't telling her the full story.

However looking at Yolei, Mimi knew Yolei wasn't going to say more. But as her best friend Mimi knew how to get Yolei to speak. Even if Yolei didn't want to tell her, Mimi won't stop until she heard everything. She was going to find out what happened! "Yolei come on we all know it wasn't a mistake! You've been in love with Ken since middle school. And don't deny it we all know. Did he say something?" Mimi asked.

Yolei panicked. How did Mimi know? Yolei couldn't believe that she was that easy to read.

Yolei looked at Mimi and knew she wasn't going to get rid of Mimi until she told her everything and who knows maybe telling Mimi would make her feel better too.

Sighing Yolei started, "You see Mimi... Ken was shirtless and I couldn't control myself and the next thing I knew I was kissing him," Yolei paused and saw the smile on Mimi's face, "and Ken kissed me back. That's all that happened," there was no way Yolei was going to share the rest of what they had done. Taking a deep breath she started again, "We stopped because Wormmon came into the room. It was so awkward after that. He dropped me home and told me it had been a mistake. That he could never see me as a lover. I could see he felt bad for what he was saying so I told him I agreed it was a mistake and that it won't affect our friendship." Yolei frowned. But truthfully she didn't agree. She had said what she had too. But it had hurt. Why couldn't Ken want her?

But would she fit into Ken's life? He was living in a different world than hers. They were in different social circles, and there was no way they would be good together... could they? No, no, no... plus who was Yolei kidding she wasn't ready for another relationship, not after Lee. Maybe calling this whole thing a mistake was the right thing to do. Beside Yolei needed to focus on her mother right now.

"You know what?! I think maybe Ken was right! I can't be in another relationship right now! I need to be there full time for my mother... I need to put her first and spend as much time as possible with her," Yolei said.

Mimi wasn't happy to hear that. She could see that Yolei was serious about putting her life on hold for her mother. This wasn't a good idea, even Yolei's mom wouldn't agree to this! Yolei needed to live her life. She needed to date more, to put herself out there. Yolei had been lonely for to long now and it was changing her. She was slowly becoming isolated; she wouldn't open up, didn't have many friends, and usually stayed to herself. However, when Yolei had been in a relationship, even if it was that disgusting Lee, she had started slowly becoming her old cheerful, happy, and caring self Even though Lee was a jackass he had been good for Yolei, for a while anyways. Mimi knew that Ken would be good for Yolei. That he would make her stronger and take some of Yolei's pain away. Yolei didn't know it yet but she needed Ken and Ken needed her.

"Yolei I'm glad you want to spend time with your mother but do you think she would be happy with you putting your life on hold for her? You never know maybe Ken is the one... you know your prince charming?" Mimi said.

Yolei glared at Mimi. She didn't want to hear anymore of what the pink haired girl had to say. Yolei had made up her mind and wasn't going to change it; she was not going to date anyone anytime soon. She was going to focus on her mother.

Mimi knew that look and knew whatever she said right now Yolei wouldn't listen. Sighing she gave up... for now. If Yolei and Ken were meant to be then it would happen soon or later.

"Okay fine... Let's talk about something else! How's your mother doing?" Mimi asked.

Yolei smiled, she had great news to share with her friend! She'd gone to the hospital yesterday and was told that there was a chance for her mother's recover. There was a clinical trial that her mom could be opted into. This would give her mother a chance; the only problem was that Yolei didn't have enough to cover it. Even with the money her siblings were sending wouldn't be enough, and selling the shop won't help much. And Yolei wasn't going to ask a friend for money. She would be in someone's debt.

Mimi looked at her friend. She knew Yolei would want to do this on her own, and she knew there wasn't much she could give Yolei. But Mimi did have one idea... and who knew maybe this would bring Yolei and Ken closer together as well.

"Have you looked into getting a loan? You could look into banks, or even a company," Mimi trailed off.

Yolei frowned as she thought about this. If she could get a loan, that would help her a lot. But what company would give her a loan? Yolei had bad credit and knew no one would risk it on her. "Mimi who do you think would give me a loan? I don't have the best credit."

Mimi sighed. Sometimes Yolei could be really slow. "I don't know... maybe we have a rich friend that also has an interest in your family store. Who I'm sure, wouldn't look at your credit history, and wouldn't ask to many questions. You could ask Ken," Mimi said smiling.

What was Mimi crazy? Yolei couldn't ask Ken. Yolei wasn't ready to face him after everything that happened between them and she wasn't sure she was ready to tell him about her family. She didn't want Ken's money out of pity. But then again, Ken was the only one who could give her the amount she need, plus he was already interested in her shop, maybe he could take that amount out of the loan. Yolei didn't feel right about this but she needed the money and right now there was no other way. This was her only chance.

Yolei needed to try... but a part of her wasn't ready to go to him. No she would try the banks first, who knows maybe she would get lucky. She was going to ask as many banks as she could before she asked Ken. She needed to try everything she could before she went to him. He was her last resort. Smiling she turned to Mimi. "I'm going to talk to the banks first. I can't face Ken, not right now. I need to try all my options before I go to Ken," Yolei said.

Mimi nodded understating where Yolei was coming from. "You do what's best for you. Plus I bet if you did she him you would just picture him naked and jump him again," Mimi said laughing. Mimi couldn't help herself she loved to teasing Yolei. "Relax, I'm joking I'll help you talk to the banks. Who knows maybe there's someone nice out there?"

Yolei thanked Mimi, and was glad she was one of her closest friends. Plus Mimi had been right about one thing... Yolei was afraid she would jump Ken again the next time she saw him. Shaking her head, she grabbed Mimi's hand and walked towards the local mall. The rest of the day was spent with small talk and shopping.


Ken sighed for the hundredth time! He couldn't focus again today. Yolei was still on his mind. He knew it had been long enough and he needed to call her, or see her. He couldn't' avoid her forever. But everyday she haunted him. He just wanted to see, touch, and kiss her again. He craved her. He knew it was wrong but he couldn't' stop himself. Would it be so bad if he hooked up with Yolei just ones. Maybe if they slept together he would get her out of his system and they could try to rebuild there friendship again. No... he knew he couldn't do that...not to Yolei.

Signing again, he hadn't heard the knock at his door until the door opened and Hina walked in. She stood at the door and watched him with concern eyes. He could tell that she knew something was bothering him, and he knew she wasn't going to stay quiet about it. She was a friend after all.

As she walked deeper into the room she said, "Is everything okay with you, Ken?" She stopped in front of his desk.

Ken gave her a smile before telling her he was okay. Hina laughed and took a seat on the empty chair in front. "Come on Ken, you're like an open book. I can see something has been bothering you for days now. What's up?"

Ken smiled at her. Hina could always tell when something was bothering him. He should have just been honest and told her from the start. Taking a deep breath, Ken put his hands on the desk and started talking. He needed a friend right now and here she was, "I'm having girl troubles. Well it's a bit different...I mean she's different then the other girls I've been with. She's a childhood friend, but we kissed and now. Well now I'm not sure how I feel for her..." Ken trailed off. It was true. He didn't know how he felt about Yolei anymore, all he knew was that he wanted her in his bed screaming his name... but he wasn't in love with her, and he still wanted her friendship. But he also wanted her.

"I see... and how is she different from the other girls, Ken?" Hina asked. Not believe that this girl was different. All the women Ken dated were the same either his fan-girls or some gold digger. The only true relationship he had was with Britney.

"She doesn't fit into our lifestyle and I've known her since we were teens. She a sweet, caring person."

"I see. So she's poor."

Ken looked at Hina in surprise. He wasn't even thinking about social class and that was the first thing that Hina thought.

"She's not poor, but she's not rich either. And... that has nothing to do with this-" Ken started only to be cut off by Hina.

"Are you sure? I mean when a poor person falls for a rich man they are usually after the money. Ken, remember this world runs on money. You remember what Dolly did to you. You had said the same about her to... that she was this sweet, caring girl. But she really wasn't. Thankfully Ryuu was able to see her true colours. If Ryuu hadn't told you her real motives she would have stolen half of your money," Hina reminded. She had hated Dolly from the first day they had met. Dolly was a poor, fake, bitch that had played off of Ken's niceness. Thankfully Ryuu wasn't so nice and had sent her packing. Hina didn't want that to happen to Ken again, she didn't want him to be taken advantage of especially since his friends were here to help him out.

"Yolei's not like that. Yolei never once asked me for anything. We've known each other for years and she could have come into my life a long time ago to ask for money but she didn't. And it's not like I'm in love with her or want a relationship. It's just..." Ken didn't know how to say it. He wanted Yolei physically but not emotionally.

"You want to sleep with her. I thought she was a childhood friend... do you think she would be okay with that? I mean a only physical relationship with you?" Hina asked frowning.

Ken smiled. Would Yolei be okay with friends that slept together? Ken knew Yolei would hate it. Yolei could never do that, sure as a kid she had been boy crazy, but that didn't mean that she would be open into having a physical relationship only with him. Ken knew that it was wrong of him to ask her to do this just to satisfy his needs for her. But maybe he could try taking their friendship to another level. Maybe if he just asked her out and just let things happen... Maybe she would be willing to see if they did have more of a connection then just being friends.

That's what Ken was going to do. He had made up his mind. He was going to call up Yolei and ask her out to a real date... and from there see what happens next.

Hina saw the smile on his face and knew he had made a decision. She smiled at him but wanted to make sure he was sure about what he was planning. "Ken whatever you decide just please be careful," With that she stood up and left him alone to plan his next move.

Ken knew Hina cared for him and didn't trust Yolei. He couldn't' blame her. Ken had bad luck with girls, it was only natural for his friends to look after him. But he needed to do this. He needed to ask Yolei out and see where they would go. He needed to see if they could have something more then just physical. But all that needed to wait for later because right now he needed to prep for the meeting he had in a few minutes.


Yolei was getting sick and tried of this. She had been to six different banks today and no one would give her the loan. They all said that the store wasn't enough to put up and that do to her credit history she wouldn't be approved. Yolei knew this had been a stupid idea. Who the hell would give her money when she had nothing?! Frowning Yolei headed home, maybe spending some time with Hawkmon would cheer her up.

As Yolei got home Hawkmon greeted her. He asked how her day was which Yolei answered with a frown. Why did he have to bring up her day? Taking a deep breath she told him what the bankers had said and sat on the sofa beside him.

"Why don't you ask Ken? He'll help. Plus I'm sure he has a lot of money... remember his house?!" Hawkmon said. Ken was her friend, and rich, Hawkmon knew Ken would give Yolei the money no problem. He couldn't understand why she just didn't ask him from the start.

Yolei had wanted to avoid this. Even Mimi had told her to ask Ken but Yolei wanted to try other solutions before going to him. After she had kissed Ken, she wasn't sure she could face him. Plus she felt bad for asking Ken for money... what would he think of her?! But Yolei was out of options... she didn't know what else to do and she knew Ken would give her money without judging her. Plus she could give him her shop that he wanted anyways. Yes Ken was her last option. She needed to go ask him. She needed to do it now before she changed her mind again. Taking a deep breath she got up and turned to Hawkmon. If she was going to do this she needed him with her for support.

"Hawkmon you're coming with me! Let's go ask Ken!" With that she started her way out with Hawkmon following behind. This was her last option.


As Yolei stood in front of Ken's office building she was starting to rethink her plan. She was starting to think she couldn't do this. Just looking at Ken's company made Yolei want to turn back and run! There were many people around and Yolei knew she didn't fit in. She could feel these people watching, and judging her. She knew she stood out... that they knew she didn't belong here. But Ken was her only option left. Yolei was glad that Hawkmon had come with her, as she felt his paw squeeze her hand. She could do this. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the building.

Going over to the front desk she waited until the woman turned towards Yolei. "Can I help you?" the woman asked.

"Um... I'm looking for Ken Ichijouji's office," Yolei said. As much as the need to run away was strong she needed to do this.

The woman directed Yolei to his floor and told Yolei that Ken's secretary would help her from there. Thanking the women Yolei started towards the elevator with Hawkmon leading the way. In no time they were in front of Ken's office, Ken's secretary had told Yolei to go in. She seemed to know Yolei, which Yolei was confused by. Yolei had no idea who the woman was, but that didn't matter right now, she was here to talk to Ken. Taking a deep breath Yolei walked into Ken's office.

As she entered his room, she noticed Ken behind his desk waiting for her. Yolei's heart skipped a beat; Ken looked so good... oh how she wanted to kiss him again. However, she knew she couldn't do that. Plus Hawkmon and Wormmon were here. She did not want to make a fool of herself again! She needed to get herself together. She needed to do what she came here for and not think about all the things she wanted to do to Ken. Taking a deep breath she made her way closer to Ken.

"Hi Ken," Hawkmon started.

"Hey Hawkmon, how have you been?" Ken asked get up from his seat and walking over towards, Yolei and Hawkmon.

A new voice started talking from beside Yolei and all eyes turned to the couch in the corner were Wormmon was sitting. "I've missed you guys. How are you Yolei? Hawkmon?" Wormmon said as he got up and made his way over to the others. He had fallen asleep waiting for Ken to finish his paperwork, and hearing them door open had woken him up. Wormmon was so happy that Hawkmon and Yolei were here. He had been lonely the past few days, especially with Ken being so busy in his own work. Wormmon was so glad to see some friendly faces.

Yolei smiled at the worm and met him halfway. As she stood in front of Wormmon, she bent down to pick him up. After giving him a quick embrace she told him they were doing good and asked him how he had been doing. After he'd answered her, she put him down beside Hawkmon and watched as the two digimons started talking to each other.

Ken looked at Yolei and knew this was the time. He needed to ask her out... see if they did have a future together than just being friends. However, he knew he wouldn't have the guts to ask her out in front of the two digimons. He needed them to leave... he needed Yolei alone. Ken turned towards Hawkmon and asked him if he wanted to see the various foods that they offered in the employee café. Thankfully Wormmon jumped in saying it was the most beautiful thing he's seem, making Hawkmon jumping for joy to go. Smiling Ken called in Hina and asked if she could take the two digimons to the café while he discussed somethings with Yolei. Ken knew Hina realized what he was going to say to Yolei, and he knew she wasn't happy but she kept it to herself, which he was thankful for. Hina smiled at the two digimons before she led them out, closing the door on her way out.

Once Hina was gone, Ken turned towards Yolei and started talking, "Yolei I'm glad you came by... I was going to call you... there's something I need to ask you." He would have said more, however Yolei jumped in, stopping him.

She needed to tell him now or she would back out. So she stopped Ken from saying anymore before she shouted, "Ken... I need a loan!" That came out weird, Yolei thought. She needed to clear it up, so she took a deep breath before she continued; "I know that this is weird but I have no other choice. Beside for the loan I'm willing to sell my store if it helps cover something..." Yolei really needed this money, she wanted to tell Ken why she needed it but it was hard to get out. She just hoped Ken would alright with giving her money.

Ken stood there frozen watching her. He didn't know what to say. She was here for money?! He was kind of disappointed, he hadn't seen Yolei in a few days and when he finally did the first thing she asked for was his money. His' thoughts slowly wondered to his conversation with Hina... NO! Yolei must have a reason for asking him for money. She had said she had no other choice. Yolei would tell him why she wanted money... why she came to him... he had faith she wasn't like the others. Yolei wasn't like Dolly or the others, she would never use Ken for his money.

Taking a deep breath Ken asked Yolei, "How much do you need and can I ask why?"

"¥ 600,000 and I need it for...ummm," Yolei couldn't say it. Shit she that she was ready, but the words wouldn't come out of her mouth. She knew she had to tell him. Ken had a right to know if he was going to give her a large amount, he had the right to know. She just didn't know why she couldn't say it. "It's for...umm...."

She wouldn't answer him! Was she thinking of a excuse to give him?! Why the hell wasn't she telling him?! Ken's temper was slowly rising. He couldn't believe his childhood friend was using him for his money. Is this why she had kisses him? Had she hoped they would start something and he would feel guilt and just give her money?! What Yolei really this person?! He guessed Hina was right about Yolei after all. She was after his money all along. Well that didn't matter if she was after his money then he would just get from Yolei what he wanted too. Ken looked at Yolei and thought of her as another business deal. Sure he would be happy to take her shop but there was more she had to offer.

"Fine, if you don't want to tell me why you need the money, then I won't ask. I can give you it without any questions asked..." Ken said, in a serious tone. He saw the smile on her face and wanted to wipe it. He wasn't done with his conditions yet. "However, if you think that your little shop is going to over anything then you're wrong."

Yolei gave Ken a funny look. Why was he acting different? Why did he seem angry? Yolei didn't know what to say. She had hoped he would be a friend and take what she offered, and tell her it was all right. Besides Yolei had nothing else to offer him. All she had was the store! What else could she give him?

Ken answered that question for her. He took a step closer and said, "I'll give you the money, however in return you sign over your shop to me and... your body."



I searched that amount up, it was a bit less but I pushed the amount up. Sorry if it's not realistic!

Anyways this was a short chapter, however next one will be long! Hope you enjoyed it! Until next time!

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"𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠" Y/N L/N has always been too...