I Bet My Life [Prinxiety]

By virgiltheanxious

27.1K 1.5K 1.2K

[Part two of the Force of Nature series] Anxiety is gone, and Prince isn't sure what to do. All he knows is... More

A note from the author


1.1K 74 22
By virgiltheanxious

WARNING: Mentions of abuse and kidnapping. Chapter summary will be bolded at the end.)

Prince hummed as he washed his hands. He and Anxiety planned to make a lunch together and then start a movie marathon. Needless to say, Prince was excited for the day.

He dries his hands off and then began to journey to the kitchen, deciding to cut through the living room. As he became closer, he heard both Anxiety and what seemed to be Missy. When he got to the room, he listened to what Missy said before getting angry.

"Misleading Compliments, apologize right now," he commanded, walking closer to the situation. He reached out to hold Anxiety's hand in a comforting motion.

"No. I only told the truth."

"Apologize or you will be grounded again, without TV or any electronics. You'll be in your room every day for a month," Prince threatened, anger flaring in his eyes. He couldn't believe his son was being this rude to his father.

"In fact, both of you have been total dicks to me. I think you should apologize, actually," Missy replied, crossing his arms over his chest. Prince internally scoffed.

Anxiety huffed and stormed away, Prince's gaze following him. That was the last straw.

"That's it. You're grounded, go to your room. I don't want to see you for the next month. I thought you'd be happy to have your father back, but you're just being a brat!" Prince yelled, completely enraged at Misleading Compliment's attitude.

"Yeah, I'm the brat! You're so much worse than me. You're constantly yelling at me, both of you! I just wanted my family back, but this is not my family. I hate it! I hate you, Prince!" Missy shouted in one breath.

Prince was shocked to say the least. He didn't ever think he would hear those words said to him, and by his son no less. He felt the stinging in the back of his eyes, but took a deep breath and ignored it. He would carry his shoulders high.

Until he reached his room, at least.

He didn't bother looking for Anxiety because he knew that sometimes he preferred to just cry on his own. Prince new that this was one of those times, and that it would be best for him to comfort Anxiety afterwards.

As he opened the door to his own bedroom, he finally slouched. Clapping his hands twice, his attire changed in an instant to a more normal attire. Shivering, he tugged the jacket closer to himself.

Did Misleading Compliments actually mean that?

It sounded like he did. And that hurt, it really did.

Prince's mind wouldn't stop thinking, even for a second. What did Missy mean when he said that they weren't his family? Did it have something to do with Anxiety?

He didn't think so, but what Missy said filled his mind with doubt.

As he thought more and more about it, Prince thought that maybe he should go back and read some of Anxiety's journal entries.

It's been a few months since Misleading Compliments was born, and I've had to leave him with Prince most of the time. I couldn't risk having him around when Depression decides to show up. He always wanted to be with me though, which makes it hard. I haven't ever seen Depression outside of my room, so I can visit him. But I still don't trust that Depression won't try to hurt me in front of Missy.

Sincerely, Me.

Prince became frustrated when he couldn't find anything. He should trust Missy, shouldn't he?

He was doubting that the Anxiety he was talking to was actually Anxiety now. It didn't really make much sense anyway because-

Prince's thoughts were interrupted by the door slamming against the wall.

"Woah, what's going on? Are you okay?" Prince asked, standing up and hiding the notebooks behind his back.

He knew that if it was the real Anxiety, he would flip out over them being read.

"Does it look like I'm okay? No. I'm not. Because your stupid family found me out."

Prince slowly started to back up to the wall in order to distance himself from the other man.

"What do you mean 'found you out?'"

"Wait, you don't know too? Thats hysterical! They didn't even tell you," he said.

Prince finally reached the back wall and stayed still. "Anxiety, I don't know what you're going on, but-"

"Oh, I'm not Anxiety." He said, chuckling. With a snap of his fingers, a mist clouded around the other man I'm the room. When the most was gone, someone entirety different stood in front of Prince.

"Who the hell are you?" Prince snarled, grabbing the sword on the wall behind him.

"You wouldn't want to know."

With a swift flick of the wrist, Prince's competitor had a sword as well.

Prince moved so his sword was in front of him and he was on the top of his feet, ready to fight.

Prince saw the other man swing at him, but blocked it with a clang. they continued to go back and forth until Prince lunged forward, pushing Depression backwards, angering him. Prince smirked and kicked him to the ground, holding him down with a foot on his chest.

"Any last words before I vanquish you, villian?" Prince asked, holding his sword at angle so it was close to the other's face. Prince held a triumphant smile, proud of himself.

He could get Anxiety back.

The real Anxiety.

"Yeah, think again," He replied as Prince's foot was grasped, throwing him off balance and onto the floor. Prince frantacly looked for his sword and saw it out of reach from him. Scooting backwards in an attempt to bring hinself closer to his sword, Prince looked up only to be tackled back to the ground.

His head hit the ground with a loud thump that had Prince unable to focus on anything for a few good seconds. Nevertheless, he tried to look behind hin for his sword, but it was hard to move while being pinned down by someone. He looked directly above him and saw the somewhat- blurry face of Depression. He could see his lips moving, saying something that was probably about why he was doing this to Prince or what an easy fight he was, but couldn't comprehend it. Slowly, he began to hear actual words instead of noise and closed his eyes shut tightly.

"...There's something you should..." Prince heard as he opened his eyes back up. He breathed in deeply and groaned softly at the pain. "...who you think."

Prince, finally gaining enough energy to move, tried to pull his right arm free to do anything to get out of this situation. He had to get control.

"Oh no you don't-" Said Depression, tightening his grip and using his other hand to bring the butt of his sword to Prince's head.

Prince shouted, the disorientation coming back to him again.

He was hit in the head two more times before he was out.


Morality wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel with the new information they had discovered.

He was extremely happy that who they were hanging out with wasn't Anxiety on the one hand, because they had been a jerk and had even slapped Logic. That means that everything said about Morality and Logic was a lie. They could still make up with Anxiety; they could make things better.

But, on the other hand... Prince had been kissing the other guy. He put all his trust into him, and was even rude to Missleading Compliments. His own kid. Whoever it was had tried to destroy their family's trust.

And the worst part was, they were starting to succeed.

Morality shook his head and knocked on Prince's door and waited for a response. When one didn't come, Morality knocked again but louder.

When he didn't get a response the third time he got too worried and barged in.

He scanned the entire room and didn't see Prince at all. He did, however see a note that lay on his sword on his bed.

"That's weird, his sword is always hanging on the wall," Morality said to himself, inching closer to the bed.

He slowly picked up the note and read it.

Dear Morality, Logic, Missy, Pranks, and whoever else may want to know:
I have Prince and Anxiety. Half of Thomas. If you want to see the two of them again unharmed, you'll let me take control of Thomas.

Take note that if you don't get them back Thomas won't ever be the same.

It's about time I got my turn anyway.


Morality felt tears run down his cheeks mid way through the letter.

"Logan!" He screamed, dropping to the floor and hugging his knees to his chest. He sobbed loudly and put his forehead on his knees.

When Logan rushed in and asked him what was wrong, Morality handed him the now crumpled note. He continued to cry as Logic read the note.

Logic sat down next to him and hugged him, kissing him on the forehead.

"We'll figure this out, Patton. We have to."

He just wanted his family back.

In this chapter, Prince thinks about what he was told and is now supiscous of Anxiety. When Anxiety catches him reading the notebooks, they fight and it is revealed that Anxiety is not Anxiety. The fake Anxiety captures Prince. When morality tries to talk to prince, he instead finds a note telling him to let fake anxiety take control of Thomas.

me actually updating woah what a shock

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