
By ellarose12

144K 5.1K 521

In a perfect world for a wolf shifter, pack is the one aspect of life you are meant to be able to rely upon... More

She is Mine
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
She is His.

Chapter 3

15.3K 701 53
By ellarose12

Pulling the blanket a little tighter around my shoulders, I buried my head further into the pillow. It smelt good, no it smelt amazing. It smelt like Nate. Opening my eyes, the darkness isn't what I was used to waking up in. The bedroom walls were not worn panels of wood, but smoothly painted and the kind you expect in a house. There was no chill in the air, a sign of central heating and enjoying the blankets, pillow and actual mattress – I was definitely not in my room.  I was in Nate’s.

The flood of questions that followed that realization had me closing my eyes so when I reopened them and nothing had changed, I got scared. I shouldn't be in the house, let alone in his room or in his bed. I had left my room and thought about going into the house, is there where I ended up?

I quickly got out of bed, looking down to find I wasn't completely in my clothes either. Nate’s university t-shirt consumed me and praying I hadn't got dirt from my jeans on his sheets, looked around for my clothes. They were nowhere to be seen and so rather than risk running back to the barn topless kept the shirt on, wondering if I could go back to my room, change and get the shirt back before anyone noticed.

I was in so much trouble, no wonder I dreamed about Dean chasing me down and… shaking my head I paused by the mirror above the set of draws. Purple bruises covered the right side of my face and it was no surprise I had a headache from the way I looked.

That had all been a dream, right?

Looking at my hands they were filthy, covered in a mixture of dirt and blood and the more I started inspecting myself, the more I noticed. Bruises on my arm, scratches on my back. It hadn’t been a dream and hearing the heavy thud of footsteps outside the door, I ran back into the bed and pulled the blankets over me to hide. Despite what happened earlier, surely Nate wouldn't have become so cruel at our discovery to throw me to the wolves if he found me in here. Maybe he would think it was a desperate act of attention - then again, how did I get in here? Closing my eyes I try to pretend I was still out of it, hoping to buy myself some time to work things out.

“She is mine. End of discussion.” Nate growled and the footsteps stopped outside the door. Angry bursts of whispering followed and as the door was slammed shut, I couldn't stop myself from jumping – easily giving away the fact I was awake.

“This is not over! You have until the morning to find her and end it or I will make sure she does!” His Dad yelled and the splintering crack that followed made me thankful I was not out in the hall to feel his wrath right now.

“Sylvie?” Nate ignored his Fathers outburst, bending down beside the bed. He carefully pushed away my hair from where it covered my face and looking up at him, my Nate was back. He was clearly wound up, the tension shown in the way he still clenched his jar and from the frown that dominated his features. Yet his eyes were clear, gentle and never had anyone looked at me in the way he was now. It was the way my Dad used to look at my Mum. “How are you feeling?”

“Confused. I thought-“

“I know. I am so, so sorry.” He kept on stroking my hair, and instinctively I leaned into his touch. “I- I was honestly shocked  and then I realized what was going on and I wasn't going to let them hurt you again. Never again. I spent all day working out what to do.”

The pain I felt was reflected back to me in his tone, and even though I tried not to get my hopes up – they were floating away on their own accord. Though  had heard enough and if he had been thinking about it all day, I knew what was next. 

"I understand, you don't have to try and be nice about it Nate, just. Do it!" Amazingly I didn't cry again, I think everything was to numb to fully react to what was about to happen.

“Do it? Do what?" He asked confused before realization dawned on him and instead he moved to sit on the bed beside me and took my hand. "Sylvie, no. I know what I said this morning, but like I said I needed time to work out what to do. Not about whether or not I was going to accept you. It was so obvious I don't know why I was surprised!"

His words made no sense, he may as well be speaking Latin and I would be able to understand as much as I did now.

"I needed to see some friends tonight and I've sorted everything out. I was going to come and see you in the morning only I know my parents and Dean were behind the attack.  The second I felt you were in trouble I tried to find you and with Dean gone, my parents kept trying to stop me from leaving and, god I was an idiot. Please tell me you forgive me, please!”

The wolf. I rarely get to see him in his wolf form and that’s who was there before I passed out.

“You’re forgiven.”

“Are you just saying that? I’d understand if you-“

Without thinking I moved up and kissed him. For years I had been wondering what that would be like, and never in all my dreams did I think it would be like that. Blushing I pulled away, relieved when his frown disappeared and a goofy grin took over instead.

“How are you feeling?” He finally asked again.

“Sore, tired, but better now.” It was cheesy, but I didn't care.

“Good, great!" Nate smiled, and just for a second the mutual feeling of being at peace seemed to settle in the air between us. Then he was back to business." Come on, you can sleep in the car.”

“What?” I ask dumbly, slowly getting up and watching as he moved swiftly around his room, taking a sports bag out of the cupboard. He threw in some clothes and a few other bits, not answering me. “Nate, what are you doing?”

“What did you always tell me you wanted your mate to do?”

Love me.

Care for me.

Take me away from here to start a new life.

“We’re leaving?” I ask completely stumped.

“We can’t stay. I got you up here before anyone worked out what had gone on and had a couple of friends come to try and hide your scent. I lied and said I couldn't find you and I know they've got wolves out there trying to work out where you went." He growled, stopping for a second he closed his eyes and when he spoke again, he sounded deadly. "My parents want to chase you out after forcing us to break our bond and Mum is screaming about you plotting to over throw them. I’m not going to reject you Sylvie, and I’m going to do what I should have always done, even when you told me not to. I'm going to keep you safe and the best way to do that is to go!”

“I’m dreaming. I’m still dreaming.” I mumble, nothing about today has made any sense.

Instead he comes over and gentle takes my face in his hands, “Sylvie, you’re not dreaming. What do you need from your room?”

“Ah, my parents photos. That’s all I have.”

“Right. Can you climb out a window?”

He was serious. “Maybe?”

Opening his window, he looks down and throws the bag out first. Waiting a few minutes, he hesitates and goes back into his wardrobe. "Put this on, it'll help hide your scent."

Obediently I put on the jacket and the over sized pair of sweatpants. Tying them as tight as possible he takes my hand and pulls me over to the window. "Just do what I do and if you fall i'll catch you!"

He starts to climb out. He really is serious. Looking down, I don’t even have shoes and a part of me is terrified to actually leave. Nate is risking both our lives right now, if we don't get away...

"Come on!" He whispers and with nothing else to loose, I follow his lead and grip the vine that runs up the side of the house. I don't dare look down and sure it's only two stories, but it feels like a hundred. The second his hands are on my waist I let go and he swings me down beside him. Grabbing the bag, he looks around before we head over to the where a few cars are still parked from the party.

It's the red Jeep he goes for and the backdoor is unlocked. We keep low and he pushes the bag over the backseat before guiding me in. 

"Stay down, don't worry if the guys come back before I do. You may even remember Toby and Aidan!"  The names aren't familiar at all, and I still can't process whats going on. Nate pulls a blanket over me, before placing a quick kiss on my forehead. "We're going to be fine. I promise."

Then he is gone, and I'm alone; hiding in the backseat of someones car while the pack is searching for me. I was nearly killed tonight. The blanket starts to feel like it's tightening around me, making breathing hard and reality hits me like a kick to the gut. Minutes start to drag out to feel like hours. I just need to trust Nate, stay in place and maybe, just maybe my luck is about to change.

The front door of the car opens and I'm torn away from my thoughts. Inside my mind my wolf is back, acting as another comfort among the craziness of the night and the male voices casually talking and laughing outside the vehicle have me trembling in fear. Please don't let this be a set up. 

"Winter is coming, good thing Nate and I are the same size!" One of the voices laughs. "He has some style, might be a while before I decide to return his jacket!"

"I'm sure he wont mind, it was good seeing you boys again." Dean

"Let's not keep it so long between visits, shame we couldn't find your brother. Whats going on tonight?" The other voice I don't know asks.

"That is pack business." Dean growls, no longer joking around and even from where I am I can feel the atmosphere changing. 

"Chill man, just asking. Tell him we'll talk to him soon, thanks again for inviting us. Great party!" The second guy speaks again and in the seat i'm half curled under, the pressure of someone sitting down has it leaning against me and the door is closed.

The other guy gets in, closing the door. There is the electronic buzz of the window being lowered and the car starts with a roar. "Later Dean. Good luck with your problems."

Dean doesn't answer and the motion of the car lurching forward has me frozen in fear. Nate wasn't back yet, did he choose the wrong car? What will they do when they find me here? Can they not sense where I am?

"Fucking dickhead." The driver growls, and the bumpy gravel of the yard turned car park for the visitors turns to the smoother surface of the driveway. "You doing alright down there Sylvie?"

He speaks as if he cares, and I'm too scared to respond. I still can't believe this is happening and the only kindness I've been shown while here was from Nate. I can't bring myself to trust that they are sincere.

"It's ok, no one is here just us. I'm Toby, this is Aiden. Do you remember us?" The guy, Toby asks from in front of me in the passenger seat. "Shit, stay down!"

It wasn't like I was going to move anyway and covering my hands with my mouth, try to keep silent and not even breath yet I am positive they'd be able to hear my heart from how hard it was beating.

"Evening gentleman, have you seen a girl on your way out at all?" One of the pack ask at the window and clearly they have set up a guard at the front gate.

"I've seen a few tonight, going to have to be more specific!" Aiden jokes, and Toby laughs with him.

"Yeah, from the she-wolves we've seen tonight, we're already thinking of making a few more visits. Official pack business of course!" Toby sounds drunk. His words are slurred and I feel him sit up, the back of the chair no longer pressing against me.

"Are you two right to drive?" The guard asks clearly concerned.

"I'm the DD tonight, this guy can't handle his beer!" Aiden must slap Toby on the back and the sound of a can cracking open at the front has the front smelling like a brewery.

"Can too!" Toby takes a noisy slurp and the beer, and the fact Aiden is wearing Nate's jacket make sense now. They're trying to make sure my scent is hidden.

"Right, ah well drive safe boys." The window goes up and we keep moving.

"Good thing they aren't going to do car checks!" Toby sighs, leaning back against the chair.

"I reckon, think Nate will be able to get away?" Aiden sounds worried now.

"Of course he will!" Though as he whispers, I still manage to hear him. "Don't scare her by saying shit like that!"

 They don't think he will. What have we done?

The car slows before turning left and I know that's the way into town. From there they can back out onto the main highway and where will that leave Nate?

"You can stop hiding now, come on Sylvie." Toby moves so he is leaning in the back and lifts the blanket off me. Making eye contact he cringes, clearly not expecting me to look like such a mess. "Ouch!"

As he backs off, Aiden glances back and his face reflects the same shock. "Jesus, what did they do to you?"

'It's nothing." I mumble, wanting to hide back under the blanket than be put under their judgement anymore.

"No, it's not. Nate used to tell us things, but then he stopped and never really mentioned you again until a couple of months back. I thought things got better or you'd left. I should get my Uncle to go and teach them a lesson!" Aiden snaps, gripping the steering wheel tightly even a blind man could see how angry he was. "Hate packs to do shit like this. Fucking animals!"

"You're Aiden Drake aren't you?" Something comes back to me, and closing my eyes I can see myself being pushed off a see-saw. He went to the same kindergarten as us, like most schools - they were neutral ground and the packs saw it as a chance to make sure relationships were established among their next generations. It all started to come back to me now. These two were cousins, though acted like twins. They never carried on at the same primary school and I never really thought about them after that. Clearly Nate had kept in touch.

"Told you she'd remember us!" Aiden punches Toby, relaxing slightly yet there is still a hard edge to his tone that wasn't there before.

"She remembers you. What about me Sylvie?"  Toby asks hopefully. 

'If I remember him, I remember you! Didn't you used to be joined at the hip?" I joked back, stopping as I let myself relax for that moment too long. Opening my mouth, I quickly shut it again - hoping he didn't take offense to it.

"Not my fault he wanted to be as cool as me." Aiden boasted, and Toby punched him back. Obviously not much had changed with them and neither seemed to care that I spoke like that to them.

"There's the turn, slow down!" Toby suddenly called out, and sure enough Aiden began to break and we turned onto the dirt track. We didn't go far and turning the car around to face the road, the lights were turned off but the car was kept on. "Now we wait."

The car was plunged into silence and looking around I knew we were at the back of the property. If Nate had to get all the way out here, surely someone would have noticed and followed him. I started to panic and my thoughts turned again. What if they had staged all of that to trick me? Could I be sitting here waiting for the others to arrive and kill me?

"Hey, settle down Sylvie, he'll be fine." Aiden reached and took my hand, making me jump at the contact. His hands were soft and warm, gentle and as he squeezed mine slightly he frowned. "You're shaking!"

"I- I- " The words don't come and I pull my hand away, fiddling with the edge of the blanket that now covered my lap. The pair shared a look before turning to stare out into the darkness leaving the car in silence apart from the steady rumble of the engine.

Then we waited.


Nate. The surge of adrenaline had me waking up with a gasp as my wolf demaned I wake up. I dont understand how I had managed to fall asleep, but glancing at the green digits on the dashboard, I hadn't been out for long.

"He's coming!" I quickly tell the others, moving to open the door Toby reaches over and pulls me back.

"Stay in the car!" He snaps and once I'm back in my seat, Aiden winds down his window.

"Shit! He's not alone!" 

In the eerie white moonlight, the shape of the wolves are gaining on the solitary human form. 

"Help him!" I scream, and reaching over I swing open the door as Aiden turns the lights on.

"He'll make it!" Aiden yells back, taking the car out of park and getting it ready in drive. I look back out, they're close enough to hear the panting of the dogs and the thud of paws and feet. Nate is close enough I can see him now, yet his face is covered in shadows as the moon doesn't quite touch his face and tucking something under his arm he moves to the wooden paneling of the fence rather than the wire. In a swift movement he has climbed and jumped over, throwing the bag into the car I reached out and grabbed it just as he practically leaped inside and the door barely closed behind him before Aiden hit the accelerator.

The tires spun in the dirt and after swerving slightly he got control and put us back out on the main road. Daring to look behind, the red lights of the car failed to show any shifters following us and with my wolf around, I could only feel the pack getting further and further away. 

"Wooohooo!!!' Toby yelled, high-fiving Aiden as Nate had his head my lap, spread out on the backseat. He laughed, closing his eyes and his breathing was as erratic as my heartbeat. Apart from that initial rush of glee at getting away, no one said anything else. I don't think Nate could after his run.The guys up front concentrated on driving and I didn't stop looking behind us until we left the town behind.

They were only wolves. we didn't have superpowers like incredible speed or enough stamina to keep pace with us for this far. Even if they did track the car, we'd be miles ahead. Hitting the freeway this only confirmed our success and with a groan Nate got up. Taking my hand in his, his skin was burning and slowly he began to calm down.

We all did.

"Are you okay?" I finally whisper to Nate. He sighs relaxing back in his seat and nods.

"I am better than okay. Come here." I shift over and curl up against his side. All of my worries, doubts and fears are silenced as he holds me. "And you?"

"I don't know, but we did it. We left right? You just left your pack, for me."

"Not just for you, for me too. I can't stay there, and I'm not going to be with out you. If anyone has a problem with that, fuck 'em!" He growls, the gentle way in which he is rubbing my arm pausing for a moment before he pushes my hair back and tilts my chin up so I have to look at him. "It's just you and me now Sylvie."

I couldn't dream this kind of thing up. Sure I had some crazy fantasies, but they were nothing like this. I wouldn't want them to be either, because for the first time ever, my reality was better than my dreams.

"Thank you Nate."

"You don't need to thank me, we should have done this long ago!" I can hear the bitterness behind each word, remembering when we had been fourteen and after he broke up a fight I was thrown in at school he wanted to leave and run away. That was the first time Dean had hit him and started to call him out on always defending me. It was also the first time he listened to me when I begged him not to get involved. What would have happened if we left back then?

"I guess its all worked out then?" I try and smile back at him, yet his finger traces down the sore flesh of my jaw making my flinch away.

"I guess. I'm glad it was you Sylvia." He paused and looking at the clock the start of a smile returned to his face. "Happy birthday mate."

"God you two enough with the soppy love shit!" Toby called back, looking at Nate with a mischievous smirk. 

Nate kicked the back of his chair making him laugh and turning on the radio, I leaned back against him, my mate. The one who would love, protect and care for me as I would do back to him. I was ready to sleep, I was exhausted yet as my eyes closed I only had one more thing to say.

"Happy birthday to you too, mate."

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