Little Bálor

By SebastianTheToast

60.4K 1.2K 189

What happens when a doubtful little girl gets a adopted by the "Demon-King" Finn Bàlor. ~Enjoy~ More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
🌹Important Announcement🌹
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Ten

2.7K 62 9
By SebastianTheToast

Fergal's P.O.V
I flipped through the various channels trying to ease my mind but it didn't help, nor did the sound of Eve stirring in her sleep. A couple of hours ago Eve through up twice again. My heart ached when I saw her face stained with the expression of discomfort, I just want my little baby to be ok. A yawn escaped my lips, as I switched my gaze from the TV to Eve. I looked over at the clock to see that it was 12am and I've been up for 9 hours straight, it couldn't hurt to get a little shut eye, could it? As soon as I closed my eye's, Eve began to whimper.

Eve: Daddy, make it go away.

I opened my eyes, looking at Eve while rubbing her left hand,

Me: I know it hurts, love, but you'll get through it I promise.

Eve grumbled the tried to go back to sleep. My phone rang in my pocket and i hurriedly to it out, holding it to left ear with my left hand.

Me: Hello.
Mum: Hi dear, we seen your tweet, me and your father just landed in Florida an hour ago. We're heading to the hospital right now.
Me: thank you mum, we're on the third floor, in room #243.
Mum: Love you, see you then.
Me: Bye, love you too.

I put my phone back into my shorts pocket, then gently shook Eve's hand.

Me: Eve, guess what.

Eve cracked her sleepy eyes open and turned to look at me

Eve: What?

Me: Grampa and Grandma are stopping by to see you.

Eve: Yeah

Eve's voice gave out halfway. I leaned over and kissed her cheek as she rolled over to go back to sleep.

Eve: Daddy, the tube isn't in my arm.

I got worried when I heard those words and looked over at her right arm noticing the IV out of her arm. Luckly the Doctor came in just in time.

Me: Doc, the IV came out of her arm.

I pointed out and he hurriedly changed the old IV out with a new one.

Doctor: there, all better. Her food will be here in a few minutes.

The Doctor left the room, waving goodbye at Eve and she waved back. Not to long after her food came, the nurses left, leaving the food in front of her. I helped Eve with getting the spoonful of mashed potatoes in her mouth since she was too weak and fatigued to do it herself. Mum and Dad finally reached the room and walked in. Mum instantly went to hug Eve as dad patted me on the back. My mum looked at me and saw the sadness on my face. She gave me a hug.

Mum: It's ok son.

She comforted me as Dad went to talk to Eve.

After about 2 long hours they went to go eat, and mum would grab me some clothes from the house. It hit me, my brother's wedding, i won't be able to make it. I wipped out my phone then called my brother, Steven.

Steven: Hello.
Me: Hey Steven. Uh... Listen me and Eve aren't going to be able to make it to the wedding.
Steven: Did something happen?
Me: Eve is in the hospital.
Steven: Oh god, is she ok?
Me: there was cist almost the size of a golfball discovered on her right kidney. She's sick but seems to be doing ok so-far.
Steven: I wish me and Becky could see her but we're about to bored a flight to Hawai'i. Tell Eve we love her. Bye.
Me: Ok have fun, bye. Tell little Caitlyn I said hi.

I sat down on the edge of Eve's bed then scooted beside her, laying on my right side. I brushed her bangs behind her ear.

Fergal: Your aunt and uncle said hello.

Eve forced a weak smile on her lips then snuggled closer to me.

Eve: Love you.

Fergal: Love you too.

I kissed her forehead then got up from the bed once she fell asleep. I sighed then sat down into the easy chair beside Eve's bed. A nurse and the Doctor came in, the nurse handled the food and disappeared out the door, while the Doctor checked Eve's temperature.

Doctor: 101.3, Glad to see you're improving little miss.

He smiled at Eve then left the room. Eve went back to sleep, I didn't want to fall asleep fully so i just slept lightly while holding her hand in mine. The day went by rather slowly, mum and dad came and stayed till they had to leave. I changed into my new clothes after taking a shower then got left the bathroom, plopping down into the chair. Eve began to stir in her sleep again, before getting into a comfortable position. I sighed, rubbing my eyes.


Fergal got some sleep finally, however Eve's temperature did pick up some during the night but the doctor gave her some more medicine and got everything settled. Eve couldn't go to sleep,

Eve: Daddy, can I draw.

Fergal: Anything for my little sweetheart.

Fergal dug into the bag his mother got brought and pulled out eve drawing book and crayons. He handed them to her and she doodled away, having a smile on her face the whole time. Fergal took a picture of Eve as she doodled all over the pages, He then started to record her, then posted the recording to twitter. He chuckled as Eve gave him a cheeky smile, as he joined her on the bed and started to draw with her.

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