Rules of Religions in SlugTer...

Oleh miarebel65

3.9K 188 266

The sequel to the first book. Nurul now lives with the Shadow Clan, to have some time alone. With the Shane... Lebih Banyak

Living In The Shadows
Can't Move On And We Meet Again
A Dream or A Vision
The Truth
In The Shadow Territory
Memories of The First Date
The Night
It can't be.....
In 2 Days
The Day Is Here
Eryn and Ammar Shane
Being Parents
The Proposal
Dark Memories
Heart Broken
Telling The Truth
Lunch Time
The Secret of Nurul
Nurul's Story
A Spy Is Revealed
Dark Past
Catatan Kembara
Unexpected Visitor
The Team
Write My Own Destiny
Christmas Wish
Christmas Preperations
A Christmas Wish Came True
New Year

The Master of Hypnosis

89 4 7
Oleh miarebel65

Nurul's POV

I look everywhere in the territory for Yuki and it's almost getting darker out here. I decided to go back to the tree house.

"Where have you been?", ask Eli.

"Looking fir Yuki. It's getting dark and she's not back yet. I'm getting worried".

"Don't worry lil sis, I'm sure Yuki will be back soon", say d Sora as she tried to cheer me up.

"Okay sis", I said with a smile.

Then a knife just appear in front of Eli. Then another can flying in, that almost hit his head. When another came flying in, I stop it by grabbing the handle.

"Okay, who through that?", I said angrily.

Then I saw Yuki at the door way, she was holding a knife in her hand and her eyes look she has been hypnotized.

"Yuki what are you doing?", ask Nia.

She didn't answer, instead she threw the knife towards her. Bake manage to stop it before it get near her.

"What is wrong with you Yuki?", ask Bake as he was worried about her.

We heard a laugh and Rayenn appear behind Yuki.

"Well hello there everyone", he said with an evil smirk on his face.

He then look at me and walk near me. But, Eli stand in front of me.

"Hello Nur, still look beautiful", he said.

"Don't even think of getting near her", as Eli.

"Why would get near her when I had her", as he get near Yuki and touch her neck.

I saw Bake getting furious of him touching Yuki.

"You see when she was running, I managed​ to get an advantage to hypnotized her and have her as my slave", he said as he lick her neck.

"You get away from her! She's not yours!", yelled Bake.

"Your right she's yours. But, I may exchange her for you beautiful", he look at me with a smirk.

"You stay away from her Rayenn", as Sora stand in front of me.

"What do you say beautiful? I let go of your friend here in exchange for you to be mine", he said as he lowered Yuki's sleeve, revealing her bare shoulder.

"Don't do it Nur", said Eli as he hold my hand.

This is tough. I don't want to be with Rayenn, I want to be with Eli. And I don't want Yuki to be with him, she's perfect with Bake. What should I do?

"Tick tock beautiful. Time is precious", said Rayenn with a smirk.

"Indeed it is bro", said Kord as he appeared with the rest of the gang.

They point their blasters towards his head.

"Clever move Shane", he said.

"I always do", he said as he showed his communiter behind his back.

He took out his blaster, aim towards his head and said, "Now you have two choices, keep Yuki and be shooted by us or release her and walk away. What's it going to be?".

"Huh, clever move Shane", said Rayenn as he snap his hands and Yuki was out of his trance.

But, she felt dizzy and fainted. She didn't hit the floor cause Bake caught her.

"Now leave before all of us got trigger happy", said Eli.

"Next time Shane, next time", said Rayenn as he disappeared.

"Bake, go put Yuki in her room", said Sora.

Bake nodded and carried Yuki to her room.

Bake's POV

I can't believe Rayenn nearly touch Yuki. She's mine. I can't imagine a world without her. I put her in her bed and look at her. She was sleeping soundly. I managed to give a quick peck on the lips. Then I saw her stirring a bit. She's waking up.

"Where am I?", she ask as she sat up.

"In your room", I said.

She look at me and slap me. What was that for?

"I told you not to get near me. Now get out", she ordered​ me.

"No", I said.

"I said get out!", she yelled as she push me out of her room and slam the door shut and lock it.

"Yuki, please just listen to me", I pleaded.

"No, you and the rest are the same. Just used me like trash. Just get out of my life", she said. I can hear her crying through the door.

"Yuki, just listen. I knew this was going to happen".

"What, that you can rape me anytime you want. Who do you think I am? Your toy? Is that who I am just a toy?!".

"No Yuki. Your not a toy, your someone that complete my life. I need you Yuki".

"Just get out of my life".

I sigh and walk to the main room. When I got there, everyone​ was looking at me.

"You guys heard everything, right?", I ask.

"Yup", said Eli.

"Try harder Bake", said Nia.

"No, I'm​ done. She wants me out of her life. So that is what I'm going to do".

"What do you mean Bake?", ask Nur.

"I'm gonna leave Slugterra. And never show my face again".

"What? You can't Bake. Your an important part if the team", said Sora.

"No used of me if she hates me", I said as I walk to my room.


Hey slugterrians. Wow, Bake is going to leave. I actually ran out of idea. So, I want you guys to choose whether Bake stays in SlugTerra or leaves. Your choice guys. Put your choice in the comments. Well see ya later slugterrians.

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