It Started With A #Kiss

بواسطة ElizabethKelly2

8.4K 309 19

17 year old Ruby Grey starts senior year at Sand Brook alone. Her Best friend Jade accepted a chance to dance... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 37

124 7 0
بواسطة ElizabethKelly2


Leaving Mason is always the worst part of the day especially now that we are back together. I don't want to stop kissing him but I remember his dad telling him to be home by eleven.

"You have to go, I don't want you to lose the jeep again," I smile against his lips.

"Good point," he kisses me.

"Text me when you get home?"

"Okay, love you baby," he says.

"I love you too," I tell him and mean it from the very depth of my soul. "Go," I push him back with a smile.

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

I watch him drive away then walk into the house happy that I'm alone for once. Locking my bedroom door I changing into my pajamas, but leave Mason's t-shirt on under them because it's so cold. I'm almost tempted to sleep fully dressed instead I put on clean socks then jump into bed. Thirty minutes later my phone rings.

"Hello," I chatter.

"What's wrong," Mason's concerned voice asks.

"Nothing, just cold. Are you home?"

"Yeah, in bed," he yawns.

"Me too, but it's cold. When I get my own place I'm splashing out on a down comforter for the winter," I tell him.

"You should have said, I have our blanket in the jeep," he sighs.

"Don't worry about it, you can keep me warm tomorrow."

"Okay baby, night."

"Night." I hang up with a smile on my face and close my eyes.


The sound of crashing wakes me from dream of Mason. My eyes are barely open when my door splinters in. Scrambling from my bed I scream, trying to run away but strong arms grab me. Fear shoots through me and I fight off my attackers. I bet they're drug dealers looking for money. Diving for my phone, I kick at the guy, not seeing him. My foot makes contact causing him to grunt. Two other dark figures enter my room and tears blur my eyes. I press my phone blindly and hear "Siri" asking what she can do for me.

"Call Mason," I scream at her. "Get off me," I shout. "Help, help," I scream. Tears fall like rapids from my eyes as my heart pounds in my chest. One of them takes my phone while another carries me out of the house. "Help," I try to scream again but my throat hurts. Fear rockets through my body when I'm put into a van. Two of them climb in the back with me. Curling in a ball on the floor I pray that they won't kill me.

"Ruby. Ruby."

My name being called doesn't help the paralyzing fear coursing through my tightly curled body. Afraid to open my eyes I keep my sobs muffled by pressing my face into my knees.

"Ruby. Ruby," the voice says then I feel someone touch my leg. "It's okay Ruby, you can come out now," he says.

Lifting my head a little, I hold my breath while my eyes adjust to the dim orange light. The back doors of the van are open where a man stands.

"Ruby, can you hear me?"

That voice, I know that voice. Lifting my head a bit more I blink then launch myself at Mason's dad.

"Oh my god, you found me," I cry. Gripping him around the neck, I sob onto his shoulder. "You found me. You found me," I hiccup.

"It's okay, it's okay. I've got you," he says. His strong arms wrap around me and my knees give out. "Thompson, get me a blanket," he barks. "Ruby, we're at the police station. Can you walk inside?"

"Ye...yes," I nod but refuse to let go of him. A warm blanket is wrapped around my shoulders.

"You need to step down Ruby," he tells me.

Following his orders, I step out of the van and move my arms to his waist so I don't lose him. Keeping my face pressed into his chest I walk with him. Mr. Baker doesn't let me go, he keeps his arms around me as we walk into the brightly lit building. My tears keep coming and my heart refuses to calm down but they found me, Mason must have heard me calling. We walk into a small room that has a grey carpet and blue chairs, with a small wooden table in the center of the room.

"Have a seat," he says.

In the corner of the room, there are toys piled up in a yellow plastic box. Barbie's are strewn haphazardly on top of trucks and a large dinosaur. Lego blocks are on the floor with some stuffed toys.

"Would you like some water Ruby?" Mr. Baker asks.

Shaking my head, I wipe my eyes then finally look up at him. He takes a seat beside me, giving me a tight smile.

"Did Mason tell you?" I ask. " phone, I tried to call h...him. They took it," I try to explain. "I...I kicked and screamed," I tell him as fresh tears fall.

"You did good Ruby, I'm proud of you for fighting back," he says softly. Another officer in the corner grunts, drawing my attention to him and the mirrored glass he stands beside.

"Knock it off," Mr. Baker says to the other guy.

"Did you find them," I ask. My body now trembling with cold and probably shock.

"Ruby," Mr. Baker sighs. "I have something important to tell you, okay?"

"Okay," I whisper. "Is Mason here?" I question.

"No," he sighs. "He's in bed asleep. The men that came to your house, those were police officers."

"What, why?" I ask looking at him now. The lines around his eyes make him look more tired and the set of his mouth is slightly frustrated.

"Ruby, I have someone here for you to talk to, okay," he looks at the other officer who then leaves the room.

"I don't understand what's happening," I sniffle.

"I know," he sighs. When the door opens again, the officer returns with a woman, who looks to be in her mid-forties, she sits across form me and smiles kindly.

"Ruby, this is Doctor Bay," he tells me. "She is here to talk with you."

"Why, I don't need a doctor," I tell him confused.

"I'm a psychologist," she tells me.

"Mr. Baker, what's going on?"

He runs his hand through his hair then looks at me again, "Ruby do you remember the night ten years ago?"

"The night my parents died?"

"Yes," he nods.

"Not really, Um...the lady said my parents died, then I went to foster care," I reply.

"Ruby," Mason's dad takes my hand, turning his body more toward me. "Your parents didn't die Ruby, you were taken by the babysitter."

"No," pulling my hands away I move back from him. "I wasn't taken, they died and I was in foster care, those houses," I reply with a wobble to my voice.

"Ruby," Dr. Bay interrupts. "I know this is hard for you but what Officer Baker just told you is true."

"How would you know," I snap at her.

"Ruby," Mason's dad says. "Ruby, I was the officer that responded to the house that night." He looks at me.

"The call," I gasp. "The call at breakfast the other day," I cry. "You did this," I shout at him.

"No, Ruby," he shakes his head.

"Stop," I tell him, covering my ears. Tears continue to fall as I process the information. I was taken, as a child. This can't be happening it can't be real.

"Ruby," Dr. Bay calls and touches me on the shoulder. "I know this is a lot to process," she says.

"I don't believe it, this has to be a mistake," I look at Mason's dad helplessly.

"It's not Ruby," he says gently. Taking my hand he pulls me into him for a hug. The doctor clears her throat but he just hugs me. "You'll be okay, I promise. I'm here for you."

"Officer Baker," Dr. Bay says. "Maybe you should step outside."

"No," I lift my head. "He stays, I trust him."

"You're safe here Ruby," she says.

"I'm safe with Mr. Baker. He's staying," I tell her sternly.

"Okay," she smiles tightly.

"Can I use the bathroom," I ask.

The officer at the door steps into action. He escorts me to the restroom and tells me he will wait in the hall. The room is bright with two stalls and a small fake plant between the sinks. My face is red and splotchy matching my red puffy eyes. My hair is all over the place from my struggle, so I pull out the tie and shake it loose. Splashing some water on my face I try to make myself somewhat presentable. Exiting the restroom, the officer walks me back down the hall.

"Would you like something to drink," he asks.

"Okay," I agree. He motions me to follow him past the room I was just in to the officer's break room.

"What would you like," he asks pointing to a vending machine.

"Hot coco, please." He takes out his wallet. "Oh, no. I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to buy it."

"Don't worry," he smiles. "I can buy you a hot drink, even if you did kick me," he winks and smiles.

"I kicked you?"

"Yeah, in your room," he tells me.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know who you were."

"I know, don't worry about it but you put up a good fight. Good for you," he hands me the drink.

"Thank you," I reply and we begin to move again. " it true?" I ask looking at him with pleading eyes.

"You trust Baker right," he asks and I nod. "Then trust he knows what's right, he's a great cop." He opens the door to the room and I walk inside sipping my drink. Mason's dad, smiles at me when I sit back down.

"Are you feeling better," he asks.

"I guess," I reply with a shrug.

"I know this is a lot Ruby but we need to talk to you about the last ten years," he says.

"Okay," I nod.

"Can you start with that you do remember?"

"It's not a lot," I begin. "I was woken up by a lady. She told me that my parents were in a car accident and I had to go with her. I didn't understand but she held me while I cried. I don't know what happened after that, I remember another woman when I woke up. She said that I'd be staying with her for a while until they found me a permanent place. She wasn't very nice to me, always shouting there was another girl too but she was a bit older than me.

"She would help me hide when the woman would start shouting. I think I was there for a few weeks then one night she took me out of bed and said they got me a new house. It wasn't any better there the man and woman hated us being around. The woman would give us food sometimes but the man never fed us. I was there all through the summer, I remember because I had to share a bed with another girl and a boy about five. We were too hot but always cuddled together.

"Once the summer was over, the little boy disappeared one night. The girl and I would hide under the bed at night with the blanket so we wouldn't disappear. I asked the man when I was going back to school but he laughed at me and said I wasn't going to school anymore then sent me back to the room. There were a few old children's books so I used to read to the little girl, show her the words. When the winter came we didn't get any extra blankets but the woman started to get more annoyed with us being in the house. She would always argue with the man about us leaving.

"After Christmas, they said we were going on a drive to visit some friends. I was the only one they took. I cried when I waved to Alyssa, leaving her behind made me sad. That's when they took me to the old lady. She had a small house and told me to call her grandma. She couldn't see very well so I helped her make dinner and clean the house. I liked it there but a few months later they came back and argued with the old lady. The man grabbed me and they took me to the house I've been in. Bridget, said that she fostered me because I was a quiet kid.

"I asked could I go back to school and she agreed. She didn't shout at me like the others and I had my own room. She worked at night and sometimes forgot to buy food but she wasn't so bad."

Taking a deep breath I sip my now cold drink.

"Did you always stay at that house Ruby?" Dr. Bay asks.

"No, when Bridget's boyfriend was over I'd stay with my friend Jade. She was the only person that knew I was a foster kid. When I was sixteen I got a job with Mr. Tistle. Jade's parents added me to their cell phone plan and I pay them monthly for my line. They never minded me staying over or eating their food. It was nice there."

Putting the cold drink on the table, I rub my face. I'm beyond tired now and just want to sleep. Dr. Bay is talking but I'm not listening to her, she's annoying.

"Ruby," Mason's dad says and touches my arm. Looking at him, he smiles. "Are you feeling okay, you did really well telling us what happened to you."

"I'm okay," I sigh. "Actually a bit hungry and tired," I admit.

"How do eggs sound?" he asks.

"Are you making them," I ask with a small smile. Mr. Baker laughs and says that he can't cook at the station but he will send out for me. Dr. Bay smiles at me again and I just nod to her. I hate the way she is watching me.

"I'll get you some food, just sit tight for a while, Ruby," Mr. Baker says.

"Thank you. Oh can I have my phone and clothes," I ask.

"We'll get your belongings later," Dr. Bay says and I frown. "Don't worry, everything will be okay."

I glance at the other officer in the corner and I catch the glare he gives the doctor before he sees me watching me. He winks and I smile.

"I'm tired, can I lie down until Mr. Baker comes back?"

"Of course," she says.

I move to the long bench and lie down, pulling the blanket over my body. I have my back to them so that I don't have to see her and so that I can cry quietly. All those memories are coming back to me, especially the memory of me sleeping in a big bed with pink curtains all around it.

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