Unbreakable Bond-Kol Mikaelso...

By PurdyGirl1469

201K 3.8K 227


Unbreakable Bond-Kol Mikaelson Love story
Chapter 1: Coming Home
Chapter 2: Night with Klaus
Chapter 3: New Face
Chapter 4: Mikaelson Ball
Chapter 5: Out with a Mikaelson
Chapter 6: A Day With Kol
Chapter 7: Choose
Chapter 8: Following a Gilbert
Chapter 9: Day with a Gilbert and a Mikaelson
Chapter 10: Shaking The Bed
Chapter 11: Oh Brother
Chapter 12: Where are we going?
Chapter 13: Stomach Problems
Chapter 14: I'm What?
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 16

3.8K 82 1
By PurdyGirl1469

1 week later...

  I wake up to hear Kol yelling my name. I jolt awake and see fire all around me and my clothes are on fire. Then it all goes away, "Sorry." I say, yeah with me being an angel I can control the elements, I am not doing very well with fire. Nathan is in Kol's arms laughing and smiling, "How long have you and him been up?" I ask, "About and hour." Kol says, "Why didn't you wake me up?" I ask, "Cause I know he has been keeping you up the past two nights darling, you need your sleep." Kol says, I smile, Kol can be so sweet when he wants, "It's kind of hard to sleep when all's I can think about is my child being in danger." I say, I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom, I take out a hair thing and tie my hair up in a messy bun. When Nathan sees me awake and walking around he holds his arms out to me. It's so cute he has these little gestures telling you who he wants, if he sees you and wants you to hold him he will hold his arms out to you. Kol looks at me and smiles, "He wants mommy." Kol says, I smile, "Why must you always keep mommy awake?" I ask Nathan in a little baby voice making him laugh, I kiss his face. "Did you change his diaper?" I ask, Kol nods, "And he was already fed, so don't let him trick you." Kol says, "If he takes after you, he's going to end up getting what he wants." I say making Kol chuckle. I take Nathan and sit on the bed laying down, I pat the bed next to me. Kol comes and lays down next to me, we put Nathan in the middle and we all fall asleep.  

  The next morning me and Kol both wake up to Nathan screaming. "Someone's hungry." I say, Kol groans, I chuckle, "Daddy's not a morning person." I say and take Nathan out of the room and feed him. Damon and Stefan both come downstairs and tossed me some keys. "What's this?" I ask, "Key's to your new house." Stefan answers, "You, you bought me a house?" I ask, "Actually the Mikaelson's bought you a house, me and Stefan bought you furniture, we are tired of waking up every morning to a screaming baby." Damon says, "Hear that Nathan, you're annoying Uncle Damon." I say, "Well I'll go wake up Kol." I say, Damon and Stefan move out of the way. I walk into the room and see Kol asleep, I look down at Nathan and see that he is asleep as well, "Just like your Father." I smile and put him in the crib, I go over to the side that Kol is laying on. I lean down and whisper, "Wake up." Kol doesn't budge, I lightly kiss his ear, which makes him smirk, "Yes darling?" he asks with his voice gruff, "Wake up, we're moving." I say, and start to walk away from the bed when Kol grabs my hand pulling me back to the bed. He pulls me down so I am sitting on the bed next to him. He sits up, and kisses my neck, I smile, "What's this for?" I ask, "Mmm, because I want to." he says, and makes me look at him, we start to make out then I push Kol on the bed breaking the kiss, "We should start packing." I smile and peck his lips again. I hear Kol groan, "Teasing isn't nice darling." he says from the bed, "No, but it sure is fun." I smile, then start packing.

(A little while later, at the new house)(Picture on side)

  Me and Kol just got done unpacking, due to us being vampires it was pretty fast. And only we can invite people in, Bonnie put a spell on the house where no one can come in unless we say it's okay. Nathan is liking his new room, Kol is currently playing with him while I am decorating our bedroom. I get done decorating and go into Nathan's room, Kol is rocking him to sleep, I smile. Kol looks really hot when he is being all 'Daddy' like, Kol chuckles, "What are you starring at darling?" "My sexy man, who is holding my adorable child." I say smiling, Kol looks at me, then he puts Nathan in his crib. He walks over to me taking my hands, he kisses me lightly on the lips. Before this turns into a full out make out session I pull Kol into the hallway shutting Nathan's door. I smirk and wrap my arms around Kol's neck, he puts his hands on my waist, I kiss him and he kisses back, it's slow and passionate at first, but then turns fast and rough. Me and Kol push our door open and go to the bed not breaking the kiss. I make Kol sit down and I put one leg in between his and the other on the other side of his leg. Kol kisses my chest and I let my head fall back from the intense pleasure, I moan, and then we hear Nathan crying and Kol stops. I moan in frustration, "Really Nathan, now is when you have to start crying?" I say to myself. Kol sighs and stands up, "I'll get him." I say and peck his lips again, "We are continuing this later though." I tell him, Kol smirks, "I look forward to it." he says, I smirk and go and get Nathan.

A/n-Sorry it's been so long sense I've updated, and that its such a short chapter, but I've been really busy with school, cause I haven't been doing so good, so yeah I hope you liked it, if you guys what to give me any ideas feel free please. :)

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