My mate is NOT mine

By crazybookfan1

192K 6.4K 396

She runs from her past, but it starts to catch up to her, when she meets someone who was meant to be her mate... More

My mate is NOT mine
Not Mine II
Not Mine III
Not Mine IV
Not Mine V
Not Mine VI
Not Mine VII
Not Mine VIII
Not Mine IX
Not Mine X
Not Mine XI
Not Mine XII
Not Mine XIII
Not Mine XIV
Not Mine XV
Not Mine XVI
Not Mine's XVII
Not Mine XVIII
Not Mine IXX
XX- The War
XXI - The End
Authors Note

Extra - Wanderer

5.1K 202 44
By crazybookfan1

Mark's P.O.V

I awoke to a bloody mess, after the spell was broken. Jenny was in my arms, and she was all I could see. My Heart broke into pieces. "Jenny..." A hand came down on my shoulder, I looked around, Red's body was strung on a cross, bloody freely flowing down, her body pale and cold. I wished her dead so many times, and now that it has happened, my heart felt a void. Jack's body laid on the ground, his heart that was pierced with a silver bullet was now beating again. The silver bullet popped out of his chest, and the hole healed.

Color returned to his body as a couple people after recovering from the shock of the battle, and the fact that a wolf survived a silver bullet, they picked him up and carried him out. I got up and went to the the boy who was supposed to be king, his neck was totally ripped from his head, and his heart plucked out by claws, a gory killing technique, but one that would kill a vampire fully if done at the same time. I looked around, there was no sign of Draven. 

I couldn't find my voice to ask, I put down Jenny's body and went and grabbed Red's Body, taking her down as carefully as I could.

"Red...I'm so sorry." I picked up her body and walked out, the sun was up, early in the morning. I breathed it in slowly. A dreary day once again. The king of alpha's came up to me, "Mark."

I nodded my head, "We won't punish you for anything, you have been cleared of anything that may have come against you, but we would like to know what you will be doing in the future?" 

I looked down at the limp and faded body in my hands. "I think I'm done with it all."

"Where will you go."

"They say there is a paradise, somewhere. After I find Red's resting place I will look for it."


"Yes, there was a myth, that the goddess herself made a paradise for wolves."

"I've never heard of it."

"Of course not. The book was ancient as was burned a long time ago. There was only one."

"Do you know where to start looking."

"The mountains of death."

"There is no mountains of death."

"Not in this world."

"I am lost."

"Jenny once told me, there is a portal to another world, it only appears in a certain place, at a certain time, there you will find the mountain of doom."

"How would Jenny have known?"

"She was a descendant of the one who came from paradise."

"If its not in this world, does that mean there is another?"

"Yes, or it could be the afterlife."

"How do you come back from the afterlife."

" I don't know. Goodbye King of the Alpha's."

"Goodbye Mark." He patted me on the back giving me a painful smile. I carried Red and entered the forest, going where my feet took me.

Eventually I ended in the middle of a large forest, on a hill, tree's in every direction, the place we came from not even in view." Is this a good place Red. It'll be lonely, but its good right. Trees everywhere, you can roam free, no more burdens, no more death or pain. You be free from this world Red." Tears flowed from my face as I set her body on the ground. "I hated you red, I really did, and some part of me hates you now, but I can't come to fully hate you, probably because you made me come to  like you. I'll find paradise. I'll find paradise." 

I dug a deep hole in the ground, slowly as the sun moved past the horizon, then buried her as the moon came out and finally put her body to rest. A place where her body can finally be at peace.

I looked up in the night sky, "Paradise." then continued to walk on.


Authors Note: I hope this answers your question to what happened to mark. Please comment and vote. Thank you for reading. Anything else just let me know. :) It was a Joy making this, and you guys made it joyful to keep on writing. Thank you for all your support.

This extra I wanted to dedicate to a friend, as he helped me a bit with this.

Dedicated to: Wanderer and Maxi (because i'd feel bad if I left them out) <3

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