The Cabin In The Woods {1D/5S...

بواسطة 1DStyles18

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One does not simply know the meaning of fear until they're living it. *** Pl... المزيد



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بواسطة 1DStyles18


Never, have any of them gone into the woods. It's never occurred to them to do so. From the very first day Louis invited them all to stay, there was that sense of danger and spook whenever they got a glance at it. So as they walk deeper and deeper into the mysterious and dark woods, Liam couldn't help but wonder. Why? Why had Austin and Alex decided to go exploring in it? Hadn't they gotten the feeling of. . .being watched? Liam always felt like there was something watching him from the trees, through his room where he is alone and vulnerable.

He could hear the others calling out their names in the distance, but barely. The calls of the animals living within the woods made it difficult to hear the others well. Twigs snapped and leaves crunched under their shoes, adding to the creepiness of being in the woods.

Liam watched as Niall pulled up his skinny jeans a bit more, since they were sagging. Thinking probably that no one was watching, he placed the tip of his fingers to his bum and began to scratch slowly. Liam laughed, causing Niall to look back. A blush crept onto his cheeks when he realized Liam was laughing at him scratching his bum. "What? Did you think I wouldn't see from back here?" Liam teased.

Louis looked at the two, brow raised in confusion. Liam chuckled and walked ahead. He heard Louis mutter to Niall, "What was that about?" Niall responded with, "I don't know," passing Liam.

The trees made it appear darker than it should be, due to all the branches covered in hundreds of leaves. Liam would peeked over the small bushes and having to go around the slightly huge ones to see if either Austin or Alex are hidden behind any. To his dismay, they weren't. A frustrated sigh left through his nostrils, and he hastened his pace to catch up with the two who walked ahead.

Louis had his phone out with the flash on to get a better perspective of things. Liam's feet began to ache, it felt like they've been walking for hours when really it's only been perhaps half. The rocks hidden beneath the leaves were to blame.

Niall paused and turned his body to face the two. "Lads, we have a problem," he informed, pressing his lips. Louis and Liam looked to one another, worry in their eyes, then back to the Irish boy. "What is it, Niall?" Liam inquired, hands dug in the pockets of his sweat shirt. Niall glanced down for a brief second then up. "Well, I have to use the bathroom."

Louis answered, "Can't it wait?"

Niall shook his head. "Uh, no. I really have to go," he stated, firmly. Louis grunted, growing annoyed. "Well , then take a piss behind a bush or something—just be quick." Again, Niall shook his head, bouncing from one foot to the other. "Uh, I don't have to piss."

Liam's eyes widen, taking the hint. Louis was lost for words, not really sure on how to respond to that. Louis opened his to speak, but Niall cut him off. "Before you say anything, no I will not take a dump behind the bushes-"

"Niall!" Both Liam and Louis say in union.

Niall looked between the two in swift movement, widening his eyes. "What! Don't act like we don't do it—we all take a shit-"

"Dear God, Niall!" Louis exclaimed, with a light laugh. Liam shakes his head, knowing this is Niall they're talking to. "So then what are you going to do?"

Niall looked around the area, taking a deep breath. "I don't know, but I certainly do not want to do it in front of you lads-especially not out in the open," Niall said, fixing his shirt. "Makes me feel vulnerable." Although those were the words he spoke, it seemed like he had more to say. Liam noticed how Niall kept glancing over his left shoulder.

"Niall," Liam said.

Niall's face formed in an expression that showed he knew something, like he wanted to say something. He released a sigh and looked behind him then motioned for the two to follow him. He lead them behind a tree that had low branches at the bottom, covered in leaves. "I wasn't sure if I was possibly seeing things, but I think there's something just far off right," Niall shared.

Not wasting any time, Niall pushed the branches to the side, revealing something unanticipated.

There, standing a couple of yards away. . .was a ramshackle cabin. A very large one, at that.


The urge grew larger with every step Niall took. He began to regret eating so much for breakfast and then pizza. He felt like he was going to burst. Niall took a pause, not letting the two ahead of him know. It was to regain composure and control over his bowl movement. "Fucking shit," he muttered out of breath, and resumed walking. Sweat was rolling down his temples from heat and from trying to contain the beast from coming out.

"Keep up, Niall," Niall heard Liam say from up front, already nearing the cabin.

Niall was way behind, he couldn't hold it. "Believe me, Liam. I'm trying," Niall trying not to give attitude. He took a few more steps before stopping. "I can't," he said, gritting his teeth. Liam and Louis ceased their walking forward to turn on their heels and instead walk towards Niall. They could hear Niall's rigid breath as they neared him. He bent with his knees and wrapped his arms around his torso.


"Pull your pants down, Niall,"

"It hurts so bad,"

Niall groaned, tucking his head down to his chest. Liam looked to Louis for any suggestions. Louis's parted his lips, averting his eyes to Niall all crouched up. "Uh, we'll carry you, then," Louis said, bending down and slid his arms around Niall's chest and the back of his neck. Liam mimicked his actions, wrapping an arm around Niall's shoulder and the other under Niall's thighs.

Together, they carried Niall to the way of the cabin. Niall ignored their grunts, trying to focus on not going while being carried. "I swear, Niall. If you shit on us–"

"Relax, Lou. We're almost there," Liam cut him off. Niall wearily looked ahead of him, confirming that in fact, they were nearing the odd cabin. And like that, they're standing before it. Niall was set down and in an instant, he hustled towards the door, fist curled and ready to knock. The knuckles came in contra with the old material of the door, a few splinters getting caught on his skin. "Ow," Niall backed up a step and scrutinized his hand.

Angered and still in desperate need to use the bathroom—having to urinate as well now—he raised his fist again, only this time to pound at the door. However, Liam stopped from continuing with his act and, with caution, knocked on the door. "Hello? Anybody there?" Liam called, gaining no response in return after a moment of pause. He knocked again, this time a little harder. "Hello? Is anybody there?" He shouted louder. Liam glimpsed back at the two; Niall bounced on his feet, trying to keep a hold on himself while Louis uncrossed his arms and stepped forward. "Hey!" He banged hard on the door, still earning no response.

A creaking made by the door slowly opening made Niall and the two freeze in their spot. Niall felt coldness bite at his skin, making him shiver. There was an unnerving feeling in Niall's chest, like something was wrong. Louis looked next to him, where Liam stood, then pushed the door all the way. "Hello?" He called, stepping in. The whole time, Niall kept his eyes on the inside, trying to see for any person possibly standing behind the door or a side it.

He saw nothing but old, torn up furniture. Niall was the last to enter, feeling more cold once inside. Liam was the first to speak. "Was the door opened the whole time?" Niall made out from the light the open door provided Louis's face twisting in confusion and perhaps a bit of fear. "I. .I don't know, to be honest. It just opened."

Niall scrutinized the place—coming go the conclusion of it being the main room—for a bathroom. The main room was quite massive. At the back, stood a small table next to an old rusted door. A few pieces of shattered glass laid upon it, along with a broken picture frame that still stood. In the center, there was a large couch flipped over and torn in half—a few roaches crawling on top of it.

Before it was wooden coffee table, scratches seen from a mile away visible on the surface. Adjacent to the couch was a one seat sofa, made for just one person to sit on. It was torn on the head and on one aem, but it still was intact. Something dark and dried up was splattered on the floor boards, making Niall's heart get caught in his throat. More seem to lead a path towards the entryway to what appeared to be the kitchen.

"Niall!" Louis called, snapping Niall out of his observation. He stood beside the door that Niall had spotted a few moments ago, with it wide open. "Found the bathroom. And there's still toilet paper. Pretty neat, eh?"

Louis seemed to have left out the broken mirror and crimson liquid motionless in the dirty bath tub. Niall gulped, eyes wide.

Oh boy, he thought.

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