Little Bálor

By SebastianTheToast

60.4K 1.2K 189

What happens when a doubtful little girl gets a adopted by the "Demon-King" Finn Bàlor. ~Enjoy~ More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
🌹Important Announcement🌹
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eight

3.1K 82 23
By SebastianTheToast

Fergal awoke to sound of his alarm going off. He rolled onto his stomach, stuffing his face into his pillow and hit the Dismiss button on the Alarm. Fergal rolled out of bed and stood to his feet giving a tired stretch before heading down stairs to make pancakes.

Eve woke up to the smell of her favorite breakfast being cooked. She rushed down stairs and jumped in her seat at the table waiting for her food with a cheeky smile across her lips. Fergal turned around to see the little girl already up and at it.

Fergal: Already up and excited, may i ask why?

Eve: Pancakes, they're my favorite.

Fergal chuckled and placed her pancake onto the plate infront of her. He took the maple syrup and drizzled it onto the pancake. Eve happily munched away as did Fergal with his pancake. After they finished breakfast, Fergal was busy unloading the clean dishes and silverware from the Dishwasher, when his phone began to ring on the counter. He quickly answered, it was his friend Becky Lynch.

Becky: Hi Fergal, i seen that you have a daughter and boy is she just so cute.

Fergal: Hey Becks, haha I've been getting alot of that lately.

Becky: Was Bayley happy and excited to see her new daughter monday.

Fergal: Actually No, well I mean she acted like it, but when I left Eve with her to go to my match, she almost slapped My little Eve across the face. We broke up.

Becky: Aww, I'm sorry.

Fergal: It's ok. So how have you and my brother been.

Becky: Well lets just say, he and I are engaged.

Fergal: Wha- Really! I'm so happy for you both, when is the wedding.

Becky: three days from now. We've been engaged for almost a month now and have been planning the wedding.

Fergal: Can't wait to be there haha. How is little bug, Caitlyn.

Becky: She been doing good. Oh we're intown and was wondering if we could drop by and see little Eve.

Fergal: Ok I'll see you then bye.

Becky: We'll be there in 30 minutes bye.
Fergal hung up the phone and headed into the Livingroom once he was done with putting away the last clean dishes. He plopped down couch beside Eve and she cuddled up to his chest, watching Go Diego Go on TV.

Fergal: Eve guess what.

He pulled Eve close to him, wrapping his arms around the little girl and kissed her cheek.

Eve: What?

Fergal: Your aunt, uncle and cousin is coming over.

Eve beamed with happiness and gave a cheeky smile.

Eve: oh i can't wait.

Fergal unwrapped the blankets from her and picked her up taking her up stairs to her room. He picked out a cute plain blue t-shirt and dark washed shorts from her dresser. Fergal removed her pjs and put on her newly picked outfit for the day. Fergal took the toddler into the bathroom and brushed out her bed head, into a cute ponytail.

Fergal: There all done.

He smiled and kissed the little girl on her forehead, and they went back downstairs.

30 minutes later had passed in no time.

The doorbell rang and chimes of bells echoed through the house. Fergal jumped up and answered the door. Eve peeked over the back of the couch to see a firey red headed woman walk through the door with a man, who looked similar to Fergal, trailing behind her holding a little girl that had dark brown hair and paleish skin. Fergal greeted them with hugs and kiss on the little girl's forehead.

Fergal: Eve, Eve you can come out.

Fergal chuckled to himself and at how shy Eve was. He picked her up from the couch, and showed her who they were.

Fergal: There's your aunt Becky.

He pointed atthe woman with the red hair.

Fergal: and there's your Uncle Steven.

He then pointed to the man that looked similar to him.

Fergal: And that is your cousin, her name is Caitlyn.

He said pointing to the little girl in Steven's arms. Becky's morphed into surprise, as she saw the rather small little toddler in Fergal's arms.

Becky: She's just the cutest thing Ever! How old she?.

Fergal: Oh she's three. She'll be four around two months from now. How is little Caitlyn?

Becky: She's turned four last month. Oh can i speak to you in private fo a sec.

Fergal: Sure thing. Here Eve go play with Uncle Steven and Caitlyn.

Fergal placed Eve down on the couch and went into the kitchen following behind Becky.

Fergal: ok so what's the problem.

They both spoke in hushed whispers.

Becky: I'm pregnant again. But i don't know how to tell Steven.

Fergal: I'm proud for you, tell him at the wedding.

Becky: Oh that a great idea, thank you Fergal.

Becly hugged him and they both looked into the living room to see Eve and Caitlyn drawing with the help of Steven. They rejoined them, but Fergal had to get out the legos.

Becky: I'll make lunch.

Becky disappeared into the kitchen, while the rest continued to chat away and build little lego houses. Caitlyn and Eve worked on one big house together as did Steven and Fergal. It wasn't to long after that Becky called out Lunch is ready. Everyone was seated at the table, Fergal went to put up the legos and soon joined them and sat beside Eve. Everyone happily dug in, and chatted back and forth.

Everyone was done and currently sat on the couch watching a family movie. They laughed at the goofy character's, and watched movie intently.

Steven: All right we better get going, it'll be late by the time we get back. Bye Fergal, bye little miss Eve.

Steven hugged his brother then kissed Eve on her temple. Becky and Caitlyn said goodbyes and gave hugs before the trio left.

Eve snuggled up to Fergal and sat in his lap facing him.

Fergal: I love you my Little Bàlor.

Eve: I love you too Daddy.

Fergal's heart ached when he heard Eve call him dad. After they're movie they ate supper then went to bed.

Fergal's smile never left his face as he slept throught the night.

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