What I never knew I always wa...

By MarinaShipper19

63.5K 1.1K 392

ON HOLD- I'm back with another Robsten pregnancy story (shocker I know right?) because let's face it! I wish... More

Were going to Rio!
Edward and Bella
Gender reveal :)
Hormones are fun!....Not
Sex on the beach
Family time
Cats out of the bag
32-week appointment
Stay at home
Baby Time
1 Day post partum
Please dont go....
Baby's first checkup!
Authors note!
Your back!
Beach baby
Date Night
Food poisoning
Authors note- sick
How I met your mother
Blood tests
authors note! I needed to do this
Condoms and birth control
it's time
authors note -Family emergency
By Your Side
Elle Magazine
I'll be there for you
Lunch Disaster
Where is the baby?
Every parent's nightmare
72 hours
Hospital Blues
First word, First steps and Getting Drunk...Oh My!
1st Birthday
First Day of Preschool
Mom, I think I'm dying
authors note
Unexpected Consequences
Officially Grandparents
Please tell me.....I'm dreaming
The Funeral
Why Eliana?
The Hauntings Of Our Past
Coming Home
Very Unexpected!
24-week birth
When Nothing Else Matters!
Welcome home
2 months later
First Cuddle
Christmas Eve
A new day
End of the road
Never easy
I don't know what to do with her!

Mackenzie Foy

848 16 4
By MarinaShipper19

Tuesday, another day of filming. Eliana loved being on set and Everyone loved having her there. She would often lighten the mood and if anyone was having a bad day, she could always make them smile or laugh. Today they were going to be meeting Mackenzie, the girl who would be playing their onscreen daughter. it was 6:30 in the morning and Kristen was in the kitchen with Eliana, feeding her really quickly before they had to leave. Rob was checking the diaper bag and making sure they had everything as he always did on these mornings.


Arriving to set, Kristen got Eliana settled before heading over to makeup and wardrobe. when she came back out, Rob was smiling and she didn't know why

"What's so funny?" she asked him

"Mackenzie is here and it looks like she found a friend"

"A friend?" Kristen asked

"Come on, ill show you"

Kristen followed Robert back to set and found Mackenzie sitting in front of Eliana, playing peek a boo with her. Eliana was smiling and squealing showing her excitement. Kristen stood there smiling, taking in the sight of the girls playing. Mackenzie finally noticed Kristen was standing there

"Oh sorry if I shouldn't be playing with her, I could resist"

"It's ok, you can keep her entertained when you're not filming. she likes you." Kristen got down on her knees next to Mackenzie. "Hi, I'm Kristen," she said shaking Mackenzie's hand

"Hi! nice to meet you! I'm Mackenzie. so you are my mom????"

"Uh, yeah in a sense."

"Don't worry, it's weird for me too" she whispered, "Your baby is cute by the way."

"Thank you! how did you know she is mine?"

"Someone told me, sorry I'm still learning names."

"It's alright, have you met Rob?"

"No," Rob came over and joined her. "Do you have any kids?" she asked him

"Yes," Rob responded. "Kristen is my girlfriend and that is our daughter."

"Really??" Mackenzie asked. "So you guys are actually together?"

Kristen giggled. "Yes, very much so."

"That's awesome! I have seen the other movies and I always said you two should date in real life."


Kristen was sitting on the bed filming the bed scene with Mackenzie, Kristen thought she was just a delight to be around. 

When they were done filming the scene, they had some free time before lunch so they both stayed on the bed rolling on the bed, laughing and giggling


"What hun?"

"We should bring your baby over here!"

"Yeah we should,"

"I can get her, don't worry I've babysat plenty of times," Mackenzie said as she got off the bed, she went and got Eliana out of the seat. "You wanna go see mommy?" she asked her. "come on, let's go!" Eliana squealed and flailed her arms when she saw her mother as Mackenzie approached the bed. carefully, she laid Eliana on the bed and held onto her as she climbed onto it herself. Laying down on her back, Kristen laid Eliana on Mackenzie's chest, watching as Eliana squealed and smiled.

"I'll be right back," Kristen said. she went over to the diaper bag and grabbed a couple of Eliana's toys before heading back over to the bed.

"Do you want this?" she asked Eliana as she handed her a circle shaker. they both watched as Eliana shook it around while drooling. Kristen placed a cloth on Mackenzie's chest just in case Eliana got her with drool. They both laid there for the longest time playing with Eliana, Kristen was laying on her side next to Mackenzie and somewhere along the line, Robert had joined them. Looking at her phone, Kristen realized that it was noon, lunch time

"I'm going to get her food and feed her, that way I have time to eat too," Kristen said.

"Can I watch?" Mackenzie asked.

"Of course squirt." Kristen giggled. She picked Eliana up and headed over to her seat, placing her in it. Mackenzie watched as Kristen fed Eliana while she herself ate When Kristen got done she took Eliana over to far wall for the second part of her meal.

Kristen just put Eliana down for her nap and turned to Mackenzie

"I think we wore her out" Kristen giggled

"I think so too"

"Sweet dreams sweetheart," Kristen whispered as she placed a kiss on Eliana's cheek. Her and Mackenzie headed back over to the bed waiting for filming to start back up.


Due to equipment failure, filming wrapped up early. it was only 2:30, very early considering they were normally not done until night time. Kristen was packing everything up while watching Mackenzie talk to Eliana who was in her arms.

"Thanks for your help today Kenzie"

"No problem Kristen! I love hanging out with you guys."

"Just wait until she is walking, you two will have fun." Kristen giggled

"Yeah! then you are in trouble"

"No kidding" Kristen groaned. she could already tell that once Eliana would start walking, it would be damn near impossible getting her stay still. she slung the diaper bag over her body and gently took Eliana from Mackenzie.

"We will see you tomorrow Kenzie," Kristen said as she gave her a side hug, being careful of Eliana.

"see you guys tomorrow, say goodnight to Rob for me"

"I will" then it dawned on her. where was Rob? he suddenly disappeared.

she started heading towards the exit, trying to find Robert. she found him sitting against the wall outside, with his face in his hands, crying. she immediately got concerned, heading back inside she found Mackenzie


"Hey, what's up Kristen"

"Are you leaving?"

"No, my mom won't be here for another hour."

"Could you do me a favor?"


"Could you watch Eliana fo a few minutes? Rob is upset and I need to talk to him"

"Sure, Kristen."

Kristen handed Eliana over and sat the diaper bag down. "Come and get me if she starts crying and you can't calm her alright?"

"Yeah, I hope Rob is alright"

Kristen sighed. "me too." she headed back out to where Robert was, she slid down the wall next to him and took him into her arms


"Yeah, it's me"


"Mackenzie is watching her, I saw you and wanted to talk to you without baby interference. now, what's wrong?"

"My dad called....."

"And?" Kristen pushed for him to continue

"My mom is in the hospital, they don't know if she is going to make it"

"What happened?"

"She fell off of the ladder, while she was painting the house from 3 stories and hit her head on the concrete. massive brain bleed. I booked a flight to London for in 3 hours"

"We are going with"

"No, Kristen, I love you but I need you to stay here and take care of our baby girl alright? I don't know what it's going to be like with my mother and I don't want you seeing that."

"Rob, I don't feel comfortable about you going alone,"

"Please, Kris....."

Kristen knew it was a lost cause and sighed. "Ok, if this is what you want."

"I promise we will stay in contact. I'm not sure how long I will be there."

"Let's go home so you can pack"


"I'll drive, you just spend some time with our baby"

The drive home was quiet, besides Eliana squealing. Kristen still was not comfortable with the thought of Rob going alone, to her, he was in no condition to be traveling alone. but she needed to let him go. Arriving home, Rob went upstairs to pack while Kristen quickly changed Eliana and settled her in her bouncer before heading upstairs to help him.

Arriving at the airport, Kristen turned to Rob when she shut the car off

"I love you, be safe and let me know when you arrive alright?"

"I will, I love you both so much." he said as he hugged Kristen and kissed her.

"Go say goodbye to Eliana" Kristen giggled willing herself not to cry.

She watched as he got out and went around to Eliana. after a few minutes, she watched as he entered the airport. she knew this was going to be a hard time for them both, she prayed that Clare would be alright.


Arriving home, Kristen curled up on the couch with Eliana who had fallen asleep, she turned the Tv on just trying to clear her mind. she wasn't going to lie, she was scared. scared for Rob, scared for his family and scared that if Clare did die, would Rob come back a different person and was she ready to deal with that?

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