Allergies ✎ soonseok

By iyanaise

14.4K 1K 279

Seokmin is allergic to hamsters and his sister bugs at him 24/7 about taking care of her hybrid hamster calle... More

fourth [📞]
sixth [📞]
tenth [📞]


1.1K 99 31
By iyanaise




"Soonsie, baby?"

"Yes noona?" He exits the app in panic and goes downstairs in a slow manner, clicking a random game and he sees Sunhee sitting down at the couch while watching tv, but it was odd because she's nervous.

She's leaving in two weeks so it's time to tell Soonyoung about her leaving, but every time she has the opportunity, she gets so nervous and ends up saying it was nothing. Apparently, Soonyoung saw through her. And was now looking at her in the eye intensely, by the way the hamster was pouting an awful lot and it became really hard for Sunhee.

"U-Um. . .if I leave temporarily, are you okay with living alone for a bit?"

Soonyoung's expression saddens a bit and a crease forms on his forehead, "O-Oh, um. When are you leaving, noona?" He sits down beside the couch his noona was sitting on too and scratches his head. "In two weeks. I'll be staying there for about three or four months." Soonyoung's ears flattened at his head and his tail stops wiggling a bit.

A small smile rests on his lips and he nods, "It's okay, noona. I'm fine with living alone."

Said noona stands up and hugs him, ruffling his hair and simultaneously patting his back. As Soonyoung's frown deepens, his ears twitch. Sunhee smiles, "Do you wanna live with Seokmin for a bit?"

Soonyoung perks up and his eyes glints in excitement, "R-Really, noona? I can?!" He feels like he's about to explode because he always wanted to be friends with his noona's brother. But Sunhee says that his brother was allergic to hamsters so it always kind of makes him unhappy.

Soonyoung thinks that the guy hates him too and makes an excuse so he they won't be friends, that made him cry a lot.

"Woah there, I said you can didn't I? And I'm sure he would love to take care of you."

The smile on his face disappears, "But. B-But I thought he hates me?" Shock written all over the woman's face, she was quick to deny it. "Of course not! He never said anything. And besides. . .I know he'll come to love you." A lopsided grin makes its way to her face and Soonyoung shudders at the thought of her noona leaving. He just smiles a small one and nods at her words, hoping that it was true and this wasn't a dream that he'll wake up to.



She wasn't really a morning person, and she hates to wake up in the mornings. In order for her to wake up though, Soonyoung will have to do it. The alarm clock she kept on the nightstand just beside her bed was the first thing that wakes her up in the mornings before. And the loud, irritating sound makes her morning/s the worst and nothing really makes her happy about the thought of working the whole day.

But now, the alarm clock was hidden on the top drawer of his cabinet, her personal alarm clock soothes her. The alarm clock has cute white and brown ears, along with a pair of small, crinkly eyes that looks up at her and forms into small crescent moons, and those, oh god, those chubby cheeks that are prone to being squished by her small veiny hands. And knowing that alarm clock was her hybrid Soonyoung, she doesn't mind waking up as long as he's there.

I'll miss this, she thought while ruffling Soonyoung's hair just below her chin. The hybrid sprawls her whole body on top of her and nuzzles his head just at the junction of her shoulder, making small noises with his lips. He stops moving and retreats his head back from the position from awhile ago, "I'm hungry. I wanna eat, noona. I've been awake for two hours alreadyyy~ wake up~" He whines and bites her shoulder.

"What time did you wake up?" cringing at the foul smell of her mouth, she wonders why Soonyoung isn't bothered by it. He thinks for a few seconds and opens his mouth to speak, "Four AM. And it's six in the morning." Sunhee nods and softly pushes at his shoulder, and he obliged, making the bed just as Sunhee stood up to take a shower.

They went downstairs and Sunhee immediately cooks breakfast for them, she takes a peek behind her shoulder and sees Soonyoung watching him from the dining table, curiously playing with his tail, poking it and pinches it, Sunhee giggles at how Soonyoung reacted with a dark red blush on his face, his hands now on his lap, he's never gonna touch his tail again.

Placing the cooked food in front of Soonyoung, he takes a whiff of the smell and makes a pleasant sound. She smiles, "Go on. You can eat." Soonyoung smiles and digs in, occasionally sighing at the very delicious taste that lingered on his taste buds. He didn't notice that Sunhee wasn't eating and is still staring at him.

Feeling a heavy gaze, his ears flattens against his head and he looks up, "Why noona?"

"I'll just miss you, you know?"

Soonyoung's smile saddens and his cheeks full of food creats a pink hue of blush.



ohohoho. hi? is this chapter okay? lol. my english is kinda bad these days :( anyway my phone is now broken and i lost at least 1000+ pictures of soonseok, jicheol, meanie, jihan. im cRyinG 😭😭😭😭😭😭

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