Count On Me

By MmaroZ

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When her sister dies, heartbroken Lizzie Breen is literally left holding the baby, or in this case her four y... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty One
Part Twenty Two
Part Twenty Three
Part Twenty Four
Part Twenty Five
Part Twenty Six
Part Twenty Seven
Part Twenty Eight
Part Twenty Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty One
Part Thirty Two
Part Thirty Three
Part Thirty Four
Part Thirty Five
Part Thirty Seven
Part Thirty Eight
Part Thirty Nine
Part Forty
Part Forty One
Part Forty Two
Part Forty Three
Part Forty Four
Part Forty Five
Part Forty Six
Part Forty Seven
Part Forty Eight
Part Forty Nine
Part Fifty
Part Fifty One
Part Fifty Two
Part Fifty Three
Part Fifty Four
Part Fifty Five
Part Fifty Six
Part Fifty Seven
Part Fifty Eight
Part Fifty Nine
Part Sixty
Part Sixty One

Part Thirty Six

11.9K 821 32
By MmaroZ

A/N Sorry, it seems I've inadvertently become the Queen of Suspense, wasn't intentional I swear. Just had MORE internet problems, have a new phone line being put in this week, hopefully...the end of my connection issues! Hope you enjoy, xx

Chapter Thirty Six

"Eggs Benedict," Lizzie looked at the plate in front of her and groaned, "this is truly my favourite breakfast."

Oscar smiled at that, he loved nothing more than to see Lizzie happy, satisfied, and dare he say, enjoying herself.

"I'll have to remember that," he offered.

That made her pause, her fork halfway to her mouth, "really?"

He laughed, "yes. If I'm going to make you breakfast in the future, then I'd love to get maximum points for that."

She laughed, laying her fork back down, "ok. Who are you, and what have you done to annoying and controlling Oscar?"

That made him laugh harder, "you kill me."

She picked up her fork and started to eat, all the while a smirk adorning her face, and Oscar couldn't stop grinning. Times like this made him realise that there was so much he'd been missing out on in life.

They ate in comfortable silence, both ravenous after their sleepless night.

"So I'm meeting my boss on Monday," Lizzie offered as she sat back in her chair. "So I may not be able to collect Nate from school. Will you be able to get him?"

Oscar nodded, glad that she'd revisited the topic of work. She'd briefly mentioned it the previous night, and it angered him. She had told him that she wasn't exactly happy in her job; she'd even hinted that she'd gone into the field for all the wrong reasons. He had hoped that she'd start to realise that she could do what she wanted. He was happy to financially support her and Nate whilst she made those decisions, but already he knew that suggesting that could see him shot down in flames. So he aimed a little more neutrally.

"Why are you rushing? You've got the opportunity to work out what you want to do."

She sipped at her coffee silently, and he cringed, had he ruined the moment?

"I have to work, Oscar. I need to get back and crack on. I've been off a couple of months, and I need to get my life back in order."

He sat back in his chair, "I get that. But just take stock, if you don't readdress your life when all this happens, they you never will. That's all."

She was contemplative for a long moment, and then gave a small nod, "I can see what you mean, but I have bills to more than ever."

He sighed, "look, Janis bled you dry. And with her passing that becomes my responsibility. OK? You shouldn't be struggling because of her."

Leaning forward, she reached out to put a hand over hers, "I appreciate you saying this, but honestly it's fine. I need to go back to HAS to go on."

Oscar wanted her to take stock, things through more than anything, but he knew that she was getting defensive. "Promise me that you'll think about it, that you'll just listen to what I said?"

She rolled her eyes, "you're a persistent bastard, aren't you?"

Winking he drained his coffee, "I am known to be."

Lizzie gathered her things together and then asked him, "so you're working today."

"For a few hours."

She nodded, "can I get a ride into town with you? I'm meeting a colleague for lunch."

"Of course."

Half an hour later they'd got back to the house and he'd changed into another suit. In his large Audi saloon, she sat beside him as the hourly news told them of chaos in various parts of the world.

"So we're seeing my parents again tonight, me and Nate. You haven't forgotten?" She shook her head as he added, "so we'll go out to the Trafford Centre maybe, hang out, get some food."

She looked at her hands; she'd pushed his parents away, not wanting to get involved with them. But he had been so understanding, and so had they. She had to start opening out up things.

"Bring them over for dinner, we can eat, they can play..."

He turned to stare at her, luckily they were at a traffic light or who knew where the car would end up.


She smiled, "I'm not that unreasonable. You have to know that."

He gave a shrug as he pushed the car into gear, and then accelerated towards the city centre.

"I just wasn't expecting you to change your mind."

She twiddled her thumbs, "and I didn't expect you to want me to change back!"

Rolling his eyes, he reached out to squeeze her thigh, "aren't I allowed to express my surprise."

"I should scowl for that."

He was still laughing when he swung the car into a parking garage. Jumping out, he was quick to come around and open her door, and then he swooped to kiss her deeply.

She reciprocated, whole heartedly.

Finally parting, he held her at arm's length, "you're ok to get back on your own...for Nate."

She nodded, then reached up to give him a more chaste kiss, "see you later."

Lizzie had no agenda really, there was no one from work meeting for lunch, but she wanted a change of scenery. Now she had a meal to prepare, and was in completely the wrong place...but he was taking her out the following day. And that deserved a new outfit that she could ill afford. But then she was going back to work the following week, and that would help.

Despite her need, she found nothing that she liked, so she headed home a lot later than planned, empty handed.

She then spent the next hour preparing dinner suitable for the first proper meeting with her nephew's grandparents, and her lover's parents. That was no mean feat, and she changed her mind several times before she went for Nate's favourite, a sausage casserole. She even went as far as to make her own bread to go with it.

It was simmering in the oven as the bread primed, when the front door open, and Nate skipped in like a Bisto kid.

"Mmmmmm, what's for dinner?"

She bent to catch him as he hurtled towards her, and then lifted him into her arms, "sausage casserole!"

His grin was infectious as he smiled, "my favourite!"

She nodded, "I know, that's why I made it." In response he whooped, burying his face into her neck. Laughing she looked up to see Oscar stood watching them from across the room, a wistful expression on his face. Before he could speak his parents appeared either side of him, both smiling.

Margaret approached and sighed, "he's such a credit to you, Lizzie, you and your sister."

Lizzie smiled, "thanks, I can't tell you how special he is."

His mother nodded, "children are such a gift. Thank you so much for inviting us over for dinner. It must be difficult for you."

As she made to speak, Nate lifted his head, "Aunty Lizzie's made sausage's my favourite Granny."

Margaret made a great show of rubbing her stomach theatrically, "that sounds amazing."

He nodded, "will you sit next to me?"

Grinning, she cupped his jaw with her hand, "of course I will darling."

"I brought wine," Oscar offered, once he'd dispatched his parents to the lounge with Nate.

Lizzie smiled, "good plan, I could murder a glass."

He opened the drawer and found the bottle opener, as he opened it, he smiled, "thank you for this. Tonight. It means a lot."

She shrugged, taking a glass from him, "you're all making out that I'm doing something special. It's dinner."

Shaking his head, he moved towards her, "no. You're inviting my family into your home, and you have no reason to do that. So thank you."

His smiled warmed her as he kept his eyes on her, "so did you get all you needed today."

That made her blush; she'd wanted to buy something glamorous, something that would WOW him. Instead she had come home empty handed.

Shaking her head, she sipped her wine, "I was looking for something nice...for if we go out tomorrow. But I didn't see anything."

"Nightmare, so, I'll take you to the Trafford Centre tomorrow, treat you to something."

She waved a hand at him, "no, I don't need that..."

He leaned in and placed his lips over hers, very briefly, "I don't care what you need, but I want to do it. So tough."

Lizzie rolled her eyes, "you are so arrogant."

He gave her a wounded expression, "who me?"

When she smiled, he snuck another kiss, then with a wink, headed into the lounge.

Lizzie continued to prepare for dinner, despite the calls from the family to join her. It didn't feel like it was her place, her time. So she prepared the table, chilled the white wine, cleaned crystal glasses. Anything to avoid thinking about how complicated things had got.

"Can I give you a hand, Lizzie? I can't sit there and not help you out."

Lizzie smiled at Margaret Wicker, she was a genuinely nice person, that was evident on their first meeting, and she didn't deserve the hostility that she was passing her way. Not that she was being unfriendly, but there seemed something strange about letting this woman get close. When she looked at the bigger picture.

"It's all in hand, Mrs Wicker, honestly."

She stepped closer, "call me Margaret, please."

Nodding she moved to the fridge, "would you like a glass of wine?"

"Oooh, I'd love one. Since Fred's been diagnosed diabetic we've stopped drinking alcohol, I miss a glass of wine with dinner...or five."

Lizzie laughed at that, "red or white? Your son bought them both, and he's not bad with his wine choices."

She smiled, "what's open? I like both."

Lizzie lifted the red, "sausage classes as 'red meat' doesn't it?"

That made Margaret guffaw as she accepted the glass, "you speak my language...just don't tell Fred!"

Margaret got her way, mashing the potatoes as Lizzie buttered bread to go with the casserole, it was so bizarre to think that she was serving such a 'hearty' meal to virtual strangers, but it would make Nate happy and that would make the whole evening easier to manage.

Margaret chatted away, about Freya and Oscar when they were kids, her grandchildren; all that she'd managed to do with Nate. It was a welcome distraction.

When she finally called the 'men' to join them, she'd had a couple of glasses of wine, which, combined with the conversations, the teamwork with Margaret, seemed to calm her.

An hour later, Oscar sat back in his seat, full, satiated and happier than he had been in a long time. Nate was perfect, everything he could ask for, then there were his parents. He hadn't spent that much time with them lately, and he was enjoying that. Looking at his son, curled up against his father giggling, made him smile, almost giddily. Then he looked to his right, to Lizzie, and his heart surged almost equally. She was so special to him. Feeling eyes on him, he glanced in front to see his mother watching him, knowingly and he rolled his eyes, she was the first to add two to two and get five.

"So I bought dessert...not sure what you all liked, but generally strawberries and cream are a hit..." All faces nodded as she stood and set about whipping cream to add to the strawberries and meringues. Oscar took that opportunity to clear the tables, load the dishwasher, and his mother topped up the drinks...a true group effort.

"Time for bed," Lizzie whispered to Nate as they were all drinking coffee. "You want to give everyone a kiss?"

In honesty it was WAY past his bedtime, and he'd spent the last twenty minutes virtually asleep sitting up at her side, but he wasn't one to give in, so he'd never go to bed by choice. Those stubborn Janis genes again.

He said goodnight, was hugged and kissed then took her hand as she led him up to bed, waving as he went, yet once he hit the stairs he was almost sleeping on his feet.

With clean teeth and pyjamas on, she settled him into bed, and then knelt beside him.

"Good night baby boy."

He smiled then a sad expression washed over him, "I miss my Mummy."

The tears were only ever an inch away from her at the best of time, but as his eyes welled with tears, she almost broke down. But she couldn't. He had been so good, so calm, took it all in his stride, but the last six weeks had been hectic. Now that mundane and routine were on the horizon for the next who knew how long, then it seemed right that he'd notice her absence more now than he had. She couldn't keep him busy forever.

So she slid onto the bed beside him, holding him to her.

"I know darling, I miss her too. So much. But she's safe, you know that right. She's gone, but she's ok."

He sniffed, then looked up at her, "she is."

She nodded, "we've lost her, but she's in a nice place now."

"With Ronnie?"

She whimpered herself, that damned goldfish, she really hoped that Janis had better company than a dead fish; she'd chuckle if it wasn't so heartbreaking. Instead she tried to smile, "him and lots of other people. It's sad that she's not here, and don't ever be afraid to tell me that you're sad. OK?"

Nodding he tucked his head into her neck, "ok, Aunty Lizzie. You always make everything better."

As he fell asleep in her arms, the trouble and torment leaving her body, she fought the breakdown that threatened to overwhelm her.

When she managed to extract herself from under him, she turned to see Oscar at the doorway, lounging against the doorframe.

"You ok?" he asked quietly. She couldn't see his features as the light shone from behind him and Nate's room was dark, but she could tell that he had heard what had been said; his voice seemed choked with emotion.

She gave a nod, "I didn't know what to say."

"You said the exact right thing."

She sniffed, trying to fight tears, "you think so."

He pulled her into his arms, a warm comforting hug, and then he buried his lips into her hair and spoke against her scalp, "I know so."

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