The Nightmare You Saved Me Fr...

By Lasting4ever

341K 7K 853

Life without being notice was top priority for Emma Davis. The dark secrets that linger in the place she call... More

Tears Come First ~ chapter 1
Tears Come First ~ chapter 2
Tears Come First ~ chapter 3
Tears Come First ~ chapter 4
Tears Come First ~ chapter 5
Tears Come First ~ chapter 6
Tears Come First ~ chapter 7
Tears Come First ~ chapter 8
Tears Come First ~ chapter 9
Tears Come First ~ chapter 10
Tears Come First ~ chapter 11
Tears Come First ~ chapter 12
Tears Come First ~ chapter 13
Tears Come First ~ chapter 14
Tears Come First ~ chapter 15
Tears Come First ~ chapter 16
Tears Come First ~ chapter 18
Tears Come First ~ chapter 19
Tears Come First ~ chapter 20
Tears Come First ~ chapter 21
Tears Come First ~ chapter 22
Tears Come First ~ chapter 23
Tears Come First ~ chapter 24
Tears Come First ~ chapter 25
Tears Come First ~ chapter 26
Tears Come First ~ chapter 27
Tears Come First ~ chapter 28
Tears Come First ~ chapter 29
Tears Come First ~ chapter 30
Tears Come First ~ chapter 31
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 32
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 33
Tears Come First ~ chapter 34
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 35
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 36
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 37
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 38
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 39
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 40
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 41
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 42
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 43
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 44
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 45
Tears Come First ~ Final Chapter

Tears Come First ~ chapter 17

7.6K 157 13
By Lasting4ever

I want to say I am sorry this update is really behind, But I can't put school on hold and I had so much work for it.... So Sorry!

But the good news school is out in about a month so then my updates won't be late.


On the bright side I tried to make this long for you all!!!




When we got to my door Tyler stopped out front of it “Well I guess this is goodnight.” He planted a kiss on my forehead.

“Wait please don’t leave me.” I begged him as he started to walk off.

A grin appeared on Tyler’s face “Fine, I’ll change and I’ll be back. I promise.”

When he was gone I slipped into my room and changed as well. I forgot home much pain my feet were in thanks to the heels Caitlyn forced me in.

After I was in my conferrable pajama’s, I hoped into my bed and instantly felt a sense of peace take over me. I heard the door open and then the bed dipped down beside me.

I turned over to see Tyler looking at me the way a husband would look at his wife, with love, passion, and care.

“Have I ever told you, you’re beautiful?” Tyler questioned.

My heart was beating so hard I felt as if it would burst any moment. “I don’t believe so.” I told him

“Well I am now, so don’t you forget it.”

Tyler grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me on the lips. The passion I felt earlier soon returned and caused our kiss to last longer than before. Soon we broke away out of breath.

“Night Emma I love you.”


“So tell me about it.” Caitlyn harassed me for the millionth time today.

“I have already told you everything, plus it’s been two weeks give it up.” I replied as nicely as I could.

She folded her hands over chest “It doesn’t make since you all were away for too long for you to just have ate dinner, I’ve been thinking and there is more to the story.”

I rolled my eyes; I didn’t exactly feel like telling her I was crying my eyes out for an hour on the side of the road.

She was staring me down as if she was going to speak but never did. “I know your lying but I won’t push it, I guess you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want.”

I hated the guilty card, most of the times I trying to ignore it when anyone tries to use it on me but a lot of times I end up caving in anyways.

“Maybe I’ll tell you some other time.” I honestly said.

She mumbled something under her breath. “Fine but like I was saying the other night I don’t want to be an a--.”

“Caitlyn leave the poor girl alone.” Lisa exclaimed to Caitlyn as she entered the kitchen.

“But mom…” Caitlyn responded.

As soon as Caitlyn’s words left her mouth Lisa turned to give her a death look. “Go see if your father needs help setting the picnic table.”

Nodding her head to her mother “Yes, ma’am.”

Feeling weird just standing there I turned to Lisa “Do you need any help?”

She turned to me and smiled “No dear your fine. Tyler got home about 5 minutes ago if you would like to go see him.”

Hesitating for a short moment I told Lisa bye and went on a hunt for Tyler. I looked in the living room and outside and came up short. Pausing for a moment I figured he might have went to his room to change since he went running.

Climbing up the stairs I stopped off at my room to change myself from my sweat pant and tee shirt to a pair of jeans and a cute flannel shirt Caitlyn gave me.

I threw my wavy hair into a sloppy pony tail and left my room to look for Tyler.  Hoping to scare him I opened his door slowly but found to lights off. Disappointment washed over me then I saw light coming from his bathroom.

I turned to shut the door behind me quietly and headed for the bed so I could surprise him when he came out.

Trying to make my way over there I felt a pair of arms go around me. A scream left my mouth, when the person flipped me around to face them.

“Tyler you idiot you scarred me half to death.” I lectured him.

His lips twitched into a smile “Well I would say I’m sorry but I had to take my opportunity. Plus I figured you would be okay considering you have been doing rather well these past weeks.”

My heart skipped a beat “No I’m fine that has nothing to do with why I got scared any normal person would have.”

Laughing Tyler shook his head “I guess I’m not normal. I never get scared.”

Now I laughed “Yeah right everyone gets scared.”

“Not true, because I never do.”

“Well one day I will scare you whether you like it or not.”

Raising his eyebrow, “Sure you won’t. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go shower so you can wait here or you can join if you want.”

I slapped his chest “Keep dreaming lover boy.”

“You know I’m just kidding, but one day I won’t be.”

“Yes one day not today, so hurry up so we can go eat.”

Placing a kiss on my cheek Tyler released me and headed for the bathroom. I hoped on his bed. It was quiet comfortable, we haven’t slept in his bed he always just stays in mine. I don’t know why his is way more comfortable.

Now I feel bad that he has been forced to sleep on mine. Tonight I’m going to let him sleep in his bed. I picked up a magazine that was on his nightstand.

Flipping through it I just realized it was a wedding magazine. I tossed it to the side. Why did he have a wedding magazine? Don’t get me wrong I really do enjoy Tyler but I am nowhere near ready to be engaged or getting married.

I started to wonder off into my thoughts when I saw Tyler emerge from the bathroom. He was dressed in shorts and a tee shirt.

“What’s that face for?”  Tyler questioned eyeing me up and down.

“Oh nothing, just thinking.” I responded “By the way you’re sleeping in your bed tonight.”

This through him off guard “Why, I am perfectly fine in your bed.”

A playful smirk played on my face “I just think you would miss your bed after all this entire bed is way better than mine.”

“I am not worried about my bed. I am only worried about you.”

“What if I said I didn’t want you to sleep with me anymore?”

Walking over to me Tyler wrapped his arms around me “Oh I don’t believe you do.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh you think you know that well.”

“As a matter of fact I do.” Tyler challenged

I laughed “Prove it.”

Tyler rubbed his chin for a minute “Okay let’s see your favorite color is Green and your birthday is March 5 which is coming up. You have always wanted to be photographer ever since you were little. You have a dog named Lucy when you were a kid and would love for another one. You hate silence because it scares you… Should I continue?”

I help my hands up “I get it you do know me but I know you too and I know you miss your bed.”

“No bed is comfortable enough if you’re not in it.” He told me.

“That’s not true; you seem to have slept fine before you met me.” I informed him.

“Not true” He responded “It always felt as if something important was missing and now I know why.”

I looked at Tyler with a frown on my face “I don’t want to make you miserable if I’m not around.”

Confusion took over Tyler “Why wouldn’t you be around. I plan to have you around for a very very very long time.”

I immediately shook my head “I didn’t mean it like that. Like if you have to go somewhere with the pack and I am here then you won’t have me around and this could cause you to be miserable.”

“I guess that means I have to take you with me.” Tyler replied with a sly look.

“No, I think you will survive without me thought.” I added.

Placing a kiss on my neck “Maybe… maybe not.”

“Oh you know you can.” I could feel Tyler’s breath on my neck sending chills down my spine. I opened my mouth to speak but lost my train of thought.

“What were you saying?” Tyler questioned with a smirk placed on his face.

“Umm… that we should go join everyone for dinner.”

Laughing at my response Tyler pulled my along “Very well then let’s go.”

As we headed down stairs I turned to Tyler “Why does your family always have a cook out on Saturday?”

“I guess because it is something we have always done. It started when my dad was a child and he brought the tradition here. Sometimes my whole family comes but my parents figured it would be too much for you so they are waiting for the pack meeting to introduce you to everyone, even though they have heard a lot about you.”

My face warmed up from his last comment. Oh my… what could they have possible told them about me. How I was beaten and raped all the time by a sick man. I started to panic a little at my thoughts.

I finally realized that Tyler had stooped walking “Emma take deep breaths don’t worry about them right now. It’s no big deal; they can’t wait to meet you.”

Doing as Tyler told me I soon calmed down. I turned to Tyler with a sincere look “I’m sorry I over reacted.”

“Its fine I promise. Emma don’t for one moment think that no one likes you. I know for a fact my family likes you already because of everything I have told them about you, both of my Grandmothers want me to take you secretly to meet them so my parents won’t flip.”

“I don’t understand why they want to, I am boring…” I whispered.

Tyler caught my face in his hands “I beg to differ, and I believe they will see you how I see you.”


“I’ll prove you wrong soon enough.”  Tyler stated stubbornly, now pulling me outback.

When we got outside the smell of Hamburgers and hotdogs filled the air. My stomach growled in response to the delicious sent. Ever since I’ve been at Tyler they have always cooked so much food at the end of the day I felt as if I ganged 30 pounds.

I looked over at the grill and saw Eric putting the food on a plate. Which he handed to Lisa and she placed it on the table.

“Emma I saved you a seat.” Caitlyn informed me with a huge smile on her face.

Pausing for a moment I proceeded to the spot she had saved for me. Tyler followed right behind me, sitting beside me, while Eric and Lisa sat on the other side of the table.

“Well everyone dig in and help yourself.” Lisa exclaimed.

I grabbed a hamburger and placed in on a bun. As we ate there was a few small talk here and there but not a full on conversation which I was happy about. I was able to eat without talk with a mouthful.

“So what are your two plans for the day?” Lisa questioned as she handed out napkins.

I paused at her questioned, what were we doing today? I didn’t have an answer so I remained quiet and left it to Tyler to reply.

“I was just thinking about staying here and watching a movie down in the theater or something like that. However it’s up to Emma in the end.” Tyler interjected, staring at me.

“Oh yeah, that sounds fine to me.” I quickly replied.

“Can I please join I have nothing to do!” Caitlyn cried out.

Tyler shot a stern look to his mom “Caitlyn remember Kyle’s coming over today.” Lisa added.

Confusion swept across Caitlyn’s face “Who’s Kyle?”

“Oh sweetie you know he is the Beta’s son.” Lisa reminded her.

“Randy’s son, why is he coming over?”Caitlyn demanded.

“I’m not sure probably just to see you. Since you two were best friends when you were younger.” Lisa honestly answered.

Caitlyn didn’t reply she sat there quiet and pouting. For a 20 year old Caitlyn acts like she is 16 but I love her anyways. She is the sister I once had, and now I get to have her again.

Lisa and Eric got up from the table and said they had a business meeting or something like that.

“Well Caitlyn if you’ll excuse us we’ll be downstairs.” Tyler informed Caitlyn.

He pulled me along without allowing me to say a goodbye to an upset Caitlyn. “Why is Caitlyn so upset?” I asked Tyler.

“Caitlyn just wants a mate who will love her like I love you.” He told me.

As we made our way downstairs Tyler kept a hold of my hand. “What movie do you want to watch?” Tyler asked.

“You’re asking me what movie? Most of the time you just plop in a random movie and fall asleep halfway through it.” I reminded him while I laughed.

“I was just trying to see if there is anything that may interest you?”

“Well Caitlyn was telling me about the twilight movies.” I confessed.

“This is the last time I offer to allow you to pick.” Tyler half smiled.

I looked at him with a smile on my face “Come on it can’t be that bad.”

“I bet it can be.” Tyler responded.

I shrugged “Have you actually seen it?”

“No…” he muttered

“See I win so you go get the movie and I will get the popcorn.” I cut him off, shaking my head.

Seeing I won, Tyler gave me a quick kiss and jogged back upstairs to retrieve the movie. I walked over to the popcorn machine and began to make the popcorn.

This is fifth time down here and each time I somehow get stuck with making the popcorn. Grabbing a bucket from the shelf I began to pour the popcorn in.

I decided to go a head into the movie room and get a seat. Never in my life would I picture someone having a movie theater at their house.

Tyler soon emerged with a blanket in one hand and the DVD in the other. “I must really love you, since I had to go hunt through Caitlyn’s room for this.”

“Oh don’t complain, why didn’t you just have her go get it.” I questioned.

“I think she’s outback still… or with Kyle somewhere.”

I nodded my head as I watched him put the movie in the DVD player. Then he grabbed the remote and headed up to where I was sitting.

I choose the love seat at the back, due to the fact it’s the only love seat in here. Tyler tossed the blanket my way and I quickly grabbed it and embraced its warmth.

Living in their house for quiet sometime, has yet to make me use to their freezing cold house.

Tyler shot me a sly smile. “Oh I see how it is you rather cuddle with the blanket than me.”

“I think you have some competition, this thing is warm and soft and fuzzy.”

“Well I can be fuzzy it you want.”  He told me.

I rolled my eyes at him. “Not what I meant, but whatever get over here.”

Tyler smiled “My wish is your command.”

He sat down on the spot beside me and pulled me over to him so I was leaning on him. Then he wrapped the blanket around us, and held the popcorn in his hands as he tossed it in my mouth. It was more so hitting my head and falling to the floor though.

“Hey Tyler.”


“You left the light on.”

His chest vibrated with a growl “Great.”

As he got up he turned back to me “I forgot to tell you but I just found out after lunch but the pack is coming over tomorrow and you get to meet them.”






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