Messed Up (KaraIchi Fanfictio...

By ChainsawGirlRine

49.5K 1.6K 1.7K

Yey!! A KaraIchi fanfic! I've always wanted to make one so here it is! Hope you guys like it! ≧ω≦ (Completed... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Just some facts.. and pictures ฅ'ω'ฅ
Chapter 10
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 6

3.3K 125 147
By ChainsawGirlRine

Karamatsu's POV

"Chibita, do you remember anything back when we were kids?"

I stared at the oden in front of me.

"What's with that question all of a sudden?" He gave me questioning look as he wipe the plates.

"Is it wrong to ask?"

He sighed, "Yeah, I actually remember a lot back then."

"Eh!? Really!?" Somehow, i felt really happy and relieved at the same time.

"Why are you surprised you idjit?"

"Chibita, do you know who I was always with back then?"

"Huh? Hmm.. Weren't you always with Ichimatsu back then? I still remembered the prank you did on me back then." Chibita crossed his arms.

So I really was always with him.. Why can't I remember?


"Oi, why did you turn red suddenly?"

"W-What!?" I touched my cheek and realized that it was hot. I really am blushing..

"Do you have a fever or something?" He tilted his head.

"Ahh.. O-Oh yeah.. i guess I do." I looked away.

He looked at me suspiciously but he just shrugged it off in the end.

"Fine.. Just eat the oden and go home. You need to take a rest."


After eating my oden, I paid Chibita and went on my way.

Normally, I would've asked out some of my "Karamatsu Girls" at this point but I don't really feel like it. As I walk along the pavement, looking around, i saw something in front of a cafe that seemed to caught my attention.

I walked towards it and examined it.

Question and Answers? Well, that's what the signboard says.

I looked at the different stickynotes which are posted in the whiteboard and discovered most of them are questions.

I finally catched on what is going on here. Basically, you can either post a question of your own or answer other's questions. Since some of the questions fascinated me, I decided to answer them.

I took the pen sitting on the table and answered some questions posted.

"How to get a girlfriend?" - random guy

Hmmph.. Have a taste of perfect fashion. I wrote

"What is the best job?" - Iyami

Hmmph.. Something that gives people dreams and could make the world peaceful.

The next question really caught my eye. Somehow, the handwriting seems familiar..

"What is love?"

I noticed a paw drawing just below the question. I have a feeling that I know who wrote this.

I think it's Ichimatsu.

I don't know why but I looked around, making sure nobody's watching me and I quickly took the Ichimatsu's stickynote and put it in my pocket.

I quickly walked away and headed towards home.

As I walk along the sidewall, my mind became clouded with thoughts that I could not understand.

But what bothers me the most is why are they all about Ichimatsu?

I just shook my head.

That night, I had a dream.

A dream that took me back in time.


"Karamatsu-niisan! Wake up!"

I bolted awake when I felt a terrible pain in my neck. Somebody pinched me!

"Owww!! I'm awake! I'm awake! Stop it Ichimatsu!" I rubbed my neck, trying to ease the pain.

Wait... Ichimatsu?

I gazed at the little kid kneeling in front of me. Is he.............. Ichimatsu?

"Come on! You told me we were going to the riverbank today!" He pouted at me. Awwe he looks so cute.

"Fine. But first, help me get up." I smirked at him as I lay down again on the grass.

"What!? No fair Karamatsu-niisan! You're way too heavy!" He grabbed my arm and tried to lift me up.

Somehow I found myself staring at young Ichimatsu. He looks so cheerful. He barely looked anything like his grown-up self.

I couldn't help smiling in such a blissful scenery. I've never felt this nostalgic before.

I finally stood up and dusted off the grass on my clothes.

I'm also young.

"Come on!" I felt Ichimatsu hold my hand then he started running.

"O-Oi! Slow down Ichimatsu!" I ran faster to catch up with him. I didn't remember that he used to be a fast runner.

After finally reaching the riverbank, I held onto my knees for support as I tried to catch my breath.

When I finally looked up, everyone was here... My brothers and my parents. They're having a picnic.

Everyone looks so young... My brothers all looked so similar that I can't even tell which is which! And my parents.... Dad somehow still looks the same while mom, she looks younger.. Mom looks so pretty.

I tried best not to cry. I'm really happy that I got to see this one more time.

"Karamatsu! Come here! The food is ready!" Mom called out to me.

"Coming mom!" I went to mom and she gave me my food. She rubbed my hair and told me to make sure I finish it all up. I nodded and smiled at her then I took a sit with my brothers.

They're all just talking about games and what they did today.

Why don't I remember this? I regret forgetting such a happy memory.

"Karamatsu-niisan." My brother sitting beside me called.

"I-Ichimatsu?" I gulped, hoping that he's really Ichimatsu. It's really hard to tell.

"I need to tell you something.." He suddenly looked really gloomy.

He really is Ichimatsu...

"What is it?" I asked him.

He was about to speak until everything went black.

I jumped awake.

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