The Dead of Night

By annamorphos

62.3K 2.5K 229

Left with nothing more than her memories, Bella attempts to live one day at a time. However, the sudden appea... More

Chapter One
Interim Chapter
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Twenty Seven

1.2K 72 0
By annamorphos

Chapter 27: Goodbye.

The blackness separated, peeling away like a curtain, and the first sight that greeted me was a bright light, flashing straight into my eyes. I reacted, in my opinion appropriately, shaking my head and desperately trying to force myself to move, a searing sharp pain shot straight up the left side of my body, making me yelp in pain.

"Please, lie back, Miss Swan," an irritated, unfamiliar female voice requested from the other side of the light. My eyes narrowed as the beam of light was pulled away, revealing a mid-30's, brown-haired woman, wearing a nametag that said Melissa. Her teal scrubs confused me; she was dressed like a nurse that worked in a hospital. "Doctor Gerandy?"

As my eyes adjusted, I examined the off-white walls, the generic paintings you could find at a gas station, the outfit of the strange woman, and Dr. Gerandy. He gave me a cautious smile—the same one I got when he'd examined me after I'd been found in the woods; the look just screamed pity. The old, balding man made his way to me and leaned over, placing his warm hands on my torso.

"Definitely broken ribs," Dr. Gerandy called over his shoulder, after I squeaked in pain. "Bella, do you remember anything before you blacked out?"

The last thing I remembered was watching Ary rip apart the vampire who'd been stalking the McRaes and me. The nightmarish image was burned into my subconscious, and I don't know if I'd ever let it go. My face cringed, desperately trying to do away with the memory, and, as I looked up, I caught the doctor's concerned stare. Since I couldn't tell him what really happened, I sighed and shook my head.

"Nothing," I muttered, not liking the scratchiness of my own voice. "How did I get here?"

"Your boyfriend brought you in," Dr. Gerandy responded as he wrote on his clipboard. "According to him, he was driving you back home when he hit a deer. You were unconscious and bleeding, so he called his sister and they brought you to Forks General." He lowered his clipboard and smirked at the nurse. "They say his car's totaled; that's what he gets for buying an import though."

"But, I—"

"Bella!" Charlie came crashing through the door, his face panic-stricken, and came to a halt by my bed, barely acknowledging Dr. Gerandy. "What happened to you? I swear, you're gone a few hours and this is what happens? I never should've let you—"

"Hello, Charlie," Dr. Gerandy said, his voice and posture extremely tense.

Ever since I had been found in the forest, my dad and Dr. Gerandy hadn't been on speaking terms. Charlie refused to tell me what was going on, and I hadn't been too focused the last few months, so I never pressed. Now, I watched them both, eager to know what had happened and if they had cleared it up.

"Doc," Charlie replied gruffly and begrudgingly shook his hand. "What happened to my daughter?"

"Bella and her boyfriend, Eric, hit a deer on their way back into town," the doctor informed Charlie, barely acknowledging me.

"How bad is she, doc?" Charlie had followed Dr. Gerandy's lead and had completely nixed me out of the conversation. The two men turned their backs on me completely and lowered their voices.


Why am I not allowed to know what's wrong with me?


"Bella's got three broken ribs on her left side," Dr. Gerandy informed Charlie, who grimaced as he was shown the x-rays. "She's also received some mild scrapes and bruises over a good portion of her body, as well as smoke inhalation."

"Smoke inhalation?" Charlie's voice was speculative, and I knew he was probably wondered how I could have inhaled smoke if it was a car accident. "How did that happen?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Dr. Gerandy sighed and shook his head. "It possibly happened while Bella was unconscious. Some of the fumes that a leaking air conditioner lets off can cause the same reaction. However, it must've been a great deal, because Bella's lungs were packed full."

"Dr. Gerandy?" I called over to my father and the doctor, wanting to know the most important piece of information. "Where's Eric?"

"He said he had to leave," Dr. Gerandy answered, turning slightly in my direction. "However, he did say he'd return within the next couple hours."

"Good," Charlie piped in gruffly. "I have some questions for that boy."

"Dad," I growled and huffed. "He wasn't speeding."

"Don't start that, young lady," Charlie shot back, scowling at me. "You could've been killed, and I'm not going to let another boy get off the hook for this."

My mouth gaped open, astonished that Charlie would bring up Edward at a time like this, but he merely followed the doctor out the door. I stewed alone, occasionally glancing at the door to see if anyone had returned, angry at my dad, but also worried about Eric—and Ary. The last I could remember was Ary ripping Ehdrid to pieces, so she had to be okay, didn't she?

"Bella, I have to leave for a bit," Charlie said as he marched back in, his expression strained. "Someone set fire to the old Forks warehouse. The fire's almost out, so I need to find out what caused it."

"Okay," I said bleakly, wondering if there was any way my presence there could be determined. Honestly though, my emotions and fears were pulling me in so many different directions that I couldn't bring myself to care.

Once Charlie had left, a nurse came in, telling me that she was going to give me an additional pain killer, which was strange because they already had me on a morphine drip.

"Trust me," the nurse said, giving me a strangely apologetic look, when I asked the purpose of a second medication. "You're going to need this."

"Why?" I asked, thoroughly alarmed by the look she was giving me. It was like she knew something that I didn't.

"Doctor Gerandy needs to make sure your ribs haven't moved," the nurse said while inserting the needle in the IV attached to my arm. As the tube rushed the liquid into my vein, a warm sensation immediately shot up through my bicep and into the rest of my body. "In order to do that, he needs to feel the area. I've had broken ribs before—it's going to be extremely uncomfortable."

"Thanks, I guess," I muttered as she headed out. My body began to react slowly to the pain killer; a soft, warm numbing sensation washed throughout me. Almost like I was slowly being submerged in lukewarm water. My eyelids softly closed, and I felt myself begin to relax.

"Feeling any better?"

My eyes shot open and I turned towards the voice I had just heard, only to find Aryana sitting on the hospital bed next to mine. I smiled at her, happy that she was all right, but she didn't return my enthusiasm; she merely stared at me with a grim frown.

"I'm feeling much better," I sighed, confused by the sound of my own voice.

"I bet you are," Ary said, a light smile appearing at the corners of her lips. "That nurse gave you enough morphine to stop a grown man."


"Well, maybe not that much." She shrugged and jumped off her perch, moving beside me quickly. "I'm so sorry, Bella. I didn't know she'd do this to you."

"It's okay," I said with a chuckle. "I'm used to this."

"Yes," she nodded and her face fell, "but this is my fault."

"What? Ary, no," I contested and tried to sit up, but found it difficult with the drugs in my system. "You saved Eric and me! She was going to kill him!"

"And in doing so," she answered despondently, "I nearly killed you."

"I don't know what you want me to say," I mumbled and laid back when my head began to spin. "Do you want me to hate you? Should I scream and tell everyone that you did this to me? I refuse to do that, Ary, so knock it off."

"You don't understand," Ary muttered and turned away, which upset me even more.

"Everyone tells me that," I growled and she turned back to me. "What don't I understand?"

"You don't understand that I'm dangerous, Bella," she exclaimed, fisting her hair with both hands. "You're one of the best friends I've ever had—and look what I did to you!"

A rumble came from her chest and she turned her back on me, a slight tremor running over her body told me she was losing her nerve. After a few seconds, she took a deep breath and shifted back to face me, the same morose frown had returned.

"I'm sorry," she groaned and sat down on the bed again. "I just can't seem to keep it together like I used to."

"Let's talk about something else," I suggested, not wanting to see Ary anymore depressed than she already was. As my mind danced over different topics, I decided to find out what was next. "So, what happens now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Ehdrid's gone," I said, feeling a little happier about that fact. "What are you and the others going to do now?"

She hung her head. "We're leaving, Bella."

"What? No!" I cried, not believing what I was hearing. Was I really going to lose another beloved family? "There has to be another way, Ary, please don't go."

"We have to," she answered weakly, refusing to look at me. "Once they realize she's gone, they're going to start looking for the last place she was—because that's where we'll be."

Tears formed in my eyes as I pondered what life would be like without Ary…without Eric. He had said he'd come back for me, but was that still true? Even if he would, I'd be without him for over a month, and that wasn't sounding very promising. I needed him. An idea formed in my head, and, before I could think it over, I spit it out.

"Take me with you," I said and gazed at Ary hopefully.

"No, Bella," she replied, shaking her head. "Where we're going—it's no place for a human."

"Then change me," I interjected quickly. "Please, Ary, don't leave me behind—I want to come with you."

"I'm sorry," she sighed, and I knew there was no dissuading her.

"So, this is goodbye?" I couldn't look at her, if I did, then I'd cry.

"No," Ary sighed and my head shot up. "Well, not exactly, anyway. We need to disappear for awhile, Bella—maybe for a few months—but I will see you again."

"Where will you go?" I was feeling a bit better, now that I knew that I would see the McRaes again.

"Bella, I just spoke with the doc—." Charlie came strolling into the room, and halted immediately as his eyes found Ary standing beside me. "You."

"Dad," I growled, embarrassed by the critical stare he was giving my best friend. "You remember Ary, right?"

"Where's your brother?" Charlie demanded, moving closer to her. "I need to ask that boy a few questions."

"He's at home," Ary responded smoothly, clearly not intimidated by Charlie's stiff posture and stern expression. "I'm sorry. Is there something wrong?"

"Wrong?" The veins in Charlie's neck popped a little but he seemed to keep his composure. "My daughter's in the hospital, and I want to know why."

"Dad, Dr. Gerandy told you already," I cried, reeling in disbelief at the presence of his temper. Charlie was normally so mild-mannered at home; to see him in such a state was mind boggling.

"No, it's all right, Bella," Ary said softly, giving me a wink. "Your father's had quite a fright—it's understandable for him to act this way. Chief Swan, please, I'll answer any questions you need answered, and my brother can fill in the blanks later, if need be."

"Well…all right," Charlie stammered, probably not used to someone being so compliant. "Let's start with how this happened."

"Well, Erickson hit a deer crossing the street," Ary explained while Charlie began writing on a small notepad. "He tried to swerve and miss it, but the animal kept aiming for his car, and the rest is history."

"No, it's not history," Charlie interjected, looking up from his pad. "The doc said that Bella had a good amount of smoke inhalation. I find it a little too coincidental that the old warehouse burned down at the same time this all happened."

Ary cocked her head to the side, and I swallowed heavily as I wondered what answer she would have. Charlie glowered at her, which was irritating me, but if it bothered her then she didn't show it.

"Are you implying, Chief Swan," Ary spoke slowly, her voice becoming slightly irritated, "that my brother crashed his own car, carried his girlfriend through dense foliage into a rundown building, set it on fire, and then brought her to the hospital?"

"Well…I…" Charlie trailed off, his face flushing brightly, and I wondered if he knew how ridiculous he seemed right now. I felt bad for him, but, then again, it served him right. Dr. Gerandy had told him what happened and that wasn't enough.

"Chief Swan," Ary said softly and touched his shoulder. "I know this must be very difficult for you, but, I can assure you that Eric would never do anything to hurt Bella. He was absolutely beside himself when we brought her in, you can ask the nurses. The only reason he's not here is because the hospital staff asked him to leave. He was very belligerent when the doctor wasn't able to see Bella immediately, and he went looking for him. It really was a mess."

Tears formed in my eyes as I thought of Eric going out of his mind while I was unconscious, and the need to see him became worse. I was slightly relieved when Charlie nodded, closed his writing pad, and excused himself from the room. My face was thoroughly flushed by the time Ary and I were able to talk privately, and I began to sob softly.

"Did that really happen?" I asked, in between heaves, and Ary nodded. "When can I see him? There's something I really need to tell him."

"When I say we're leaving, Bella," Ary said slowly, cringing. "I mean we're leaving as soon as possible. Eric's already left."

"What?" My scratchy voice rose a little and cracked, which made me cough. I bent my head down, not wanting her to see the tears, which were coming quicker now. "How could he leave without saying goodbye?"

"Please don't cry," Ary whispered and rested a hand on my leg. "If it helps, he really didn't want to go."

I was sobbing now, overcome with feelings of abandonment and regret, everything that I had felt when Edward left came rushing back tenfold. There wasn't enough morphine in my body to stop the waves of torture that crashed onto me. My body hunched over and my arms coiled around my midsection as the burning radiated through my stomach. My agonizing torture had returned.

"Bella, please look at me," Ary cooed, but I refused.

"You promise," I squeaked in between sobs. "You promise me you'll come back."


"No, Ary," I growled and my head shot up. I could get through life if I knew I had something to look forward to, a silver lining—a light at the end of the tunnel. "Please, promise that I'll see you again."

Ary looked at me, a strained look on her face, warring emotions tearing across her face as she thought it over. She ran her hand through her hair, tugging at it lightly, and growling angrily. She hopped off the bed and began pacing, speaking rapidly in the language that she and the other McRaes shared. Finally, she stopped and shifted back in my direction.

"I…promise," she said softly, and, with that, she turned and headed out the door.

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