Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter 18: Condemned

I sat in the living room, not an inch of me relaxed, waiting for one of the most awkward moments of my life. Having stumbled and stuttered my way through asking Eric to pick me up, I now had the arduous task of introducing him to my father. My face flushed as I remembered how Edward was eager to meet Charlie, though I didn't know why he had been so excited. Eric was so different from Edward; I couldn't help fear the way my dad would respond, especially since Eric was the first guy I brought home since the Cullens left.

At exactly five o'clock, there was a firm knock at the front door and I immediately shot up like a rocket. I pulled the door open and sighed when I saw Eric leaning casually against the doorframe, his hair falling carelessly into his eyes.

"Eager?" He cocked an eyebrow and smirked at me, which sent tremor through my body. Appearing satisfied with my reaction, Eric straightened his posture and dug his hands in the pockets of his dark denim jeans. "So, when do I get to meet dear old dad?"

I snickered nervously at his twisted facial expression, his broad smile showing a little too much teeth, and stepped back to let him in. "Now, actually."

I turned to lead him further into the house, straight to my awaiting father, but he surprised me by grabbing my hand and intertwining his fingers with my own. The blush returned to my cheeks and I averted my open mouth stare, trying to concentrate on the task of introducing him to Charlie.

My father's eyebrows pulled together as the two of us rounded the corner, causing me to drop Eric's hand like a hot iron. The last thing I needed was Charlie interrogating Eric like a boyfriend when I wasn't even sure if that's what he was.

"Dad." My voice wavered as my father stood up, squaring his shoulders, and gave Eric a head-to-toe look. "This is Eric; Eric, this is my dad, Charlie Swan."

"It's nice to meet you, Chief Swan," Eric spoke softly and took a step away from me to shake Charlie's hand. "Eric McRae."

"Whoa, your hands are cold, son!" Charlie's eyes widened at Eric's touch and I had to stifle a giggle, knowing the reason behind his icy touch. "Nice to meet you Eric. So, where you kids headed?"

"I was going to take Bella to my house," Eric said with a quick glance back at me, and quickly added, "if that's all right with you, sir."

"What you two gonna do there?" Charlie inquired and crossed his arms at his chest, clearly not okay with the thought of Eric and me alone in a house.

"My family is having a game night, sir," Eric said and Charlie's face relaxed a bit. "My sisters have insisted that I bring Bella over."

"Is that so?" Charlie smiled lightly, which told me Eric had won him over, and uncrossed his arms. "Where do you live, son?"

"South of town, sir," Eric replied as Charlie moved beside me. "Just off the freeway; the private estate."

Charlie tensed up beside me, but, before I could ask him what was wrong, he relaxed. I knew it had something to do with those hikers that were found south of town, but I didn't know the specifics. My curiosity flared for the file folder sitting in the kitchen, and I wondered if I could chance a look at them.

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