Artificially Intelligent


282 20 1

WARNING!!! Mild swearing (crud) and terrible puns/humor. If you are easily butt hurt, don't sit on a chair fo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Just kidding, there's more!!!
An Open Letter

Chapter 5

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        It's gotten late. We're still in the lab of a living room. I decide that if I'm stuck here, I might as well see what I can find. The place is a mess of somewhat organized chaos, so I'm sure I can find something.

        Success! I found some lab notes lying innocently on a counter. I'm going to read them.

8:29 pm- I made and interesting revelation today. The Helio character I met when I was in the time traveling hallway seems to have an adept talent for shape shifting. He turned into all of the animals I named (including a Quetzalcoatlus Northropi) Rather impressive.

9:48 pm- Deciding to gather more information on both sides of this "feud" seemed to be the most logical choice, but it is difficult. Also, something tells me that Mr. Umbrella has been watching my every movement ever sense the 1941, Norway incident. He doesn't seem to trust me. The feeling's mutual.

10:43 pm- Insomnia... I feel nothing but confused, unnerved, and tiered.

10:52 pm- Contracted a slight headache. I'll stop when I'm dead.

11:09 pm- Still trying to wrap my head around everything. God, this is confusing! I don't know how I feel. Perhaps frustrated. Confused. Dead? No, I feel blank, insane even. It's as if these notes are the only thing that's me from loosing all of my sanity. Ha! Who am i kidding? that was lost a long time ago.

12:36 am- Cold...confused...lost...isolated. Still have a headache and insomnia. I guess I'll sleep when I am dead. I'm the only one awake. It's creepy.

2:53 am- Still...can't...sleep...Head...still...hurts...Still...lost...Still...confused. It's like I'm wandering around through a maze, blindfolded, in the dark. Will someone please lead me out? Please!

3:28 am- Insomnia...Headache...No results.

4:01 am- I finally found something of interest to me. In an abandoned test tube was a sample of their DNA. Using this I was able to do some research. this enabled me to trace and track the whereabouts of the supposed enemy. As for the whereabouts of my sanity...I'm still drawing a blank.

5:44 am- Tracking. I cannot allow Umbra to find this. It would throw my neutrality out the window. I decided to implant it into a pair of glasses I found earlier. I'm too lazy to implant them in my actual eye. Also, this way I can add a power switch.

6:18 am- Nothing. Umbra is eerily quiet, everyone else is asleep, and I'm writing. The people I'm tracking are on the move. Hopefully he doesn't know about this.

7:42 am- Crud! Umbrella guy noticed my glasses. When confronted,  I told him that I had chronic dry eye syndrome, and that sometimes air current would irritate my eyes. he seemed less than convinced. I don't blame him, but he left me alone after that.

8:12 am- It's loud. Everyone woke up at the same time, cutting into the pristine silence that Umbra and I had created.

9:23 am- I can't see them any more. Crud!

        "Ah, so you found it." Stanly Umbra said peering over my shoulder.

        "What the..." I half yelled.

        "I'm surprised nothing happened. After all, those were your notes from another dimension."

        "First, it's 'pain of reality'. 'Dimension' is a geometry term referring to axes and angles and whatnot. The first is a line, the second is a shape like a circle or square, the third has depth, and the fourth is time. Second, how'd"

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