Forever We Will Be As One

By LadyDimitrescuTLOU

397 1 0

Ah yes! A sequel to "Can We Be More Than Friends." Tom and Kathleen are getting marry on Christmas,their favo... More

Nervousness In My Heart
I Will Never Stop Loving You
May I Cheer You Up?
Don't Let Me Go
The Night We Met...
Honeymoon Plans
There's Nothing Holding Me Back
I'm....I'm WHAT?!!
The Good News
Big News For Us,Hiddleston
Everything Hurts
The Time Is So Close
Stressing Out!!!
Our Two Little Humans
I Don't Know What To Do Anymore
Family Hangout Day!
Time Has Past,Goodbye Beautiful Family
Rumors Are Spreading Fast
Growing Up So Fast
Graduation Day
Healing Up
1 Week Before Leaving The Hospital
Welcome Back Home,Tom!
Having Mid-life Crisis

Waking Up

11 0 0
By LadyDimitrescuTLOU

Well hello there,Tom Hiddleston here. I've been pass out for about what? 5 months? Those damn girls stab me. But I don't know who save me? It was blurry. Fans,I know what your thinking. Where is he? Why did the news keep saying he disappear? Well that's true. Today is the day I woke up from a coma.

My eyes open and I keep blinking. There was a shadow figure laying down on my stomach,I tried to sit up slowly but I decided not to. My vision is much clear now. "Kathleen." I whispered. No response,she must be tired of watching me. Waiting for me to wake up. She must not have been sleeping. Poor her. I look to my right and see my kids sleeping. Winter sleeping on the couch and Scott takes the chair.

Benedict walks right in and his eyes widen. "Tom!" I shush him. He nods. "Tom,your awaken. I was so worried about you,mate. I just couldn't go back home until I know you were alright." "Well here I am." He smiles and grabs a chair. "How did my wife took it?" "She took it better than I expected. I thought she was going to cry all day but nope. She was calm and steady. Waiting and waiting and waiting. Your kids are so going to be happy to see you awake."

I rub my wife's head. I really want her to wake up but I don't want to disturb her. "Hey,Benedict,I'm going to go back to sleep. I talk to you later when you get back home." He nods and smiles softly and walk away. I slowly close my eyes.

Kathleen's P.O.V.
I woke up. Still exhausted. I sighs. "Tom is still not waking up. Sometimes,I don't believe he's going to wake up and sometimes I do. Just please wake up,Tom." I kisses his lips deeply. "Might as well do,darling." My eyes widen. "Tom. Tom?!" I hugs him so tight and he embrace my hug so tightly. "Doctor! He's awake!" The doctor rush in and is checking him. "He's going to be alright,Mrs.Hiddleston. He just needs to heal from now on." "When am I going to leave?" The doctor keeps thinking. "6 weeks from now,Mr.Hiddleston." He nods and the doctor left the room.

I'm like speechless right now,I have nothing to say. He chuckles. "Come lay down with me,darling. I want to feel you again. I forgot how your so warm." I blush and lay down next to him. "Mmmhm,I love you,darling." "I love you to,Loki." The kids wake up and just as I was about to go to sleep,the kids screams. "Daddy! You're awake!" He chuckles. "Yes I am,sweeties." The kids run up to their dad and hugs him so tight. "I'm a lucky man and father. I'm happy your my family. I'm happy to still be alive. I don't know what I will do without you. I probably still be single and still do acting. Kathleen,Winter, and Scott. You guys are my life. You never give up on me. You still have hopes for me and that's why I'm alive today."

I smiles so big,I holds his hands tight. "And we're going to grow old and die together and our souls will find each other. Just like in our vows and we will watch our kids grow up and we will have grandchildren on the way." We both smiles so big. We're going to spend the rest our life together and this time. I'm going to travel wherever he goes. I need to keep him safe. I can't lose him ever again. We'll both protect each other.

A/N:Well there you got it. Tom Hiddleston waking up from a coma. He finally gets to be with his family. He's happy,they're happy. It's a happy moment. I should write that in my notebook. One of my happy moments. Anyway,the next chapter will be Tom healing up so he can leave the hospital in 6 weeks. And I,Kathleen Hiddleston will take care of him. Mostly I got to do all the work and he just heals. I got to pay bills,take the kids to school,and take care of myself. A happy moment. Thank you,Hiddlestoners for being with me from the beginning of "Can We Be More Than Friends?" And now a sequel. I'm not going to do a third book. I'm going to stick with the sequel. It's going to have more chapters though. All that's left now is for the kids to grow and continue their life. Love. College.  Thank you.

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