I'm....I'm WHAT?!!

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I woke up,feeling a bit sick. Tom is already at work. 2 weeks ago was amazing,I loved our honeymoon. I get up from bed,slowly,I went to the bathroom and look at the mirror. "I look like crap." I decided to take a shower and refreshing up. A nice long warm shower,feels real good.

I get out of a shower,hearing my phone buzz. It was Tom. I answer him. "Hi,handsome." "Mhmm,Kathy. I'm going to come home very late. We're shooting the last scene for a movie." I nods and agreed. "Alright but bring me food from work." I laughs and he agree. He hangup. Just right in time. I threw up in the toilet. "Don't tell me...." I'm getting excited,I grab a pregnancy test and wait for a few minutes.

James knock on my door, "Yes,dear?" "Mom,are you alright? I heard you were throwing up." "I'm alright. Just wait out there and I'll make your breakfast." He nods and sit on the couch,to wait for me. I look at my pregnancy test and I scream in joyful! "Oh my god,yes! James!!!!" I walk out,jumping up and down. He looks up at me curious. "Yes,mom?" "You're going to be a big brother!" He smiles so big and hugs me so tight. "Oh yes! I'm so happy." I lead him downstairs and put the pregnancy test in my pocket. I cook him breakfast. Oatmeal. "I wonder what's your father's reaction. I can't wait to tell him,but he's going to come home very late. We should go out shopping." He nods excited. "Yes,buy him a shirt saying "Best father ever"." I smile so big.

After finishing our breakfast,we decided to go out shopping at the Everett Mall. We went to a babies store. Such a few old friends,they haven't seen me yet. "Charlie and Dean." They both turn around and eyes go wide. "When did you get back?!" They hug me so tight. "1 month ago. On Christmas,silly. I got married." They look at me,confused. "To who?" I smiles "Tom Hiddleston and this is his son James Hiddleston." They jump up and down. "Yay! Charlie and I are in a relationship to." I just smiles. They wave goodbyes and walk away. James and I grab a shirt. Thank god there's a Loki Laufeyson.

We brought the short and went back home. I wrap the shirt in a bag. So freaking happy! I always wanted twins. I just hope it's a girl and boy. I can't stop thinking of names. James is practicing his acting for Shakespeare. He's just like his dad and I'm happy to have him as my son. I'm so blessed with this life of mine. It's been an adventures.

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