D.O.A.W.K: LÖDED DAYZ (Rodric...

By Rodridiota

37.7K 994 506

I've been thinking about this for a while, please excuse any misspellings. And excuse the poorly made cover. ... More

Please, Quick Note
LÖDED 1! Who Needs Respect
LÖDED 2! How About No
LÖDED 3! What Are The Plans
Not Part Of The Story
LÖDED 5! Grease and Mascot
Hello Again

LÖDED 4! Movie Operation

3.5K 122 44
By Rodridiota

I tried making the word count longer, I hope this makes up for my absence. If not, at least a quarter of it.


Calmly listening to your own music with your earbuds, you replayed how the plan should be. You definitely thought the seats far back was the best. Luckily, you had your money in your pockets. $25 to be exact. The movie you were supposed to watch with the Heffley's is only $12 dollars, same for the other.

12 and 12 would be $24. Wow, only a dollar to spare. Looking at the front window, the car had just arrived at the parking lot, pausing your music and taking your earbuds off. Following your parents to get a ticket, they handed you yours.

'I guess I didn't need to buy myself one for the lame movie...'

Watching as they began entering the movie theater, you quickly bought the other ticket for the movie you were seeing with Heather, then quickly running along to follow your parents. They met up with the Heffley's, greeting with a smile and hug. Your eyes looked over at Rodrick, noticing him giving you a glare. Averting your eyes away, you shook hands with Frank and Susan, waving your hand at Manny. Sitting at the seats, your eyes grazed around the area.

Currently near the left side of the walkway, sort of in the middle row. This shouldn't be a problem, all of you have to do is sit near the walkway, away from the others. Hmm. Nevermind, there is a problem, and that's Rodrick. He's easily the person to not want to read a movie like this. Although, probably Greg too.

They'll probably have to just watch the screen though, since turning back in your seat is something you definitely wouldn't do. Unless a kid is kicking your seat, or someone talking on the phone. Your parents greeted the Heffley's, both moms hugging and dads shaking hands. You exchanged a slightly glance towards Rodrick, as he did the same, except with annoyance. Sitting at the far end, you sunk in the seat a bit, quickly looking at your phone.

Movie starts in a bit, earlier than the other one, "Damp Lights." You just realized how stupid the name was now. Waiting for the movie to start, calculating a bit.

'So if this starts earlier, and the other one starts in about forty-five minutes, would that be enough time for the movie to draw then in?'

You questioned yourself, pressing a hand against your mouth, the way people do when thinking. If you have no idea what I'm saying, basically when you cough into your hand, except you ain't coughing and it's pressed on your lips. I mean the finger is slightly up just a bit...you should get what I mean by now. A strange feeling passed through you, as you looked to your left. Rodrick was looking at you, as if trying to figure out just what you were thinking.

Awkwardly putting your hand down and looking at the screen, you didn't want to get Rodrick involved in your little date. The movie already started, the lights turning off before the screen was projected. There went the previews, as you tapped your finger lightly on the coaster, sighing. Boy, isn't this gonna be long.


Finally, the movie was far in the intro, like a good quarter into it, none of the others seemed to be able pay attention to any movement. (M/n) slipped out from his seat, quickly heading up and out the door. Looking down at the ticket, he quickly headed to the movie room number, getting in. Peeking his head out, there he saw Heather, on her phone as she sat towards the middle, a bit to the far left. Her left, I mean. Walking to the row, he sat beside her awkwardly.

It took a moment for her to put her phone away, before looking at you in a way she wasn't pleased.

"It took you long. I had to buy my own ticket."

She said, crossing her arms. (M/n) let out an awkward chuckle, before coughing into his fist.

"Where's your friend?"

"She couldn't make it. Apparently sick."

She said, letting out a small huff in annoyance. The movie was just about done with the previews, the lights dimming to show what a real movie is. Right in the intro, there was already a jumpscare. Just crows that were squawking. Heather merely jumped a tad bit, but still had her arms crossed with a straight face.

"Lighten up, princess."

(M/n) whispered, leaning back. She rolled her eyes a bit, still focusing on the big screen, and so was (M/n). All was going well, the movie was surprisingly really good, and very detailed, but not too much. Storyline was mainly original, and the actors were brilliant. But who cared that much, the movie was just going great in general, and so was being here with Heather.

But man, was (M/n) hungry. He could really go for some popcorn, or perhaps some candy. What if he had a chance to kiss Heather? ...take care of yourself, and THEN make a move. Plus, imagine kissing her and your stomach growls in hunger?

Haha! Well, maybe waiting a little bit longer would be better, because her arm is just touching yours, man. Now focus back at what's happening! (M/n) looked over at his arm on the coaster, that was against Heather's. A smile went on his lips.

'Don't get too giddy.'

(M/n) immediately thought to himself as he took a small breath, quickly getting rid of the small smile as he was still watching the big screen. Another jumpscare, one of those cliche ones where an object falls or something. Just then, the character on the screen bent to pick up the fallen object, a scary face was presented behind the person, a much louder jumpscare noise appearing. Heather jumped, as she seemed to have moved closer to (M/n), her hand touching his arm. Heather noticed when she regained her fright, putting her hand down in what appeared to be in 'disgust.'

(M/n) smiled once again, but it faded when he saw a figure by the bottom of the stairs, leaning against the wall. It took him moments to figure out who it was, but he was able to put the puzzles together just halfway and still get it.


It seemed like he had been there recently. Oh no, is he gonna tell the others?! (M/n) quickly whispered to Heather that he was going to get food quickly, as she responded with 'You better hurry.'

As (M/n) was going down the stairs, he turned the corner, roughly grabbing Rodrick by the arm. As they got out of the theater room, (M/n) turned towards Rodrick, hissing.

"Don't tell the others."

"Relax! Was just wondering where you were at."

"Why would you wonder?!"

"Just so I could...I don't know, perhaps, see if you were meeting up with Heather."

He said in a certain, mocking tone. (M/n) face paled a little.

"And it just so appears that I was right."

(M/n) growled.

"Yeah, for once."

"Watch it, it's very simple for me to go straight on, and tell."

Rodrick said teasingly, smirking. Shaking his head, (M/n) quickly went to go to the counter, dragging Rodrick.

"No way I could trust you now."

(M/n) said, looking up annoyingly at the food variations.

"...not that I trusted you to begin with."

He added in a whisper, pondering on what food to get. Popcorn, drinks- wait, something small. His mom did say they were probably going somewhere to eat after the movies.

"Hello, what can I get you?"

"Hi, I would like a small bag of popcorn, and-"

"I'll take the twizzlers, lemon heads, and-"

(M/n) slammed his foot down on Rodrick's foot, making him yelp out, nearly falling.

"Just a small bag of popcorn and a medium drink, please."

The cashier nodded, a bit concerned about Rodrick's behaviour as they went ahead to get the cup and popcorn. After handing it to (M/n), (M/n) thanked them before quickly heading over to the machine and filling the cup up with cherry coke. After putting the lid on and getting two straws, he quickly tried heading back to the theater, only to be pulled back.

"Nu-uh-uh. Remember what I said."

Oh right, nearly forgot about the telling thing.

"If I buy you something, will you swear you won't say anything?"

Rodrick looked around.

"Hmm, anything I want?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever."

"Get me a slushie, big tub of popcorn, and dibs."

(M/n) rolled their eyes, getting back in line. A few seconds passed and (M/n) realized something.

"Wait, if I get you your food, won't they question where you got them?!"

"Relax, I'll just say I bought it myself."

"...you have money?"

"Shut up, you're up."

Quickly looking forward, they sighed as they talked to the cashier again, ordering the three items. The big tub of popcorn, a slush, and a small ice cream container of Dibs. (M/n) couldn't handle it. He wanted the Dibs, something he hasn't had for years.

"I call for the Dibs, though."

(M/n) said, swiping it from Rodrick's grip as soon as he picked it up.

"Whatever. Fine! I got the popcorn and slush. Two of the most famous choices!"

"Yeah, incomplete without something sweet."

"Heather is the sweet one here. I'm all prepared, baby."

He said with a wide smile. (M/n) rolled his eyes, scoffing a bit. They began heading down to movie room until (M/n) abruptly stopped. Rodrick noticed this, looking back.


Rodrick questioned. (M/n) looked up at the movie sign, which was the room for where Heather was at.

"Heather is gonna get mad, you know."

"What? Why? She loves me!"

"You're so blind. She prefers me in all honesty."

Rodrick furrowed his eyebrows.

"Does she really? It sure didn't seem like it-"

"Boys! What's going on?"

Both of them heard a female voice call out that belonged to Susan Heffley.

"Sorry mom, we were getting food."

"Yeah, the line was long. But it's clearing up now!"

Susan looked over at the food, raising an eyebrow.

"That's a lot of food. Did you kids not eat?"

"No, uh we...did?"

(M/n) questioned to himself. He wasn't even sure why he also tried answering for Rodrick.

"Okay, well, afterwards we're all going to have a nice dinner together after the movie."

"Are you sure that's okay? I'm not sure if my parents are okay with sudden plans."

"Oh, yes they are quite fine with it! We discussed it over while we were in line."

(M/n) and Rodrick both "oh'd" silently, nodding a bit.

"Well, let's go!"

Susan said excitedly, walking behind them both to the other movie room.

"This isn't good."

(M/n) whispered over to himself and to Rodrick.

"I know! Now I can never watch a movie with Heather..."

(M/n) looked over, giving him a look.

"That too."

(M/n) said. They were escorted in the room, and to their seats. Suddenly, happy music was playing, making both the boy cringe, especially Greg himself. It seemed like eternity as they continued watching, often looking away from cringe or at least a bit curious on the movie. By the time it was finished, both Rodrick and (M/n) stared at the screen that showed the credits, a blank expression on their faces.


(M/n) said.


Rodrick said.


They both said in unison.

"That movie was great!"

Susan exclaimed, as she stretched with Frank, along with (M/n)'s parents.

"That happy ending sure is making me hungry."

(M/n)'s mom said, already knowing they were heading out to eat.

"We should eat at a restaurant."

Frank said, nodding in his own agreement. Susan was about to say something, but the smile on her face disappeared.

"Sounds reasonable."

Susan frowned, as she had wanted them to eat at her house.

"Besides, we are near one and we might as well hang outside more."

(M/n)'s dad said, obviously wanting some sort of fast food.

"Okay, I guess it's settled!"

Susan said as she clasped her hands together, her smile once again returning.

"Let's eat at an Italian restaurant! I know one nearby!"

Rodrick exclaimed. The others, except Susan, Greg, and (M/n) had agreed. They then began going to their separate cars, both the moms pretending to say their goodbyes as a joke. Since Rodrick knew what restaurant to go to, (M/n)'s parents had followed the Heffley's car. It didn't take long until they parked their car. (M/n) and their parents peered up close to the window to see the sign.

"Papa's Italian Game Zone?"

(M/n) whispered aloud. The sign didn't even have anything to do with food, unless the owner thought that putting 'papa' and 'Italian' together meant it was a restaurant. Kind of stereotypical, I guess.

"Well, at least there's food."

(M/n)'s dad said with some concern and confusion in his voice.

"This seemed predictable coming from Rodrick..."

(M/n) said, sighing a bit.

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i wrote this when i was 13 so i'm sorry for how bad it is but a lot of people seem to enjoy it so i'm leaving it up, just know i am self aware x
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