Random One-Shots

By K-Jo99

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I come up with a lot of ideas for a lot of fandoms, so here we are. And there's also the occasional original... More

The Final Farewell (Haikyuu!!)
The Bad Joke (Haikyuu!!)
The Big Reveal (Haikyuu!!)
The Discovery (Haikyuu!!)
A Strange Suggestion (Haikyuu!!)
Crashing Waves (Haikyuu!!)
The Dancer (Haikyuu!!)

Life Without You (Haikyuu!!)

164 1 0
By K-Jo99

Ships: AsaNoya, KurooTsukki, KageHina, UkaTake, KiyoTana

Word Count: 1175

Other Notes: This is first chapter of a fanfic idea I've been working on for a while. Please use the link at the end to tell me if you want me to continue it or not! 

It was spring at the end of their third year, the last day to be exact. Their coaches, Ukai and Takeda, had decided to take them out to dinner to celebrate. Kiyoko had politely declined, instead opting to spend the night with Yachi and some of her other female friends. So that left Sugawara, Daichi, and Asahi to spend time alone with their coaches.

It had been a fun night, really. They had all laughed, shared memories, eaten supper, even sang karaoke a bit (Ukai is completely tone-deaf, but he doesn't care). But then, they were driving home. Ukai turned around to look at the three young men in the backseat for no more than a second before Takeda was screaming.

He remembers the look of fear on each of their faces as they realized what was happening. Remembers turning the car. Remembers the truck that hit the back right side of his vehicle, killing Asahi and Sugawara on impact. Remembers the vehicle rolling into the ditch. Remembers Daichi's scream as the back windshield shattered, remembers the scream dying out painfully slowly. Remembers the pain shooting through his right arm as Takeda frantically shook him, begging him to please stay awake.

Yeah, there are a lot of things Ukai remembers from three years ago, but those are the things he most wants to forget.


Ukai locks up his store before stepping out and beginning the trek to the high school. He hasn't really exercised much since the volleyball club disbanded. It's been three years to the day, and he hasn't stepped foot in Karasuno High School since then; especially not the gym. But, everyone had agreed to come back on this exact date to honor their lost friends. The ex-coach lets out a heavy sigh, taking out a cigarette as he walks.

He gets to the school faster than he expected, and only one other person is there, sitting on the edge of the stage and fiddling with the end of his shirt. "Takeda?" Ukai calls out. The teacher searches the room with wide eyes before he sees the blonde. He glares at him, the air suddenly feeling cold.

"Oh. It's just you. I thought it might actually be someone worthwhile." Says his ex-lover, sending daggers of ice through his heart. This is the way it's been ever since that night. Ukai opens his mouth to apologize, but is interrupted when Takeda drops off the stage and begins speaking again. "Stop. You've apologized enough. It didn't bring them back then, it isn't going to work now." He says coldly.

Ukai stands there, hardly even recognizing the hostile man in front of him. He has bags under his eyes, and a slight stubble that had never been there when they coached together. "Look, you know there's nothing I could've done. I didn't want--"

"You could've watched the road! If you had kept your eyes on the road like you're supposed to, none of this would've happened! Or, better yet, you shouldn't have suggested we go out at all!" He yells, still angry at him after three years.

The taller male has gotten more timid after everything, but he still isn't going to just back down. "Yeah, maybe I should've watched the road, but you know what? It's not like I don't regret it every fucking night! Do you have any idea how many times I've thought about it? How many times I wish I would've done something differently? Because I can tell you that--"

At that moment, the door opens and both men look over, standing up straight as they look to see who came in. Four guys walk in together, all of them seeming incredibly different from each other, although they haven't changed much since high school. Tsukishima walks in with Kuroo holding onto his hand, the latter with a smug grin on his face. Yamaguchi follows close behind, his jaw clenched as he focuses on trying not to look around the gym. And behind them is someone that Ukai and Takeda both only know from the training camp that took place a little over three years ago. "This is Kuroo and Bokuto, by the way, in case you don't remember." Offers Yamaguchi helpfully.

Tsukishima lets out a small "tch," to which Kuroo rolls his eyes. "He wouldn't let us leave without him. I suggested stuffing him down the garbage chute, but somebody didn't think that was a good idea." Says the blond, causing his partner to chuckle slightly.

"You know he just would've climbed right back out again." He says, to which Tsukishima responds with a small "fair enough." They all stand there awkwardly for a few minutes, all of them waiting for someone else to break the silence. Bokuto looks as though he's going to explode from the effort of keeping quiet when suddenly the door flies open, allowing five more people to enter.

The group is led by a short red-haired male, who is dragging along a very grumpy-looking Kageyama behind him. Shortly behind them, Tanaka strolls in, confidently holding the hand of a woman who looks remarkably like Kiyoko. Behind them is a rather small, intimidated looking young blonde woman who can only be Yachi. She tugs on the other woman's sleeve, causing everyone's jaw to drop, because that means...

"Tanaka? You're with Kiyoko?" Says Yamaguchi first before turning to said woman. "Are you being held captive? Blink twice for yes." He says, which earns him a small laugh from her.

"He isn't holding me captive. I promise that this is completely my choice." She responds, to which Tanaka looks mildly offended. He lets out a scandalized gasp, his hand going to his chest as he looks down at her.

"What? I had a say in it, too!" He says indignantly, to which she responds with a quietly amused "whatever you need to tell yourself." Tanaka gasps again, to which everyone laughs, and for a second everything feels normal again. But then Tanaka notices a few people missing. "So, uh. Where's everyone else?" He asks no one in particular.

Takeda is the one to respond. "Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita all told me they wouldn't be coming. They said they didn't feel close enough to eveyone. And Nishinoya... I don't know if he'll want to come." He finishes softly, looking down at the ground. Everyone murmurs understandingly, knowing that of course coming back would be painful for the ex-libero. After all, nobody else had lost a lover in the incident. Well, not in that sense.

After a few moments of standing around, the door opens again. In walks a short male with dark brown hair except for the patch of blonde at the front, although it's down rather than styled up like it always had been in his second year of high school. The room falls completely silent as all eyes fall on the short male, silent enough to hear everyone's breathing.

Nishinoya is the first to break the silence, and it probably would have been strange if anyone had. "Hey. Hope you guys didn't have too much fun without me." He says with a half smile, shuffling his feet awkwardly.

Please follow this link to a one-question survey and tell me if you want the story to continue or not!


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