What I never knew I always wa...

By MarinaShipper19

63.7K 1.1K 392

ON HOLD- I'm back with another Robsten pregnancy story (shocker I know right?) because let's face it! I wish... More

Were going to Rio!
Edward and Bella
Gender reveal :)
Hormones are fun!....Not
Sex on the beach
Family time
Cats out of the bag
32-week appointment
Stay at home
Baby Time
1 Day post partum
Please dont go....
Baby's first checkup!
Authors note!
Your back!
Beach baby
Date Night
Food poisoning
Authors note- sick
How I met your mother
Blood tests
authors note! I needed to do this
Condoms and birth control
Mackenzie Foy
authors note -Family emergency
By Your Side
Elle Magazine
I'll be there for you
Lunch Disaster
Where is the baby?
Every parent's nightmare
72 hours
Hospital Blues
First word, First steps and Getting Drunk...Oh My!
1st Birthday
First Day of Preschool
Mom, I think I'm dying
authors note
Unexpected Consequences
Officially Grandparents
Please tell me.....I'm dreaming
The Funeral
Why Eliana?
The Hauntings Of Our Past
Coming Home
Very Unexpected!
24-week birth
When Nothing Else Matters!
Welcome home
2 months later
First Cuddle
Christmas Eve
A new day
End of the road
Never easy
I don't know what to do with her!

it's time

707 16 0
By MarinaShipper19

(just a short cute little chapter)

Eliana was growing, now 4 months old and both Kristen and Robert loved watching her grow, there was so much happening with her, she had started smiling and would often talk back to her parents if they talked to her. They loved watching her reach for things and she was starting to respond to her name. It also made them both sad at how fast their baby girl was growing, she was becoming her own person. they wanted time to slow down, to freeze. She was looking more and more like her mommy every day and Kristen wasn't sure what to think, she was secretly hoping she would look like Rob. Rob, on the other hand, knew he was in for it when she became a teenager. Lucky him

It was 5:30 in the morning and Kristen and Rob had to be on set by 6:30, which meant they only had a half hour to get ready. Getting out of bed Kristen looked down at her daughter, who was fast asleep.

"I'll get her ready," Kristen whispered to Rob as he got out of bed. she watched as he went into the bathroom before she slowly picked Eliana up.

"Time to get ready sweetheart" she whispered. She laid Eliana on the bed and if she had learned anything these past months with Eliana, it was that Eliana hated being woken up, especially in the morning.

The baby cried and fussed as Kristen got her changed,

"I know Eliana. I promise you can go back to sleep soon sweetheart." 

Once Eliana was ready, Kristen laid her back in the bassinet to go get ready herself


Rob and Kristen were now in the position to start filming, they were filming Bella waking up from the transformation. Eliana was sitting in her sit up seat off to the side where everyone else was where she could watch her parents. When Kristen and Rob started kissing, Eliana started squealing and cooing. Kristen had a hard time keeping a straight face, trying not to laugh as so did Rob. Eliana loved it when her parents kissed, her reaction was too adorable. when cut was called Kristen turned around and looked at Eliana, she was trying to bounce while clapping her hands and Kristen mimicked her clapping.

"Are you having fun baby?" Kristen asked her before turning back to Rob "Why does she love watching us kiss?" she asked him

"I don't know love, maybe she loves watching daddy be romantic with mummy," Rob said emphasizing with a thick British accent while pushing Kristen's hair behind her ears

"Remind me, if we ever go back to having sex. to make sure she's in her nursery by then otherwise, we might have a cheering section"

Rob started laughing, "I think you might be right."

"Even though she won't have any idea what she would be watching, it would be very awkward having sex with you with our daughter watching"

"I agree to babe."


"Cut!" Bill called

It was finally lunch time, they had an hour lunch and it couldn't have come at a better time as Eliana had started fussing and whining indicating that she too was ready for lunch. Kristen went over to Taylor who was holding Eliana,

"Thank you, Taylor," she said

"No problem, she's cute."

"Yeah, just don't imprint on her" Rob said smiling 

Kristen giggled. "ok, let's get you something to eat and then put you down for a nap" Kristen whispered to Eliana. she sat her in the sit up seat and went into the diaper bag grabbing a jar of baby food she had packed in there. Eliana had just started solids a few days ago and so far she had mixed feelings about it. Kristen was doing half and half with her, half solid food and then she would give her breast milk for another half of her meal, she wasn't pushing complete solids yet since Eliana was so new to it and she was still young.

After Eliana was done with the food, Rob handed Kristen a blanket as she picked Eliana up. she went over to the far wall and slid down, getting Eliana eating. After a while, she felt Eliana stop suckling and stuck her head under the blanket to see that she had fallen asleep.

"Come here," she mouthed to Rob when she came out from under the blanket

"what's up?" he asked

"She fell asleep, can you take her while I put a pad in my bra? I don't think they want this dress ruined" Kristen giggled

After everything was done, Kristen took Eliana, trying to find a place for her to sleep.

"Kristen," Nikki said. "I'm not filming anything for a while she can sleep in my arms."

"Thank you," Kristen said as she laid Eliana in her arms.

"Ill take her to the back, away from the noise."


Two hours later Eliana had woken up and looked around, confused as to where her mommy and daddy were.

"Well, hello little lady" Nikki said as she readjusted Eliana. "let's go find your mommy huh?"

Nikki got up and went to where she had left them and no one was there, she then headed outside the house set and found them filming the arm wrestling scene between Kristen and Kellan.

"There's Momma, watch her Eliana" she whispered into her ear. Eliana watched as Kristen shot the scene and squealed with delight. when the scene was over Kristen went over to her.

"Hi, baby did you sleep well," she asked her.

Eliana reached out grabbing Kristen's hair, Kristen tickled her stomach waiting to be called back for filming.


Filming was done for the day, Eliana had fallen asleep in her seat. Kristen went and got changed and got the makeup off before heading over to where Eliana was. carefully she picked her up and watched as she laid her head on her chest.

"She's out" Kristen giggled to Rob

Rob packed everything up and took it out to the car as Kristen said goodnight to everyone. when they got home, Kristen took Eliana upstairs and changed her before laying her in the bassinet. she climbed into bed with Rob, curling herself on top of him

"I love you" she whispered

"I love you too sweetheart."

"Today went well"

"Yeah, I think she likes being on set"

"And not to mention our PDA" Rob giggled.

"let's get some sleep, we have another day tomorrow," Kristen said as she closed her eyes snuggling up to Rob. they all fell asleep after a long day of filming 

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