Dieing Inside: The Truth Of T...

By BoardBrozCA

2.8K 78 20

~ This story takes place in Poland, 1941. It is just a portrayal of what happened at the concentration camps... More

Chapter 2: Betrayal

Chapter 1: Torture

2K 40 4
By BoardBrozCA

Concentration Camp 601

Journal Entry: Poland. September 2, 1941. 8:47 PM

The Nazi's stood by the banged up gray fences that trapped us in this horrible camp. We were doing pointless work trying to grow grass, but how could grass grow in a place where the yard was worked to no return. In the distance, I could hear vans driving nearer and nearer. I silently hoped that they weren't full. I got incredibly scared whenever I heard those vans because whenever there were new slaves, they killed off all the old one's. I shivered, then wrapped my tattered gray "jacket" a little tighter around me. I know that one day I will die, but I refuse to let a Nazi kill me. I won't allow it.

I could hear the people getting shoved out of the van. Women crying, children screaming for their mothers. I tried to block out their sound and put all my frustration in my work. Then, when all was quiet I tried to listen to what the Nazi officers were saying.

"Please, remain calm. There will be no violence taken if you cooperate. This camp can be like your new home. Now, all valuable items you own shall be placed in this barrel. Please follow all instructions and we won't have to 'gently' punish you." He talked with a German accent. Everytime I heard that speech, I knew he was lieing and would not make anything 'gentle.' There were alot of other words I would use to describe him though.

After they walked around with the barrels, they started to speak again, "Now, please take all the women to that cabin behind fence 243. And, the men follow me." Another officer called out. They did the usual drill, and everyone dispersed where they needed to be (getting shoved multiple times in the process.) I couldn't hear the men, but the next minutes of the women cabin was pure torture. I could hear officers yelling at women to take off what little clothes they had, and women crying as they were hit trying to do what they were told. After they finished stripping down to their under-garments they were given a tiny, measly excuse for a blanket. They then ran down to the front of the cabin where officers proceeded to chop all their hair off, trying to strip them of their humanity. After they finished, they were shoved into another cabin where they would sign in and give there names. the officers wrote their names down, then proceeded to push them towards a table where the slaves had numbers engraved into their right arms. That was the worst part. I couldn't take anymore so I started hammering at the ground with the little plow. I tried to ignore it, but tonight was the same as every night, and the events continued to repeat over and over slowly engraving into my nightmares. I couldn't sleep, so that's why I even started this little 'journal.' Just killing time until tomorrow. The day I would escape the Concentration Camp...

The next morning, we awoke to the clatter of officers shoving us outside. It was still dark when we walked out. We made our way into a line to get "breakfast," I hadn't eaten for two days, so even a meager amount of bread and cold tomato soup tasted incredibly refreshing. I tried to eat the soup slow, and broke up the piece of bread in my pocket, so I would have crumbs to nibble on throughout the day. We then made our ways down to the dirt so we could work more. I worked hard and put in my all, Because today they would be picking off who to kill (Since there was an overcrowding plethora of people.)

When the miser officer walked up about 4-5 hours later, he stood in a line with the rest of the officers. One by one, he chose different people to die. The officers would walk up and grab them, he took 23 people to there death. Including a little boy named tanner who was only 8 years old. I closed my eyes, so I wouldn't cry. I hammered at the ground until there were dents. I kept telling myself, "Only 6 more hours of tragedies. 6 more hours."

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