When The Light Goes Out

Von LitVix

37.6K 1.2K 114

Monique Leavings isn't very well adjusted to social interactions. She meets Barry during one of those awkward... Mehr

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29
Chapter - 30
Chapter - 31
Chapter - 32 Finale!!

Chapter - 13

1.1K 39 0
Von LitVix

When Monique woke up from her nap she checked her phone to make sure she wasn't missing any messages. There was one from Terrence in response to her earlier message about staying with Barry. It didn't sound like he was strictly against it, but she could tell he wasn't happy about it. With her mind going right back to Barry she realized that things could get complicated, if they weren't already, with him staying in the apartment after being gone for years. Maybe it would be better if they didn't go back.

He would have to tell her where they were living now. She called out of work before venturing back to Barry, er, Kevin's apartment. Needless to say the editor was not happy to hear her excuses after a no-show and no call the day before. Monique hurried back to the apartment, only to find that no one was home. Of course she didn't ask anyone if they had seen him because he wasn't really supposed to be there so she instead headed to the zoo.

Monique walked around the zoo ignoring the animals she usually gazed at for hours at a time. She asked around for Barry but it seemed he was busy elsewhere since not many had seen him about that day. Since she had assumed him to be working she didn't want to call him so early, but now she had no choice. As long as he responded she didn't care if it was late. She walked around the zoo for a little while and grabbed lunch.

She stayed as long as she could care to but she was just loitering about by the afternoon. She looked at her phone's clock and sighed heavily. I've been walking around all day and haven't sseen him once. Maybe I can just meet him back at Kevin's house. As she made her way back toward the entrance her phone vibrated in her pocket. Even though she had been looking for him all morning Monique wasn't exactly ecstatic to get the text message.

"Hey Mo'. I'm doing a lot better today. I think it's gonna be okay for a little while. We really appreciate you caring about us but don't forget to take care of yourself too."

Monique slowed to a stop and looked back over her shoulder. She looked to the camera bag sitting at her hip then turned around and went to the nearest restroom. She took out her camera and put on her work ID. Slipping back out and casually strolling among the thin crowd, she took a deep breath then walked up to one of the female employees. "Hi, I'm Monique Leavings from the local paper. I was sent to cover an interview here today with one of the managers by the name of..." She picked her phone from her pocket and squinted at the screen. "I have the name Barry here?"

"Oh, really? I don't remember hearing anything about an interview this morning." She seemed hesitant to believe her but she eased up a little after Monique showed her the ID. "Alright then, if you'll follow me."

She smiled as she followed her to a back area and through a door marked employees only. Monique was left to wait as the employee went in search of said manager. She did not like the message that was sent even a little bit. Something didn't seem right about it. Maybe she was being paranoid because she hadn't seen him since yesterday but she didn't leave until the evening hours. No. It just didn't seem like something Barry would say to me knowing how I am now.

She looked to the door when the click of the lock was heard. Barry came in dressed in his work clothes. "Hey, Mo', what's going on?" he asked.

She held up her camera. "I just came by to make sure everything was alright with you."

He nodded. "Yeah, everything's fine."

She stared at him, unable to keep her expression from falling to into a blank stare. Something was off but she couldn't figure out what. Judging from what Barry said he would be the one in the light during work so there was no reason for anyone else to be in control. The way his eyes shone when he looked at her, the way he said her name, even the way he was standing right then- everything said Barry. Monique frowned and shook her head. "I-I'm sorry," she whispered. "The text you sent me got me a little worried. It felt a little like you were pushing me away so..."

"Oh, no, no that wasn't it at all," Barry said as he made his way across the room to her. "No, I was saying you should take time to care for yourself because it seemed like you were going to start spending more time with us. I just don't want you to let yourself go."

She looked up at him now that he was closer. Yeah, it was Barry. "You should go. I'm probably keeping you from something important."

"You sure you're okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine, go back to work. Sorry I bothered you." She pulled away from him and stepped back. "Hey, let me know when you're off the clock. There's something I want to talk to you about."

"I will. I'll text you, alright?"

She nodded then quickly left the room before anything else could be said. She found her way back outside without help since there was no one there to help anyhow. Home was the next destination.


When she finally got the text from Barry she had already gone over her arguement and what she would do should he refuse. She called him so that she could her his voice and get her points across.

"So, what I wanted to talk to you about is kind of important," she said. "Now, it's just a suggestion, but I think it's something worth thinking about. I've already talked to Terrence about it and he doesnt like it but he didn't say no."

Barry chuckled lightly. "What is it Mo'?"

"I think that we should consider... roomates."

"You mean the two of us?" 

"Um, yeah," she said. "You can't stay at the apartment, it'll draw attention right? Jade told me you don't live there."

"Well, we don't but our place is good. What- You think we should supervised?" His tone hinted at offense. "You think we're gonna hurt ourselves?"

Monique cursed under her breath. "No, Barry, I don't think that at all. I'm sorry. I hadn't thought the suggestion would come off like that but it's not what I meant."

"I thought you believed us..."

"Wait, slow down. I was only suggesting it because of how concerned you were about the horde. If you do lose control then at least there would be someone there to stop them from doing anything wrong."

There was silence for a short while. "You think you can stop them?"

"I don't know but I would rather try than sit back and watch them do terrible things with the body that you and the others have to share as well. I'd hate myself even more if I did that."

"Look, Mo', you're a good person and I know you want to help but what would be more helpful for us is if you would stay as far from us as possible. I don't want to come back and find out that my friend was hurt by my hands. I don't want that to happen Mo'."

Monique sat on the edge of her bed and laid back. "I understand...but if it could be stopped wouldn't you want it to? Do you want me to sit back and just let it happen?"

"I don't want you to get hurt Mo'," he said. "Please...just... It's alright if we talk, but I think we should keep some distance between us."

Monique wanted to push the issue so badly. She wanted to state her arguement and all of her support for the idea, but it was his body and it was about him. If he didn't want to do it then who was she to argue with him. She was just a little shocked by him even refusing the idea as strongly as he did. It truly hurt her heart. "Alright," she said after a long pause. "If you don't want to do it then forget I even said anything about it. Nevermind. I'm sorry I even brought it up."

"You were just trying to help," he said. "We appreciate it Mo', but you shouldn't put yourself in danger like that. What would Terrence do if he found out something happened to you?"

"Fine, fine. I get it," she replied. "I'll forget about it."

"Thanks. I just want you to be safe."

Yeah, yeah, she thought but said, "Everyone does..."

"I've had kind of a long day but I'll text you tomorrow," Barry said. "Please don't be upset with me, hun. I promise it's what's best for both of us."

Monique sighed exhasperatedly. "I'm not. It's whatever you want to do- this is about you."

"Thanks. I'll talk to you tomorrow."


Monique just laid there staring up at her ceiling blankly. That was not how she was expecting the conversation to go at all. Resistance was expected, of course, but not that kind. She had convinced herself that he would at least have understood where she was coming from but he was offended by the notion. She rolled onto her side and covered her face. Not once had she ever felt so horrible after talking with Barry. It was something akin to betrayal or realizing her great idea was actually the most insensitive thing she could have done and she probably just ruined the longest friendship she ever had.


A/N: I gotta start by saying thank you so much to the people who are reading this story!! This story has over 1.20k views. You readers,voters, commenters, reading list-adding people are so nice. I appreciate it so much. I will also call out those who only read because views matter so thank you to those people as well! It lets me know I'm doing something right. Thank you so much for reading!


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