Infinite Beauty

By alleglorys

51.1K 1.6K 268

❝You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.❞ ▔▔▔ In which Kathryn... More

IB Note:
ASiF Prompts:
Chapter 1: Valentine's Day
Chapter 3: She's a Bitch
Chapter 4: Cravings & Crushes
Chapter 5: Magic of Stilettos
Chapter 6: Leak Week
Chapter 7: Bad Grandma

Chapter 2: Learning The Catcall

5.2K 250 33
By alleglorys

Kathryn woke up the next to the sound of Daphne and their mom arguing.

Kathryn muttered a short prayer as she decided to intervene. Ever since Daphne had gotten arrested for possession of pot that wasn't hers, she had been under hot water with her mom. Their mom forced Daphne into rehab and the rehabilitation center explained how Daphne showed no symptoms of being an addict.

Of course their mom didn't listen.

"Don't tell me what to do Meredith. If you don't trust your own daughter than you don't deserve to be called as my mom," Daphne spat out before stomping back up the stairs.

Kathryn approached the kitchen and saw her mom clenching a spoon in one hand. Kathryn felt bad for the poor spoon that was experiencing one of their mom's famous death grips. Their mom's grip slacked as Kathryn gently touched her shoulder.

Their mom bursted into tears as Kathryn soothed her back reassuringly. "Why does she hate me?" she wailed as Kathryn continued to run slow but effective circles. Sometimes Kathryn swears that she was the adult in the house while everyone else were children.

Once their mother had calmed down, Kathryn decided to get herself ready for school. She was excited that she had only four more months of high school before she graduated. The sad the was that she didn't know what to do once she would be done with high school.

An half later, Kathryn descended the steps with a simple outfit. A cotton tank top, jeans shorts, her favorite converse and a plain cardigan to complete the look. Kathryn loved dressing up cute to school. What she didn't love was how everyone expected her to dress as if she were walking on the red carpet just because she was 'rich'.

Snatching an apple from the fruit bowl, she pulled out her phone and checked to see if there were any messages from Victor. He would usually take Kathryn to school every opportunity that he had. But even he didn't bother to pick her up anymore.

Deciding on the bus, Kathryn headed out and walked at a leisurely pace to the bus stop. Once she arrived at the bus stop, Kathryn decided to take a look around and she what type of people rode the bus. The last time Kathryn had taken a bus to school was freshmen year and even that was a big blur.

Most of the people that rode the bus were underclassman with the occasional upperclassman. As the yellow bus rolled to the stop, Kathryn was the last person to climb on and felt uncomfortable as rushed memories flooded her thoughts. The worst thing about riding the bus were finding seats.

And when it came to seats, bus riders weren't the friendliest bunch. Kathryn settled down next to a white boy who had sandy brown hair that fell over his eyes. His was quite pale compared to the people that Kathryn hung out with but she did love meeting new people.

"Hello I'm Kathryn," she greeted sticking out her hand.

She was about to repeat herself when the boy spoke.

"Someone is sitting here Kathryn," the boy said his voice low and sultry. Kathryn blushed from the embarrassment and the way his voice sounded. He didn't look like he sounded. He was a little on the scrawny side but from the looks of it, he did look like he worked out.

Stop staring he wants you to leave. Kathryn thought to herself. "I'm sorry I'll get up--"

"No its fine. You're already sitting here anyways."

Kathryn cheered a little inside. She didn't know why but there was just something about this boy that she wasn't used to. His clothes screamed 'struggle'. He wore a large white t-shirt, jeans with holes and beat up sneakers. As the bus stopped to pick up the last set of students before they arrived to school, the boy's head perked up a little.

Kathryn watched as students milled before the last person that walked in caught her attention. She had chocolate brown skin with white braids as long as the Nile River. A nose ring, hoop earrings and two piercings on her right eyebrow caught the light as she started down the aisle sitting at the seat next to me.

She was beautiful Kathryn had to admit that. She was also the same girl that was in her Anatomy class. Kathryn milled over her name embarrassed that after six months of school, she still didn't know the girl's name.

"Your in my seat," the girl pointed out once the bus started to move.

"I tried to warn her," the boy explained whipping his hair from his face.

Kathryn couldn't help but let out a small sigh of content as she was finally able to get a good look at the boy with the nice voice. He had cute light green eyes that brightened up as he started talking to the girl. He also had a piercing but it was only one on his left eyebrow. A small faded scar was under his eye that made him look a lot more cuter.

"I'm Cora by the way," Cora said sticking her hand out.

Kathryn shook her hand as she admired the rings and bracelets that littered her hands.

"And the boy you're rudely sitting next to is Shane--"

"I can greet myself, thanks," Shane snapped.

"Are you two a couple?" Kathryn wondered hoping that she would hear the answer she wanted to hear. It would crush her if those two were dating.

"Me and Shane?" Cora laughed at the thought. "Shane's like a little brother to me. He doesn't have a thing for black girls anyway. He's more into Latina girls anyway. Right Shane?"

Kathryn looked at Shane for conformation but he turned his face too quick. Though Kathryn couldn't help but blush as she noticed Shane's cheeks a tinted red. Kathryn believed it was a sign. He wasn't admitting it but he sure as hell wasn't denying it.

"Aren't you friends with those rich people?" Cora asked as she whipped out her phone.

"I feel like they more of my friends because I'm dating Victor. Though all that is going to end today," Kathryn declared. Feeling newfound courage course through her veins as she thought of walking up right to that boy's face and slapping him silly.

"Your breaking up with him?"

Kathryn nodded. She didn't want to be stuck into a relationship that she didn't ask for in the first place. Besides being the victim of a cheater sucked and she didn't want to be a part of Victor's games anymore. She was going to end things the first chance she got.

"You know what I do when I get through a relationship?" Cora asked twiddling a piece of her long braid.

"Here we go," Shane muttered from the background.

"I like to do catcalls," Cora laughed out swinging her head back.

Kathryn smiled along with Cora confused by her answer. What on Earth was a catcall? "What's a catcall?" Kathryn asked.

Cora looked shocked. "Catcalls are what boys usually do. When a sexy girl walks by, they'd whistle or make a joke about wanting to bang that girl. I do the same thing but to boys. They get so shocked and embarrassed. Its hilarious."

Kathryn's grin grew wider as she thought of Cora whistling and hollering at boys. I wonder how they felt in the woman's shoes. "Sounds like fun," Kathryn exclaimed.

"Great!" Cora said as Shane groaned. Kathryn guessed that he didn't like the idea of her and Cora harassing innocent boys. Though the boys never thought about the girls feelings when they were always complimenting on how big and smackable 'that ass' was. Sadly Kathryn had been of victim of those crude words on more than one occasion.

For the rest of the ride, Kathryn and Cora chatted none stop with Shane throwing the occasional grunt or comment here and there. When the bus arrived at their school, Kathryn followed Cora and Shane to their table completely ignoring Kathryn's so called 'friends'.

"Guys I want you to meet Kathryn. Kathryn these are my friends," Cora smiled proudly.

Once Kathryn and everyone else had gotten through the pleasantries, Kathryn took a seat next to Cora. Kathryn couldn't help but get a little jealous at how some red head named Trina was cuddling up with Shane as if they were a couple. Thankfully Shane was showing no interest in her. Kathryn took a deep breath; she hasn't even broken up with Victor yet and she was already pawing at another boy.

"So how do we do this catcalling thing?" Kathryn asked.

"Well we need to find a really cute boy which is kind of hard since most of the boys at this school are quite frankly, butt ugly."

"Hey, I've been called cute by a lot of girls," a boy named Ethan called out.

Cora snickered. "Your mom and grandmother calling you cute doesn't count Ethan. Anyways, so we just search for a boy that we think is cute, fine etc. and then we just whistle when he walks by. This type of thing would usually be much more enjoyable at a busy area like the mall since there's loads of boys to choose from."

"Okay," Kathryn said understanding how this little catcall worked. She really wanted to try it out on Shane but two things: one he was sitting and two she kind of actually liked him. She didn't want to give Shane the impression that she was just around him for fun.

Kathryn glanced around the sea of kids looking for a victim. She finally settled her eyes on Thomas. Her lab partner in her Chemistry class. She always thought he was cute in a nerdy sort of way. As Thomas walked by, Kathryn closed her eyes and hoped for the best.

She wolf-whistled hollering out, "hey sexy!"

In a flash, she ducked covering her face with the palms of her hand. She counted the seconds passing by her face burning in embarrassment. She couldn't believe that she did that. She really hoped that Thomas didn't take what she said to heart or better yet, didn't hear her.

"He's gone," Cora said laughter filtering through her voice.

Kathryn slowly took her hands out of her face and watched as the table laughed along with Cora. Kathryn couldn't help it but smile as she saw a small smile form on Shane's face.

Progress. She thought happily as Ethan patted her back reassuringly.


Kathryn groaned at the sound of her name. She knew that voice all too well and turned around as Victor stocked over to her with sheer determination. He made a face at the people that Kathryn was sitting with. As if these people were covered with lice and AIDs.

Cora grabbed onto Kathryn's cardigan, "you want me to beat his ass for you?" She asked not caring that Victor was picking up her every word.

Kathryn grinned at the prospect of Victor getting his ass beat. He was such a stuck up asshole. He needed an ass beating. "Nah, I can handle him," Kathryn promised as she got up and met Victor halfway. Snatching her hand, Victor yanked Kathryn away to a private location to where Victor forced his dominance.

"What the hell are you doing with poor people? Is this community service or some shit?" Victor demanded as he released Kathryn's hand.

Rolling her eyes, Kathryn pushed a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. "No Victor. These are my new friends and they are not poor. Being middle class doesn't make you poor Victor. You should know."

Victor's face paled at the thought of his childhood. Kathryn was the only one who knew that Victor's real parents were drug addicts who abused him as a child. He was sent into foster care when he was seven and three years later was adopted by a wealthy couple, the Mordcai's who couldn't conceive kids of their own.

Thus explaining why he was an only child.

Kathryn didn't want to go there but she was tired of Victor's bullshit. He was a cocky piece of shit that needed to be kicked down a peg or two. Victor ran a hand through his hair, yanking it so hard that Kathryn was surprised he had any left.

"What're you saying Kathryn?" Victor questioned slowly.

"I'm saying that we're through Victor. I don't want to be known as your girlfriend anymore. I don't want you to call me, text me, hold my hand, none of the crap. You go about your day and I'll go about mine."

"And why on Earth would you want to break up with me? I made you--"

"Wow really? Now all of a sudden your my dad? Victor shut the hell up and smell the damn coffee. I'm breaking up with you whether you like it or not. And so help me if you try anything, I'll kill you." Flipping her hair for extra affect, Kathryn walked off leaving Victor speechless.

The old Kathryn wouldn't have said a thing. She wouldn't want to cross Victor because gossip wasn't her forte. She liked to keep people around her happy. Victor was the only one that truly gave Kathryn a chance. By breaking up with Victor, she knew the school would live off of this gossip.

But the sad thing for Victor was that the old Kathryn died the night of her birthday.

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