Pulled Between Two (One Direc...

By someblondesaresmart

35.3K 608 90

He looked at me, his eyes looking like they were piercing through my soul. I froze in shock and I felt Liam's... More

Chapter 1- Business Cards
Chapter 3- Overreacting
Chapter 4- Entertaining 1D
Chapter 5- Parties and Confessions
Chapter 6- Lies, Confusion, Bets, and Betrayal
Chapter 7- Cheering Up
Chapter 8- Interviews, dating, and Chasing, MY OH MY
Chapter 9- The OTHER side of Liam
Chapter 10- Bad Choices
Chapter 11- Heartbreak
Chapter 12- Rejection with a Tinge of Ignorance
Chapter 13- Realization
Chapter 14- Bad Surprises
Chapter 15- Can't Escape
Chapter 16- Hiding
Chapter 17- This CAN'T Be Happening. No Way.
Chapter 18- Tell Me

Chapter 2- Surfing and Smooching

2.1K 42 6
By someblondesaresmart

I sat on the edge of my bed looking at both of the cards. Who do I want to call to ask about everyone hanging out? I don't want to go alone. Marie? No that would be too weird to ask my twelve year sister to come along. 

Emma?! She'd be stoked!! Emma's been my best friend since forever and she loves One Direction. I crawled off my bed looking for my phone.

"Where is the dang phone now?!" I said looking under my bed. I went to stood up, but squealed as I hit my head on the bed. My hand flies up to rub the top of my head. I move out from under the bed, inching out slowly as I stared at the guilty piece of wood.

Next, I tore the covers off my bed but I found nothing. "You have got to be kidding me," I grumbled and collapsed on the bed. I wiggled, feeling something under my pillow. I shoot up like a bullet, ripping my pillow off the bed to see my phone laying there.

"Now you show up!" I screamed exhausted. I've stayed up probably halfway through the night. So I'm grumpy.

"Mum!" I heard Marie holler outside my door. "Elena's talking to herself again! Are you sure she doesn't need a shrink?!"

What?! I opened the door and chucked my pillow at her head. "Ouch! Elena!" 

I slammed the door shut in her face, already dialing Emma's number. It rang three times before there was heavy breathing on the other end.

"Hi Em, I know you're there. I can hear you breathing."


"Yeah, anyway, you know how you like One Direction and stuff?"

There was a pause and when I didn't continue, Emma grew impatient. "Go on."

"Well do you wanna hang out with them? And me of course!"

"What! Holy Big Ben London! How? Wait you know them? I don't understand? Of course I do! You're the bestest friend ever! Wait, but how? When?"

I laughed. "I'll tell you as soon as you get your grateful bum over here."

"I'm already here."



By the time I told her all that happened I thought she was going to fly right out my window and go to the moon and back.

"So Harry and Liam aren't mine for the taking?" She asked. 

I laughed. "No, but the others are all yours!"  

"That's alright because  they weren't my fave anyway. I have my eye on one thing...or person you can say."  She looked at me seriously. "You do know that you can't have them both right?"

 I sighed. "Of course I do, nincompoop. Now lets get dressed for our date, as I call....." I shuffle my hands and pull out a random card. "Harry!"

I typed his number into my iphone and listened to it ring. I was about to hang up when finally I heard the phone line connect.

"Hello?" A voice croaked. I looked at the clock. It's eleven a.m.

"Did I just wake you?"

"Um.....maybe. Who's this?"

"Elena from last night."

"Oh!" I heard a cough from last night and heard Harry talk to someone in the background. "Elena! So why the call?"

"Well, I was bored and I was wondering if--"

"Are you asking me on a date?" I could practically hear a smirk forming on Harry's lips.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not it. What I was going to say was that I was wondering if all of you can meet my best friend and me at noon to hang out. I just don't know where."

"Sure. We'll meet you at the beach."

"Sounds great! See you there."

"Oh and Elena don't forget your swimsuit." I stared at the phone and the line went dead. Oh, Harry, you sneaky cheek.

"Em, pack your swimsuit! We're going to the beach!" I squealed. We jumped on my bed doing a happy dance from a movie we saw together a few years ago. It involves a booty shake to the right and then a booty shake to the left.

"We should probably get ready." Em said finally, hopping off the bed. I nodded, trying to catch my breath as I fell onto the bed.

After packing a beach bag, I looked at Emma. Her chocolate brown hair was hanging loose and she had on a black string bikini under her jean shorts and a loose jacket. Her hazel eyes gleamed in excitement, turning to face me.

"Ready to go?"She asked.

"I just need to put my swimsuit on. If I can remember correctly, I was packing up everything while you went home and changed."

She chuckled, unashamed, as she reached into one of my drawers. She rummaged through a few items before tossing a bikini at me that landed on my face. Using two fingers, I slowly peeled it away from me to see my favorite blue bikini.

"You know me so well."

"Well I figured I'd go with the safest bet. I didn't know which one you were feeling today."


When we arrived, we ran onto the sand like we've never been on the  beach before. We laid out our towels and set our stuff down before looking around. The boys weren't here yet.

We looked at each other and smiled. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Only if you're thinking what I'm thinking."

"Let's go!" We split off, sand kicking up on our feet. I stop in confusion, turning to look behind me to see Em none the wiser.

I cup my hands around my mouth. "Em! Wrong way!"

She skidded to a stop, tripping over her feet and landed on a pour kid's sandcastle. I froze before bursting into laughter as the kid dumped his water bucket onto her head before storming off to his parents.

Em slowly pushed herself off the demolished castle and rising to her feet.


She turned towards me. "This way, let's go."

After her little mishap, we finally got to the store and rented two surfboards and hurried back. When we got back, they still weren't here. "Let's go surf while we wait." I took off my cover up in agreement, clutching my surfboard to my side before running towards the horizon. We paddled out and sat waiting for the perfect wave.

"You don't think they stood us up, do you?" I asked.

"Of course not! There is either a lot of traffic or they forgot how to get here, but they're also boys so maybe they decided to get ready last minute. A minute too late if you ask me."

 I laughed and looked back, seeing the perfect wave forming. "This one's mine you old geezer!" I said, paddling on the swell of the wave and standing up. I rode the awesome wave and did a kick flip before letting the wave gently lead me to shore with Em right behind me.

"That was a good one you caught," Emma said just as we caught sight of some boys near our towels. We looked at each other and smirked. 

"Oh golly, what do we have here Emma?" 

The boys heads snapped up from their phones.

"I don't know Elena, maybe some hoodlums or hooligans maybe."

"No. I know exactly what they are..." we looked at each other and smiled. "Beach Bums who get sunburnt too much." We laughed and sat down.

"Hey guys. This is Emma. Em you know them."

"That was a good run you did out there." Niall said. I could tell he was longing to try it. Louis probably knew what I was thinking. 

"You girls mind teaching us to surf? I'll pay you back in carrots!"

"Sure!" Emma said, grinning. 

"Now I have to warn you before we try. Harry is very clumsy and he'll wipe out as soon as he gets on his board. It will probably fly out from under him and knock someone out." Zayn said, laughing. Harry jumped into action, chasing him into the water. 

"Okay only two out at a time. You guys can pair off with me and Emma. We'll take turns helping you." I looked at everyone. Emma's eyes are shining and her fingers tapped the edge of her board.  Niall was stretching,  moving his arms to touch his toes before pulling his arms above his head and jumping a few times.

Trying to hold in my laughter, I turned to Liam. He was the only one who seemed a little apprehensive about it. "Liam? Is everything okay?" 

He looked up, his eyes piercing through mine. He pulled a small smile."Yeah." 

I could tell it was a little forced.

"Actually, Liam is afraid to try, aren't you?" Zayn said, smirking. Liam glared at him. 

"Don't worry Liam," I said. "You can be on my team and you'll be fine." I gave him a reassuring smile. He nodded and smiled, moving forward so he was beside me. I could feel his toned, warm shoulder brush against me. 

"Louis, Zayn, and Niall. You guys will be on my team thing," Emma said backing away and handing me her board. 

"Guess that leaves me to be on Elena's team," Harry said stepping to me.

"Liam since you're afraid you're going first. Then it'll be over with and you won't have time to fret over nothing." Liam nodded and grabbed Em's board. I grinned, hoping it would relax him, but he only tensed further. I ignored it, making my way out to the ocean. He ran out behind me and paddled out with me. "You're doing great Liam!" 

"I am?" He smiled. I nodded and we let some waves pass as I explained the basics to him. Eventually he caught a wave and rode it wonderfully... before he wiped out halfway through. I caught the next wave and gestured from the water for Harry to come out.

Harry came bustling down the beach with the board Liam had earlier and paddled back with me. I looked ahead and saw a huge break about to crash on us. "Do you know how to duck dive?" 


"I hope you're a fast learner," I muttered.

"Duck dive!" I screamed.

I went under the wave and resurfaced, glancing around. He didn't resurface. 


 I saw a brown head bob up and back a couple feet ahead of me. I paddled there on my board and went under, grabbing Harry  under his armpits and laid him halfway on my board. I paddled for the two of us, which is not easy to do, mind you.

I dragged him on to shore and the others ran up. "What happened?!" Louis shrieked.

 "Stay calm." Em said sternly. 

There was blood dripping on his forehead and he was mumbling a bit, his eyes dazed.

 "Em and Louis go get the first aid kit. Liam, Niall, and Zayn carry Harry to the car while I grab everything." I cleaned up all our stuff and ran to the car. Harry was laid in the back seat of our car. I sat in the back with Harry's head on my lap. I smoothed his hair away from his face, letting my fingers brush across his jaw. "Drive!" I hollered. Em jumped and followed the other boys to the nearest urgent care as I pressed a cloth onto his cut.

I leaned in close to see if he was breathing. He was, but shallowly. His board must have hit his head and the wave kept him under. I held Harry's right hand in both of my hands. I looked out the window when felt a squeeze on my hands. I looked down and saw Harry fluttering his eyes. He looked up into my eyes and gripped my hand tightly. He tried to sit up, but I pushed him back down. He managed a weak smile. "You sure don't want me to get off your lap."

"Not for the reason you think. You need to rest. Go back to sleep." I smiled.

"Sure but come here," I leaned forward. "Closer." 

I leaned even closer and my ear was right by his lips so he could tell me what he wanted. But instead, just as I turned my head, he turned and kissed me. Our lips brushed lightly before he pressed his lips firmly on mine. I felt him smile against my lips, leaning back. 

Then he fell asleep.

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